Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 31 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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I have a 5 ivs (no sp atk) Adamant HA Dratini for trade

I'm looking for any of these:

-Larvesta (timid/modest)
-Bulbasaur (timid) with Chlorophyll
-Riolu (adamant/jolly) with HA
-Charmander (timid/modest)
-Dugtrio (jolly) with arena trap
-Xatu (bold) with magic bounce

With 5 ivs obv.
I have a Larvesta, is your Dratini male?

May I have the 5IV magikarp and the 4iv cacnea?
Assuming you were still talking to me, since you quoted yourself for some reason, add me whenever you're ready.

Male or Female Magikarp?
Preference for Cacnea since I have a ton of them?

Female Bashful (31/xx/31/31/31/xx)
Female Impish (31/xx/xx/31/31/31)
Female Lonely (31/xx/31/xx/31/31)
Female Modest (31/xx/31/xx/31/31)
Female Modest (31/xx/31/31/xx/31)
Female Modest (31/xx/31/31/31/xx)

Male Hardy (xx/xx/31/31/31/31)
Male Hasty (xx/xx/31/31/31/31)
Male Hasty (31/xx/31/31/31/xx)
Male Modest (xx/xx/31/31/31/31)
Male Modest (31/xx/31/xx/31/31)
Male Modest (31/xx/31/31/xx/31)
Male Modest (31/xx/31/31/31/xx)
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Assuming you were still talking to me, since you quoted yourself for some reason, add me whenever you're ready.

Male or Female Magikarp?
Preference for Cacnea since I have a ton of them?

Female Lonely (31/xx/31/xx/31/31)
Female Modest (31/xx/31/xx/31/31)
Female Modest (31/xx/31/31/xx/31)
Female Modest (31/xx/31/31/31/xx)

Male Hardy (xx/xx/31/31/31/31)
Male Modest (31/xx/31/xx/31/31)
Male magikarp
And is cacturne a sp Attker?
Male magikarp
And is cacturne a sp Attker?
Darn, my only 'karp stud. :[
Cacturne has identical attacking stats, so it can be used in either capacity itself. I used it as a segue to breeding Teeter Dance onto Lotad, so that's why I have mostly Modest spitbacks with no 31 Atk IVs.
Darn, my only 'karp stud. :[
Cacturne has identical attacking stats, so it can be used in either capacity itself. I used it as a segue to breeding Teeter Dance onto Lotad, so that's why I have mostly Modest spitbacks with no 31 Atk IVs.
Lol what's your FC? Mine is 1950 8950 0078
And I'll take the male modest cacnea, I don't know what iv lineups are, I'd prefer one with sp attk and speed 31 but if not so attk 31 is fine
Code's in my original post here, 3625-9011-4360. Everything's ready and waiting for you.

EDITO BANDITO: Thank you for your business! Now for those other two stones... :[
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Hey Guys I Have a Shiny 4IV Male Ralts for trade and I'm looking for one of these shinies:

larvitar, lickitung, beldum, dearling, elekid

IVs dont matter. PM me
HA Charmander - jolly - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Ddance, Outrage, Dpulse

HA Frokie - Hasty - 31/31/31/31/x/31 - Toxic spike - hidden power steel

HA Gible - jolly - 31/31/31/x/31/31 - Outrage

Spitbacks (some 5iv - ask for gender)
HA Charmander Ddance, Outrage, Dpulse, flare blitz
HA Bulbasaur Giga drain

Scyther - 31/31/31/x/x/31

timid - ghastly - 31/31/31/x/x/31

relaxed - squirtle - 31/31/x/x/31/31

pm if interested
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I have a Grass-Type friend code with Gogoat, Tangela, and Ivysaur, and I'm looking for someone with a Normal-Type code that has Ditto.

I also have Timid Protean Froakie spitbacks, but they're all male and my selection is limited as I just started breeding them tonight. I'm looking for Battle Maison items, in particular Life Orb, Focus Sash, and Assault Vest.
Okay to be more specific I haven't lost a match in four days and lost two today, changes need to be made

I am looking for, a female adamant beldum w clear body 4-5 good ivs, relaxed levitate bronzong with 4-5 good ivs, and or leftovers, and anything else u might have to counter kangaskhan, chandelier, and poison heal breloom.

I have, serene grace modest togepi 31/xx/31/31/31/31 nasty plot of courseBold storm drain shellos 31/xx/31/31/31/31, adamant good iv marill, brave larvitar, timid compound eyes joltic, adamant phantump,p, all with 5 good ivs and all in awesome balls! Have a few others too
Okay to be more specific I haven't lost a match in four days and lost two today, changes need to be made

I am looking for, a female adamant beldum w clear body 4-5 good ivs, relaxed levitate bronzong with 4-5 good ivs, and or leftovers, and anything else u might have to counter kangaskhan, chandelier, and poison heal breloom.

I have, serene grace modest togepi 31/xx/31/31/31/31 nasty plot of courseBold storm drain shellos 31/xx/31/31/31/31, adamant good iv marill, brave larvitar, timid compound eyes joltic, adamant phantump,p, all with 5 good ivs and all in awesome balls! Have a few others too

Sorry to butt in, but I don't know if those mons will counter Kangashkhan now that steel doesnt resist Sucker Punch anymore. Although I can't say I'm terribly experienced so take that with a grain of salt.
I've always wondered if you can even get Technician Roselia yet? I would breed them simply for trade because I can't pass up for natural cure, it's just too godly lol.
They're available from roselia hordes. I'll be going for Hidden Power so that's why I'm looking for a technician one to pass down the nature.
Anyone have a Justified Absol? if it's Female, Naive or has good IVs, even better.
I'm offering Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 BellyJet Huge Power Marill, same Nature and IV Intimidate Mawile or Modest 31/x/31/31/31/31 Serene Grace Togepi.
looking for any female roselia with Leaf Guard (evolves into Technician Roserade). IVs and nature do not matter but a couple of 31s and a Timid nature is preferred.
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