Art by 0Nl, thanks friend!
⏮RoAPL 5 | Discord | Spreadsheet
Manager Signups | Player Signups | Talk | Replays | Usage | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Semifinals | Finals
Welcome to the sixth iteration of Ruins of Alph Premier League!
The format of RoAPL has changed this year, with 8 teams with 10 slots each (2x Gens 1-5 OU). Every matchup will be Bo1, with the exception of RBY, which will be BO3. After 7 weeks of qualifying, the top four teams will advance to a seeded semifinals round, followed by a finals round to determine this year's champions.
Manager Signups | Player Signups | Talk | Replays | Usage | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6 | Week 7 | Semifinals | Finals
Welcome to the sixth iteration of Ruins of Alph Premier League!
As a reminder:
- Managers and assistant managers will not be allowed to play.
- Battles not completed before the deadline will either count as an activity win or a dead game..
- Battles ending with a tie will ignored. (first-to-3 wins in RBY OU, first-to-1-win in other tiers).
- Teams will receive 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss.
Aspertia Arcanines | Mysterious M | Astamatitos
Canalave Crobats | Roseybear | HML am
Iki Igglybuffs | Luigi | -Tsunami-
Lilycove Ludicolos | CALLOUS | JabbaTheGriffin
Mt. Moon Men | Gilbert arenas | PDC
Mossdeep Meteorites | BKC | TonyFlygon
Poni Plains Ponytas | Eo Ut Mortus | crayon pop
Sunyshore Shaymins | Excal | Hyogafodex
The champions of the tournament earn the right to display

To sign up to compete in RoAPL VI, post a reply to this thread in this exact format:
[B]Tiers: [/B] (in the format of RBY OU / GSC OU / ADV OU / DPP OU / BW OU )
[B]Significant Time Missed?:[/B]
[B]Pledge:[/B] I'm 100% committed to this tournament and will be active the majority of the time.
Signups will close on Friday, March 27th, 11:59 PM GMT 0.
The RoAPL VI hosts and I are looking forward to a season of high quality battles! Best of luck to everyone!
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