Move: Snatch
Type: Dark
Catagory: Other
Effect: Steals the effects of certain moves used by the opponent
Priorty: 4
PP: 10
Acc: Always
Snatchable Moves
Users are split into 5th gen users who can use the move either way
5th Gen Users:
or 4th Gen TM users who can only use Snatch by TM from last gen
4th Gen Tm Users:
Overview: Snatch is usually not seen as the "Move of choice". Usually, it's much better to just put in a move that will always work (SD, NP, you know the drill). But for those who like risk, it's good to know that Snatch has a bigger "Snatch pool" with even better moves to steal such as Shell Break and Butterfly Dance while still including common moves such as substitute and wish.
A potentially larger selection of moves to use
A potentially free turn of set up
Moves used by snatch are completely controlled by your opponent.
There is a Chance that you may not be able to snatch anything at all.
Failing to snatch gives your opponent a free turn.
Discuss Snatch and its uses!
Move: Snatch
Type: Dark
Catagory: Other
Effect: Steals the effects of certain moves used by the opponent
Priorty: 4
PP: 10
Acc: Always
Snatchable Moves
Acid Armor, Agility, Amnesia, Aqua Ring,
Armomatherapy,Barrier, Belly Drum, Body Purge,
Bulk Up, Butterfly Dance, Calm Mind, Camouflage,
Charge, Cheer Up, Coil, Conversion,
Cosmic Power, Cotton Guard, Defend Order, Defense Curl,
Double Team, Dragon Dance, Fast Guard, Focus Energy,
Gear Change, Growth, Harden, Heal Bell,
Heal Order, Healing Wish, Hone Claws, How,l
Imprison, Ingrain, Iron Defense, Light Screen,
Lucky Chant, Lunar Dance, Magnet Rise, Meditate,
Milk Drink, Minimize, Mist, Moonlight, Morning Sun,
Nasty Plot, Power Trick, Recover, Recycle,
Reflect, Rest, Rock Polish, Roost,
Safeguard, Shell Break, Sharpen, Slack Off,
Stockpile, Substitute, Swallow, Swords Dance,
Synthesis, Tail Glow, Tailwind, Wide Guard,
Wish, Withdraw
Armomatherapy,Barrier, Belly Drum, Body Purge,
Bulk Up, Butterfly Dance, Calm Mind, Camouflage,
Charge, Cheer Up, Coil, Conversion,
Cosmic Power, Cotton Guard, Defend Order, Defense Curl,
Double Team, Dragon Dance, Fast Guard, Focus Energy,
Gear Change, Growth, Harden, Heal Bell,
Heal Order, Healing Wish, Hone Claws, How,l
Imprison, Ingrain, Iron Defense, Light Screen,
Lucky Chant, Lunar Dance, Magnet Rise, Meditate,
Milk Drink, Minimize, Mist, Moonlight, Morning Sun,
Nasty Plot, Power Trick, Recover, Recycle,
Reflect, Rest, Rock Polish, Roost,
Safeguard, Shell Break, Sharpen, Slack Off,
Stockpile, Substitute, Swallow, Swords Dance,
Synthesis, Tail Glow, Tailwind, Wide Guard,
Wish, Withdraw
Users are split into 5th gen users who can use the move either way
5th Gen Users:
Banette, Deoxys, Snorlax, Liepard,
Reuniclus, Heatmor, Arbok, Persian,
Mightyena, Kecleon, Purugly, Zoroark,
Reuniclus, Heatmor, Arbok, Persian,
Mightyena, Kecleon, Purugly, Zoroark,
or 4th Gen TM users who can only use Snatch by TM from last gen
4th Gen Tm Users:
Absol, Alakazam, Ambipom, Blissey,
Breloom, Chimecho, Clefable, Crobat,
Darkrai, Dusclops, Froslass, Gallade,
Gardevoir, Gengar, Grumpig, Honchkrow,
Houndoom, Huntail, Hypno, Mew,
Mewtwo, Mismagius, Mr.Mime, Rotom,
Sabeleye, Seviper, Skuntank, Spinda,
Spiritomb, Swalot, Toxicroak, Umbreon,
Wigglytuff, Weavile
Breloom, Chimecho, Clefable, Crobat,
Darkrai, Dusclops, Froslass, Gallade,
Gardevoir, Gengar, Grumpig, Honchkrow,
Houndoom, Huntail, Hypno, Mew,
Mewtwo, Mismagius, Mr.Mime, Rotom,
Sabeleye, Seviper, Skuntank, Spinda,
Spiritomb, Swalot, Toxicroak, Umbreon,
Wigglytuff, Weavile
Overview: Snatch is usually not seen as the "Move of choice". Usually, it's much better to just put in a move that will always work (SD, NP, you know the drill). But for those who like risk, it's good to know that Snatch has a bigger "Snatch pool" with even better moves to steal such as Shell Break and Butterfly Dance while still including common moves such as substitute and wish.
A potentially larger selection of moves to use
A potentially free turn of set up
Moves used by snatch are completely controlled by your opponent.
There is a Chance that you may not be able to snatch anything at all.
Failing to snatch gives your opponent a free turn.
Discuss Snatch and its uses!