Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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haha no Flerovium

U.S. bias

Reserving an official for 12/31/16 @ 10 P.M. EST (1/1/17 @ 3 A.M. GMT), about 1 day and 1 1/2 hours from this post! Quality checkers are Flerovium and lotiasite, I'll be hosting it myself :O.

Happy New Year's guys

Saturday 12/31/16 @ 10 P.M. EST (1/1/17 @ 3 A.M. GMT)
First Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Second Place: Wan the Avatar
Third Place: coinboy
Fourth Place: Meicoo
Fifth Place: Panda
Consolation Prize to: pokemonvortex
Solutions: Attract, Aim to Be a Pokemon Master, New Year Present
1. Two Pokemon were specifically distributed as a Happy New Year event. What is the first move that they both learn alphabetically?
2. This was the opening theme of a New Year's Special of the Pokemon anime that debuted right before an episode (English name, format "é" as e).
3. This Special Card in the TCG allows the user to get 200 GET points (if multiple, answer with the card that shows a Pokemon using a move).
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Me and Devoxys are reserving an official hunt at 4 PM EST on January 3rd 2017.

coinboy x Devoxys
03/01/2017 @4PM EST

1st place: AnthemOfTheWorld
2nd place: DarkShinyGiratina
3rd place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Consolation prize to: adiass, Jk♥Howling, Meicoo

Solutions: Attract, Dream Eater Drowzee, Dragalge Drake

The questions were:
1) [Devoxys] In the Pokemon anime, a trainer has appeared that has both a Shiny Dragonair along with another Pokemon. What move do both of those Pokemon share?
2) [coinboy] Name the Pokémon e-Reader game that requires the most cards (discounting Construction applications) and the Pokémon the player plays as. (In that order)
3) [coinboy] In a certain main series game, there's only one Pokémon in the Elite Four of that game's teams that is from the generation the game is from. Name that Pokémon and the person that uses it in that order.

Thanks to Flerovium and lotiasite for QCing, and thanks to everyone for partecipating.
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Congratulations to the top three scavengers of Deadcember! First place goes to fantastic user 3.14dgeot-Mega with 140 points, second place goes to Panda with 67 points, and third place goes to terrapieseven with 66 points!
3.14dgeot-Mega: 140
Panda: 67
terrapieseven: 66
social netwerk: 52
BigPimpin12: 48
AnthemOfTheWorld: 43
TheWhoDoctor: 36
keeping it icy: 34
Flerovium: 30
Meicoo: 30
Mega Eevee X: 30
Wan the Avatar: 30
ScarfWynaut: 25
Storm1337: 24
chupps: 22
Coinboy: 22
1987 was a year: 22
Devoxys: 22
Seafaring: 20
Painter Espeon: 20
lovemathboy: 20
Coronis: 19
adiass: 19
Froslasss: 15
SadisticNarwhal: 15
Embar: 15
Grumpig: 14
Gleeb: 12
pokemonvortex: 12
JKHowling: 12
CloudyNatu: 11
Cyczer: 10
Henka: 10
Pancake: 10
blackburn009: 10
SergioRules: 9
ChatterSeel: 9
Kyuseu: 5
FireghtBug: 5
Cynthia612: 5
Moonlight Wizard: 5
ThunderRaikou22: 5
psmathgeek: 5
nekoramen: 4
Ninjadog13: 4
Anno-nyme: 4
BagnetMomb: 4
TheLagoon22: 2
Godfather 4: 2
iluv2mathsdebate: 2
chichinitz: 2
PokeJoey: 2
Darthikyu: 2
Brawl MK: 2
catch_55: 2
awawq: 2
shaggysnorlax: 2
LilBlueShuppet: 2
ManiaQue: 2
GoodMorningEspeon: 2
Gallant Spear: 2
kevinrocks: 2
Lucas87: 2
The ladder for January will be: if you can predict your place before the official begins, you will gain extra points! +4 points for 1st-4th and +2 for 5th. (thanks to Painter Espeon for the idea)
Reserving an official with Mr. Uncompetitive on January 5th at 4 PM EST 5 PM EST. (hosted by Flerovium Meicoo)
Thanks to Flerovium and Meicoo for QC.

