Regaining Trust


CAP Playtesting Expert
As the title implies, I have a drug problem and I want to talk about it. Since most of friends are drug users themselves, I cannot go to them to seek meaningful advice. About 10 months ago, I found out that my best friend and another of our friends were spoking pot. This was a little bit after I started drinking. I really disapproved, especially since a friend had just been jailed for drugs and theft. However, 2 months later, I learned that marijuana wasn't really harmful- and let's face it, it's not. This went from being an every other weekend activity to a weekend activity to the point where burning was occurring once, twice a day. This is because I have a really addictive personality. If I didn't, I would still be buying Pokemon games 10 years later <------ that's the only semi-comical thing here.

Some place in between, I became exposed to other drugs, mainly prescription pill abuse and ecstasy use at parties. At first I was hesitant, but then after a while I started to use these substances as well. It started with a Xanax bar that my friend game to me because he couldn't sell it because it was broken. I was escpecially scared and exited to try ecstasy, mainly because teachers of old made it seem particularly dangerous (which it can be, should you not drink water). Later, we went through a stage where Shrooms were coming to us at super low prices and we did those till the guy moved.

Point is, I realize that drugs aren't beneficial to your health, but I also learned from experience that they aren't what society makes them out to be. Nothing I tried was a "hard" drug and I always took the necessary precautions to make sure that all of would be safe.

Early December, my parents discovered two high grade marijuana seeds germinating in my room. It was thoughtless on my part and my parents were quick to have me tested. Unfortunately, having smoked the previous day and every day for weeks before that, I topped off the tests measurements with THC. I was greatful for the lax punishment I received- only a haircut and grounding from driving until I could pass a drug test. Not that hard, huh?

It was going well, well as good as it goes when you're having withdrawal symptoms (of which I still have. Usually they last to about 10 days, but this was my life and I still have them- of course I'm told it's all in my head). I was behaving well until a couple days after New Years. I had had a 6 pack of Z-bars hiding in my room and I was to watch my sister for the day. I intentionally ate 2 of them. However, as I've learned in the past, when no one is there to watch me, I will unconsciously slip my hand in my pocked and eat the rest one-by-one like candy; this is precisely what happened. I ate 6 fuckin' bars. I was trashed, and wanted to Robo Trip, too (which I'd never done before). So I ride my bike to a nearby Wal-Mart to buy it and they refuse since I'm so fucked up. I don't remember anything else until later that night.

So now it's later that night and my parents can see I'm wasted. Their first assumption is that I'm just wasted on rum. They learn about the pills, though I don't remember taking telling them. My sister, told them all about how we went to Wal-Mart and how I talked to the pharmacist, so they call him up and found out I tried to buy DXM products. They take away my car, my phone, and all my money...

It's basically like house arrest (my dad's in law enforcemtn btw). I've been sober since then, but fiend for something at every waking moment. I no longer want to do any other substance but marijuana. Before getting caught, everything else was on rare occasion. My parents no longer trust any of my friends because they think they're just like me (which wouldn't be a lie, but they've got parents of their own to bitch at them).

My main concern right now is that I know I fucked up badly, but I don't know how to build trust back up with my parents. I want to smoke pot, but I can certainly go without it. I cannot, however, go without friends for much longer- this is just terrible, especially at a moment when I've got to be "cool". I've been pretty popular (not that this has changed), but I'm no longer doing anything social at all. On top of this, I had hoped to being going out with a girl who's deeply into me by now, but I can't/ don't know how the fuck I can even do it anymore without a phone, money, or a car. I know it sounds silly and it normally wouldn't be a problem to ask her out, but without pride? Am I supposed to make her pay and pick me up? No, never, that's a man's job.

How do I un-fuck myself?
How do I confront my parents and get them to trust me? I have no problem being drug free except for weed on special occassions (prom- they should know this >_>). My parents said they'd be testing me, but so far have not since the intial.

After that, I can figure stuff out on my own. I really do want to change, for myself and for others. Especially this girl, because we mean alot to eachother, but for now it's like really awkward dating at school. >_<.
Drugs are bad and all non-prescription or non-commercial drugs are outlawed in Australia. Which is good.

