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Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread

What is the de facto SubDD Kyurem set/spread?

Kyurem @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Roost
- Dragon Dance
- Icicle Spear

I think this spread is pretty good for Sub DD Kyurem. as it bypasses Dragapult and Zeraora after a +1 with ease. But it can be difficult to work with as it lacks the coverage to break past Steel-type Pokemon. Be sure to have a great amount of support for it, as Kyurem really needs it to get past Steel-types like Heatran. Alternatively, Earth Power can be ran over Dragon Dance, but this beats the entire purpose of this set.

Great teampartners could be SpDef Landorus-T, Urshifu-R, Victini, and Garchomp to have some ways to go through Steel-types such as Heatran, Corviknight, and Melmetal. You can also run Magnezone to trap Corviknight as example to get rid off this Pokemon for Kyurem to help its breaking potential in the later game. Just be sure to pair Kyurem up with some support given to beat Steel-types of to severely weaken them.

Hopefully that helped :)
and so on for sand and hail

I feel like I have a solid start when I build teams, and then as I add I cause more problems than I solve.. and I enjoy messing with Weather so I thought it’d be a good one to ask about
Lastly, Hail

In all honesty, hail has no structure at all. For one thing, dedicated hail teams are just straight up bad and two, why build a dedicated hail team when you can just use Ninetales and Arctozolt? Instead, what you do is put Ninetales for the aurora veil and Arctozolt as your main wall breaker. Everything else can basically be whatever you want, the best ones are mons that love both the veil and Arctozolt's powerful stab boltbeams. The number one pokemon that loves this of course is Garchomp, who just enjoys the freedom it has when metal birds and Landorus are gone. Others include Volcanion, Dragapult, Weavile, Melmetal. Just mix and match whatever you like as long as you have a pokemon that appreciates Arctozolt's stab boltbeam

To further expand on hail, usually hail teams are aurora veil ninetales+arctozolt+ 4 other mons (usually you end up going a very offensive route, but sometimes people throw in bulkier mons later). there arent really any other abusers of hail that are any good, except if you count like Kyurem or Weavile due to their immunity to hail? maybe?.
Kyurem @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Roost
- Dragon Dance
- Icicle Spear

I think this spread is pretty good for Sub DD Kyurem. as it bypasses Dragapult and Zeraora after a +1 with ease. But it can be difficult to work with as it lacks the coverage to break past Steel-type Pokemon. Be sure to have a great amount of support for it, as Kyurem really needs it to get past Steel-types like Heatran. Alternatively, Earth Power can be ran over Dragon Dance, but this beats the entire purpose of this set.

Great teampartners could be SpDef Landorus-T, Urshifu-R, Victini, and Garchomp to have some ways to go through Steel-types such as Heatran, Corviknight, and Melmetal. You can also run Magnezone to trap Corviknight as example to get rid off this Pokemon for Kyurem to help its breaking potential in the later game. Just be sure to pair Kyurem up with some support given to beat Steel-types of to severely weaken them.

Hopefully that helped :)
Thank you
Can someone help me with general templates for weather? I ask with the caveat that I know building purely by a template is a bad idea, but having a general formula would help.

1) setter
2) chlorophyll abuser
3/4) fire abuser
5) ground type?
6) ?

1) setter
2) swift swimmer
3) electric immune
6) ferrothorn? I know he’s always there on rain but I can’t figure out why (I know the 4x fire weakness is mitigated but like, there are others like scizor too)

and so on for sand and hail

I feel like I have a solid start when I build teams, and then as I add I cause more problems than I solve.. and I enjoy messing with Weather so I thought it’d be a good one to ask about

I'm going to reply specifically for hail here, as it seems to be covered the least of the bunch.

Hail follows the general formula of Alolatales, Arctozolt, SpD Landorus-t, with other highly desirable options being a fire resist (aka a backup check to heatran and volc), a steel resist (melmetal), a ferrothorn check, and a secondary form of speed control. One of the archetype's strengths is its sheer versatility, as almost anything viable can fill the last three slots and still have a highly successful team. Arctozolt's natural wallbreaking and cleaning potential can basically carry otherwise poor teams, especially with pivot support from lando and other teammates.

SpD lando is nigh mandatory due to its ability to blanket check the electrics, dragapult, heatran, blacephalon, volcarona, various ground types, etc. whilst setting rocks or defogging (depending on the team) and pivoting out to an offensive teammate.
Is full PhysDef FuturePort Slowbro still the meta, or is that just too predictable at this point?

Going off of Finchinator, I'd argue it's actually doing a lot better now than it was about a month or so ago. Being able to tank repeated Urshifu-R hits while providing a solid blanket check to a lot of physical attackers like Buzzwole, Dragonite, and most prominently Victini lets Slowbro do Slowbro things. Whether or not you know what it's gonna do, its defensive merits are still solidly valuable, even if it's not the metagame defining tank it used to be.
How do i attach sprites to my RMT?

For minisprites, you go : pokename :. For example, to put in Garchomp, you type in : Garchomp :, without the spaces. For the animated sprites, you type in : sm / garchomp :, without the spaces as well. If you want to use gen five sprites, replace the sm with bw although I'm not sure if this works for other gens as well. Also, if on gen eight, use ss instead of sm. For example : ss / dragapult :. All of them with no spaces
How is Kyurem strong enough to be included in Finchgator's latest OU survey? I don't really see people talking about it in the metagame discussion thread.
We discussed Kyurem for 2 weeks prior to that game. The gist is that you need something like Scizor or Blissey to check it consistently, therefore limiting teambuilding greatly. In match ups with Clefable, SDef Corv, etc. you are very much at the mercy of freezes, which does not help either. Nevermeltice variants have been very good because of this.

I do not think/know it will be banned — it depends how the responses go, but we felt it was worthy of including alongside Magnet Pull as a new addition to the surveys. Heatran, Dragapult, and Weavile had prior discussions, too, and we wanted to mention them as well.
We discussed Kyurem for 2 weeks prior to that game. The gist is that you need something like Scizor or Blissey to check it consistently, therefore limiting teambuilding greatly.
and those can be (to various extents) bypassed- specs focus blast and i guess technically weather ball in sun for example
Sorry if this has been asked before but how are you guys dealing with hail teams rn? Arctozolt seems to be beating my ass and the only thing I can think of for beating it defensively is press zone or mix tank ferro. Is there anything else I should look into?