Mr. Uncompetitive x coinboy
05/01/2017 @5PM EST

1st place: DarkShinyGiratina
2nd place: ZipZapadam
3rd place: MMM
Consolation prize to: terrap ies e v e n, POMedic, Frosty♡Timp, SergioRules, AnthemOfTheWorld, adiass, Eggoman, BigPimpin12, Aly♥via, 3.14dgeot-Mega, PyoroLoli, Crusader92

Solutions: Nidoking, Snorlax, Kyogre Ancient Power

The questions were:
1) [Mr. Uncompetitive] In the Pokémon TCG, amongst all of the Pokémon that have been featured as Crystal Pokémon and lose less than 1/8 of their health upon switching into Stealth Rock, this is the one in the highest ORAS Smogon tier.
2) [coinboy] In the Pokémon Anime, Brock's last name is also the name of a certain different character from the anime. One of this character's Pokémon has a move which was incorrectly referred to as another move in the dub. What Pokémon is the move used against?
3) [Mr. Uncompetitive] On one of Mysterial's Pokémon, if a certain move was replaced with the move Surf, that Pokémon would have the same exact moves and item as one of the sets on that Pokémon's DPPt Smogon analysis. Name the Pokémon in question and the move that would be replaced.

Thanks to Flerovium and Meicoo for QCing and to Meicoo for hosting on a short notice, and thanks to everyone for partecipating.
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Reserving an official for Friday, January 6th at 8:30 PM EST

Thanks to ashiemore for QCing and Meicoo for qcing and hosting!

1st: adiass (14:45)
2nd: MMM (15:07)
3rd: keeping it icy (17:46)
4th: TheWhoDoctor (21:37)
5th: pomedic (21:52)

1. Only 2 aquatic crafts can access this location in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness by water. CitadarkIsle
2. What location in B2W2 is the first where an HM is required to proceed to? SeasideCave
3. The name of this location in Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon and the name of a location in Unova will be the same if you drop one letter from the former location, then add 2. ReverseMountain

Grats to all finishers! Thanks to ashiemore and Meicoo for QCing and Brawl MK for hosting!

Hope this wasn't too hard :)
Q1: The two crafts are Robo-Kyogre and Luxo Cruiser
Q2: From Route 21
Q3: Compare to Reversal Mountain

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Reserving a collab official with Meicoo for 9PM EST on January 7. Quality checked by Painter Espeon and Flerovium. Hope to see you there!

January 7 @ 9PM EST
Collab with Meicoo

Second: Alarms
Third: Embar
Fourth: Radiant Sun
Fifth: AnthemOfTheWorld
Consolation prize to: POMedic, adiass, Teru XD, CoolStoryGiratina, TheWhoDoctor, Coronis, Devoxys, CloudyNatu, coinboy, keeping it icy

Solutions: Deoxys, Fukiko Nakamura, Head Smash
1) [loti] What is the first Pokemon by national dex order to have multiple different forms that change its stats? (not counting Alolan Forms or Mega Evolution)
2) [Meicoo] What is the name (not alias) of the musical artist who performed "Is it Summer?" along with Asakusa Jinta for the Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai Pokemon movie? (first then last name)
3) [loti] What Rock type move's romanised Japanese name contains the English names of two Normal type moves?

Thanks to Meicoo for collabing with me, and thanks to Painter Espeon and Flerovium for qcing!
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10:00 PM GMT, 8th of January, 2017.
2nd: pancake
3rd: Brawl MK
4th: Bagnet Momb
5th: 3.14dgeot-Mega
6th: LilBlueShuppet
7th: BigPimpin12
8th: Henka
9th: MMM
10th: adiass
Solutions: grimsley, pokemonstadium2, dusclops

1) In Pokemon Sun and Moon, this is the only character that featured in a previous Pokemon game to bestow upon the player the ability to ride a certain Pokemon.
2) This Pokemon-based stage, available in the fourth instalment of the Super Smash Bros. series, originated in an earlier game in that series.
3) This is the highest-levelled Pokemon that may be encountered in Turnback Cave in Pokemon Platinum.

