So I've had some ideas regarding a similar mod that i want to add here:
1. Jump Kick and High Jump Kick:
Jump Kick and High Jump Kick still need some kind of spam-punishment in my opinion, as just making them 95/100 and 117/100-Moves without any negative aspects would outclass even close combat in term of being broken (Mega-Medicham or Hawlucha could just spam HJK even more than in normal OU) which brings me to an idea that would work somewhat like this: Jump Kick and HJK become 100/100 and 130/100-moves with the following effect: Using one of those moves causes the user to stagger (applying a debuff). Using one of those moves again while staggering causes the user to crash after the attack, dealing 50% of his maximum hp in damage to himself while also removing the staggering-debuff (the attack would still be executed regularly though). Switching out removes staggering for the user. The idea is to keep those moves as high-powered and usable to deal great amount of damage as they are in the normal game but also adding some suicidal risk to spamming them (just that you can actually see when you have overdone it instead of some "it didn't miss the last 5 times maybe it's risky to use it again"). Also using the move sparingly and also once a while and with a switch between it stays completely without any risks. I think that is the best way to keep the "spirit" of the original moves while removing any luck from them.
Some details and ideas about this idea:
2. The item Focus Band:
This item has somewhat use as a focus sash that can still be used even if the user isn't at full hp to survive direct damage with 1 hp. However, it relied completely on luck (but with such a low chance, that it was actually useless instead of broken). So i had some ideas to remake the focus band into a focus sash that's usable even without full hp without taking focus sashes spot, being broken or something like that. Here are my ideas:
3. The Item Quick Claw:
The Quick Claw can be seen as a SURPRISE SURPRISE-Item as well as the ultimate desperation Item. However, it is neither of this but a very unreliable and insanely annoying item. My first idea was something like this:
1. Jump Kick and High Jump Kick:
Jump Kick and High Jump Kick still need some kind of spam-punishment in my opinion, as just making them 95/100 and 117/100-Moves without any negative aspects would outclass even close combat in term of being broken (Mega-Medicham or Hawlucha could just spam HJK even more than in normal OU) which brings me to an idea that would work somewhat like this: Jump Kick and HJK become 100/100 and 130/100-moves with the following effect: Using one of those moves causes the user to stagger (applying a debuff). Using one of those moves again while staggering causes the user to crash after the attack, dealing 50% of his maximum hp in damage to himself while also removing the staggering-debuff (the attack would still be executed regularly though). Switching out removes staggering for the user. The idea is to keep those moves as high-powered and usable to deal great amount of damage as they are in the normal game but also adding some suicidal risk to spamming them (just that you can actually see when you have overdone it instead of some "it didn't miss the last 5 times maybe it's risky to use it again"). Also using the move sparingly and also once a while and with a switch between it stays completely without any risks. I think that is the best way to keep the "spirit" of the original moves while removing any luck from them.
Some details and ideas about this idea:
- Using Protect or a Ghost-Type will deny the damage but still apply any staggering effects. So hitting a ghost/protect while staggering would apply the 50%-damage. Alternatively, missing the attack thanks to a shield or ghost could still deal the damage to the user regardless of staggering (as there was originally no luck involved anyways).
- I had another idea in which staggering would also halve the damage the attack dealt (to compensate for the fact that you still have a never missing 130 bp attack), but for this the power of hjk should become 140 imo.
- Also i had an idea where the hjk while staggering would become a 100% recoil-move (this would also somewhat justify the reckless-boost). I guess this also gives some strategic value to it (like predict the skarm- or slowbro-switchin and use it to hjk without dealing that much damage to yourself and get rid of the staggering or throw in a high-hp-mon (chansey or blissey ftw) to make the opponent suicide with his hjk). However i think this would go to far away from the original hjk.
- Just making it a recoil-move would destroy the idea behind the move imo.
- A counter like burn or paralysis where every use of the move would add 10 points (5 for jump kick) wouldn't make THAT much sense in term of regulating the move imo as 9 hjks are already insanely powerful and you'd rarely need more. It's basically just like HJK becomes a 9 PP-Move.