Anyway, if you do pot, you're more likely to do other drugs too! I would honestly stop drinking, smoking or doing marijuana for a while. It is hard and I won't pretend it's not. But if you have the patience to run a fucking trade thread, you can lay off the bad shit.

If your parents do see that you've been clean for a while, they're more likely to trust you.

I hope.

Good luck!


CAP Playtesting Expert
I know! But the reason I did other stuff was because pot was unavailable each time.

: (
and people say marijuana is not addictive lol. you could always use the post system to get a hold of the girl. it isn't a phone but it still works pretty damn well. you can't just get trust back right away, it is something that you earn. it will probably take a while and your parents probably wont ever completely trust you for a long time.
look, the trust factor can only be rebuild with time, but the first thing you should focus on getting back is your phone. at least tht way you can talk to people in order to keep yourself sane (and talk to the girl you;re trying to get with).
also, see if you can have 1 or 2 friends over for dinner ever now and then since you can't go out. at the same time you have to be willing to kick your friends out of the house if they try and get you to do anything, since i doubt you want to fuck yourself anymore than you have already.
other than that, you just have to wait it out.
"Drugs are bad" - spoken like someone who's never taken them, I suspect.
I really don't know about the parents issue as my parents are fucking fantastic about that - they actually encourage me to smoke pot instead of drinking as they know a group of stoned teenagers are a lot less likely to get into a fight or start shit or whatever than a group of pissed-up teenagers, have been fine about alcohol since I was 14.. when I came home at 15 and told my mum I was on an E comedown she just gave me lots of fluids and put me to bed. same for coke.
this sounds like i live in a terrible crappy-drugs family, but we're actually all ridiculously middle class - but it made me a lot more grounded about drugs, I guess.

how old are you? you have a car, so you can't be that young.. is moving out an option at all? because seriously, your parents sound like jackasses.
people who are anti-drugs are fine, whatever, if he's in law enforcement that's fair enough, and I get their (misguided) concern - but they are going completely overboard. if you've tried explaining how they're pushing you away and having the opposite effect than they're intending then there's not more you should do.

I'm not saying this in a 'get your own place and get trashed on xanax every night!' way (though that would be fun), more a 'if your parents are so authoritarian they're making your life hell and it's not letting up, regardless of the reason, it's probably about time you stood on your own two feet' way.
You're screwed in the trust category until you make it clear that you're trying to completely break all of these bad habits. I'm not saying it's easy, and it will take time... Perhaps you should just tell your parents you need help?

They may not trust you, but they don't hate you. They're your parents and unless they're truly mean, they'll try and help you if they can.

If your friends or coercing you into doing this, you honestly need new friends. If you don't want new friends, good luck staying clean with the ones you have now... (No offense, it's just tough to turn drugs/stuff down when your friends are constantly doing it)


CAP Playtesting Expert
Akuchi, I'm 17, so moving out is not an option. I actually tried presenting them reasoning for emancipation and they laughed at me, but I guess that's to be expected.

I do have a crappy drugs family. Everyone on my mother's side is a junkie, so they don't want me to be like them, but I don't wanna be a heroin baser anyway. My uncle OD'd a couple of years ago. The uncle that replaced him abandoned his newborn daughter so he wouldn't be weighed down while he ran from the cops. This is not the life I aspire to live, but I do need a goddamn break. Pot just seems to be my answer to it, makes my problems go away.

Thanks Akuchi : )

@ Felix- the bond between me an my friends is to big to give up. We're always there for eachother. Pot isn't what fucked me, it's actually taking it away that did it. Clean friends are hard to come by, and when you do come across them you find that your they are nothing to what you had.
I wanna say the same old cliched "drugs are bad, don't do them", but recently I go to a school were admitedly people sell drugs, I've seen them, I've heard about fights over then, I have smelt them on people.

Me myself would never do them yet the people that do them see no less functionable than myself, not mention a whole lot mellower. Right now I'm stressing to keep my to 90% at A's whilst there just trying not to drop below a D, they seem a bit more relaxed them me and less judgemental than I.