Thanks to lotiasite and ILRB for QCing! <3
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Reserving official for 9PM EST on January 8, or in about 2 and a half hours. Hope to see you there!

keeping it icy
Second: CoolStoryGiratina (predicted 2nd place)
Third: WhirlwindBulbasaur
Fourth: BigPimpin12
Fifth: Teru XD
Consolation prize to: Bagnet Momb, QuinoteBahulee, POMedic, Devoxys, AnthemOfTheWorld, chatterseel

Cubone, Castform, Secret Wonders


1) In Pokemon Sun and Moon, this Pokemon can call Kangaskhan via S.O.S despite not being a Kangaskhan.
2)What is the only Pokemon who is able to be called via S.O.S in any location where you can battle wild Pokemon?
3) One of Shelgon’s TCG cards contains a move whose name is made up exactly of two other moves. What expansion is this Shelgon part of?

Shoutout to BP12 and WBulba for finishing at the exact same time, and thanks to Meicoo and Flerovium for quality checking.

It seems there was an issue with q2; it was supposed to work like "Castform can be summoned using any weather, even if it isn't naturally occurring" but I might have read the bulba page wrong... I'm not sure, so i'll double check on that.
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Saturday, January 14, 2017 @ 10:00 PM EST

Second: pokemonvortex
Third: CoolStoryGiratina
Fourth: SergioRules (predicted)
Consolation Prize: Radiant Sun, BigPimpin12, adiass, AnthemOfTheWorld, lotiasite, Brawl/.\MK, pomedic

This ingame NPC has a butler named Sebastian.
2) Where can a trainer be battled who has a Flabebe whose cry is the same as Floette’s?
3) Where did the Spiritomb in Sea Mauville originally come from?

Solution: selphy, battlechateau, oreburghmine

Is this the end of Gleeb's dry spell/absence? Who knows... But thanks to everyone who participated (even mr. u...) and congrats to all finishers! And special thanks to Flerovium and Rory Mercury for qc'ing back in September when this hunt was made!
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Reserving an official hunt for Sunday, January 15, 2017 at 8:30 PM EST!

QC'd by 3.14dgeot-Mega and QC'd and hosted by Meicoo!

1st: CoolStoryGiratina
2nd: Illusio (Predicted)
3rd: adiass
4th: t e rra p i eseven
5th: Eggoman (Predicted)

1. Infamously, if you saved in parts of this city in a Pokemon game and reloaded your game, your game may freeze. (include word "city")|LumioseCity|
2. If a Pokemon uses this Z-Move, the Pokemon's sprite will be reversed symmetrically.|OceanicOperetta|
3. This trainer can be battled in either Hearthome City, Celestic Town, or Pastoria City, depending on the day of the week. (include trainer class)|ClownLee

Grats to all finishers! Thanks to Meicoo for qcing and hosting and 3.14dgeot-Mega for qcing!
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Monday, January 16, 2017 @ 10:00 PM EST

Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Third: BigPimpin12
Fourth: Painter Espeon
Fifth: Mr. Uncompetitive
Consolation Prize: SergioRules, keeping it icy, TheWhoDoctor, kevinrocks, Eggoman

1) This is the only move to have had a change in Base Power within a single Generation
2) This Pokemon had its category (aka 'specie') changed between generations, however the change only involved adding an "S" to the end.
3) This item appears as Index Number 000 in Pokemon Red and Blue

Solution: shadowrush, mew, j

Once again thanks to everyone who participated and grats to all finishers! (rip wan and pi who predicted each others places) Also special thanks to Flerovium and Meicoo for QC'ing!
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This hunt is from November 2015 but I don’t think I hosted it yet so here goes nothing .

Official Hunt on Tuesday, January 17, 2017 @ 10 PM EDT qc'd by ashiemore and Rory Mercury

Tuesday, January 17, 2017 @ 10 PM EDT

3.14dgeot-Mega (predicted)
Third: Wan the Avatar
Fourth: TheWhoDoctor
Fifth: kevinrocks
Consolation: BigPimpin12, Meicoo, keeping it icy, Coronis, Teru XD


1) What is the in-game date used to represent the day that the delta episode occurs on? (format answer as MM/DD)
2) Where can the most expensive purchasable item in any of the pokemon games be purchased?
3) Pokemon caught from either Kalos Route 14 or Hoenn Route 120 are described in-game as being from a route characterized by what participle?

