Welcome to my pet mod, Skillmons. This is nothing like Joimmons, this pet mod has a goal in mind: to make Pokémon 100% competitive. Nothing is left to luck here. Post here comments, ideas, possibilities, and in the future replays.
We all have lost or won due to hax. We've seen a critical hit or a fully paralysed change the game. That's not cool. We are a competitive community and, as such, I deem necessary to have a fully competitive metagame. The goal of this pet mod is to reduce chance to zero and to make every fully evolved Pokémon good enough to compete. BST might be the only problem here and might lead to some bans. I want the game to be luckless and balanced with the least amount of changes possible.
Anyone is free to suggest changes, but I will ultimately decide what's changed and what isn't.
Tl;dr, skillmons in a minute:
Abilities changed
Anger Point: This Pokémon has anger points and will raise its attack to +6 if these points reach 10000. Anger Points are only stacked on this Pokémon, but not reset upon switching out. A regular hit awards 625 anger points. High critical hit awards 1250 anger points. +3 crit rate hits award 2500 anger points. +4 crit rate award 5000 anger points. +5 crit rate or old always crit moves always trigger Anger Point awarding 10000 points at once.
Battle Armor: This Pokémon reduces all damage by 6.25%.
Cute Charm: Adds 30 infatuation points upon contact.
Coumpoundeyes: Increases base power of moves by 30%.
Forewarn: In case of equally threatening moves, it warns of the first it finds.
Hustle: Increases Attack stat by 30%, decreases Special Attack Stat by 20%.
Keen eye: This pokémons attack cannot be lowered.
Moody: Increases by 2 higher stat, drecreases by 2 lower stat.
No guard: Hits through immunities of any kind.
Serene Grace: Double the status points from moves.
Sand Veil: It now increases both defenses by 12.5% in Sandstorm.
Snow Cloak: It now increases both defenses by 12.5% in Hail.
Shed Skin: Gets rid of status every 3 turns.
Shell Armor: This Pokémon reduces all damage by 6.25%.
Sniper: This Pokémon deals 12.50% extra damage on all direct attacking moves.
Super Luck: This Pokémon deals 6.25% extra damage on all direct attacking moves.
Skill Link: Adds an extra hit to all Multi-Hit moves but Beat Up.
Tangled Feet: If this Pokémon is confused, this Pokémon receives half the damage from all sources.
Trace: Always copies the Pokémon in front of it or, if unable to, the leftmost Pokémon.
Victory Star: Increases attack of self and all alies by 10% (increments base power).
Wonder skin: Immune to status of any kind.
Moves changed
All moves have 100% accuracy.
Acupressure: Accuracy and evasion no longer in boost pool. Order of boost is: Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, Spe.
Aerial Ace: This move ignores defensive boosts. Base Power increased to 80.
Aeroblast: Base Power 107.
Air Cutter: Base Power increased to 64.
Air Slash: Base Power 71. Adds 30 flinch points.
Arm Thrust: 3 hits. Base power 20.
Aura Sphere: This move does not check defensive boosts.
Barrage: 3 hits. Base power 20.
Blaze Kick: Base Power 76. Adds 10 burn points.
Blizzard: Base Power 77 (110 in hail). Adds 10 freeze points.
Blue Flare: Base Power 110. Adds 20 burn points.
Body Slam: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Bolt Strike: Base Power 110. Adds 20 para points.
Bone Club: Base power 55. Adds 10 flinch points.
Bone Rush: 3 hits. Base power 30.
Bounce: Base Power 72. Adds 30 paralyze points.
Bullet Seed: 3 hits. Base power 30.
Charge Beam: Base Power 31. Boosts 1 SpA always.
Comet Punch: 3 hits. Base power 22.
Conversion2: Chooses all types that the last move used by target resist, then chooses the first of them if the user has a move itself that gets STAB or just the first type it finds.
Crabhammer: Base Power increased to 101.
Cross Chop: Base Power 90.
Cross Poison: Adds 10 poison points.
Crush Claw: Base Power 36. Reduces defense by 1 always.
Cut: Base Power 47.
Dark Pulse: Adds 10 flinch points.
