Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 29 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests, etc GO HERE)

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What are the Iv's on it?
Well not sure exactly but its only average, greatest stat is attack which is fantastic. Not sure if that means its a full 31 there. But I meant that you could breed on a good nature for squirtle.
I need a metal coat, I wasted mine on a scyther with swarm. I thought he had technincian on him. I can trade you my scizor if you want or some gen 1 starter.

If anyone has a scyther with technician would like to trade with you.
Anyone have a spare Ditto thats Hasty with 31 SpA, a pokemon with hasty and synchronize, or Hasty female froakie with 31 SpA, and willing to trade?

Edit: Or if someone has froakie in their safari. Still would need a Hasty Synchronizer.
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Looking for female timid Solar Power Charmander with 31 IVs in special attack and speed. I have a random shiny noctowl from the Pokemon Village and a female Timid Lightningrod Pikachu, pm me if either of those interests you or if you just want to help me out.
I'm seeking someone with a Ditto Friend Safari. I don't have much now, but I can send back any Natures you request. I also have Pokerus if that's of any interest.
My FC is 5026-4937-5774.
Im looking for a ditto friend safari

I have bred several calm eevees with wish +4 perfect ivs and jolly small-pumpkaboos with 4 perfect ivs that i can offer.
I'm looking for someone with any of these in their friend safari:


Message me if you want me to input your FC if you want to visit my safari.

Also looking for a timid ditto
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