Programming Showdex - An Auto-Updating Damage Calculator Built into Showdown!

Typically if you're spectating a game, you can have the Calcdex switch sides by hitting the "Switch sides" button underneath the battle frame (where the battle controls typically are).

But that's interesting, you're certainly the first I've heard using the /nick command mid-battle. To help me clarify this, say there is "Player A" & "Player B" in a battle, where "Player B" is your unregistered alt & also on the far side (so they appear on the bottom half of the Calcdex). In your Calcdex settings, you have My Location set to "Top". You join the battle as a spectator under your main account "Turtlek" (idk if it is, just an example). Then with your main "Turtlek" account, you use the /nick command & set your name to "Player B".

I'm assuming at this point the Calcdex doesn't realize you're now "Player B" in the battle, so it doesn't correctly respect the My Location setting. (Expected behavior being "Player B" moving to the top half of the Calcdex.) Let me know if I got this right. I'll try testing this out on my end as well (hopefully I'll be able to reproduce the issue you're having!).
Yes it’s that, I face that issue quite often as I don’t register my suspects alts before getting a good streak
where is the manual download file?

Click the download button above that message and follow the instructions on the first page.
Is there, or is there plans to add, a version we can pop into the server code rather than using an extension? My server is too different for the extension to even be viable
would it be possible to allow you to do calcs with tera before the mon has actually terad
Amazing and unfathomably convenient extension, extremely useful for deducing sets and informing decisions and game plan, 10/10 tool ! :quagchamppogsire: However, Showdex has two issues that particularly affect me, who really likes playing National Dex metas, due to them both being related to Mega Evolution/Primal Reversion/Ultra Burst.
One, the option that allows you to change a PKMN's form in DMG calc isn't available for the opponent's side, which is very frustrating case as this is probably an easy fix via easy copy-pasting the existing toggle for the user's side.
Two, Showdex fails when trying to import from Smogdex the sets of in-battle forme changes in a given tier once moved out of their, due to site erroneously listing Mega sets as if they were run by the base PKMN (e.g. Primal Groudon is listed as "Groundon @ Red Orb" instead as "Groundon-Primal @ Red Orb", which is espicially annoying because this particular MF has ∞ EV potential and multiple vastly different sets that have immensely different matchups). Would it be OK if there was workaround that, say, assigned sets listed for the base form to its transformed state as well if said set includes the necessary item in it ? Thanks !
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Hi, I'd like to report a bug with showdex concerning Oricorio in randbats. Even though I'm tera ground(meaning Revelation dance is a ground type move), the calc thinks that it's still an electric move, doing damage calcs as such.
Screenshot 2023-06-09 at 11.32.39 AM.png
Is there a way the boost from quark drive/protosynthesis could be implemented? Additionally can i control how many hits ice spear is going to land?
I know Inteleon doesn't have any other analyses rn, but can you blacklist analyses from certain OMs from appearing in standard format battles (i.e. no AAA in OU through PU/ZU)? This set popped up during a UU battle.
Now the calculator is better adapted for doubles (before I'm not sure if you could switch between the 4 options, but I thought it was cool anyway). Unfortunately, the sets don't seem to be properly updated for duos in the extension yet.

nna9ndY - Imgur.png
Showdex seems to be using the wrong pool for Gen 9 Random Doubles, for Gumshoos it says the set is WallBreaker with either Adaptability or Stakeout, but when cross-referencing with gen9randomdoublesbattle.json there's only shows "Choice item user" with Strong Jaw (which matches with the damage dealt). Strangely enough, the percentages shown next to the abilities and moves are the correct ones.


Added console log as txt.


Showdex continues to be nothing short of a remarkable product. But in the interest of continuing to improve it, I am flagging an error in how Showdex currently handles the Supreme Overlord ability.

The dex, in its current state, adjusts the strength of Supreme Overlord in real-time so that if an ally of Kingambit faints, the power of Supreme Overlord updates instantaneously.

In practice, however, Supreme Overlord's multiplier is locked in from the moment you send Kingambit onto the field; if more allies faint after Kingambit has been sent in, Supreme Overlord's multiplier is supposed to remain unchanged.

This came up for me today in an OSDT game where the endgame came down to whether Kingambit's Sucker Punch was strong enough to OHKO a 50% hp Landorus-T. Showdex, believing that Supreme Overlord's multiplier was 1.5x, told me that Sucker Punch was a 100% guarunteed OHKO. In practice however, the multiplier was 1.4x and I was shocked af to see the Landorus-T live on 1% HP.

In this particular game, the calc's inaccuracy didn't actually matter; my win path and voltix's win path were already pretty much decided - it's just that what I thought was a confirmed "gg" was actually a 50/50 gamble that I lost lol. But I did want to flag this as I'm sure this will come up again in the future.