[RMT] The Bomb Dot Com V2.0

Hello dear Smogon – Community,

Today I’ll show you my first attempt on a competitive team.

I found some helpful tips on the 10th issue of the Smog Web – Zine in an article about strong offensive and defensive cores.

The Tyranitar , Gengar and Magnezone core was the guideline for this time.

The team’s name is the song “The Bomb Dot Com V2.0” from Sleeping with Sirens.
But enough talking, let’s get to the team.

1.The Lead.


Jirachi @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 Atk/6 Def/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Trick
- Thunderpunch
- Iron Head
- Stealth Rock

What is a team without it’s lead? Nothing! So I’ve decided to use Jirachi as my lead because it can either way prevent frail Taunt – SR Leads from laying down rocks with a flinch from Iron Head, or Trick a Choice Scarf to a bulky lead.
Thunderpunch is against late game – Gyarados who is a pain for this team.
The EV – Spread is standart and Jolly Nature to make sure to beat +1 Gyarados.

2. The Core.


Gengar @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Spe / 252 SpA
Timid nature (+Spe, -Atk)
- Substitute
- Pain Split
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast

Tyranitar @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 160 HP / 252 Atk / 96 Spe
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SpA)
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Aqua Tail

Magnezone @ Leftovers
Ability: Magnet Pull
EVs: 172 HP / 252 SpA / 84 Spe
Modest nature (+SpA, -Atk)
- Thunderbolt
- Hidden Power Grass
- Thunder Wave
- Substitute

So this is the deadly core of my team! What makes this core so good is the fact that every of these Pokémon lures in Pokémon the others can easily counter. For example Gengar lures in Scizior and Scizor gets easily trapped by Magnezone and killed.

Gengar’s EV – Sprad is standart.
Now I’m using the SubSplit Set with Life Orb even though I’m using Tyranitar with Sandstorm, am I crazy? No, I’m not!
First of all, Substitute helps Gengar to prevent status and to scout what the opponent’s going to do.
Shadow Ball and Focus Blast have a perfect coverage so I can hit every Pokémon in the game for at least normal damage.
Life Orb gives me the power I need and also drains my life which I can easily regain with Pain Split.
Another advantage of this Gengar is that it’s able to kill Blissey without Ice Beam or Flamethrower.

Tyranitars EV – Spread is the bulky Spread with a bit more speed to outrun Skarmory and the bulk to switch into some resisted attacks.
Stone Edge and Crunch are my strong STABS, Pursuit traps Rotom, Starmie etc.
Aqua Tail is just for better coverage, for example to hit Hippowdon for Super – Effective damage.

Bulky Magnezone EV – Spread to switch into bulky Water Types and to take repeated hits from Scizor or Skarmory.
The first thing I’ll do when I switch into a steel Type, I sub up. With Sub up I can kill it and just wait to see what my opponent bring in.
I can just paralyze the Pokémon my opponents switching in or attack it.
Hidden Power Grass is against Swampert , bulky Ground Types or weak Tyranitars.
Tyranitar and Gengar really benefit when there opponent is paralyzed.

3. Flygon.


Flygon (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 SAtk
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- U-turn
- Outrage
- Thunder Punch

Flygon is one of the most import members in this team. With it’s many immunities, resistances and Stealth Rock resistance it is able to switch in a lot of attacks, and either way kill the opposing Pokémon or scout with U – Turn.
U – Turn allows some important switch – ins.

Adamt Nature over Jolly Nature because I need to be sure to finish the Pokémon I need to finish off. The EV – Spread is standart.

Thunder Punch over Fire Blast or Stone Edge because it guarantees the revenge kill on Gyarados.

4. Dragonite.

Dragonite (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 HP/52 Atk/204 Spd
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Roost

The last Pokémon on this team is a bulky Dragon Dancing Dragonite.
I’m using the bulky EV Spread + Roost because this Dragonite switches into Scarf’d Heatrans and I don’t want it to be 2HKO’ed by them.
I need the Recovery Move Roost because Jirachi can not always prevent the opposing Leads form laying down there Rocks so I need to recover the 25% damage somehow.
I’m not using Outrage because I don’t want to lock Dragonite into a move because it could be killed easily.
And without locking it into Outrage, I can lure in Scizors to trap them with Magnezone.