Solution: xxxx, stoneemporium, mired

One harder than average hunt and everyone goes crazy... Even with hints people struggled with the hunt in general. Kudos to people who got any of them with minimal to no hints! But yeah also thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for the qc's!
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Alright I definitely gave enough time for someone else to reserve an official this time... But yeah, sorry about the lack of notice but there wasn't a hunt so I figured I should fill the spot but anyway Official Hunt on Wednesday, January 18, 2017 @ 10:00 PM EDT (30 minutes from this post) qc'd by 3.14dgeot-Mega and Meicoo!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017 @ 10:00 PM EDT

: WhirlwindBulbasaur
Second: BigPimpin12
Third: kevinrocks
Fourth: Illusio (rip prediction by 1 second)
Fifth: keeping it icy
Consolation: TheWhoDoctor, GoodMorningEspeon, AnthemOfTheWorld


1) "RO Coronis" is an anagram of what ability?
2) What Pokemon contains the names of two moves in its name?
3) The first word of this pokemon move forms a 3-letter portmanteau with the second word of the move.

Solution: corrosion, cutiefly, shadowdown

This hunt may have been comparable difficulty to that last one, I didn't know it would take people as long this time though ;) Once again, thanks to everyone who participated, sorry if I ruined anyone's day, and congrats to all finishers! And thanks to User: 3.14dgeot-Mega and User: Meicoo for the qc's!
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Reserving an official for 1/22/17 @ 1:30 P.M. EST (1/22/17 @ 6:30 P.M. GMT), about 17 and 1/2 hours from this post! Quality checkers are Gleeb and lotiasite, hope to see you there before Team Scavengers!
Sunday 1/22/17 @ 1:30 P.M. EST (1/22/17 @ 6:30 P.M. GMT)
First Place: Flerovium
Second Place: Storm1337
Third Place: adiass (+4 for prediction)
Fourth Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fifth Place: SergioRules
Consolation Prize to: Embar
Solutions: Cynthia, Lass Helia, 11192008
1. Other than the playable characters and their rivals, this is the only character in the main series games to receive a Pokedex (name only).
2. This Lass in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 will use one Pokemon that has a different gender than the rest of her Pokemon (if multiple, use the one that gives out the most in winnings, include "Lass").
3. There are two trainers in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 that reference two real life sports players from the same sport. What was the date of their first match-up against each other (format answer as MM/DD/YYYY, ex. 04202017 would be April 20th, 2017)?
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9:00 PM GMT, 23rd of January, 2017.
2nd: Ninjadog13
3rd: Devoxys
4th: keeping it icy
5th: Seafaring
6th: nekoramen
7th: AnthemOfTheWorld
8th: DatHeatmor
9th: Darthikyu
10th: pancake
11th: coinboy
Solutions: drapion, jolteon, magneton.

1) In Pokemon Platinum, this is the only Pokemon used by an Elite Four member that doesn't match that E4 member's type speciality.
2) In Pokemon Platinum, a certain member of the Elite Four will have a Double Battle with the player, along with another NPC in the game; what is the first Pokemon this NPC uses by National Dex order?
3) In Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, this Pokemon has an x5 Field Move, despite being able to evolve.

Thanks to ashiemore and 3.14dgeot-Mega for QCing! <3
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Reserving an Official Hunt on Saturday, January 21, 2017 @ 10 PM EDT (2 hours from this post) bcuz rip Saturday official and gdi val and brawl now it's out of order... also thx Painter Espeon and Brawl MK for the qc's

Saturday, January 21, 2017 @ 10 PM EDT

Second: Ninjadog13
Third: chupps
Fourth: CoolStoryGiratina
Fifth: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Consolation: Illusio, Meicoo, adiass


1) Pokemon that are rusty can be cured using what item?
2) What is the move with the lowest non-zero accuracy?
3) A Master Ball code for XY can be obtained from completing the bonus levels of this game. (format "&" as "and" and è as e)

Solution: glowdrop, tm21, thebandofthievesand1000pokemon

Gonna be honest, people finished before I thought they would, so congrats to everyone who finished. And yes, even congrats to chatterseel, who eventually did make it past q1... And to everyone who thought q3 was "The Thieves and the 1000 Pokemon," bulbapedia is not the only source of Pokemon information !git gud. Also thanks to Brawl MK and Painter Espeon for the qc's! But smh pesp y u make me change what was q3...
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Reserving an official hunt for tonight at 7:30 PM EST/11:30 PM GMT! Quality checks are International Lamb Roasting Boy and 3.14dgeot-Mega. See you there!

