Lol, i guess that the pokemon with red card will switch out, just like if it had used U-Turn
What happens if you put a Red Card on Shadow Tag Shanderaa? Does the opponent just explode or something?
baton pass team is so gonna like it if it can activate when substitute receives damage.
just a silly thought, i wonder will someone bring 2 fake-out users to annoy the enemy holding red card lol
Part of me thinks one of the overlooked nerfs this item might be receiving is that the opponent will be able to select what they can switch in, just like you can when you receive a red card while playing a sport. Your coach substitutes another player from the bench specifically, they aren't chosen at random. If that's the case, it'll be slightly easier for your opponent to adapt to your strategy, and not really like Roar or Whirlwind at all.
If this was already known then my apologies, it was just a thought I had after reading a few of the replies in this thread.
What happens if you put a Red Card on Shadow Tag Shanderaa? Does the opponent just explode or something?
Do we know if this is an immediate switch (like U-turn), or if it simply locks you in to "switch" for the next turn, similar to a Taunt or Choice Item effect? If it's the latter, the item is much more powerful because it gives you free turns. Pokemon that need a single turn of setup but have a hard time getting it could become much better. For example, Infernape's non-boosting sets are more popular than the ones with Nasty Plot or Swords Dance, largely because Infernape is so frail and doesn't have many resistances. If Infernape could switch in to a predicted non-OHKOing move and have a built-in free turn to set up, it could be worth running even a one-time-use Red Card in place of Life Orb.