I appreciate every attempt on helping me to improve this team. :)​

Biggest Threats:

*** After Gyarados gets the chance to set up Dragon Dance against something, the game is over. Nothing in here can really stop Gyarados.

*** Tyranitar is really dangerous against this team. If my Jirachi is dead it's really hard to stop it, especially Cursing Tyranitar.

*** Swampert is such a beast, the only Pokémon on my team which can really KO it is my Magnezone which has really hard times switching in.

*** LO Starmie rapes this team to death! Flygon can revenge kill it, but no one can switch in this.

* images from arkeis.com
** images from pokemonelite2000.com
*** images from bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net
the one major problem with this team is that shares a lot of similar weaknesses. so therefore (especially late game) you're not going to have a lot of safe switches to make. For instance lets say your facing a Flygon counter (maybe jolly scarfgon). you can't exactly switch in Dragonite to take the blow for you. I would suggest a pure wall instead of Dragonite. (I know it's weird to have me saying that, but Dragonite really hurts this team more than it helps). An additional note on your Tyranitar. It's not going to be outspeeding much, so I would recommend using a Brave Nature with Payback> Crunch. After that keep playing with your movesets. Just because smogon says it's a good moveset doesn't necessarily best for your team.
Hi breathecarolina,

Cool team, and I'm glad you like the Smogon Magazine! I liked that article too. Anyway, onto the rate: The biggest issue I can see is that you are very weak to LO Starmie. It outspeeds and OHKOes everything save Flygon but neither can switch in. To help with this pretty sizable issue, i would highly reccommend adding a Leech Seed Shaymin over your current Dragonite set. The Shaymin set is here:

Shaymin @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 252 HP / 180 Spe / 76 Sp atk
Nature: Timid
-Seed Flare
-Hidden Power Fire
-Leech Seed

This set should allow you to easily switch into Starmie's Hydro Pump and KO it with Seed Flare because you are able to survive an Ice Beam. This set also can help you with taking on Scarfed Flygon which can revenge everything on your team. If I recall, Uturn only does 33% to that Shaymin! Dragonite and Tyranitar lose to the same stuff, so one of them is usually a better thing, and plus, the utility Shaymin provides seems to outweigh Dragonite's benefits.

Good luck with the team!
It's a small change, but I personally like ThunderPunch better than Stone Edge on Flygon. Guarentees yout revenge kill on Gyarados, and allows Flygon to hit Skarmory with something super effective as well should the need arise.
I really appreciate every suggestion on improving this team. :)
I'm going to test whatever you guys said and try to find out what works best for me.

@Dragonite_FTW To be honest, that is exactly my problem with this team. I tried out some defensive Pokémons on this team, but they really slowed down the team. :/
Mhh don't know what to think about the Payback suggestion, since this Tyranitar isn't as bulky as it used to be.
Still I'm going to test that. Is there any defensive Pokémon you would consider over Dragonite?

@undisputed Taking in that Shaymin seems like a nice idea, and I'm really going to try it out. :) It's ability to lure Scizor also helps a lot.

@Juice! Mhh, I think I'm really going to change that, since Gyarados is one of the most dangerous Pokémon against this team.

MYSTICgar is necessary for Gengar/Magnezone/Tyranitar core.

Gengar @ Life Orb
252 SpA / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Protect
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power Fire

This can let you defeat most versions of Scizor (Actually, all of them except for Choice Scarf Scizor) who can otherwise Pursuit your Gengar.

Edit: Also, this is just a nitpick, but I think that you should put the 4 leftover EVs for Jirachi and Flygon into SpD, to not let Porygon-Z get an SpA boost via Download.
Hey, this looks like a good team, I like someone else is using TarGarZone :]

I just have a suggestion of this Magnezone over your current one, it does a fantastic job of setting up on steels (hi Scizor's BP) and then breaking the game right open with its boosts.