Defog: -1 Def and -1 SpD
Detect: New stall moves mechanics.
Diamond Storm: Raises defense by 1 always. Base power reduced to 47.
Disarming Voice: Ignores defensive boosts now.
Discharge: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Dizzy Punch: Adds 10 confusion points.
Double Team: Boost both defenses by 1 stage.
Dragon Breath: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Dragon Rush: Still doubles power against minimised targets. Adds 10 flinch points.
Drill Run: Base Power increased to 85.
Dynamic Punch: Adds confusion to the target. Base power reduced to 50.
Earth Power: Adds 10 -spd points.
Electric Terrain: Makes secret power add 30 paralysis points.
Ember: Adds 10 burn points.
Energy Ball: Adds 10 -spd points.
Extrasensory: Adds 10 flinch points.
Feint Attack: This move does not check defensive boosts.
Fiery Dance: Raises the user's SpA by 1 stage. Base power reduced to 40.
Fire Blast: Base Power 93. Adds 10 burn points.
Fire Fang: Adds 10 burn and 10 flinch points.
Fire Punch: Adds 10 burn points.
Fissure: 90 Base Power now. Ignores defense modifiers. If user used Lock-On or Mind Reader before, the power of this move is doubled.
Flame Wheel: Adds 10 burn points.
Flamethrower: Adds 10 burn points.
Flare Blitz: Adds 10 burn points.
Flash: Lowers both attacks by 1 stage.
Flash Cannon: Adds 10 -SpD points.
Focus Blast: Base Power 84. Adds 10 -SpD points.
Focus Energy: Increases your damage by 25%.
Force Palm: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Freeze Dry: Adds 10 freeze points.
Freeze Shock: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Frost Breath: Ignores defensive boosts. Base Power 81.
Glaciate: Lowers speed by 1 stage. Base power decreased to 61.
Grassy Terrain: Secret Power adds 30 sleep points.
Gravity: Increases Base Power by 5 / 3 instead of accuracy now.
Guillotine: 90 Base Power now. Ignores defense modifiers. If user used Lock-On or Mind Reader before, the power of this move is doubled.
Gunk Shot: Adds 30 poison points.
Headbutt: Adds 30 flinch points.
Heart Stamp: Adds 30 flinch points.
Heat Wave: Adds 10 burn points.
Hone Claws: Raises the Attack stage by 2 and SpA by 1.
Horn Drill: 90 Base Power now. Ignores defense modifiers. If user used Lock-On or Mind Reader before, the power of this move is doubled.
Hurricane: Adds 30 confusion points. Base Power 77 (100 in rain, 62 in sun).
Hydro Pump: Base Power 88.
Hyper Fang: Adds 10 flinch points.
Ice Beam: Adds 10 freeze points.
Ice Burn: Adds 30 burn points.
Ice Fang: Adds 10 freeze and 10 flinch points.
Ice Punch: Adds 10 freeze points.
Icicle Crash: Adds 30 flinch points.
Inferno: Base Power decreased to 50. Burns the target.
Iron Head: Adds 30 flinch points.
Iron Tail: Base Power 75. Adds 30 -Def points.
Karate Chop: Base Power increased to 56.
Kinesis: Drops both defenses by 1 stage.
King's Shield: New stall moves mechanics.
Lava Plume: Adds 30 burn points.
Leaf Blade: Base Power increased to 101.
Leaf Tornado: Lowers target's both attacks by 1 stage. Base power decreased to 29.
Lick: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Lock-On: If the next move used on the target is an "OHKO" move, its base power is doubled.
Lucky Chant: For 5 turns, damage on all the side is reduced by 12.5%.
Luster Purge: Base Power decreased to 35, always lowers SpD by 1.
Magical Leaf: This move does not check defensive boosts.
Magnet Bomb: This move does not check defensive boosts.
Magnitude: Base Power is fixed 90.
Mega Kick: Base Power 90.
Mega Horn: Base Power 102.
Metal Claw: Base Power 47. Adds 10 +Atk points.
Meteor Mash: Base Power 81. Adds 20 +Atk points.
Metronome: It executes the game moves in alphabetical order.
Mind Reader: If the next move used on the target is an "OHKO" move, its base power is doubled.
