Bumping: I've been working on this again, making a new mod from zero. I've reviewed all the rules and changed it to mod the game the least possible while keeping it with no luck, with the simplest rules possible. These rueles are: points for all chances, average for all randoms, deterministic order for random orders. This is what I've done:
-Everything that has a chance is using a point system now. Critical hits are included. Critical hittable moves will add 6.25 points (triggering at 100, yes, it's a double). Increased crit ratios will increase the points awarded.
-Thaw uses thaw points now, so every turn you gain 20 of them. Every 100 points, you get thawed.
-Same with fp: you gain 25 fp points every paralysed turn. At 100, you get fp'd that turn.
-Acuraccy and evasion modifiers affect the miss points you're awarded. Moves that can miss will increase miss points. 100 miss points will make your move miss. A 100%, unmodified move won't miss nor gain miss points. Same for always-hit moves.
-Sleep is still averaged to two turns.
-Speed ties remain as in the OP.
-Confusion now gives you confusion points. Each 100 points, you hit yourself. That means first hit will always hit yourself.
-Infatuation makes you skip a turn every other turn, starting the first, as well. 50 initial points, +50 points for each infatuated turn.
-Flinch, points too.
-Damage formula, no random part, too.
-OHKO moves use the miss point system and are thus banned.
-Multihit moves are averaged to 3, no power modified. 5 with skill link.
-Exact HP mod is active.
-Stall moves use stall points, which are reset upon failure.
-Ability changes that were affected by crit changes are undone.
-Forewarn: As OP states.
-Hustle: Adds miss points
-Moody: Increases start with atk and decreases with def, follows stat order.
-No guard: You don't gain miss points.
-Veils: Add miss points to enemy.
-Shed Skin: Adds status healing points.
I'll edit the OP to reflect the changes when they are up on my lab.
So, what do you think?