So its finally going to go below 60 tomorrow...

That is tomorrow, where I live, the temperature is going to have a high of less than 60 degrees. This will be the first time that it'll drop below said number this year (as in, this Winter season).

While it might not seem cold to a lot of people (Chicago today had lows of -9, lulz), for us, I guess it is as everyone is freaking out and a State of Emergency has been issued by the governor.

I for one, don't find it that cold (lows are only in the high 30's), but a lot of people do find it extremely cold and will bundle up. But those are usually immigrants from Latin America, not to be racist or "ethnicist." Then again, hot for us is 95 degrees with 80% humidity and above. Other than that, its just alright = P
Shit. Oh well, look on the bright side; we get snow days. ^_^
Lol, the closest thing we have to that is Hurricane Days, which suck b/c you are stuck at home. No fun, except that you can sleep in.


Banned deucer.
Yes I would much rather live in a Cold, safe place than a place with nice weather thats on an Earthquake fault.

In Oregon today it was 55 degrees, nice weather and it ws nice and sunny.
Man fuck cold weather dude. I'd love to be in Florida during the summer. The hottest it ever got around here (VA) was 110. I went outside the whole day to enjoy it. I mean, I drank about two gallons of water that day, but I was much happier than I am during winter. Temperature doesn't ever go below 15 degrees, but that's way too cold for me. I have a blanket on me whenever I'm not moving around the house this month.
Omg, its so pathetic.

We still have a UV index of 5. No wonder why i felt a little crispy when i did some sports outside on Wednesday, xD
I live in fairly temperate area also, so I've been faced with the "Super Cold" temperature of 55* lately here.

It's a nice change of pace though. We were thinking that winter had come to its end with daytime highs of 78*.
I've got to say when I first read this thread I thought the OP meant sixty below zero, it seems hard to concieve anything above freezing here in upstate New York. Not to say our weather here is even close to being extreme, but a State of Emergency for weather below sixty seems absolutely crazy.

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