Minimize: Raises both defenses by 2 stages. However, some moves deal double damage to its user.
Miracle Eye: Target can be hit regardless of immunities and defensives boosts are ignored.
Mirror Shot: Base Power 55, adds 30 -atk -spa points.
Mist Ball: Base Power decreased to 35, always lowers SpA by 1.
Misty Terrain: Makes Secret Power add 30 -1 SpA points.
Moonblast: Adds 30 -SpA points.
Mud Slap: Lowers target's both Attacks by 1 stage.
Mud Bomb: Base Power 55. Adds 30 -1 Atk -1 SpA points.
Muddy Water: Base Power 76. Adds 30 -1 Atk -1 SpA points.
Needle Arm: Adds 30 flinch points.
Night Daze: Base Power 80, Adds 40 -1 Atk -1 SpA points.
Night Slash: Base Power increased to 79.
Octazooka: Base Power 28, drops both Attacks from targets by 1 stage.
Odor Sleuth: Target can be hit regardless of immunities and defensives boosts are ignored.
Ominous Wind: Adds 10 +Atk, +SpA, +Def, +SpD points.
Origin Pulse: Base Power 93.
Outrage: Lasts 2 turns.
Play Rough: Base Power 81. Adds 10 -Atk Points.
Poison Fang: Toxic poisons the target. Base Power lowered to 25.
Poison Jab: Adds 30 poison points.
Poison Sting: Adds 30 poison points.
Poison Tail: Adds 10 poison points. Base Power raised to 56.
Powder Snow: Adds 10 freeze points.
Power Whip: Base Power 102.
Precipice Blades: Base Power 102.
Present: First, it heals the target by 25%. Then, deals more damage the more HP the target has left. If the target has 100% hp, it has 120 base power. If the target has 75% hp, it has 100 base power. If it has 50% hp, it has 80 base power. Else, it has 60 base power.
Protect: Follows new stall move mechanics.
Psybeam: Adds 10 confusion points.
Psychic: Adds 10 -SpD points.
Psycho Cut: Base Power increased to 79.
Psywave: Deals 50 + target's level damage.
Razor Leaf: Base Power increased to 59.
Razor Shell: Lowers Defense stage by 1. Base power reduced to 36.
Razor Wind: Base Power increased to 81.
Relic Song: Adds 10 sleep points.
Rest: Removes all status and status volatile points on the Pokémon, puts it to sleep.
Roar: Forces a switch to the last Pokémon in the target's party.
Rock Climb: Adds 10 confusion points.
Rock Slide: Adds 30 flinch points. Base Power 67.
Rock Smash: Lowers Defense by 1 stage. Base Power reduced to 20.
Rolling Kick: Adds 30 flinch points.
Sacred Fire: Adds 50 burn points. Base Power 95.
Sand Attack: Lowers both defenses by 1 stage.
Scald: Adds 30 burn points.
Searing Shot: Adds 30 burn points.
Secret Power: On Electric Terrain, adds 30 Paralyze points. On Grassy Terrain, adds 30 Sleep points. On Misty Terrain, adds 30 -SpD points.
Seed Flare: Base Power 102, adds 80 -SpD points.
Shadow Ball: Adds 10 -SpD points.
Shadow Claw: Base Power increased to 79.
Shadow Punch: This move ignores defense boosts.
Sheer Cold: 90 Base Power now. Ignores defense modifiers. If user used Lock-On or Mind Reader before, the power of this move is doubled.
Shockwave: This move ignores defense boosts.
Signal Beam: Adds 10 confusion points.
Silverwind: Adds 10 +Atk, +SpA, +Def, +SpD points.
Sky Attack: Adds 30 flinch points.
Slash: Base Power increased to 79.
Sludge: Adds 30 poison points.
Sludge Bomb: Adds 30 poison points.
Sludge Wave: Adds 10 poison points.
Smog: 21 Base Power. Adds 40 poison points.
Smokescreen: Lowers target's defenses by 1.
Snore: Adds 30 flinch points.
Spiky Shield: New stall moves mechanics.
Spacial Rend: Base Power increased to 107.
