Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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11:00 PM GMT, 3rd of February, 2017.
2nd: WhirlwindBulbasaur
3rd: CloudyNatu
4th: pokemonvortex
5th: Devoxys
Solutions: mimikyu, axew, pokemonsnap.

1) In the anime, this Pokemon marks the first time that a recurring Pokemon has become a permanent Pokemon of Team Rocket's.
2) Although a certain Pokemon and its evolution made their first 'in-the-flesh' anime appearances in "A Village Homecoming!", both of said Pokemon actually first appeared in an earlier episode via the dream of this other Pokemon.
3) The blurb of this Pokemon game featured the URL of the official Pokemon website. (Format é as e.)

Thanks to Brawl MK and Rory Mercury for QCing! <3
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Congratulations to the January ladder winners: CoolStoryGiratina in 1st with 183 points, AnthemOfTheWorld in 2nd with 143 points, and Ninjadog13 in 3rd with 79 points!
CoolStoryGiratina: 183
AnthemOfTheWorld: 143
Ninjadog13: 79
BigPimpin12: 70
adiass: 63
Wan the Avatar: 55
Illusio: 48
3.14dgeot-Mega: 47
keeping it icy: 36
WhirlwindBulbasaur: 35
Devoxys: 31
kevinrocks: 31
Embar: 30
Zipzapadam: 29
coinboy: 29
MMM: 25
TheWhoDoctor: 25
Painter Espeon: 25
Flerovium: 20
pokemonvortex: 16
Alarms: 15
Pancake: 15
Storm1337: 15
Brawl MK: 15
Rory Mercury: 15
Meicoo: 12
Mr. Uncompetitive: 11
SergioRules: 11
CloudyNatu: 10
chupps: 10
Mega Eevee X: 5
Bagnet Momb: 5
Eggoman: 3
POMedic: 2
JK Howling: 1
Teru XD: 1
Seafaring: 1
Gleeb: 1
GoodMorningEspeon: 1
The February ladder twist will be: if the 1st place finisher finishes in less than half of the time of the 2nd place finisher, they get 5 extra points. Also, if in the future the twist comes a few days late, feel free to make/host officials with the old one and nag the room owners to post the new one.
Reserving an official on 5 February 2017 at 12:30 PM GMT. Hosted by Brawl MK.
QC'd by Lotiasite and Gleeb.
i had to wait 3 weeks due to bad schedules;;

5th February, 12:30 PM GMT

Winner: ILRB
Second Place: Ninjadog13
Third Place: ShinyIsCool
Fourth Place: Gallant Spear
Fifth Place: adiass
Consolation Prize to: coinboy, TheWhoDoctor, rafooa11
Answers: A City of Billowing Sails, 65, Charles Goodshow

Question 1: In Gen V, you can give Fresh Water to a man on Skyarrow Bridge. The man then goes to another bridge, which is connected to a city. What is this city's motto?
Question 2: In Driftveil, you can trade a Mincinno to a certain Youngster. In the post-game, you can battle them. What is the level of their Pokemon? (format numerically)
Question 3: This is the name of the President of the Pokemon League.(first+last name)
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10:00 PM GMT, 6th of February, 2017.
2nd: Rory Mercury
3rd: Wan the Avatar
4th: TheWhoDoctor
5th: CoolShinyGiratina
6th: keeping it icy
7th: Devoxys
8th: BigPimpin12
Solutions: tm44, carpediem, aipom.

1) This item can be found at Ice Path, but only in Gen 2.
2) In the main-series of games, an NPC will trade you a certain Pokemon, but only for a certain other Pokemon, which is in the first Pokemon's evolutionary family; what nickname does the Pokemon that the NPC trades you have?
3) In the anime, this Pokemon, belonging to a trainer, evolves while being confronted by some Unown.
Thanks to 3.14dgeot-Mega and Meicoo for QCing! <3
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8/2/17 16:00 GMT -5 Collab with castaways

Winner: TheWhoDoctor
Second Place: keeping it icy
Third Place: Devoxys
Fourth Place: Anno-nyme
Fifth Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Consolation prize to: JKRowlet (JKHowling), adiass, Mega Eevee X

Solutions: gastrodonjudgmenthouse, solgaleo, sylveon

Q1) What facility in Pokémon Beach has the name of a Pokemon move in it?
Q2) Despite being stated to be male in it's Pokédex entry, this Pokémon is genderless.
Q3) Due to evolving from a Pokémon not in the same generation as it, the Pokédex entry will not be registered if the pre-evolution is transferred in and evolved. This is due to a glitch. Name the Pokémon.

