Scizor strikes again [UPDATED] [OU RMT]

Okay so I decided to repost this because the old thread died. I'm hoping that I can get some good rates in this thread.

Quick Glance:


Swampert @ Leftovers
252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
- Earthquake
- Ice Beam
- Stealth Rock
- Roar

I use to have Empoleon as my lead, but I realized I didn't have anyone to absorb T-wave or electric attacks. So chose Swampert so that I can have a safe switch for T-wave. Basically I'll set up rocks, then Roar to see what my opponents got waiting for me. Earthquake is for STAB. And Ice Beam so I can take out any Grass types switching in on me.

Grass: Infernape, Scizor


Infernape @ Life Orb
64 Atk / 252 SpA / 192 Spe
- Nasty Plot
- Flamethrower
- Close Combat
- Grass Knot

This is the Nasty Plot set for Infernape. I chose this set because my most important team members are physically based, so I needed some that can use Special attacks so I don't get walled by a phys. wall (i.e. Hippowdon). I usually get a Nasty Plot in by forcing a switch. Then I just begin sweeping with Flamethrower on Steels and anything else that is weak to it. Grass Knot is very useful in taking out Grounds and Swampert. Infernape's also my answer to Blissey who can be a pain in the @$$.

Water: Vaporeon
Psychic: Tyranitar, Mismagius
Flying: Tyranitar


Tyranitar @ Babiri Berry
Sand Stream
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Dragon Dance
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Fire Punch

Tyranitar is my physical sweeper. His main job is to get everything ready for Scizor by weakening as many Pokemon as he can. He Dragon Dances on the switch, and then start pounding away at whatever is in it's way. I leave this guy in unless I suspect a Fighting attack to be come it's way. Fire Punch aids in taking out Steel types such as Skarmory. Stone Edge does wonders on incoming Salamence and Gyarados. Crunch is my answer to Gengar (unless it's Scarfed) and other Ghosts.

Fighting: Mismagius
Water: Vaporeon


Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Water Absorb
188 HP / 252 Def / 68 Spe
- Wish
- Protect
- Surf
- HP [Electric]

Vaporeon works really well with this team. I send in Vappy when I predict a Water-type attack aimed for Infernape or Tyranitar, allowing it to freely recover HP. HP [Electric] helps out in taking out other Water types. The Wish support that I get from Vappy helps out Scizor since he is switching in and out most of the time. Surf is there for STAB and Protect to scout. Not much to say about Vaporeon really, it's a simple role for it to play. Vaporeon also serves a counter for Gyarados.

Grass: Infernape, Scizor
Electric: Swampert, Scizor, Tyranitar



Porygon2 @ Leftovers
252 HP / 216 Def / 40 SpA
- Discharge
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

This is my other Gyarados counter, Porygon2 can also counter the likes of Salamence thanks to Trace. I chose to use Discharge over Thunderbolt because of the 30% chance to paralyze. Thunder Wave is so that I can paralyze things on the switch. Ice Beam gives good coverage with Thunderbolt and can help in hitting Salamence hard once it's been crippled but T-wave and the Intimidate drop. I'm not sure if I should have Vaporeon or Poyrgon2 so it would be great if you guys could help me decide.

Fighting: Mismagius


Mismagius @ Leftovers
48 HP / 208 SpA / 252 Spe
- Calm Mind
- Substitute
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball

Here's my spin blocker. I use to have Dusknoir, since I couldn't use Rotom appliances in wifi. Basically what this set does is Sub up on the first turn or when I predict a switch. Then I start using Calm Mind to increase my attacking power and add some bulk. If the sub breaks, then I just sub up again and continue doing so. Thunderbolt + Shadow Ball gives some nice coverage and with the Calm Mind boosts, I should be able to KO many threats. Mismagius also gives me a Ground resist with Levitate.

Ghost: Porygon2


Scizor @ Life Orb
200 HP / 252 Atk / 56 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite/Brick Break
- Roost

Here's the star of almost all my teams now. Scizor is absolutely a beast and one of the most powerful Pokemon in OU. Previously I've been using the CB set, but I noticed that being locked into one move caused me to switch a lot. I decided to opt with the SD set because it gives a little more freedom. Most of the time I try to scare something off so I can set up. Once I'm done setting up, I start using Bullet Punch on almost everything that comes my way. Roost helps me eliminate the Life Orb recoil. Usually, by the time Scizor comes in I can OHKO most Pokemon with Bullet Punch. I can't choose between Bug Bite or Brick Break. Bug Bite get's stab, so it may be better over Brick Break.

Fire: Vaporeon, Tyranitar
Fighting: Mismagius
I don't know much about Pokemon but I know some. Take Vaporeon you need a supporter in this team.