1/23/17 @ 7:30 PM GMT-4

Ninjadog13 [Predicted]
AnthemOfTheWorld: AnthemOfTheWorld [Predicted]
Third Place: CoolStoryGiratina
Fourth Place: WhirlwindBulbasaur
Fifth Place: Meicoo
Consolation prize to: pancake, keeping it icy
Q1: vast poni canyon
Q2: cosmog cosmoem
Q3: crustle

Questions :)
Q1) In which location in the games can the player obtain the most Z-Crystals in a single playthrough?
Q2) Which two Pokémon related by evolution have the greatest difference in their weights? (Format in order of evolution, e.g. gastly-->haunter)
Q3) What is the lightest non-legendary Pokémon that takes less than maximum damage from Celesteela’s Heavy Slam? (Based solely on weight under normal battle conditions, so put your Rock/Fairy type Heavy Metal users with a Float Stone away)

Thanks to everyone who showed up to my first official in more than a month! I'm going to make sure my activity gets back up to where it used to be, and make sure it's less like [00:26:28] chupps: Painter Espeon u still come here?? Additional thanks to International Lamb Roasting Boy and 3.14dgeot-Mega for quality checks :) Hope you mhad fun!
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Reserving an official for tonight (January 24th, 2017) at 9 PM EST! QC'd by Meicoo and 3.14geot-Mega, hosted by Meicoo!

Winner: AnthemOfTheWorld. (Predicted)
Second place: Illusio. (Predicted)
Third place: Wan the Avatar.
Fourth Place: Brawl~~MK
Fifth Place: Gleeb
Consolation prize to: CoolStoryGiratina, Ninjadog13.
Solution: illusio, waywardcave, firefang.


1. If you add a letter to this kingdom in Pokemon, you get the name of the name of an ability.
2. Normally, when you jump over ramps using your bike, you must be in the fourth gear. However, for a ramp in this location, to get to where you need to be, you must use third gear.
3. This Pokemon Coordinator and Character of the Day shares his name with a well-known video game protagonist. What is the only move his Pokemon is known to have?
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9:00 PM GMT, 25th of January, 2017.
2nd: Ninjadog13
3rd: Zipzapadam
4th: AnthemOfTheWorld
5th: Devoxys
6th: keeping it icy
7th: Brawl MK
Solutions: haze, deltastreamparentalbond, latios.

1) In a certain battle, the leader of Team Magma will use two Pokemon that share a type; which move do they both have?
2) These two abilities are unique in that the only Pokemon to possess them are one mega evolution each. (Alphabetical order)
3) Some moves have been disallowed from the Battle Spot in Pokemon Sun and Moon because of glitches involving them; out of all the Pokemon that can learn any of these moves, which has the highest BST, not counting forms?

Thanks to Meicoo and lotiasite for QCing! <3
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Reserving an official for 1/28/17 @ 8:00 P.M. EST (1/29/17 @ 1:00 A.M. GMT), about 3 days and 2 hours from this post! Quality checkers are Gleeb and Meicoo, hope to see you there!
Saturday 1/28/17 @ 8:00 P.M. EST (1/29/17 @ 1:00 A.M. GMT)
First Place: kevinrocks
Second Place: Wan the Avatar
Third Place: Ninjadog13
Fourth Place: CoolStoryGiratina
Fifth Place: terrapieseven
Consolation Prize to: N/A
Solutions: Staryu, Who, TM05
1. Parts of this Pokemon are eaten by Lumineon, although it's not Lumineon's favorite food; however, it doesn't particularly mind being eaten.
2. A character, who will give you a key item in GSC and HGSS, has a name in the manga that isn't revealed in the main series games. What is the first word he or she will say to the player in any of the main series games?
3. A Pokemon is able to evolve into another Pokemon via level-up when normally, the second Pokemon is only obtainable via a Moon Stone. What move does the first Pokemon learn at level 10?
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Flerovium x Meicoo

9:00 PM GMT, 26th of January, 2017.
2nd: AnthemOfTheWorld
3rd: adiass
4th: Mega Eevee X
5th: GoodMorningEspeon
6th: CoolStoryGiratina
7th: BigPimpin12
8th: ILRB
9th: pokemonvortex
Solutions: gust, viridianforest, elekidneogenesis.