Congratulations to all finishers and thanks for participating. Special thanks to Meicoo and Manaphy286 for QC'ing.
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2/9/17 @ 10:00 GMT-5

Rory Mercury :heart:
Second Place: CloudyNatu
Third Place: Ninjadog13
Fourth Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fifth Place: LilBlueShuppet
Consolation Prize to: TheWhoDoctor, BigPimpin12:pimp:, destinaEE LMAO (grumpig)

Q1) Every Generation V Pokémon has appeared at least once in the anime or movies as of this episode. (give title name)
Q2) In the numerical constant pi (π), which individual digit makes its first appearance the latest in the decimal sequence, and what is its placement in the sequence? (Format digit placement, e.g. “x 80.” Consider 3, 1, and 4 to be in places 1, 2, and 3, and so forth.)
Q3) Which ability has a similarly-named Pokémon Rumble trait that reduces the user’s stats until it has defeated a certain number of Pokémon?
meowth colress and team rivalry!, 0 33, slow start

Thanks to everyone who came to play this game of Cool Quiz™: Official Edition! Also thanks to Meicoo and Flerovium for qcs, and to ashiemore for gracing us with her divine presence. Also I discovered the : pimp : emoticon on smogon so im using that every time bp12 finishes my officials from now on!

[21:22:23] chupps: why are there numbers

93 out of #Pesp100
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February 10th 2017 5:00 PM EST/10:00 PM GMT.

Winner: GoodMorningEspeon [BONUS] (06:57)
Second Place:
TheWhoDoctor (19:26)
Third Place:
Fourth Place: Brawl MK
Fifth Place: Rory Mercury
Consolation Prize:

Q1) In one of the episodes of the anime, a look-alike of the voice actress who voices Pikachu can be seen voicing a different Pikachu. There is a man standing next to her that looks like the voice actor who voices this Fairy Tail character. (full name)
Q2) This is the only Fully Evolved Pokemon that can be the parent of the first gift Pokemon you get in Heart Gold and Soul Silver that is not part of the same evolutionary line.
Q3) This main series opponent has 3 type immunities when including abilities and has one 4x weakness.
Q1) lyonvastia
Q2) noctowl
Q3) f00

Q2 Explanation: The Togepi from the egg has Extrasensory and Noctowl is the only Pokemon that fits the criteria that can pass down Extrasensory.

GG to all who participated. I think this was a good hunt to comeback with. :] Thanks to Meicoo and Gleeb for qcing.
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02/11/17 6:00 PM GMT-5

First place: Rory Mercury
Second place: keeping it icy
Third place: Illusio
Fourth place: Storm1337
Fifth place: Meicoo
Consolation prize to: Darthikyu, TheWhoDoctor

Solution: chargestonecave, weezing, pokemonemeraldofficialnintendoplayersguide

1) This location in the Generation V games has properties that will cause Nosepass to evolve when leveled up.
2) This is the only Poison-type Pokémon that can be found on Faldera Island in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs.
3) This official strategy guide incorrectly states that Pokémon in the lead position of the player’s party will increase friendship (format any é in your answer as e).

Thanks to Dylas and Painter Espeon for quality checking this last year! See you all in 2027 for my next official hunt!
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2/12/17 @ 5 PM GMT-5

Second Place: Anno-nyme
Third Place: Flerovium
Fourth Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Fifth Place: CloudyNatu
Consolation Prize to: Storm1337

Q1) This Pokémon and its pre-evolution are the only ones in a specific experience group to have been introduced in a different generation than all the others.
Q2) Which status move shares its name with a badge?
Q3) Which move can give the greatest SET amount of stat boosts (read: not belly drum at -6) in a single use? (Do not count abilities, so get your simple/contrary out of here)
drifblim, toxic, z-geomancy
Thanks to Dylas and 3.14dgeot-Mega for the quality checks, thanks to Rory Mercury for helping me test out q3, and thanks to BigPimpin12 for giving me an opportunity to use his designated emoticon again! Sorry about the confusion that q3 caused, except not really :^) Thanks to all who participated!
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10:00 PM GMT, 13th of February, 2017.
2nd: ShinyIsCool
3rd: Gallant Spear
4th: BigPimpin12
5th: CloudyNatu
Solutions: tsareena, looker, lucariomega.