Get Vacuum Wave on Infernape because their will be many times where you need to hit someone asap. Bullet Punch scizor is good but keep Brick Break not Bug Bite their really isn't any use. I don't like your EV spreads much though.

If your gonna keep PoryGon 2 get Download much more helpful! Hopefully someone better can answer him
I don't know much about Pokemon but I know some. Take Vaporeon you need a supporter in this team.

Get Vacuum Wave on Infernape because their will be many times where you need to hit someone asap. Bullet Punch scizor is good but keep Brick Break not Bug Bite their really isn't any use. I don't like your EV spreads much though.

If your gonna keep PoryGon 2 get Download much more helpful! Hopefully someone better can answer him

I don't think that he should change Close Combat > Vacuum Wave. Without it, he'll get walled by Blissey. The EV Spreads were directly taken from Smogon's analysis, it's obvious. Porygon2 with Download sucks, Trace is much, much, much more better. So, if his Porygon2 were to have Download, how is he going to counter Gyarados? Trace is better.

Hi, I'm not going to do a full rate right now but I want to recommend something. I suggest keeping Brick Break, like the above poster said. Yes, Bug Bite may have stronger power however, Scizor will lose to Magnezone. One more thing, Yes, I know, Mismagius is a really strong Late-Game sweeper. However, it is easily taken down with Choice Banded Bullet Punch coming from Scizor. So, I suggest replacing it, Mismagius > ScarfRotom-H. With ScarfRotom-H, you'll have a revenge killer as well as having a counter to Scizor. Hey, having ScarfRotom-H can instantly open you a sweep. When Blissey switches in(thinking that it could wall you), Trick your Scarf and Switch to Scizor. When they switch, you get a free Swords Dance. I hope this helps! Good Luck!
I don't think that he should change Close Combat > Vacuum Wave. Without it, he'll get walled by Blissey. The EV Spreads were directly taken from Smogon's analysis, it's obvious. Porygon2 with Download sucks, Trace is much, much, much more better. So, if his Porygon2 were to have Download, how is he going to counter Gyarados? Trace is better.

Hi, I'm not going to do a full rate right now but I want to recommend something. I suggest keeping Brick Break, like the above poster said. Yes, Bug Bite may have stronger power however, Scizor will lose to Magnezone. One more thing, Yes, I know, Mismagius is a really strong Late-Game sweeper. However, it is easily taken down with Choice Banded Bullet Punch coming from Scizor. So, I suggest replacing it, Mismagius > ScarfRotom-H. With ScarfRotom-H, you'll have a revenge killer as well as having a counter to Scizor. Hey, having ScarfRotom-H can instantly open you a sweep. When Blissey switches in(thinking that it could wall you), Trick your Scarf and Switch to Scizor. When they switch, you get a free Swords Dance. I hope this helps! Good Luck!

Thanks for the rate. This team is mainly going to be used on Wifi and not Shoddy, so getting a Scarfed Rotom-H legally is impossible and that is why I chose Mismagius over it. I've tried using Dusknoir, but that didn't give me a ground resist for after Swampert gets KOed.
"So, I suggest replacing it, Mismagius > ScarfRotom-H. With ScarfRotom-H, you'll have a revenge killer as well as having a counter to Scizor. Hey, having ScarfRotom-H can instantly open you a sweep. When Blissey switches in(thinking that it could wall you), Trick your Scarf and Switch to Scizor. When they switch, you get a free Swords Dance. I hope this helps! Good Luck!"

I agree on using Rotom-H, but using Scarf Rotom-H that would make it too easy for a will-o-wisp Rotom-A (like mine) to Will-o-wisp Scizor. I would actually like to see what happens if a Scarf Rotom-H tricks a Scarf for a Choice band that 51.95% Scizors hold. Instead, you should use a Rotom-H with the Following set:
Rotom-H @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/168 Def/88 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Will-o-wisp
- Thunderbolt / Pain Split
- Shadow Ball / Pain Split
- Substitute
So now you can will-o-wisp Scizor, set a life line with Substitute (I hate pursuit), and either have 2 STABs, or Pain Split a Blissey (free health).

And if you use wifi, try to use Gengar instead of Mismagius. It should function about the same.
"So, I suggest replacing it, Mismagius > ScarfRotom-H. With ScarfRotom-H, you'll have a revenge killer as well as having a counter to Scizor. Hey, having ScarfRotom-H can instantly open you a sweep. When Blissey switches in(thinking that it could wall you), Trick your Scarf and Switch to Scizor. When they switch, you get a free Swords Dance. I hope this helps! Good Luck!"

