Scavenger Hunts

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08/07/14 & 09/07/14 (started on one, ended on the other) GMT +0

Winner: TheMightyRaven.
Solution: route8, axewcottoneedeerlingdrilburduosionminccinopetililpikachupurrloinreshiramsawsbuckscraggysolosisswannatepig, thescramblechallange.

No BLITZ (one hour blitz)

Q1: Where does someone in the Pokemon World say: "I love going wading with my web-footed pals!"?
Q2: Which Pokemon were seen while you could see Victini in Pokemon the Movie White - White Victini and Zekrom (Alphabetical)
Q3: In which thread is Arcticblast 's 808th Post?

Fun Facts: The hunt took 3.5 hours. The first and only person got it after 2 hours and 49 minutes. I now got the award of hardest question and hunt that took the longest for the first person to finish. HA Psywaves
09/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
The Immortal
Second place: Cobalt the Master
Third place: Spydreigon
Consolation prize to: Sunako, Xylenn, Therazer456, luvoratorrrry, Zipzapadam, EpicPikachu63
Solution: casey, abra, oshawott

(no blitz)


1) According to Ash Ketchum's former voice actress what was Ash known as during the auditions for the role?
2) Question 1's answer is the Japanese name of which Pokémon?
3) Which is Ash's first starter Pokémon that he obtained from a regional professor (other than Pikachu)?
[14:27:40] %Mete \o/ rdash: official when
[14:27:43] #Spydreigon: ...
[14:27:43] Rivaled In Destiny: the scavenjerhunt?
[14:27:43] %Xylenn: over
[14:27:44] %ashiemore: LOL
[14:27:44] Luvoratorrrrry: over
[14:27:46] Cobalt The Master: Sir Psywaves! Are you going to start a new one?
[14:27:47] %ashiemore: you just missed it
[14:27:48] %Mete \o/ rdash: ......
[01:10:42] macrarazy: official when
[01:10:45] %ashiemore: lol
[01:10:48] %ashiemore: you missed it
[01:10:52] macrarazy: ...
[01:11:09] macrarazy: but oh well im eating a juicy burger :3
10/07/14 (GMT +0)
Second place:
Third place:
Consolation prize to:
Tokyo City, Revive, Capture Styler .
What is the only known Capital in the Pokemon World?
Youtuber Nate Smith thought he was out of this item - It appeared it was another item he didn't have anymore though!
This apparatus is used to check the condition of Pokemon according to the anime.

posting for Snaquaza
11/07/14 (GMT +8)

Wan the Avatar.
Second place: Coronis.
Third place: iloverandbats.
Consolation prize to:
Nick Young.
Solution: 3000, zebraiken, 225 255.

How many PokéMiles will you get for participating in all the current&past XY Competition if you were in Australia?
This user was sold for the most price in the lateest NUPL
The highest level a pokemon can level up to

Sorry for the mistake in this one ;x

Logs for everyone!
[16:16:06] Wan the Avatar: q2, nupl is National Union of Peoples' Lawyers right?

[16:17:38] Bhunivelze: Xylenn said it was easy
[16:50:42] Bhunivelze: After this horrible loss, i might not come here -.-

[16:54:19] Snaquaza: who should meet a snaq hunt? :) (!!!)

[16:49:18] @Coronis: i will win one
[16:49:20] @Coronis: someday
[16:50:03] @Coronis:xylenn clearly out to stop me
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11/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Wan the Avatar
Second place: Sunako
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prize to: The Immortal
Solution: holdback, hot, icirruscity

(no blitz)


1) Which move has the most PP of all moves that are exclusive to legendary Pokémon?
2) When Armaldo takes the burning map from Igglybuff in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky's special episode "Igglybuff the Prodigy" what word does he repeatedly say?
3) Which city houses a Gym that has three rocks that are not meant to be be walked on (but can be)?

Question 1 courtesy of ashiemore.
12/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: macrarazy.
Third place: The Immortal.
Consolation prize to: Hollywood, FirePhoenix24.
Solution: acupressure, 6930, whistle.

(no blitz)

1) Which move can be used on only the user or an adjacent ally in doubles/triples?
2) When you battle and defeat Professor Oak using a glitch in Pokemon Red and Blue how much money does he give you?
3) Which Smogon user founded the Grammar Prose team in Contributions and Corrections?

Permission from Darnell to host this official
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12/7/14 GMT + 0

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second Place: macrarazy
Third Place: LordBlah
Consolation Prize to: Nobody
Solution: 18, indigo plateau, zoroark

Thanks to ashiemore for question 2!
(no blitz)

How many Water Type Pokemon are 220.6 lbs or heavier are there? (This includes megas/forms.)
What is the second oldest public forum on Smogon?
Find the number of RO's for Survivor and Scavengers. Then multiply that number of how many mods there are in Tournaments. After all that math what pokemon is that placed on the top 300 speed?

macrarazy: ...
%Meteor :D ash: congrats o3o
macrarazy: if it's that easy why the fuck are you guys panicking lmfao
%Meteor :D ash: LOL
macrarazy: smh the people these days

EDIT: Permission From Darnell to host the Official.
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13/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: Snaquaza
Third place: Coronis
Consolation prize to: Xylenn
Solution: sapphire, atriplefightingchance, reflection

(no blitz)
1) Who is Smogon's newest mentor?
2) What is the name of the first Pokémon anime episode in which Ash ties with a Gym Leader?
3) Prefix + Spot + Ignore = The first word in the name of a place in the Kalos region (answer with only the first word in the location's name).