1) In the anime, this is the only move used by one of Elite Four Aaron's Pokemon that would've received STAB.
2) In the Pokemon Adventures manga, a certain Pokemon belonging to a member of Team Rocket mega evolves; where was said Pokemon caught by its trainer?
3) Which was the first Pokemon card in the TCG to have both the lowest possible non-fossil HP and the lowest possible number of attacks for a Pokemon card? List the name of the card, and the set it was from, in that order.

Thanks to Brawl MK and lotiasite for QCing, and thanks to Meicoo for collaborating with me and providing Q3! <3
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Flerovium x Gleeb

9:00 PM GMT, 29th of January, 2017.
2nd: TheWhoDoctor
3rd: AnthemOfTheWorld
4th: coinboy
5th: pokemonvortex
6th: Dylas
Solutions: togetic, sableye, 257.

1) This is the last evolved Pokemon available in Pokemon GO by dex order.
2) This Pokemon is often denied access to its natural prey by Gabite.
3) In order to find a wild Bulbasaur, the player must have a Pokemon with what special stat?

First of all, sorry for any errors with Q3, apparently it was incorrect?

Thanks to Brawl MK and lotiasite for QCing, and thanks to Gleeb for collaborating with me and providing Q3! <3
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Reserving an official for 9 PM EST on January 30th, 2017. QC'd be Gleeb and 3.14dgeot-Mega and Hosted by 3.14dgeot-Mega.

Winner: Painter Espeon.
Second place: Rory Mercury.
Third place: Meicoo.
Fourth Place: AnthemOfTheWorld.
Fifth Place: SergioRules.
Consolation prize to: CoolStoryGiratina.

1. In the anime, this member of the Forces of Nature trio has no known STAB moves. What moves is it known to have in its Therian form? (alphabetical order)|HyperBeamStoneEdge
2. In Pokemon Battle Trozei, what Pokemon needs to be beaten in a single attack in order to unlock the next stage in the Sky High Ruins?|Rayquaza
3. The captain of a floating sunken sailing ship once won this title.|OrangeLeagueChampion

Grats to all finishers! Thanks to Gleeb for QCing and 3.14dgeot-Mega for QCing and hosting.
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9:00 PM GMT, 31st of January, 2017.
2nd: CoolStoryGiratina
3rd: CloudyNatu
4th: AnthemOfTheWorld
5th: Meicoo
6th: ILRB
Solutions: energeticforest, chuck, cyrus.

1) In the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series, which Friend Area is home to the most Pokemon that are considered starter Pokemon in the game in question? (Members of the starters' evolutionary families aren't counted.)
2) In a certain Pokemon game, this trainer possesses a Pokemon with both Rock Slide and Metal Claw, which, in this instance, should not be possible.
3) In the anime, it was revealed that this character is responsible for creating a majority of the buildings in the Sinnoh region. (First name.)

Congratulations to everyone who finished, and also to CoolStoryGiratina for winning the January ladder! Thanks to lotiasite and Painter Espeon for QCing! <3
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Reserving an official hunt on February 4th 2017 at 10PM EST (5/2/17 3AM GMT, 5/2/17 2PM AEDT)

Thanks to lotiasite and Brawl MK for QCs, hosted by Brawl MK.

Winner: CammyCapre
Second: terrapieseven
Third: Meicoo
Fourth: Flerovium
Fifth: TheWhoDoctor
Consolation Prize to: CloudyNatu, Illusio
Solutions: AgilityThunder, Chatot, Heliolisk

1) Out of all the Shiny Pokemon available via password in Pokemon Rumble, which two moves does the one with the highest BST know?
2) This Pokemon is the only one that is able to learn two certain moves via level-up, both of which start with the same letter. (count forms as separate Pokemon)
3) Of all fully-evolved Pokemon to have the same number of letters in their name as a move only they or their evolutionary relatives can learn, this Pokemon has the lowest Base Defense.

Congrats to all finishers, and thanks to everyone who participated in my first official hunt!
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