- Potentially making every second use of the move deal the damage to the user where the move normally only has a 10% chance to do so might seem harsh a bit, but in the normal game, it is completely possible to miss every other use of the move or even every use of the move in one battle, while hjk can also never miss and hit 16 times in a row. With the option to remove staggering by switching out, one can also hit normally with all 16 uses of hjk. He just has to make good use of the move and not just trust on pretty good luck.
2. The item Focus Band:
This item has somewhat use as a focus sash that can still be used even if the user isn't at full hp to survive direct damage with 1 hp. However, it relied completely on luck (but with such a low chance, that it was actually useless instead of broken). So i had some ideas to remake the focus band into a focus sash that's usable even without full hp without taking focus sashes spot, being broken or something like that. Here are my ideas:
- The Focus Band becomes an actual opposite of the Focus Sash: The user will survive an attack with 1 hp but ONLY if he has suffered prior damage. For this to not be broken, it would work something like this: Suffering damage from an attack, status, weather, hazards or any other source while at full health would "activate" the Focus Band. Taking fatal damage with an activated Focus Band would consume the item but let the user survive with 1 hp. Variations to this would be:
- The Focus Band would be deactivated when the user switches and he needs to take damage again to reactivate it after coming back.
- The Focus Band shows itself in the form of a buff when activated so the opponent will always be fully aware what's coming for him (to avoid TOO nasty surprises).
- The Focus Band is not consumed after letting the user take an attack but will deactivate itself. The user would need to heal back to higher HP and survive another round of damage to reactivate the band. This would be more in line with the original item as that one isn't consumed as well. This Focus Band could be of great use to Drain Punch or Giga Drain users or could work well together with something like Wish + Baton Pass Sylveon to be used more than once in a match.
- This would be the biggest nerf to this version of the item: After taking damage (through any possible way), the focus band would grant the user the endure-status for the next turn except the user already has the endure-status. This would mean the focus band could protect against 2hko's, 1hko's after stealth rocks etc. but nothing more, as a 3hko would mean the first hit activates the band, the second hit would be during the endure-status and after it ends, the 3rd hit would make the KO. However, this version would be the only actual protection against multi-hit-moves, as the endure-status blocks them. If this Focus Band is consumed after use or is a "protection every second turn"-item is another thing.
- The Focus Band lets the user survive a fatal blow with 1 hp and is consumed afterwards. However, no status moves are possible while holding a Focus Band. This means the Focus Band will not take away the spot of the Focus Sash in Pokémon like Lead-Mamoswine but creates a subgenre of revenge-killers that would work like Magic Guard Focus Sash Alakazam: The one-use-revenge-killer that doesn't completely rely on speed but survives a hit from any set up opponent. To make this not too broken and to remove the consuming-aspect which just feels wrong in my opinion, here is my last version:
- The Focus Band lets the user survive a fatal blow with 1 hp if he had at least 25%/50% of his maximum health remaining. The Focus Band is not consumed in this process. Also the user will be unable to use any status move. In this version, taking too much damage would ruin the item, meaning the player should still keep an eye on his Pokémons HP. Also powerful drain moves or wishes can restore the band, but any kind of chip damage ruins it.
3. The Item Quick Claw:
The Quick Claw can be seen as a SURPRISE SURPRISE-Item as well as the ultimate desperation Item. However, it is neither of this but a very unreliable and insanely annoying item. My first idea was something like this:
- Whenever the user enters the battlefield, his next attack has a priority of 0,5. Or in other words: BROKEN AS HELL and nobody but Moxie-Scarfers would ever want to touch a choice-scarf ever again. In other words: The ultimate Tool for easy revenge-killing. So: definitely NO.
- Same as above, except the quick claw would show when it's active, which would make it more of a "forcing out"-item than an actual revenge-killing-item (that could be stopped with any kind of protection move). However, it would nontheless basically turn every Pokémon with a voltswitch/u-turn into a mini-mega-beedrill/manectric with a prio-switching move to avoid taking damage while scouting and dealing damage at the same time.
- When the user attacks the first time, the quick claw will be consumed but his attack has a priority of 0,5. Basically you'd save up a Revenge-Killer for the entire battle when you need him, which can bring you out of one desperate situation, but as you need to save up the quick claw up to this moment, you'll have a 5:6-Situation until then as you can't attack with the quick clawed Pokémon and it loses its item after it saves you.