I agree on using Rotom-H, but using Scarf Rotom-H that would make it too easy for a will-o-wisp Rotom-A (like mine) to Will-o-wisp Scizor. I would actually like to see what happens if a Scarf Rotom-H tricks a Scarf for a Choice band that 51.95% Scizors hold. Instead, you should use a Rotom-H with the Following set:
Rotom-H @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP/168 Def/88 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Will-o-wisp
- Thunderbolt / Pain Split
- Shadow Ball / Pain Split
- Substitute
So now you can will-o-wisp Scizor, set a life line with Substitute (I hate pursuit), and either have 2 STABs, or Pain Split a Blissey (free health).

And if you use wifi, try to use Gengar instead of Mismagius. It should function about the same.

lol, he said this team is going to be used for WiFi and not on Shoddy. Rotom forms are not allowed on WiFi. But ScarfRotom-H easily exterminates Scizor with just one attack.
Wooshoo how did you know ScarfRotom-H can take down Scizor in one hit? Im trying to learn alot about Pokemon so how did you figure that out please tell me.

Btw as the post said above use Gengar. I use Shiny Gengar on Wi-Fi and it pwnz! I use the standard set on the SmogOn forum and it has never failed me yet. I have Hypnosis on it so I should change that for T-Bolt but other then that its amazing. A lot of Wi-Fi people suck so Shiny Gengar = Win.
This team doesn't need a spin-blocker, so basically you can take out Mismagius. My recommendation would be to get a scarf revenge killer, probably Latias (she being pursuit bait lets any one of your sweepers set up. Next, I would definitely use Vaporeon, as otherwise you have a gaping Infernape weakness.
This team doesn't need a spin-blocker, so basically you can take out Mismagius. My recommendation would be to get a scarf revenge killer, probably Latias (she being pursuit bait lets any one of your sweepers set up. Next, I would definitely use Vaporeon, as otherwise you have a gaping Infernape weakness.

Which Latias set should I use? And is there an alternative to Latias?

Porygon2 @ Leftovers
252 HP / 216 Def / 40 SpA
- Discharge
- Ice Beam
- Thunder Wave
- Recover

This is my other Gyarados counter, Porygon2 can also counter the likes of Salamence thanks to Trace. I chose to use Discharge over Thunderbolt because of the 30% chance to paralyze. Thunder Wave is so that I can paralyze things on the switch. Ice Beam gives good coverage with Thunderbolt and can help in hitting Salamence hard once it's been crippled but T-wave and the Intimidate drop. I'm not sure if I should have Vaporeon or Poyrgon2 so it would be great if you guys could help me decide.

Fighting: Mismagius

Just a nitick, use Discharge with Toxic or Thunderbolt with Thunder Wave.

Don't use Discharge and T-wave together.
Just a note, I suggest scrapping the idea of Porygon2 altogether. It in no way counters many Salamence due to the increased popularity of Salamence having Draco Meteor in its movepool.

On Scizor, I suggest using Superpower over Brick Break. The greater power means you get the OHKO on Magnezone who try to trap you.

Now, with the release of HG/SS, Mismagius gets Nasty Plot. I suggest using that over Calm Mind.

Great to see that standard NP Mixape. I always find that Expert Belt works much better than Life Orb. Infernape needs to stay in for as long as it can so it can wreak as much damage as possible.
Hm... I guess I'd go with Scarf Gengar in the last slot. It works similar to Mismagius so you won't miss it so much, providing the same synergy with Tyranitar and Scizor (as pursuit bait) and it has enough speed to revenge DDSalamence. From what I see, having that set on Infernape means you need as much Salamence deterent as possible XD

Trick allows you to set up on Blissey as well
Okay, I'm taking out the Porygon2 idea.

I'll change LO to Expert Belt on Infernape.

I'm still looking for some feedback on Mismgius though. So keep them coming.
Okay, expert belt on Infernape isn't the best thing to use. Trust me, you NEED the extra power in some sticky situations.

Mismagius isn't to viable in OU anymore. With things like Scizor and priority moves just lurking around, it just doesn't work. Gengar doesn't really work well as a spin blocker. This is because Starmie is faster than it.

Due to this, have you ever considered a dusknoir? You're limited since this is a wi-fi team. Dusknoir has amazing defense stats, his only let down is speed and hp. But, it works pretty well blocking rapid spinners. Using the standard set is fine:

Dusknoir @ Lefties
Impish | 252 hp / 28 atk / 228 def
W-o-W, Pain split, Ice punch or Thunder punch , Earthquake or Shadow Sneak

Using him is simple, first use a punch move on the spinner, and then either shadow sneak or earthquake. Depending on which one you picked. He suits this team in the way that you got Vaporeon's wish support.