Spark: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Spike Cannon: Hits 3 times. Base Power increased to 25.
Steam Eruption: Adds 30 burn points.
Steel Wing: Adds 10 +Def points.
Stomp: Adds 30 flinch points.
Stone Edge: Base Power 90.
Storm Throw: Base Power increased to 90. Ignores defensive boosts.
Steamroller: Adds 30 flinch points.
Sweet Scent: Lowers both defenses by 2 stages.
Swift: Ignores defensive boosts.
Tail Slap: Hits 3 times. Base Power increased to 30.
Telekinesis: Target can be hit regardless of immunities and defensives boosts are ignored.
Thrash: Lasts 2 turns.
Thunder: Adds 30 paralyze points. Base Power 77 (110 in rain).
Thunder Fang: Adds 10 paralyze and 10 flinch points.
Thunder Punch: Adds 10 paralyze points.
Thunder Shock: Adds 10 paralyze points.
Thunderbolt: Adds 10 paralyze points.
Tri-attack: Adds 10 paralyze points, 10 burn points and 10 freeze points.
Twineedle: Each hit adds 20 poison points.
Twister: Adds 20 flinch points.
Vital Throw: This move ignores defensive boosts.
Volt Tackle: Adds 10 paralyze points.
Water Pulse: Adds 20 confusion points.
Waterfall: Adds 20 flinch points.
Water Shuriken: Hits 3 times. Base Power increased to 20.
Whirlwind: Forces target to switch with the last Pokémon on its party.
Zap Cannon: Base Power decreased to 60.
Zen Headbutt: Adds 20 flinch points.
Items changed
Brightpowder: Increases defenses by 10%.
Lax incense: Increases defenses by 10%.
Lucky Punch: Increases base power of the moves of Chansey by 25%.
Micle Berry: Increases holders base power of all moves by 20% when at 1/4 HP or less.
Razor Claw: Increases base power of your moves by 12.5%.
Scope Lens: Increases base power of your moves by 12.5%.
Starf Berry: Boosts Pokémon's higher stat.
Stick: Increases the base power of the moves of Farfetch'd by 25%.
Wide Lens: Increases base power of your moves by 10%.
Zoom Lens: Increases base power of your moves by 20%.
Playable in
Play it on Joim's Lab. Pretty much done.
First battle ever, no move changes yet.
Mega Altaria sweep.
First replay with move changes.
Another replay, only that move changes actually work.
Another battle. I forgot to change OHKOs lol.
Welcome to my pet mod, Skillmons. This is nothing like Joimmons, this pet mod has a goal in mind: to make Pokémon 100% competitive. Nothing is left to luck here. Post here comments, ideas, possibilities, and in the future replays.
We all have lost or won due to hax. We've seen a critical hit or a fully paralysed change the game. That's not cool. We are a competitive community and, as such, I deem necessary to have a fully competitive metagame. The goal of this pet mod is to reduce chance to zero and to make every fully evolved Pokémon good enough to compete. BST might be the only problem here and might lead to some bans. I want the game to be luckless and balanced with the least amount of changes possible.
Anyone is free to suggest changes, but I will ultimately decide what's changed and what isn't.
Tl;dr, skillmons in a minute:
- No critical hits. BP and damage are adjusted.
- No misses. BP and damage are adjusted.
- Any turn skipped is planned and predictable.
- Durations for statuses and moves are fixed.
- Damage outcome is reliable.
- Setting statuses, boosts, debuffs, pseudo-statuses is down to skill and ability, not luck.
- Using a current 30% secondary move will lead to the expected number of times of activation.
- Accuracy increases damage when applicable, evasion decreases it.
- Critical hits are removed entirely.
- As such, 100% critical hits are revamped as well as abilities. Their damage is updated and they do ignore defenses.
- Moves that had high critical rate have their base power increased accordingly.
- As such, 100% critical hits are revamped as well as abilities. Their damage is updated and they do ignore defenses.
- Accuracy as such is removed.
- All moves are revamped accordingly.
- The Base Power is updated due to this change. The new base power is: Old Base Power * Old Accuracy / 100.
- It affects move with less accuracy.
- All moves are revamped accordingly.