Magnezone @ Leftovers
Timid | EVs: 40 HP / 252 SAtk / 216 Spe
- Substitute
- Charge Beam
- Thunderbolt
- HP Grass

Try it out and see how it does.

Also, if you're having Starmie problems, how about ScarfTar > CB Tar? It's not the greatest counter in the world but, with smart switching, it will get the job done most of the time.

Good luck!
@Blazin Kickin Chicken Thanks for your rate! :)

I'm not quite sure if this Magnezone Set would really help, since I really need to use the bulky EV - Spread to make sure that I can switch into some Surfs or Ice Beams and Sub up.
Thunder Wave is also a really important move which is really needed in here.
Still I appreciate your help.
Hey I got your message! I see plenty of teams that revolve around this core, and, like all of them, this team has a somewhat startling weakness to water types, as you've noted in your threats list. Your only water resist is 4x weak to Ice and is weak to stealth rock, not to mention slower than most of those threats. As such, I think that a solid water resist would be good for the team. Try this over Dragonite:

@ Leftovers
252 HP / 252 Def /4 SpDef
-Hidden Power Electric

A bulky water in a metagame such as ours is never a bad idea! Vaporeon successfully stops all of your threats in some manner and adds a great boon to team synergy by passing wishes to all of your members, whom are desperate candidates for some recovery. Some threats you didn't mention, such as Dragonite, Flygon and Metagross are less pressing with a simple defensive pivot like Vaporeon, and greatly eases the prediction required to keep choice users at bay.

That's all the advice I have, cool team. I hope this helps!
Hello Smith. :)
thanks a lot that you Found the Time to rate my team I really appreciate that.
I've tried Vaporeon over Dragonite in this team and I don't know I felt like that it's really slowing down the Team. :/
mhh but I will try it again maybe it's better with this EV - Spread.
Why don't you don't like the Jirachi lead? Well not a bad team if you'd like to change Jirachi, you might want to replace the set into something more bulkier so you can actually take hits so try out this set for Jirachi, it isn't bad.

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Nature: Impish
240 HP / 160 Def / 76 SpD / 32 Spe
Moveset: Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Thunder Wave, U-Turn

The Speed EVs Running 32 Speed EVs beats Jolly Tyranitar and Timid Magnezone, the other EVs are self-explanatory, just to add the bulk.

And for replacing Dragonite, you might want to take my opinion and replace it with BulkyDos reason being it adds a Waterbase to your team which allows Swampert not to take control of your team at all, since Swampert won't be able to do much, with it's regular MixPert set. Also, Bulkydos is giving what you're asking for a Bulky Dragon Dancer, and it's able to withstand most Pokemons on your threat list, so try out this set:

Gyarados @ Leftovers
Nature: Adamant
156 HP / 72 Atk / 96 Def / 184 Spe
Moveset: Waterfall, Stone Edge, Taunt, Dragon Dance

A short explanation for the move-set is to taunt any phazers or things that'll be able to set up anything for example your problematic Swampert with Roar or Stealth Rocks, and I recommend Stone Edge over Bounce since, Stone Edge can take care of a Gyarados threats.

Good luck.
@AndiVet Thank you for that nice suggestion, I think I really going to change my Jirachi into a bulky Lead.

Don't really know about Gyarados, it would help me with my Starmie weakness. :/

If you don't like your Jirachi lead, why not change it to a Celebi lead? This would help you with your Swampert, Starmie and Gyarados problem, and you can accomplish practically the same thing your Jirachi lead was doing.

Celebi@Choice Scarf
Natural Cure
Timid(+Spe -Atk)
252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
||Grass Knot||
||Stealth Rock||

As a replacement for Dragonite I would highly suggest Choice Band Swampert. Not only does it counter Tyranitar, it gives you a defensive pokemon that is also highly offensive. He hits a lot harder than people expect since almost everyone predicts it to be a supporting defense version.

Swampert@Choice Band
Adamant(+Atk -SpA)
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
||Stone Edge||
||Ice Punch||

Gl dude ^_^