NOC Smallstreet Mafia v2 Won by the Mafia (Clouds, Ehmcee, Dead By Daylight, Duskfall98)

I think threatening glad shots to influence wagons is NAI, it’s just good town or scumplay when done in moderation. Given how I viewed Clouds at the time I don’t really regret it.
Gm I am gonna be bad at the game, this is because I’m busy this weekend and also have a job now so idk when I’ll find the time to backlog

I didn’t backlog anything so far :boi:
Oh we’re on D2 and voted out two town including M2H and Lechen that’s towncore-is-scum coded asf, M2H doesn’t die on D1 without a hard push from an integral towncore player I.e. a power wolf
Oh we’re on D2 and voted out two town including M2H and Lechen that’s towncore-is-scum coded asf, M2H doesn’t die on D1 without a hard push from an integral towncore player I.e. a power wolf

ok i lead m2h push tbf

and got blamed by the entire game and i think its being held over my head too much, i feel like neon and clouds are obvious mafia at this point but theres so much resistance