- Paralyse status will no longer make you skip turns. Instead, it will reduce the effectivity of all your moves by a 25%.
- Sleep always lasts two turns: the turn it is applied and the next one. This is the expected average outcome of a 1-3 status.
- Speed ties are done for: in case of equal speed, the Pokémon with more HP will move faster, then the Pokémon with less weight, then the shorter one. In case of total tie, the Pokémon with less teammates, then the Pokémon whose overall team speed is greater, then, in case of exactly equal teams, a coin will be flipped.
- Secondaries are now assured. Each time you use a move with a secondary, you gain secondary points (kinda like Stockpile). These points will produce this secondary effect upon reaching 100 or more points. The points are for the player, not the Pokémon in the field. Old secondary chances now award points, for example, Scald gives you 30 points. Upon reaching 100+ of those points, the status happens and 100 points are reduced from the player. Points for status won't increase if the target already has a status, ie. if a Wartortle uses Scald on a Paralyzed Ivysaur, it won't get the 30 burn points. Points won't apply either if the target faints. Moves that used to have less than perfect accuracy grant less points to their secondaries. All points start at 50.
- Confusion is no longer something that makes you rage. Now it halves the effect of your moves, as old confusion made you skip 50% of the turns, and hits yourself every turn by half the current confusion damage.
- All evasion modifiers and moves will now be helpful for defense.
- Infatuation halves the effect of your moves.
- Flinch still works as it works currently, but with the new secondary move mechanics. Fake out still works as right now. If you get to 100 flinch points on a slower mon, bad luck.
- Damage is no longer random. Random elements of the damage formula is scrapped.
- OHKO moves now deal a fix 30% max HP damage on target. If you use Lock-On or Mind Reader before using them, they do deal 100% of max HP damage.
- All multihit moves become three-hit moves, as that's the average. Their Base Power is updated accordingly.
- All partial trapping and trapping moves are 5 turns now.
- Exact HP Mod is active. Exact HP is known at all times.
- Protecting moves work now as follows:
- First consecutive use, full protection (or the protection it offers right now).
- Second use: Halves all effects. Half the damage, half the points.
- Third use: Reduces damage and points by 25%.
- Fourth use: Reduces damage and points by 12.5%.
- Fifth use: reduces damage and points by 6.25%
- Sixth use: reduces damage and points by 3.125%
- Seventh use: reduces damage and points by 1.5625
- And so on.
Abilities changed
Anger Point: This Pokémon has anger points and will raise its attack to +6 if these points reach 10000. Anger Points are only stacked on this Pokémon, but not reset upon switching out. A regular hit awards 625 anger points. High critical hit awards 1250 anger points. +3 crit rate hits award 2500 anger points. +4 crit rate award 5000 anger points. +5 crit rate or old always crit moves always trigger Anger Point awarding 10000 points at once.
Battle Armor: This Pokémon reduces all damage by 6.25%.
Cute Charm: Adds 30 infatuation points upon contact.
Coumpoundeyes: Increases base power of moves by 30%.
Forewarn: In case of equally threatening moves, it warns of the first it finds.
Hustle: Increases Attack stat by 30%, decreases Special Attack Stat by 20%.
Keen eye: This pokémons attack cannot be lowered.
Moody: Increases by 2 higher stat, drecreases by 2 lower stat.
No guard: Hits through immunities of any kind.
Serene Grace: Double the status points from moves.
Sand Veil: It now increases both defenses by 12.5% in Sandstorm.
Snow Cloak: It now increases both defenses by 12.5% in Hail.
Shed Skin: Gets rid of status every 3 turns.
Shell Armor: This Pokémon reduces all damage by 6.25%.
Sniper: This Pokémon deals 12.50% extra damage on all direct attacking moves.
Super Luck: This Pokémon deals 6.25% extra damage on all direct attacking moves.
Skill Link: Adds an extra hit to all Multi-Hit moves but Beat Up.
Tangled Feet: If this Pokémon is confused, this Pokémon receives half the damage from all sources.
Trace: Always copies the Pokémon in front of it or, if unable to, the leftmost Pokémon.
Victory Star: Increases attack of self and all alies by 10% (increments base power).