On the other side I recently learned of all the negative effects of drug intake and what it does to your body, and no matter what you think you cannot quit without help, because your body essentially is out of your control and you can't stop the crave for the drugs. There also all the things that come with drug abuse.

I'm rational person so naturally I choose the most logical path, but say my IQ was just a bit lower the excitement of the other just might be worth the risk.
All in all it's your choice.

Trust on the other hand has to be gained my parents dont trust me and I'm 3.5+ student so I don't what to say on that, set up drug tests to test if your clean. Get a job, improve your grades, show them respect.

Depeding on how old you are just suck up to them for the next few years I assume your 16-18 so like I'm going to do suck up for the next few years take their crap, and leave, your best bets to work hard in school and go to college from there you're free to choose your own path w/o the influence of what seem to be overbearing parents.

I see alot of people that say parents always want what best for your that's not always true.
There ARE crazy parents parents that are just crazy, there are parents that don't care, there are parents that care to the point of obessision; parents in general are good people, but in my case and most mikely in many others some parents are just not so wise, some don't how to be parents because they never had parents of their own trust me your grandma may be nice, but she was probably just as crazy as your father or mother were when she was a parent.


CAP Playtesting Expert
@ Felix-No worries, I didn't take any offense.
There are plenty of other things that make my problems go away, only my parents are unable to differentiate between me getting high and me going out. I honestly can give up marijuana, I'll miss it, but I can do it. But not letting me ride my bike, not letting me chill with my best friend for 5 years, not letting me take jogs, not letting me have money, not allowing me to do anything...that's complete bullshit. And this girl, she completely alleviates any other feeling in the world. She gives me enormous attention and I can't return it because I have no freedom.

@ Tucker- I'm was one of the people that sold drugs. It was the only way I could afford to smoke. I wouldn't recommend it, but I figure people are gonna get it from someone, why shouldn't I be the one to make some change? Anyway, that is bad, and I know it.
I'm not struggling to keep grades up. I go to the 58th best school in the United States and keep straight As and a B in Physics. I also take 2 AP courses, and have all the required credits (I could skip senior year because they're all fulfilled). The school requires 80 hours community service before graduation- I do 80 hours per year.

So it's not like they're making me stupid or anything, just more mellow, understanding, and symathetic. Also, I happen to do all the work around the house (dishes, garbage, yardwork, all but laundry) so I dunno what more I can do.
tucker, drugs is not his problem, im pretty sure he is saying that his parents not trusting him and not being allowed to be with his best friends are his problem.

dragonites, i have been your buddy for a while here on smogon so hopefully i know enough about you to help you out. right now, your parents seem a bit too strict. usually in a case like this, i would suggest just working piece by piece to earn your parents trust back. not all at once but everyday do something to help you earn it. offer to buy groceries, clean the house, ect. unfortunately, they still wont let you have drugs anywhere near them from the sound of it. but hopefully, doing this everyday for a while will regain their trust and that is where step 2 of my plan comes in.

once you regain most of their trust (which will take some time) invite your friends over and do stuff besides drugs. your parents will hopefully see that these are your best friends because they are there for you and would like to spend time with you, not just because of drugs.

if you dont want to wait so long for your parents trust to be regained because you cant go that long without your friends, then i would try and push the issue sooner. volunteer yourself to take drug tests, this would efinitely make things go faster if you pass. talk to your family, become best friends with them. hopefully they will lat you have a friend over or maybe more and of course will periodically check up on you guys

just hold off on the drugs for now and wait a while until you have your parents full trust back and your friends back until you start again, because if they pop up with a random drug test while you are regaining their trust, you are screwed.
No worries, I didn't take any offense.
There are plenty of other things that make my problems go away, only my parents are unable to differentiate between me getting high and me going out. I honestly can give up marijuana, I'll miss it, but I can do it. But not letting me ride my bike, not letting me chill with my best friend for 5 years, not letting me take jogs, not letting me have money, not allowing me to do anything...that's complete bullshit. And this girl, she completely alleviates any other feeling in the world. She gives me enormous attention and I can't return it because I have no freedom.
Makes sense to me. Honestly though, drop the drugs and stuff, and do whatever you can to get their trust back (ask to do drug tests every couple of weeks. It will help you stay sober/clean, and it will help you gain their trust)

Unless you REALLY want to take drugs... In that case it will be much harder to regain their trust, IMO of course...


