scampy's stuff

Oh whoops, did I say badass? sorry guys, I meant fatass


I'll explain more about this guy later because right now I feel like death :heart:
I have to say you're the first person I've seen with the ability to draw Pokemon with a more "mature" style and not make them look like Digimon. And for that, you do have a gift from the gods.
ahahah I love the garchomp that is amazing!!! You have the ability to convey emotion, style, and humor into your drawings which makes them incredibly appealing btw. I have to say, that Venomothra idea sounds freaking badass.

go for it
Now a real comment.

Youre one of the VERY few people here who can really draw. Id say youre up there with cartoons.
Thanks for the comments guys!

Electrode using explosion:


Ok so, having never drawn an explosion before, I would like your harshest CC here. I think it turned out OK, but it could be a lot better as far as the shape of the smoke is concerned. The white lines are brighter in real life, that's just my scanner.
So I have a question.

Did you draw the cloud around him and then erase parts of it to get the white "*" looking part, or did you draw around that, because you knew you wanted it there?
The avatar is not actually drawn by me, but it is based on the Garchomp I drew. Someone I know on another forum did it for me. He's awesome. : )

For the white parts, I knew where everything was going to go before I started shading etc so I just left the white star blank. I outlined where I wanted those white lines to appear with a pencil, and once I was done, simply erased those construction lines.

And yeah, this was done on the back of my physics notes. In fact, so is every other piece here- I hate wasting paper. XD
In my opinion, the explosion is too co-centric. I think you need to... I dunno, mix it up a bit? Also, The explosion looks too.. Left to right. Explosion go in all directions, but yours doesn't portray that. I think the white cross/star has something to do with that.
In my opinion, the explosion is too co-centric. I think you need to... I dunno, mix it up a bit? Also, The explosion looks too.. Left to right. Explosion go in all directions, but yours doesn't portray that. I think the white cross/star has something to do with that.

Actually, in a perfect vacuum, (IIRC) an explosion would go out in all directions perfectly.
Yeah, I thought the same thing about the flying Electrode (unless it's using Magnet Rise or something). The explosion should be shaped by the ground, and perhaps more randomised like you said. I could probably make the cloud puffs smaller and less circular to get away from the cartoony look, too. And make the white lines more random too...

Thanks man, you gave me a lot to think about. : )
My pleasure.

Yes, in a vacuum, it would be even, because there would be no interference. However, creating a perfect vacuum is impossible, as particles pop into existence, seemingly out of no where.
Wow, I really adore your CAP, it's so cute! Your shading is fantastic and you're awesome for using colored pencils :)
Trainer-Hey Garchomp, watch it, its an Ice Beam
Garchomp-Haha, duh
Its oa OHKO!

To make an art thread and getting the 5 stars so quickly really talks about your talent dude, your art is awesome! Can you do a dumb Scizor pleeeeeeease?
You read my mind man, I was thinking about doing a dumb Scizor soon.

I'm a physics nerd so... obligatory Atom Pokemon!


It's called Ruthom. I wonder what it evolves into? : 0

EDIT: Haha I just realised, this was done on the back of my particle physics notes... pretty freaky XD
Heh hi scampy!

Your art is really awesome, I never knew you could draw like this. You have some really amazing stuff (I like tank Rotom a lot)
