Smogon Champions League I - Week 2

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>Games Schedule<
>Season Schedule<
Thank you to Ticken for creation of the sheets!

Tournament Rules and General Guidelines

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Technical Machines (4) vs (6) Arena Spartans

OU: Ajna vs Isza MAX UND MAX
OU: Tace vs dice
OU: ez vs talah
Ubers: SoulWind vs 64 Squares
DOU: Nails vs stax
UU: umbry vs mncmt
RU: Confide vs Charmflash
NU: Davon vs TeamCharm
PU: chlo vs termi
LC: LilyAC vs Laroxyl

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Orange Islanders (6) vs (4) Power Plant Dynamos

OU: Ox the Fox vs Insult
OU: devin vs BIHI
OU: Eternal Spirit vs beatiful
Ubers: Exiline vs TrueNora
DOU: Mishimono vs Qwello Lee
UU: pdt vs Askov
RU: odr vs Dragon Claw
NU: OnArceus vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
PU: TJ vs bruno
LC: boulicrok vs Wail Wailord

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Circuit Breakers (7) vs (3) Indigo Platoon

OU: freezai vs Storm Zone
OU: Lusa vs MichaelderBeste2
OU: Lord_Enz vs Tamahome
Ubers: byronthewellwell vs Poek
DOU: Spurrific vs Z Strats
UU: LNumbers vs Gondra
RU: Punny vs CrashinBoomBang
NU: Sabella vs Kushalos
PU: Sjneider vs Excal
LC: daunt vs vs kythr

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Showdown Shoguns (5) vs (5) Studio Gible

OU: Vaboh vs Eo Ut Mortus
OU: HSA vs robjr
OU: TPP vs London Beats
Ubers: Manaphy vs Fc
DOU: Frania vs Paraplegic
UU: Bushtush vs Luthier
RU: TheFranklin vs Nat
NU: TDK vs Rodriblutar
PU: false vs Raiza
LC: dcae vs teal6

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Uncharted Terrors (5) vs (5) Mt. Silver Foxes

OU: Gefährlicher Random vs watashi
OU: Raptor vs Finchinator
OU: March Fires vs Santu
Ubers: Icemaster vs M Dragon
DOU: Actuarily vs Memoric
UU: Accel vs Adaam
RU: lax vs atomicllamas
NU: sensei axew vs Xiri
PU: Lambovino vs tlenit
LC: KSG vs Toadow

Deadline: September 19th, 11:00 PM EDT (GMT-4)

Technical Machines (0) vs (0) Arena Spartans

OU: Ajna vs Isza
OU: Tace vs dice
OU: ez vs talah
Ubers: SoulWind vs 64 Squares
DOU: Nails vs stax
UU: umbry vs mncmt
RU: Confide vs Charmflash
NU: Davon vs TeamCharm
PU: chlo vs termi
LC: LilyAC vs Laroxyl

Orange Islanders (0) vs (0) Power Plant Dynamos

OU: Ox the Fox vs Insult
OU: devin vs BIHI
OU: Eternal Spirit vs beatiful
Ubers: Exiline vs TrueNora
DOU: Mishimono vs Qwello Lee
UU: pdt vs Askov
RU: odr vs Dragon Claw
NU: OnArceus vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
PU: TJ vs bruno
LC: boulicrok vs Wail Wailord

Circuit Breakers (0) vs (0) Indigo Platoon

OU: freezai vs Storm Zone
OU: Lusa vs MichaelderBeste2
OU: Lord_Enz vs Tamahome
Ubers: byronthewellwell vs Poek
DOU: Spurrific vs Z Strats
UU: LNumbers vs Gondra
RU: Punny vs CrashinBoomBang
NU: Sabella vs Kushalos
PU: Sjneider vs Excal
LC: daunt vs vs kythr

Showdown Shoguns (0) vs (0) Studio Gible

OU: Vaboh vs Eo Ut Mortus
OU: HSA vs robjr
OU: TPP vs London Beats
Ubers: Manaphy vs Fc
DOU: Frania vs Paraplegic
UU: Bushtush vs Luthier
RU: TheFranklin vs Nat
NU: TDK vs Rodriblutar
PU: false vs Raiza
LC: dcae vs teal6

Uncharted Terrors (0) vs (0) Mt. Silver Foxes

OU: Gefährlicher Random vs watashi
OU: Raptor vs Finchinator
OU: March Fires vs Santu
Ubers: Icemaster vs M Dragon
DOU: Actuarily vs Memoric
UU: Accel vs Adaam
RU: lax vs atomicllamas
NU: sensei axew vs Xiri
PU: Lambovino vs tlenit
LC: KSG vs Toadow
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24-23 last week (one already happened, two I didn't predict)

Technical Machines (5) vs (5) Arena Spartans

OU: Tace vs dice
OU: ez vs talah
Ubers: SoulWind vs 64 Squares
DOU: Nails vs stax
UU: umbry vs mncmt
RU: Confide vs Charmflash
NU: Davon vs TeamCharm
PU: chlo vs termi
LC: LilyAC vs Laroxyl