CAP Playtesting Expert
Thanks KD.
Thing is, I don't really have too much time. High School last but 4 years and it's going by quick- and I'm not a part of it. I volunteered to be tested tonight and my mother says she doesn't know enough about this kind of stuff and it'll have to wait. But for what, I dunno. I mean, how are they supposed to know I'm clean if they don't bother checking into it. How can they know I can be with friends and resist temptation if they won't leave me with them?


is a Contributor Alumnus
Trust is earned over time and there are no quick fixes here. Understand that however long it takes to repair your relationship with your parents, it only takes one indiscretion to return to square one. Understand also that they will never absolutely trust you again; through your deception, you have forfeited that privilege.

The way forward is simple. Live clean and be transparent in everything you do. Never believe that you are smart enough to hide things (forever). That would be insulting to your parent's intelligence, and ultimately damaging for your relationship with them.

Get on with it. No fuss. No empty gestures. No nonsense.


You and I Know
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Drugs aren't necessarily a huge deal, especially Marijuana, which is laughably harmless. The problem arises when you're using enough that you lose the ability to function responsibly in your everyday life.

Now I have known people who have totally fucked up their lives doing just marijuana, and I know people that have taken every goddamn drug known to man and are still likely going to be successful. So it's a personal thing - do you think you can keep your normal life together while doing these drugs, or do you see your life going the wrong direction? It's important that you give yourself an honest answer, obviously.

I remember my high school psych teacher told me about he had smoked pot when he was younger, and one thing he told me, as someone who has both used the drug and studied its effects the brain, is that pot by itself won't change who you are, but it will change the people you hang out with. The reason people call marijuana a "gateway drug" is not that it makes you want to try all sorts of new shit, it's that it causes you to start hanging out with people who are already doing it, as you have yourself experienced. So I'm sure you want to hang out with your current friends, but honestly, if you make the decision to stop using drugs - and remember that it is a personal choice - you will either have to stop hanging out with them, or else get the balls to tell them that you're not into that shit anymore and the self-control to actually follow through. And if they're really your friends they will understand, or at least not put a whole lot of pressure on you to start using again.


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They didn't seem too harsh to me. Maybe I didn't read too carefully. They gave you a second chance and you blew it. Now you want a third chance and say "no it's okay this time I won't do anything wrong"?

Yeah... They say time heals all wounds. Try and get your life on track now. Don't you still go to school and stuff or are you homeschooled now? Considering you said you are easily addicted to things, I'm not sure what process rationalized trying drugs beyond marijuana in the first place.
I had kinda been waiting for this thread to roll around ever since your post in the friend advice one.

i am in a (somewhat) similar situation to you. a lot of the people I know have either done drugs or are actively doing them. remember, I'm only in eighth grade, so its more impressive then a senior saying the same thing.

I go to a school where a number of kids are too wimpy to even consider buying drugs, let alone doing them. There are maybe 8 of us who have any exposure to them at all, and oddly enough, we are not hideous backstabbers like all of the other kids i know. Is this what breaking the law does too you? maybe.

One thing that disturbed me a little about your post though, (and this could have been misinterpretation on my part) was that your parents were somehow ok with you being drunk, but not ok with you being on drugs. From personal experience, people who are drunk are a LOT more dangerous than people who are high. It seems that they are bound by views of what is more "legal" as opposed to what is more safe.

as for hard drugs like meth and heroin, don't do that shit. that stuff is really bad for you. (so is alchohol come to think of it). Ifyour gonna do drugs, stick to pot. It's safest, and your not going to kill anyone.
Your situation seems a bit similar to mine barring the drugs, I do everything possible to be good yet nothing seems to work, I've given up trying to impress my parents much less respect them as they have no respect for me.

Your a Junior or Senior as you have Physics so ride it out this last year, move away go to college and forget about them. Parents want to much they set their expectations way too high.

I don't see why you need them to trust other than this girl you're infaututed with, which admitedly I've never had this problem because all my girlfriends moved away or I moved away from them, so never anything long winded or even committed.