3) Re + Fleck + Shun = Reflection
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14/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Wan the Avatar.
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon.
Third place: losedude.
Consolation prize to: Regime.
Solution: raindance, combee, gravity.

(no blitz)

1) The first pure Ghost type in the National Pokedex learns one Water-type move in Generation II. Which move is this?,
2) Which Pokemon can miss with Bug Buzz under normal conditions (no field effects or items or stat modifiers)
3) Find the only Pokemon that can learn Hydro Pump in Pokemon HG/SS but not D/P/Pt. Which move does this Pokemon learn by move tutor in Generation IV?

Sorry once again for q2, the site I used wasn't updated. ¬_¬

Permission from Spydreigon to host this official
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15/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Wan the Avatar.
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon.
Third place: TheMightyRaven.
Consolation prize to: Shgeldz, Meteordash.
Solution: pyroar, lol, porygon.

(no blitz)

1) Which Fire-type Pokemon is set to debut in the next Pokemon movie?
2) What is the name of Smogon's official IRC channel intended for discussion of Team Fortress 2?
3) What is the only Pokemon that evolves twice and is heavier than both of its evolutions?

Permission from Spydreigon to host this official
(16/07/14) GMT+0
Winner: Ss1234.
Solution: teamsecretomega, theschoolofhardknocks, mekkah.

Q1: In Omega Ruby + Alpha Sapphire spoilers - Who can be seen achieving the bronze rank
Q2: In this Pokemon Episode people are using a Pokemon Simulator (Name)
Q3: Who has caught his friend downloading Gay Porn after which he quickly started playing Solitaire
17/7/14 GMT +8
Second place: coldgenisis.
Solution: metalsonic, reflect, 2580.
The user Dice has the same badgeset as which user?
This is the only move that Saturn's Pokemon have From Pokemon D/P Adventures Manga that isnt a damaging move
how many blocks does it take if you download pokemon art academy from the Nintendo eShop

[16:52:43] Ss1234: so when is official
[16:53:05] +iloverandbats: did i just miss official again
[16:53:19] %Xylenn: Just by a bit
[16:57:52] +GoodMorningEspeon: wait
[16:57:52] +GoodMorningEspeon: was that really official
[16:57:58] @Snaquaza: yes
[16:58:00] +GoodMorningEspeon: oh ok
[16:58:00] %Xylenn: yes
[16:58:01] %Xylenn: Lol
[16:58:07] %Xylenn: Why is everyone doubting me
[16:58:27] +iloverandbats: lol
[16:58:30] Ss1234: just start the real official
[16:59:22] Ss1234: GoodMorningEspeon they're messing with us
[16:59:54] +GoodMorningEspeon: should i stay awake until real official or go
[17:00:05] @Snaquaza: Scavengerhunt is OVER. Results here:
[17:00:09] +GoodMorningEspeon: lolk
[17:00:12] %Xylenn:
[17:00:14] %Xylenn: HERE
[17:00:18] %Xylenn: im hurt af
[17:00:41] Ss1234: da fuq i am confused like hec now

Last edited:
17/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: LegitimateUsername.
Third place: ajhockeystar.
Consolation prize to: TheMightyRaven.
Solution: gogoat, 535, aerilate.

(no blitz)

1) Which Pokemon's shiny coloration was changed from pre-release footage of Pokemon X and Y to the final release?
2) How many days passed between the beginning and end of Smogon's first Scramble Challenge?
3) Which ability is required in order to hit Shedinja super-effectively with an OHKO move?

Q3 explanation: Mold Breaker/Turboblaze/Teravolt can only hit Shedinja normally effective because no OHKO moves are super-effective on it without a type change
18/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt: ashiemore
Second place: Cyllage
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: TheMightyRaven, Maximanz, M36Lucas, RhazhBash, Sunako, Meteordash, macrarazy
Solution: magnemite, gorocksquadbase, 45

(no blitz)

1) This is the Pokemon that Brock temporarily trained whose only move seen by the viewers was Thunder.
2) What is West of the Sekra Moutain Range?
3) What level does the only part Ground type learn Ash's favorite move for Pikachu by leveling up?

Haven't done a hunt in a while :D Feels good!
19/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon.
Third place: AnonymouzLSB.
Consolation prize to: Xylenn.
Solution: celebivoiceoftheforest, exeggcute, yellowforest.

(no blitz)

1) This was the first pokemon movie to have a pokemon in it evolve (Full name)
2) What is the basic form of the first full evolution line to be created?
3) Which pokewalker area contains the least amount of pokemon species?

Credit for this hunt goes to Cyllage!
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