1) Venusaur shares its height and weight with a certain Pokemon; which fully-evolved Pokemon shares its category with the second Pokemon?
2) In the main-series games, this character uses a Croagunk, but only in a non-battling capacity.
3) This Pokemon's dex entry describes it as one whose fights are without heart.

Sorry about the leak to Q1, but I think the hunt went well anyway...

Thanks to Brawl MK and Manaphy286 for QCing!
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2/14/17 aka Valentine's Dayy lmao @ 10:30 GMT-54

Second Place: chupps
Third Place: keeping it icy
Fourth Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fifth Place: Moo
Consolation Prize to: Gallant Spear, TheWhoDoctor, CloudyNatu

Q1) One of Bowser’s non-custom moves in Super Smash Bros. for WiiU contains the name of a type and the name of a move. Out of all Pokémon that can be said type and learn said move, which one has the highest BST?
Q2) What standard special move (not custom or Final Smash) that a Pokémon can use in Super Smash does NOT share its name with an actual Pokémon move?
Q3) Which non-Pokémon character in the Super Smash bros. can have a custom move that Jigglypuff would be immune to in the main series, and what is the move?
dragonite, thunder jolt, yoshi lick
Thanks to Brawl MK and ashiemore for quality checks, and thanks to everybody who came for the hunt! Apologies to TheWhoDoctor and anyone else who missed the official because I forgot to say hunt by. :( That one's my bad.

Also, happy Valentine's Day to all of you! If you don't have a valentine this year, don't worry about it. You came to scavengers and had a good time, and V-Day or not, that's all any day needs. :heart::heart::heart: Hope you mhad fun!
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February 15, 2017 @ 5 PM EST.
Winner: wb shed team (pokemonvortex)
Second Place: terrapieseven
Third Place: Anno-nyme
Fourth Place: CloudyNatu
Fifth Place: Dylas
Consolation Prize: AnthemOfTheWorld, Devoxys
Q1) This Pokemon can change from being red to being blue and cannot be any other colors.
Q2) In this chapter of the Pokemon Adventures, one of the main characters earns a badge and meets a legendary Pokemon. The name of the badge is the first word of the legendary Pokemon's category name.
Q3) Exactly four Pokemon have exactly four of the same letters in the beginning of their names. One Pokemon has two other letters at the end, the second has three other letters, the third has four other letters, and the fourth has six other letters. What are the four letters?

Q1) Darmanitan
Q2) Battle on a Roller Coaster
Q3) toge
Grats to all who finished. Thanks to Painter Espeon and Brawl MK for qcing. Shout outs to Rory Mercury for being qt, but being bad for not finishing and not being my valentine :[.
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16/2/17 22:00 GMT -5

Winner: BigPimpin12
Second Place: CloudyNatu
Third Place: Ninjadog13
Fourth Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fifth Place: Dylas
Consolation prize to: BrawlMK, TheWhoDoctor, Merlee

Solutions: delibirdsdilemmanoctowl, petalburgcity, blastoise

Q1) There is only one Pikachu Short episode to include a shiny Pokémon, name the episode as well as the name of the Pokémon (Format [episode][pokémon])
Q2) In the Japanese version of Emerald, there’s an above-water dive spot, that instead of leading you underwater, leads you someplace completely different. Which location does it put you in?
Q3) This Pokémon has exclusive move sequences programmed for it in Pokémon GO (as in it performs a move others learn differently)

Apparently Q1 had an alt, sorry about that, I blame Bulbapedia. Extra credits to whoever didn't spamguess Q3.
Thanks to Flerovium and GoodMorningEspeon for QC'ing and grats to all finishers.
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Reserving an official for 9 EST on February 17th, 2017 (tonight).

QCed by pi and Rory Mercury and hosted by Rory Mercury.

Winner: Ninjadog13. (10:03)
Second place: Merlee. (13:17)
Third place: Meicoo. (22:21)
Forth Place: Gallant Spear 真, (23:02)
Fifth Place: CloudyNatu ♫. (24:55)
Solution: villageofdragons, latios, pokemoncrystal.