Like I said if they won't trust you, and you can't think of anything else to do give up, lets face most people do not end up with their high school sweetheart and no matter how much you love her now, in 12 months you will barely think about her. This I know after I left her I was pretty bummed but now I barely think about her and trust me I loved this girl more than life itself. She was the only one that could always make me smile and I was never sad to see.


CAP Playtesting Expert
Firestorm is right. I know it. I fucked up. But everything seems so important to me at this point in my life and I donwanna have to miss it. Also, I wouldn't say I'm easily addicted, but I think I ought to try everything once, so I know where people are coming from. My Psych teacher said pretty much the same as Tay's. He is one of those influential teachers that has an impact on your life and has given me an outlook on life that very well may have ccontributed to my experimentation- but I wouldn't have it any other way. It's me that gets stuff messed up, not trying things.

lol foibles

Tucker- I'm a Junior... and I certainly don't love this girl, but she is very important ; )
Also, I wouldn't say I'm easily addicted, but I think I ought to try everything once
I suggest you get over that philosophy. It seems to be partly to blame for your recent troubles. I am also a little confused. At first you disliked your friend's pot usage because pot is an illegal substance. Right before that you claim that you were drinking at the time. Last time I checked alcohol is also illegal for anyone under the age of 21. That sounds a bit hypocritical don't you think?

I also happen to agree with Firestorm. Your parent's aren't strict. In fact, compared to some of the parents I know they are actually lenient. You got a second chance which you blew. I wouldn't go asking for a third chance right away. Stay clean for a few weeks/months and then try and strike a deal with your parent's. There is no quick way to build trust.

I wouldn't really worry. Your parents sound pretty forgiving for the most part. As long as you don't fuck things up again I am sure you will be able to set things right. Just be patient, and have some self control.

Now about this girl. You could explain your lack of money/car and let her make her choice. It isn't a mans job to pay for everything, at least not anymore. If you really care for her just swallow your pride.


[custom user title]
is a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus
Now about this girl. You could explain your lack of money/car and let her make her choice. It isn't a mans job to pay for everything, at least not anymore. If you really care for her just swallow your pride.
Blame it on your parents, she'll sympathize.


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I know that what you're going through is hard, pot actually doesn't tend to lead to other drugs, since things like cocaine are harder to obtain and everything of that nature. I would like to say that a friend of mine (who was a fairly bug drug user) quit, by picking up smoking. For a choice between a cigar(ette) or some drug, you can see the lesser of two evils.


Ce soir, on va danser.
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Trust is earned over time and there are no quick fixes here. Understand that however long it takes to repair your relationship with your parents, it only takes one indiscretion to return to square one. Understand also that they will never absolutely trust you again; through your deception, you have forfeited that privilege.

The way forward is simple. Live clean and be transparent in everything you do. Never believe that you are smart enough to hide things (forever). That would be insulting to your parent's intelligence, and ultimately damaging for your relationship with them.

Get on with it. No fuss. No empty gestures. No nonsense.
This and

They didn't seem too harsh to me. Maybe I didn't read too carefully. They gave you a second chance and you blew it. Now you want a third chance and say "no it's okay this time I won't do anything wrong"?

Yeah... They say time heals all wounds. Try and get your life on track now. Don't you still go to school and stuff or are you homeschooled now? Considering you said you are easily addicted to things, I'm not sure what process rationalized trying drugs beyond marijuana in the first place.
This. You had your chance at redemption and now you're unfortunately paying the price for blowing it. See, I can understand you miss your car, you miss your phone, you miss your friends, you miss your freedom... but stop thinking selfishly and look at the facts. Well, only one fact: you broke the law, repeatedly. You're lucky you're young and your parents are the ones disciplining you and not the courts. House arrest is nothing; try a real arrest and see how that feels.

Don't get me wrong, I'm an advocate for the legalization of drugs. All of them. But that doesn't change the fact that at this very moment they're illegal. Take your punishment, do the time, and DON'T fuck it up again. You say "but I don't know how to build trust back up with my parents." and then follow it up directly with "I want to smoke pot." Get your head straight, and fast.

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