Smogon Tournament #9 - Round 3

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Activity win request, i contacted rem at smogon several times (he´s on at the moment, but doesnt reply...), i although contacted him on irc (which i check because of this several time) and he didnt response when i saw him on.
it´s kinda hard to get the match done with him not answering.

i hope we get our matches done, but if not i´d say i´m way more active and want this match...
(no offense remlabmez, i just dont wanna get coinflipped out in this case)
he hasn't been on since jan 4 and i probably cannot play on the 10th or 9th because of finals so activity win unless he comes back on soon
WhiteQueen: hey mike
WhiteQueen: i know you hate me and all
WhiteQueen: but can you please do me a favor?
%MikeDecIsHere: I don't hate you?
%MikeDecIsHere: I don't know you lol
%MikeDecIsHere: but what is it?
WhiteQueen: ok great
WhiteQueen: post an activity win request in the st9 thread for me
WhiteQueen: i will type it up for you and just paste it for me
%MikeDecIsHere: okay
WhiteQueen: thanks man
%MikeDecIsHere: yeah, even if I hated you, I would do that haha
WhiteQueen: lol cool
WhiteQueen: snap
WhiteQueen: are you on irc by any chance?
WhiteQueen: my message is a bit long for here lol
%MikeDecIsHere: uh, nope
%MikeDecIsHere: putit on pastebin
%MikeDecIsHere: *put it
WhiteQueen: ok cool
WhiteQueen: please bold "activity win request"
%MikeDecIsHere: okay
WhiteQueen: thanks man
WhiteQueen said:
Activity Win Request: I asked jonathanrp to contact Staraptor on the 31st telling Staraptor when and what time I could play. Staraptor vm'ed jonathanrp back on the 2nd saying he could play on the weekend. I was on both last Saturday and Sunday waiting for him but he never showed. Now I'm on Grotto waiting for him like I said I would, and he hasn't shown either. Yet he kept posting activities without telling me when he could play. I am unbanned on the 14th.
lost, outplayed in game 1, misplayed and team matchup-ed in game 2. good luck in future rounds heist.
Activity win request, i contacted rem at smogon several times (he´s on at the moment, but doesnt reply...), i although contacted him on irc (which i check because of this several time) and he didnt response when i saw him on.
it´s kinda hard to get the match done with him not answering.

i hope we get our matches done, but if not i´d say i´m way more active and want this match...
(no offense remlabmez, i just dont wanna get coinflipped out in this case)

im like the easiest person to find. im on irc all the time. sorry i dont reply to VMs that say. BATTLE ME NOW IM ONLINE when im not even there. Sorry if i dont respond on IRC im obviously afk. The one time you PMd me it was like, 5 AM my time. yeah def not there

btw there is no way i was online when you made that post, i know for a fact im never awake at that time.
Bad Ass VM´d me. He says: today I´ll go to home later. I´ll try to play (more or less).
If today we don´t play, we will play tomorrow at the same time. No problem.
I beat thatsmylatios 2 - 1; i got a bit lucky (not sure if it would have affected the outcome since my luck was early game), so sorry for that

i'd like to thank thatsmylatios for being a good sport in scheduling the match because i was so busy this past week
GGs and GL.

Sorry to let down the few people who predicted me xD
Also Ill take this to commend Earthworm and Sandshrewz for running this tour, it must be quite difficult.
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