Red Card

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The only Pokemon I see with recycle+sturdy to abuse this and repeatedly switch into boosted attackers (when entry hazards aren't present) is Magnezone, who sadly has no recovery options.

Jirachi and Slowking/Slowbro can probably make good use of this item. All of them have reliable recovery, solid defenses and the former has great resistances while the latter has a great Dream World ability.
The only Pokemon I see with recycle+sturdy to abuse this and repeatedly switch into boosted attackers (when entry hazards aren't present) is Magnezone, who sadly has no recovery options.

Jirachi and Slowking/Slowbro can probably make good use of this item. All of them have reliable recovery, solid defenses and the former has great resistances while the latter has a great Dream World ability.

Pseudo... Pseudo Hazer?
Deoxys-D @ Red Card
Nature: Bold
Ability: Pressure
252 HP / 204 Def / 52 SpD
- Recycle
- Recover
- Taunt
- Cosmic Power

I've been using this with good results. You can potentially force out sweepers mid-game, Recover/Recycle, and use it again later, but usually I use it to stall late-game. It works really well with layers, and if you manage to set up a few Cosmic Powers, it becomes incredibly difficult to take down. Crits, faster Taunt- and Status-users beat it, but other than that it's really solid.
Quick question.
Say this item is held by Skarmory. You have on the field Stealth Rock, Spikes, and (presuming this is legal to have with the other two) Toxic Spikes on the field. You select Whirlwind as your attack. If the opponent hits you, and is forced to switch, and then Whirlwind would hit, would that be worth it? Even for a single use, forcing some form of problem onto your opponent, in my mind, really could be worth it.

Quick question.
Say this item is held by Skarmory. You have on the field Stealth Rock, Spikes, and (presuming this is legal to have with the other two) Toxic Spikes on the field. You select Whirlwind as your attack. If the opponent hits you, and is forced to switch, and then Whirlwind would hit, would that be worth it? Even for a single use, forcing some form of problem onto your opponent, in my mind, really could be worth it.


I think it could be worth it. Just for sake of legality, let's ignore toxic spikes and just stick with stealth rock and spikes. The idea to cause your opponent multiple switch outs and rank up residual damage is always effective, especially if you have a late-game sweeper like Overconfidence Gyrados. However, Skarmory must watch out for taunt users. My only question is does red card activate immediately after the attack or at the end of a turn?
Someone needs to tell me if that thing I suggested with Skarmory works. Go test it. Since, I don't have B/W, and am waiting to get the American release. Call me old fashioned like that. But, someone, go test it! Cause, I really wanna know.

If you have NO idea what I'm talking about, scroll up.
I recently tested your idea. And yes, the opponent hits you switches out, and then whirlwinds the switch, and you get a new pokemon.

I however, am going to use a snorlax not skarmory. Why Snorlax? because after looking I believe snorlax is the only pokemon to learn both (whirlwind/roar/dragontail) and recycle. Potentially Allowing you to pull this off multiple times.
I recently tested your idea. And yes, the opponent hits you switches out, and then whirlwinds the switch, and you get a new pokemon.

I however, am going to use a snorlax not skarmory. Why Snorlax? because after looking I believe snorlax is the only pokemon to learn both (whirlwind/roar/dragontail) and recycle. Potentially Allowing you to pull this off multiple times.

Ooh, Nifty. And, with access to Sleep Talk / Rest, it can stay quite healthy.

Good plan.

The only reason I use it with Skarm is because he sets up SR for me, after I set up Toxic Spikes. Also, it'd be useful to have a Ghost Type that could learn recycle and any of those. Though, I doubt there is one. Cause, SpinBlocking is very important to this idea.

Also, I've tested it on Skarmory, and it makes people rage quit, and that makes me giggle. Giggle maniacally, but giggle nonetheless.
Eh, I don't really like this item. First of all, the opponent's attack has to hurt, and you also have to survive. This won't be too much trouble for a wall type of set, but most walls would much rather have leftovers than an item that switches teams around.
So I ran a Zapdos with Red Card for a battle. Selected Toxic. Get hit from ExtremeSpeed. My opponent switches to a Synchronise Gardevoir. Oops. Should have gone Thunder Wave + Lightning Rod as i poisoned myself.

On the plus side, Abagoora with a Sturdy Shell Break works. Decent item choice.
Think about it, this is probably one of those items that don't work if you've been KOed, it's just a guess, but that's usually true, and if that were the case, then it won't stop a sweeper.
Think about it, this is probably one of those items that don't work if you've been KOed, it's just a guess, but that's usually true, and if that were the case, then it won't stop a sweeper.
It doesn't work if you're KO'd, no. It also IS single use, just in case people are too lazy to read even this page of posts.
The most fun use of it I've had is on my Drapion, with Thief (on a totally gimmick team). Stealing a random item from whatever switches in... (Best one: They hit Drapion, got Red Carded out, and Shandera came in. Thief did about 50% and stole its Choice Scarf, allowing me to outspeed it and do the other 50%...)
I recently tested your idea. And yes, the opponent hits you switches out, and then whirlwinds the switch, and you get a new pokemon.

I however, am going to use a snorlax not skarmory. Why Snorlax? because after looking I believe snorlax is the only pokemon to learn both (whirlwind/roar/dragontail) and recycle. Potentially Allowing you to pull this off multiple times.

So this would mean that it works the same way with Counter and Mirror Coat. If the holder survives the attack, the foe switches out and the new Pokemon takes the hit.
Does this only work with contact moves? I used a clefable with this and a nidoking used icce beam, earth power and, sludge bomb (i think he was holding life orb cause he switched between moves and had no recoil), and it didn't force a switch. I checked and it did have red card on my clefable.
Was it on PO or ingame?

And I think (but am not sure) the Encourage boosted moves may negate the effect of Red Card like it negates LO recoil.
Let's say I have a Bastiodon @ Red Card. I choose Counter and an opposing Gyarados uses EQ. I will survive the attack thanks to Sturdy, and Gyara will be send back. Will the newly switched-in pokemon take the counter?
Let's say I have a Bastiodon @ Red Card. I choose Counter and an opposing Gyarados uses EQ. I will survive the attack thanks to Sturdy, and Gyara will be send back. Will the newly switched-in pokemon take the counter?
Well with U-Turn they take the counter before they switch but not sure if its same for Red Card.
Anybody else like using Red Card Ditto to beat out roobushin/rankurusu that would otherwise walk all over you? Often getting the edge in a slow-boosting war will win the game, even though missing leftovers recovery is a big deal.
Red Card leads are sick. Especially Red Card Super Fang Mew. Trade SR, take whatever, switch them out. If you're faster, U-turn. Screws lots of people up.
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