Wonder skin: Immune to status of any kind.
Moves changed
All moves have 100% accuracy.
Acupressure: Accuracy and evasion no longer in boost pool. Order of boost is: Atk, Def, SpA, SpD, Spe.
Aerial Ace: This move ignores defensive boosts. Base Power increased to 80.
Aeroblast: Base Power 107.
Air Cutter: Base Power increased to 64.
Air Slash: Base Power 71. Adds 30 flinch points.
Arm Thrust: 3 hits. Base power 20.
Aura Sphere: This move does not check defensive boosts.
Barrage: 3 hits. Base power 20.
Blaze Kick: Base Power 76. Adds 10 burn points.
Blizzard: Base Power 77 (110 in hail). Adds 10 freeze points.
Blue Flare: Base Power 110. Adds 20 burn points.
Body Slam: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Bolt Strike: Base Power 110. Adds 20 para points.
Bone Club: Base power 55. Adds 10 flinch points.
Bone Rush: 3 hits. Base power 30.
Bounce: Base Power 72. Adds 30 paralyze points.
Bullet Seed: 3 hits. Base power 30.
Charge Beam: Base Power 31. Boosts 1 SpA always.
Comet Punch: 3 hits. Base power 22.
Conversion2: Chooses all types that the last move used by target resist, then chooses the first of them if the user has a move itself that gets STAB or just the first type it finds.
Crabhammer: Base Power increased to 101.
Cross Chop: Base Power 90.
Cross Poison: Adds 10 poison points.
Crush Claw: Base Power 36. Reduces defense by 1 always.
Cut: Base Power 47.
Dark Pulse: Adds 10 flinch points.
Defog: -1 Def and -1 SpD
Detect: New stall moves mechanics.
Diamond Storm: Raises defense by 1 always. Base power reduced to 47.
Disarming Voice: Ignores defensive boosts now.
Discharge: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Dizzy Punch: Adds 10 confusion points.
Double Team: Boost both defenses by 1 stage.
Dragon Breath: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Dragon Rush: Still doubles power against minimised targets. Adds 10 flinch points.
Drill Run: Base Power increased to 85.
Dynamic Punch: Adds confusion to the target. Base power reduced to 50.
Earth Power: Adds 10 -spd points.
Electric Terrain: Makes secret power add 30 paralysis points.
Ember: Adds 10 burn points.
Energy Ball: Adds 10 -spd points.
Extrasensory: Adds 10 flinch points.
Feint Attack: This move does not check defensive boosts.
Fiery Dance: Raises the user's SpA by 1 stage. Base power reduced to 40.
Fire Blast: Base Power 93. Adds 10 burn points.
Fire Fang: Adds 10 burn and 10 flinch points.
Fire Punch: Adds 10 burn points.
Fissure: 90 Base Power now. Ignores defense modifiers. If user used Lock-On or Mind Reader before, the power of this move is doubled.
Flame Wheel: Adds 10 burn points.
Flamethrower: Adds 10 burn points.
Flare Blitz: Adds 10 burn points.
Flash: Lowers both attacks by 1 stage.
Flash Cannon: Adds 10 -SpD points.
Focus Blast: Base Power 84. Adds 10 -SpD points.
Focus Energy: Increases your damage by 25%.
Force Palm: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Freeze Dry: Adds 10 freeze points.
Freeze Shock: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Frost Breath: Ignores defensive boosts. Base Power 81.
Glaciate: Lowers speed by 1 stage. Base power decreased to 61.
Grassy Terrain: Secret Power adds 30 sleep points.
Gravity: Increases Base Power by 5 / 3 instead of accuracy now.
Guillotine: 90 Base Power now. Ignores defense modifiers. If user used Lock-On or Mind Reader before, the power of this move is doubled.
Gunk Shot: Adds 30 poison points.
Headbutt: Adds 30 flinch points.
Heart Stamp: Adds 30 flinch points.
Heat Wave: Adds 10 burn points.
Hone Claws: Raises the Attack stage by 2 and SpA by 1.
Horn Drill: 90 Base Power now. Ignores defense modifiers. If user used Lock-On or Mind Reader before, the power of this move is doubled.