Orange Islanders (7) vs (3) Power Plant Dynamos

OU: Ox the Fox vs Insult
OU: devin vs BIHI
OU: Eternal Spirit vs beatiful
Ubers: Exiline vs TrueNora
DOU: Mishimono vs Qwello Lee
UU: pdt vs Askov
RU: odr vs Dragon Claw
NU: OnArceus vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
PU: TJ vs bruno
LC: boulicrok vs Wail Wailord

Circuit Breakers (4) vs (6) Indigo Platoon

OU: Serene Grace vs Storm Zone
OU: Lusa vs MichaelderBeste2
OU: Lord_Enz vs Tamahome
Ubers: byronthewellwell vs Poek
DOU: Spurrific vs Z Strats
UU: LNumbers vs Gondra
RU: Punny vs CrashinBoomBang
NU: Sabella vs Kushalos
PU: Sjneider vs Excal
LC: daunt vs vs kythr - the double vs threw me off for a second there

Showdown Shoguns (5) vs (5) Studio Gible

OU: Vaboh vs Eo Ut Mortus
OU: HSA vs robjr
OU: TPP vs London Beats
Ubers: Manaphy vs Fc
DOU: Frania vs Paraplegic
UU: Bushtush vs Luthier
RU: TheFranklin vs Nat
NU: TDK vs Rodriblutar
PU: false vs Raiza
LC: dcae vs teal6

Uncharted Terrors (7) vs (3) Mt. Silver Foxes

OU: Gefährlicher Random vs watashi
OU: Raptor vs Finchinator
OU: March Fires vs Santu
Ubers: Icemaster vs M Dragon
DOU: Actuarily vs Memoric
UU: Accel vs Adaam
RU: lax vs atomicllamas
NU: sensei axew vs Xiri
PU: Lambovino vs tlenit
LC: KSG vs Toadow
Ubers: SoulWind vs 64 Squares : imo the best or second best player in the group in regards to Ubers itself SW is handsome but gots to go with the Mainer.
Ubers: Exiline vs TrueNora : the Sexiline is a circuit warrior until proven otherwise
Ubers: byronthewellwell vs Poek : Byron is very hard to play against he can tilt you really fast and I don't know how much Jesus has been playing if hes testing a lot he could very well take this
Ubers: Manaphy vs Fc : FC is a really really good builder and very solid player I don't think he will lose to one of mana techs
Ubers: Icemaster vs M Dragon: M dragon looked awesome last week Ice is either 1 or 2 overall with 64 though imo

hope for some good games someone bring the stick bug.

edit: it would appear I went 0-5 my condolences for anyone I predict for moving forward.
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Technical Machines (6) vs (4) Arena Spartans

OU: Tace vs dice
OU: ez vs talah
Ubers: SoulWind vs 64 Squares
DOU: Nails vs stax
UU: umbry vs mncmt
RU: Confide vs Charmflash
NU: Davon vs TeamCharm
PU: chlo vs termi
LC: LilyAC vs Laroxyl

Orange Islanders (4) vs (6) Power Plant Dynamos

OU: Ox the Fox vs Insult
OU: devin vs BIHI
OU: Eternal Spirit vs beatiful
Ubers: Exiline vs TrueNora
DOU: Mishimono vs Qwello Lee
UU: pdt vs Askov
RU: odr vs Dragon Claw
NU: OnArceus vs S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
PU: TJ vs bruno
LC: boulicrok vs Wail Wailord

Circuit Breakers (3) vs (7) Indigo Platoon

OU: Serene Grace vs Storm Zone
OU: Lusa vs MichaelderBeste2
OU: Lord_Enz vs Tamahome
Ubers: byronthewellwell vs Poek
DOU: Spurrific vs Z Strats
UU: LNumbers vs Gondra
RU: Punny vs CrashinBoomBang
NU: Sabella vs Kushalos
PU: Sjneider vs Excal
LC: daunt vs vs kythr

Showdown Shoguns (5) vs (5) Studio Gible

OU: Vaboh vs Eo Ut Mortus
OU: HSA vs robjr
OU: TPP vs London Beats
Ubers: Manaphy vs Fc
DOU: Frania vs Paraplegic
UU: Bushtush vs Luthier
RU: TheFranklin vs Nat
NU: TDK vs Rodriblutar
PU: false vs Raiza
LC: dcae vs teal6

Uncharted Terrors (5) vs (5) Mt. Silver Foxes

OU: Gefährlicher Random vs watashi
OU: Raptor vs Finchinator
OU: March Fires vs Santu
Ubers: Icemaster vs M Dragon
DOU: Actuarily vs Memoric
UU: Accel vs Adaam
RU: lax vs atomicllamas
NU: sensei axew vs Xiri
PU: Lambovino vs tlenit
LC: KSG vs Toadow
3:03 - Technical Machines vs Something Spartans
23:46 - Orange Islanders vs Power Plant Dynamos
43:10 - Circuit Breakers vs Indigo Platoon
55:36 - Showdown Shoguns vs Studio Gible
1:06:00 - Uncharted Terrors vs Mt. Silver Foxes
today's sponsor is Eternal Spirit, thanks to the people who watched and the balls jerk
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