1. An American football team in the Pokemon Anime is known to train in this location.
2. In the events of PMD Red/Blue, this Pokemon stole from the Kecleon Shop/Wares.
3. Before Pokemon X and Y, there was a planned game called Pokemon X. What game was it similar to, in terms of one of it's features, and the time of it's planned release.

Grats to all finishers! Thanks to 3.14dgeot-Mega and Rory Mercury!
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Reserving an collaboration official between me and Gallant Spear (!) for 2/18/17 @ 5:00 P.M. EST (2/18/17 @ 10:00 P.M. GMT), about 1 day (24 hours) from this post! Quality checkers are Flerovium and Rory Mercury, hope to see you there for Gallant's first official!
Saturday 2/18/17 @ 5:00 P.M. EST (2/18/17 @ 10:00 P.M. GMT)
First Place: Meicoo (bonus!)
Second Place
: Merlee
Third Place: GoodMorningESpeon
Fourth Place: coinboy
Fifth Place: Alextron
Consolation Prize to: CloudyNatu, chatterseel, Embar, BigPimpin12, SergioRules, pokemonvortex
Solutions: 0359am, City of Art, EarthquakeMeteorMashProtectZenHeadbutt
1. This is the latest time that Policemen will have a rematch with you in HGSS (format answer as xx:xx [a.m./p.m.]).
2. Aside from its motto, Nacrene City is also called this (exclude "the").
3. In 2013, there's an event Pokemon distributed in Italy, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The Pokemon is shiny and its owner is a Pokemon World Champion who appeared as an NPC in Gen 5. Name the Pokemon's four moves in alphabetical order.

Thanks for participating and congrats again to Gallant again for making his first hunt. :>
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Reserving an official hunt on Sunday, February 19, at 12:30 PM GMT. (AKA 7:30 AM EST). Quality checked by Lotiasite and 3.14dgeot-Mega.
Hosted by Flerovium.

(24 hours from this post)

Sunday, February 19, 12:30 PM GMT. (7:30 AM EST)
First Place: adiass [BLITZ]
Second Place: Bagnet Momb [BLITZ]
Third Place: Ninjadog13 [BLITZ]
Fourth Place: ShinyIsCool
Fifth Place: Gallant Spear
Consolation Prize to: coinboy ミ☆, Mega Eevee X, Azu✬uli♥, GhostGhetsis

Q1: In the anime, this was James' only friend when he lived with his parents. (species) | Growlithe
Q2: In the anime, this is the only Pokemon that escaped from James' ownership instead of being released. | Hoppip
Q3: This is the only competition James has ever won in the anime, while not impersonating Jessie. | Pokemon Orienteering

Note: There was an spelling error when the hunt was first started, but it was rectified.
Thanks for participating!
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10:30 PM GMT, 20th of February, 2017.
0wo (Cyllage) [BLITZ]
2nd: chupps
3rd: Merlee
4th: Gallant Spear
5th: Anot
6th: election is rigged
7th: zacjl
8th: TheWhoDoctor
9th: AnthemOfTheWorld
10th: BigPimpin12
Solutions: pheromosa, heatmor, gourgeist.

1) This is the last Pokemon in the National Pokedex to have the exact same typing as the Pokemon preceding it.
2) This single-typed Pokemon is only available in certain regional versions of Learn with Pokemon: Typing Adventure.
3) Those who hear the joyful song of this Pokemon will become cursed.

Thanks to lotiasite and Rory Mercury for QCing!
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Reserving an official for Sunday, February 25th, 2017 at 9 PM EST. QC'd by Brawl MK and Flerovium and hosted by Brawl MK!

Edit: Moved official from Saturday at 9 PM EST to Sunday at 9 PM EST

Winner: BigPimpin12.
Second place: Illusio.
Third place: Embar.
Fourth Place: Merlee.
Fifth Place: keeping it icy.
Consolation prize to: Rory Mercury.
Solution: takutokitsuta, pewtercity, greenpath.

1. In Super Smash Bros. Melee, a composer helped arrange a song from F-Zero and a song from The Legend of Zelda. This composer also worked on one Pokemon main series game pair. What is his name?
2. If the player gives a certain message to an NPC in FRLG, then they will make a comment about her cousin in RSE. Where is the NPC (in FRLG)?
3. There is a sign in this location, telling the player to "keep nature clean".