Hurricane: Adds 30 confusion points. Base Power 77 (100 in rain, 62 in sun).
Hydro Pump: Base Power 88.
Hyper Fang: Adds 10 flinch points.
Ice Beam: Adds 10 freeze points.
Ice Burn: Adds 30 burn points.
Ice Fang: Adds 10 freeze and 10 flinch points.
Ice Punch: Adds 10 freeze points.
Icicle Crash: Adds 30 flinch points.
Inferno: Base Power decreased to 50. Burns the target.
Iron Head: Adds 30 flinch points.
Iron Tail: Base Power 75. Adds 30 -Def points.
Karate Chop: Base Power increased to 56.
Kinesis: Drops both defenses by 1 stage.
King's Shield: New stall moves mechanics.
Lava Plume: Adds 30 burn points.
Leaf Blade: Base Power increased to 101.
Leaf Tornado: Lowers target's both attacks by 1 stage. Base power decreased to 29.
Lick: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Lock-On: If the next move used on the target is an "OHKO" move, its base power is doubled.
Lucky Chant: For 5 turns, damage on all the side is reduced by 12.5%.
Luster Purge: Base Power decreased to 35, always lowers SpD by 1.
Magical Leaf: This move does not check defensive boosts.
Magnet Bomb: This move does not check defensive boosts.
Magnitude: Base Power is fixed 90.
Mega Kick: Base Power 90.
Mega Horn: Base Power 102.
Metal Claw: Base Power 47. Adds 10 +Atk points.
Meteor Mash: Base Power 81. Adds 20 +Atk points.
Metronome: It executes the game moves in alphabetical order.
Mind Reader: If the next move used on the target is an "OHKO" move, its base power is doubled.
Minimize: Raises both defenses by 2 stages. However, some moves deal double damage to its user.
Miracle Eye: Target can be hit regardless of immunities and defensives boosts are ignored.
Mirror Shot: Base Power 55, adds 30 -atk -spa points.
Mist Ball: Base Power decreased to 35, always lowers SpA by 1.
Misty Terrain: Makes Secret Power add 30 -1 SpA points.
Moonblast: Adds 30 -SpA points.
Mud Slap: Lowers target's both Attacks by 1 stage.
Mud Bomb: Base Power 55. Adds 30 -1 Atk -1 SpA points.
Muddy Water: Base Power 76. Adds 30 -1 Atk -1 SpA points.
Needle Arm: Adds 30 flinch points.
Night Daze: Base Power 80, Adds 40 -1 Atk -1 SpA points.
Night Slash: Base Power increased to 79.
Octazooka: Base Power 28, drops both Attacks from targets by 1 stage.
Odor Sleuth: Target can be hit regardless of immunities and defensives boosts are ignored.
Ominous Wind: Adds 10 +Atk, +SpA, +Def, +SpD points.
Origin Pulse: Base Power 93.
Outrage: Lasts 2 turns.
Play Rough: Base Power 81. Adds 10 -Atk Points.
Poison Fang: Toxic poisons the target. Base Power lowered to 25.
Poison Jab: Adds 30 poison points.
Poison Sting: Adds 30 poison points.
Poison Tail: Adds 10 poison points. Base Power raised to 56.
Powder Snow: Adds 10 freeze points.
Power Whip: Base Power 102.
Precipice Blades: Base Power 102.
Present: First, it heals the target by 25%. Then, deals more damage the more HP the target has left. If the target has 100% hp, it has 120 base power. If the target has 75% hp, it has 100 base power. If it has 50% hp, it has 80 base power. Else, it has 60 base power.
Protect: Follows new stall move mechanics.
Psybeam: Adds 10 confusion points.
Psychic: Adds 10 -SpD points.
Psycho Cut: Base Power increased to 79.
Psywave: Deals 50 + target's level damage.
Razor Leaf: Base Power increased to 59.
Razor Shell: Lowers Defense stage by 1. Base power reduced to 36.
Razor Wind: Base Power increased to 81.
Relic Song: Adds 10 sleep points.
Rest: Removes all status and status volatile points on the Pokémon, puts it to sleep.
Roar: Forces a switch to the last Pokémon in the target's party.
