Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 31 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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Anyone still breed for the 4th gen games? Looking for jolly shellder, skill link, rock blast, 3x/3x/x/3x/3x/3x. I only have Pokemon Platinum right now, took a break for 4 years heh. Trading adamant elekid and timid chatot, both have 3x IVs, for shellder. Please PM me D:

BUMP. Can anyone help me D:. Adamant Elekid and Timid Chatot with 6 3x IVs for a shellder. i only have 4th gen (platinum).
Here are more specific details about the Pokemons I offer.
Male/Female Jolly 5 IV -sp.atk Aipom Ability: Run Away
Male Adamant 5 Iv -sp.atk Cranidos Ability : Mold breaker Eggmoves: Crunch
Male or female 5 IV -sp.atk Teddiursa Ability: quickfeet or Pickup Eggmoves: Superpower,Crunch.

So If you are interested Pm me with a uncommon 5 Iv Pokemon.
I am also looking for a Flawless 5 Iv Rotom-W.
hello, I'm really curious what pokemon my friend safari contains. Could anyone here please tell me? my friend code is 2766-9357-3875 I'll add anyone who posts after me
hello, I'm really curious what pokemon my friend safari contains. Could anyone here please tell me? my friend code is 2766-9357-3875 I'll add anyone who posts after me
Illl see. can you check mine as well? 1779-1025-7900

Edit: Water with Bibarel and watortle so far. If youre on add poliwhirl.
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Illl see. can you check mine as well? 1779-1025-7900

Yes, I'll check it here in just a second. Thanks XD

Your Friend safari is a Steel Type containing. Magneton, Skarmory, and that's all so far. I'll update if a third pops up
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Looking for 31/31/31/XX/31/31 adamant female gale wing fletchling in a repeat ball and 31/XX/31/31/31/31 modest rotom in a regular pokeball.
Looking for 2-3 master balls offering a pokemon from my thread for each one (genderless pokemon aren't being offered)

Looking for 31/31/31/XX/31/31 adamant female gale wing fletchling in a repeat ball and 31/XX/31/31/31/31 modest rotom in a regular pokeball.

I have both of these.
Chuck or keep

30/31/31/x/22/31 jolly mewtwo. It's for mewtwo x

I would say keep, perfect attack+speed, and as close it can to perfect HP. So keep.

I kept a 31/xx/31/31/xx/30 Timid Xerneas, still think I should have kept going untill I got hp/s.atk/spd perfect, but I just couldnt bother anymore with all the talking and such after cathing it
Looking for a zapdos or articuno for my dex (trade and trade it back to you) in exchange I'll give you a flawless pokemon. Trying to get my shiny charm
Skrelp, Modest, Poison Point, 31/31/31/31/31/31: Still in an egg (you're welcome to hatch first if you don't trust me). [Wrong Pokéball for me to keep]

Looking for anything interesting really, feel free to offer.
Will throw in another hex flawless if someone has female Wobbufet in Heal ball. :)
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