Grats to all finishers. Grats to Flerovium on getting #! And thanks to Brawl MK for hosting and QCing and Flerovium for QCing!
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02/21/17 7:00 PM GMT-5

First place: Illusio
Second place: Flerovium
Third place: Embar
Fourth place: TheWhoDoctor
Fifth place: Painter Espeon Storm1337
Consolation prize to: Meicoo, WhirlwindBulbasaur, BigPimpin12, GhostGhetsis, CloudyNatu, Merlee, Gallant Spear

Solution: hitmontop, cyndaquil, sightseeing

1) This Pokémon learns Drill Run via move tutor in Black 2/White 2, but is unable to in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire.
2) This Fire-type Pokémon is only available as a starting Pokémon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team if the player character chooses male.
3) The Old Gateau and Lava Cookie are both obtainable on this Pokéwalker route.

Happy 2027! Thanks to Dylas and Painter Espeon for quality checking eleven years ago. Hope you enjoyed the hunt after the official too! :)
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Official on Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 3 PM EST.
Q1 & Q3 by me, Q2 by Flerovium

First Place: TheWhoDoctor (16:01)
Second Place: Meicoo (16:47)
Third Place: keeping it icy (29:39)
Fourth Place: Anot (30:06)
Fifth Place: Gallant Spear (31:04)
Consolation Prize to: adiass, Lucas87

Q1) Changing one letter of this ability would result in the name of this dark-type move. (Format Ability, Move.) | Torrent Torment
Q2) In the Pokemon Ranger games, a certain member of the Sinis Trio will offer the player this beverage. | Blue Soda
Q3) A certain item obtainable in a Gen 4 game will play the theme of this location when activated | Lilycove City

Note: A possible alt for Q3 was Twinleaf Town due to wording. Apologies for that.
Thanks to those who participated & special thanks to Brawl MK and 3.14dgeot-mega for QC'ing!
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February 23, 2017 @ 4 PM EST.
Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second Place: zacjl
Third Place: SergioRules
Fourth Place: Devoxys
Fifth Place: BigPimpin12
Q1) When this Character of the Day's name is put into the teambuilder, nothing shows up. (including the "No exact match found. The closest matches alphabetically are:")
Q2) This Pokémon character's name stems from his smell of gasoline.
Q3) This song, first heard by a main character on the radio, was created to soothe a gym leader's sadness caused by the loss of two of their Pokémon. (use the most popular translation)
Q1) Monica
Q2) Ollie
Q3) Boy and His Lapras
lol this was fun. This was harder than I thought, but :]]. GME took 48 minutes to finish lol. Grats to all who finished. Thanks to coinboy and Flerovium for qcing
Some highlights from the official:
[16:48:48]TheWhoDoctor: why is this so impossible lmao
[16:48:57] +adiass: q2 is
[16:49:01] +adiass: impossible for me
[16:59:25]+SergioRules: needs more q1 hint bc pi is still bad
[17:01:38]Darthikyu: pi is making me feel dumb
[17:03:47] #GoodMorningEspeon: q2 not fun
[17:03:53] +CloudyNatu ♫: im so lost on q2 man
[17:06:27]+SergioRules: yeah q1 is garbage and pi is garbage bye
[17:10:10]+SergioRules: fuck pi
[17:10:32]+adiass: im salty
[17:13:43]+BigPimpin12: q1 and q2 can go to hell
[17:14:19]Darthikyu: no grats to 3.14dgeot-Mega
(the logs are off idrk why)

and something quality from TheWhoDoctor
[16:34:56] TheWhoDoctor: when is official?
[16:34:59] TheWhoDoctor: thought it was at 4
[16:35:00] %3.14dgeot-Mega: oops did it wrong
[16:35:03] Lucas87 ^-^: rn
[16:35:03] %3.14dgeot-Mega: .pick hint q1, nah, beat up pesp
[16:35:03] *Lady Monita: **Random pick:** hint q1
[16:35:06] %3.14dgeot-Mega: you're bad twd
[16:35:07] TheWhoDoctor: lol pi
[16:35:08] +CloudyNatu ♫: twd ?_?
[16:35:13] TheWhoDoctor: what
[16:35:16] +CloudyNatu ♫: this is official
[16:35:16] TheWhoDoctor: did i miss it
[16:35:18] #GoodMorningEspeon: it's right now
[16:35:19] TheWhoDoctor: OH THIS IS IT
[16:35:19] %3.14dgeot-Mega: ,,,,
[16:35:22] TheWhoDoctor: lmfao im literally
[16:35:23] TheWhoDoctor: trash
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Reserving an official for Friday, February 24th, 2017 at 1 PM GMT. (24/2/17 8AM for EST, 25/2/17 12AM for AEDT)

Thanks to Flerovium and Brawl MK for QCing, hosted by Flerovium.