Rock Climb: Adds 10 confusion points.
Rock Slide: Adds 30 flinch points. Base Power 67.
Rock Smash: Lowers Defense by 1 stage. Base Power reduced to 20.
Rolling Kick: Adds 30 flinch points.
Sacred Fire: Adds 50 burn points. Base Power 95.
Sand Attack: Lowers both defenses by 1 stage.
Scald: Adds 30 burn points.
Searing Shot: Adds 30 burn points.
Secret Power: On Electric Terrain, adds 30 Paralyze points. On Grassy Terrain, adds 30 Sleep points. On Misty Terrain, adds 30 -SpD points.
Seed Flare: Base Power 102, adds 80 -SpD points.
Shadow Ball: Adds 10 -SpD points.
Shadow Claw: Base Power increased to 79.
Shadow Punch: This move ignores defense boosts.
Sheer Cold: 90 Base Power now. Ignores defense modifiers. If user used Lock-On or Mind Reader before, the power of this move is doubled.
Shockwave: This move ignores defense boosts.
Signal Beam: Adds 10 confusion points.
Silverwind: Adds 10 +Atk, +SpA, +Def, +SpD points.
Sky Attack: Adds 30 flinch points.
Slash: Base Power increased to 79.
Sludge: Adds 30 poison points.
Sludge Bomb: Adds 30 poison points.
Sludge Wave: Adds 10 poison points.
Smog: 21 Base Power. Adds 40 poison points.
Smokescreen: Lowers target's defenses by 1.
Snore: Adds 30 flinch points.
Spiky Shield: New stall moves mechanics.
Spacial Rend: Base Power increased to 107.
Spark: Adds 30 paralyze points.
Spike Cannon: Hits 3 times. Base Power increased to 25.
Steam Eruption: Adds 30 burn points.
Steel Wing: Adds 10 +Def points.
Stomp: Adds 30 flinch points.
Stone Edge: Base Power 90.
Storm Throw: Base Power increased to 90. Ignores defensive boosts.
Steamroller: Adds 30 flinch points.
Sweet Scent: Lowers both defenses by 2 stages.
Swift: Ignores defensive boosts.
Tail Slap: Hits 3 times. Base Power increased to 30.
Telekinesis: Target can be hit regardless of immunities and defensives boosts are ignored.
Thrash: Lasts 2 turns.
Thunder: Adds 30 paralyze points. Base Power 77 (110 in rain).
Thunder Fang: Adds 10 paralyze and 10 flinch points.
Thunder Punch: Adds 10 paralyze points.
Thunder Shock: Adds 10 paralyze points.
Thunderbolt: Adds 10 paralyze points.
Tri-attack: Adds 10 paralyze points, 10 burn points and 10 freeze points.
Twineedle: Each hit adds 20 poison points.
Twister: Adds 20 flinch points.
Vital Throw: This move ignores defensive boosts.
Volt Tackle: Adds 10 paralyze points.
Water Pulse: Adds 20 confusion points.
Waterfall: Adds 20 flinch points.
Water Shuriken: Hits 3 times. Base Power increased to 20.
Whirlwind: Forces target to switch with the last Pokémon on its party.
Zap Cannon: Base Power decreased to 60.
Zen Headbutt: Adds 20 flinch points.
Items changed
Brightpowder: Increases defenses by 10%.
Lax incense: Increases defenses by 10%.
Lucky Punch: Increases base power of the moves of Chansey by 25%.
Micle Berry: Increases holders base power of all moves by 20% when at 1/4 HP or less.
Razor Claw: Increases base power of your moves by 12.5%.
Scope Lens: Increases base power of your moves by 12.5%.
Starf Berry: Boosts Pokémon's higher stat.
Stick: Increases the base power of the moves of Farfetch'd by 25%.
Wide Lens: Increases base power of your moves by 10%.
Zoom Lens: Increases base power of your moves by 20%.
Playable in
Play it on Joim's Lab. Pretty much done.
First battle ever, no move changes yet.
Mega Altaria sweep.
First replay with move changes.
Another replay, only that move changes actually work.
Another battle. I forgot to change OHKOs lol.
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