Red Card

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entry hazards used with this could be useful. i can see sweepers using it to get rid of walls. i can see a lead pokemon using it, but i can also see switching into a pokemon with the red card to get rid of the pokemon in front of you.

1 question: Does the opponent get to choose what pokemon he switches into? if he doesnt, then there is a chance of switching into a pokemon with a weakness to stealth rock. if the opponent can choose, then its not as good, but you get a pokemon you hate off the field.
I think is useful on Pokemon with Sturdy, when a Reuniclus after 6 CM used Focus Blast on my Skarmory was fuuuunny

And amazing vs Volcarona or Yanmega
I think is useful on Pokemon with Sturdy, when a Reuniclus after 6 CM used Focus Blast on my Skarmory was fuuuunny

And amazing vs Volcarona or Yanmega

Exactly how I use it as well. As a sort of automated "Haze" attack. And while they're setting up, you can set up as well, except you wont die/get switched out.
I only used it on my Skarmory (Stealth Rock - the opponent attack - Sturdy - switch - Stealth Rock damage - Spikes lv.1), there's another way to use? Is an amazing way to phaze Conkeldurr, Reuniclus, Gyarados and other pokemon at +6 +6, but isn't simple to use
What happens when a multiple hit move like Beat Up is used against a Red Card holder? Does the attacker get switched out after the first hit, or after all the hits connect? If it is after all the hits connect, I can see some very good VGC strategies being developed off of it.
After all hits connect. How does only switching out the defending poke after being hit all 5 times benefit the Red Card user at all?
It means you could use Terrakion+Whimsicott combo multiple times by keeping your user of Beat Up safe to repeat the strategy on another Justified pokemon.
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