Winner: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Second: 6infernapes
Third: adiass
Fourth: chatterseel
Fifth: Azuuli
Consolation Prize to: Mega Eevee X, ILRB
Solutions: Clamperl, Scolipede, PegPatersonPark

On the highest numbered Route accessible prior to obtaining a gym badge in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum, this Pokemon can be found on the route in Diamond/Pearl but not Platinum.
2) This is the shortest Pokemon to be the tallest of one of its types.
3) This Australian park received national news attention due to being a Pokemon Go hotspot, however in early august it lost all of its PokeStops due to complaints from locals. (full name, include Park)

Apologies for the error with Q2, Scolipede is actually the 2nd shortest. (though it is the lightest doing the same thing for weight).

Thanks to everyone who participated, and to coinboy for hosting at short notice.
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Reserving an official on Thursday, February 23rd, 2017 at 2 PM GMT (9 AM EST).
Hosted by coinboy (is it his first host o.O)
QC'd by Meicoo and Lotiasite.

First Place: Rory Mercury
Second Place: FireghtBug
Third Place: adiass
Fourth Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fifth Place: Darthikyu
Consolation Prizes to: Ninjadog13, TheWhoDoctor, Egyptianmego5, rafooa11

: Aside from Pokemon Snap,this was the earliest released game(Japan release) where Vileplume was available through a method other than trading or evolving Gloom. (format é as e) | pokemon trozei
Q2: Name all the items that boost Water-type moves in-battle in the main series games, in alphabetical order. | lustrousorb mysticwater seaincense splashplate watergem waveincense Q3: Name the most recent(that is, the most recent one to be added to the Pokemon games) non-signature ability available to only Flying-type Pokemon. | aerilate
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2/24/17 @ 9 PM EST

First Place:
Second Place: Merlee
Third Place: Embar
Fourth Place: Devoxys
Fifth Place: pancake
Consolation Prize to: TheWhoDoctor, King of All Cards, keeping it icy, Meicoo

A character, battled in the World Leaders Tournament of the PWT, is not a Gym Leader. Despite this, they use this Pokemon, the highest leveled Pokemon from a Gym Leader's first battle.| Haxorus| This location in the Pokemon series contains obtainable Pikachu with the move Surf, but all of these surfing Pikachu have a 100% Female ratio.| Yellow Forest| This is the difference in total Pokemon Dollars earned between Ghetsis's fight in Black and White and his fight in Black 2 and White 2 in challenge mode. (Write in number form. Example: 674892) | 360

Thanks to GoodMorningEspeon and Flerovium for QCing. Thank you to everyone for participating.
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02/26/17 5:00 PM GMT-5

First place: beat up val (3.14dgeot-Mega) (1:01)
Second place: Merlee
Third place: Brawl MK
Fourth place: chupps
Fifth place: 0wO (Cyllage)
Consolation prize to: Devoxys, Meicoo, Darthalix, Illusio, nyan kat, Dylas, Zipzapadam, adiass, DeathByWobbuffet, Lucas87, keeping it icy, Anot, MapleTree, TheWhoDoctor, [leak happened here but it's okay] Gallant Spear, SergioRules, TheGreatJRC

Solution: cosmog, espeonumbreon, unfezantrivalry

1) This Pokémon's sole ability is Unaware.
2) This set of two Support Pokémon in Pokkén Tournament make up the only duo that are part of the same evolutionary line (list the two in alphabetical order).
3) Each of the letters used represents Pokémon that are a part of the same three-stage evolutionary line. A evolves into B at level 21. B evolves into C at level 32. What Pokémon is C and what is its hidden ability? (Format your answer as pokemonability, for example: pikachulightningrod)

Thanks to Flerovium and Rory Mercury for quality checking! Apparently this Flerovium guy also got a # symbol next to his name so that's pretty cool, I guess.
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