Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 50 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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yeah I actually have managed to connect to the alt server and everything seems to be working alright. At least I can get into the global trade network just fine. Although I’m still new to anything beyond gen 2 at the moment.
Late reply, but if you still need help with this, there's a glitch in gen 4 you can take advantage of since you have GTS compatibility. You deposit the pokemon you want to evolve into the GTS, ask for something impossible like an underleveled legendary so that your pokemon doesn't get snatched, search for a pokemon and complete a trade, it seems like this considers the deposited pokemon to be "traded", so then take back the deposited pokemon from the GTS and it should evolve. you can read more about it here.
Lf Kingdra, Terrakion, Spectrier, Volcarona, and Regidrago for dex(can trade them back.) Urshifu Single Strike for keeps.

FT many breedables, a shiny Mudkip, 0 atk flawless Rotom.
LF shiftry, scraggy,,sawk,gothia,escavalier,mawile,passimian,turtonator and solrock to complete my dex. (hopefully someone with pokemon sword).

FT exclusives from shield.
Lf Kingdra, Terrakion, Spectrier, Volcarona, and Regidrago for dex(can trade them back.) Urshifu Single Strike for keeps.

FT many breedables, a shiny Mudkip, 0 atk flawless Rotom.
Can help with the drago, tho I need it back. PM/VM me.

LF shiftry, scraggy,,sawk,gothia,escavalier,mawile,passimian,turtonator and solrock to complete my dex. (hopefully someone with pokemon sword).

FT exclusives from shield.
I can send you the lines of each of these, for keeps if you'd like. PM/VM me to coordinate.

Looking for someone, who can give me a spare Heliolisk or Helioptile with solar power (hidden ability) in gen 6. ivs or nature
Assuming you mean you don't care about ivs/nature, I can catch you one from the friend safari for free. PM/VM me if interested, as well as what ball/gender you'd like if you care.
Hey does anyone mind helping me finish my gen8. I promise it'll be worth your time. I just need mawile, solrock, rufflet, acceptor, gothita, and swirl/slurpuff. Send me a reply and I'll send you my info.
Hey does anyone mind helping me finish my gen8. I promise it'll be worth your time. I just need mawile, solrock, rufflet, acceptor, gothita, and swirl/slurpuff. Send me a reply and I'll send you my info.
Can help you with all of these (tho I don't have an accelgor on hand so we'll have to do the shelmet/karrablast trade). PM/VM me. Don't need them back.
Hey I can trade around 9:30 est tonight or around 3:30 est if you're up to that. I'm sorry it took so long to respond, I got school and ap classes to get done. But either way thank you so much.
Does anyone have a shiny Applin they're willing to trade?

I have a shiny Bagon, a shiny Cutiefly or a shiny Zorua, all caught by me, ready to trade for it
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Trying to complete IoA Pokédex so looking for Pinsir (can be touch trade if you’d rather keep it), Clauncher and someone to help evolve my Porygon to Z (I have both items). In return I can offer:

Dratini with HA
Litten with HA and Sucker Punch
Grookey with HA and Fake Out
Marill with Belly Drum and Aqua Jet
Gible with HA
Purloin with HA, Copycat and Yawn

I’m free all day tomorrow and Sunday to trade
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Trying to complete IoA Pokédex so looking for Pinsir (can be touch trade if you’d rather keep it), Clauncher and someone to help evolve my Porygon to Z (I have both items). In return I can offer:

Dratini with HA
Litten with HA and Sucker Punch
Grookey with HA and Fake Out
Marill with Belly Drum and Aqua Jet
Gible with HA
Purloin with HA, Copycat and Yawn

I’m free all day tomorrow and Sunday to trade
If you're still in need of assistance with this use the link in the first post to head over to the Wifi Discord. There's usually someone around that can help.
I'm looking for some help with completing my Armor and Tundra Pokédexes. I'm missing three Pokémon: Regidrago, Glastrier and Zarude. I only need to borrow them to get them registered in my game, I'll give them back immediately afterwards. I have some Apricorn Balls and a Beast Ball that I can give in return, maybe other things as well.
I'm not familiar with the mechanics of S/S yet... Is shiny value matching not implemented in the game unlike Gen 6 or 7?

You're unfortunately correct with this assumption.
This implies the loss of egg RNG and TSV hatching.

However: If an egg is shiny for you and you trade it to someone else, it'll still hatch shiny for them as well.
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