Wooshoo how did you know ScarfRotom-H can take down Scizor in one hit? Im trying to learn alot about Pokemon so how did you figure that out please tell me.

Rotom-h has Overheat wich completely destroy Scizor.

Would Gengar > Mismagius work?

Yes, I if you are to use Gengar I suggest the MYSTICgar set from the analysis. It can take care of Scizor which can threaten DDtar.


Gengar @ life orb/ timid/ levitate
6 Def, 252 Spe, 252 SAtk

- Protect
- Hidden Power fire
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball

--> After you have revenge killed with Gengar, Scizor will love to come in to KO Gengar in return. MYSTICgar offers a nice counter for Scizor (and Tyranitar as well). Against Scizor, you Protect first to see if it's using Pursuit or Bullet Punch. If he is Pursuiting you can go for the 1HKO with HP fire, if he is going for the Bullet Punch, you can switch out (preferably to Infernape). Focus Blast does the same to Tyranitar. This works most of the time since most Scizor and Tyranitar are CB'ed. Shadow Ball is is just for STAB.

I suggest a different EV's spread for Vaporeon: 188 HP / 252 Def / 68 Spe.

On Scizor I suggest Superpower over Bug Bite/ Brick Break. Opponents against which you would use Brick Break to (Magnezone, Heatran, ...) all outspeed you and can 1HKO you with a fire move. Superpower is meant to be used on the turn they switch in to those threats to deal significant damage.

Hope this helped!
I suggest a different EV's spread for Vaporeon: 188 HP / 252 Def / 68 Spe.

Can you explain to me how this spread is better? I chose max HP and Def so that I could take any hits. I don't see why the Spe EV's are necessary.
Can you explain to me how this spread is better? I chose max HP and Def so that I could take any hits. I don't see why the Spe EV's are necessary.

188 HP EV's gives Vaporeon a HP stat divisible by 16 which will maximize leftovers recovery.

with 68 Speed EV's Vaporeon can ourun pokemon with a base 65s and 70s as well as outspeeding CB Metagross (which might KO you with Thunderpunch) and Skarmory. You can put these in Sdef as well for some bulk on the special side.
Alright, thanks.

I'm still not sure about Scizor. The Atk and Def drop from Superpower isn't very appealing, plus Brick Break after a SD should be powerful, right?
I'm still not sure about Scizor. The Atk and Def drop from Superpower isn't very appealing, plus Brick Break after a SD should be powerful, right?

Scizor is mostly a pokemon to do a hit and run with. Besides your main attack after SD will be Bullet Punch. Like I said before if a Magnezone switches in on a turn you Sword Dance he can easily finish you off because he has Magnet Pull and is faster. If you Superpower on the switch, you can KO Magnezone instead. Brick Break will not OHKO Magnezone.
I'm not too worried about Magnezone since I haven't seen many of them running around on Wifi. Plus, it's EXTREMELY hard to get HP Fire for Magnezone on Wifi, so it isn't a major problem.

**This team is only for wifi**
Rotom-h has Overheat wich completely destroy Scizor.

Yes, I if you are to use Gengar I suggest the MYSTICgar set from the analysis. It can take care of Scizor which can threaten DDtar.


Gengar @ life orb/ timid/ levitate
6 Def, 252 Spe, 252 SAtk

- Protect
- Hidden Power fire
- Focus Blast
- Shadow Ball

--> After you have revenge killed with Gengar, Scizor will love to come in to KO Gengar in return. MYSTICgar offers a nice counter for Scizor (and Tyranitar as well). Against Scizor, you Protect first to see if it's using Pursuit or Bullet Punch. If he is Pursuiting you can go for the 1HKO with HP fire, if he is going for the Bullet Punch, you can switch out (preferably to Infernape). Focus Blast does the same to Tyranitar. This works most of the time since most Scizor and Tyranitar are CB'ed. Shadow Ball is is just for STAB.

I just wanted to say something about switching to Infernape. Despite what some people may think, Infernape is a very bad switch-in to Scizor if it's using Bullet Punch. CB Bullet Punch does 36.5% - 43% to your Infernape. If Scizor stays in and Bullet Punches again, that's going to be 85% minimum to your Infernape, counting Stealth Rock. If your Infernape has taken at least 15%, which isn't unlikely considering that it's frail and has Life Orb, Scizor can easily take care of it. I would probably suggest switching to Vaporeon or Swampert instead, who can take the hit and hit back themselves. You can also switch to your own Scizor.
Thanks for the rate. I didn't plan on switching Infernape in on anything. I'm mostly going to switch Vappy, Swampert, or T-tar in on attacks.