Resource Solomods Megathread


Name of Mod: Balanced Createmons

Mascot: Wishiwashi

Link to Changes: Google Docs

Summary of the Mod: In Balanced Createmons, you can use any Pokemon, including illegal/unobtainable ones (such as MissingNo.) You can then customize their stats, types, abilities, & moves. Each of these aspects cost points, and each team gets 100,000 points to spend.

Competitive Overview: Balanced Createmons is already played competitively on Nihilslave's custom server and has an active community of players on Discord. It has its own builder and a formula which determines the point cost of Pokemon. Due to the nature of the mod, its meta is similar to Balanced Hackmons.

Pokemon Sandbox Creator
Balanced Createmons Discord
Balanced Createmons Type VR + Type VR Reasonings + Banlist
so I promise the next round of approvals will be less than 10 months from now!
Good news, the next thread approvals were less than 10 months this post!

I'm happy to announce thread approval for 1 very recent Solomod that has already come in with enough of a playerbase to warrant having a threadneedle so without further adieu, the following Solomod can have their own thread in the Solomods Subforum:
sojukirin's Balanced Createmons

There are a couple other Solomods I can see getting a thread in the near future (including a certain doubles-based mod in particular) so I'm hoping that it won't be long before I'm announcing another thread approval!

See you later!
[Gen 3] Gen 3+: Role Compendium (WIP)
Format inspired by National Dex Role Compendium
:clodsire: :cloyster: :deoxys-defense: :forretress: :froslass: :glalie: :gliscor: :heracross: :iron-thorns: :omastar: :overqwil: :quagsire: :roserade: :sandy-shocks: :skarmory: :sudowoodo: :toedscruel: :whiscash:
Rapid Spin
:armaldo: :blastoise: :claydol: :cloyster: :donphan: :forretress: :golem: :great-tusk: :hitmontop: :iron-treads: :kabutops: :mr-rime: :starmie: :tentacruel: :toedscruel: :torkoal:
:houndoom: :honchkrow: :tyranitar: :sceptile: :electivire: :metagross:
Magnet Pull
Thunder Wave

:absol: :altaria: :arcanine: :arcanine-hisui: :banette: :blaziken: :camerupt: :charizard: :dusknoir: :entei: :flareon: :froslass: :gallade: :gardevoir: :gengar: :houndoom: :magcargo: :magmortar: :marowak-alola: :mismagius: :moltres: :ninetales: :sableye: :shedinja: :shiftry: :solrock: :tauros-paldea-blaze: :torkoal: :typhlosion: :typhlosion-hisui: :weezing: :weezing-galar:

Offensive Roles

:slaking: :iron-hands: :rhyperior: :ursaluna: :roaring-moon: :kleavor: :metagross: :salamence: :sirfetchd: :dragonite: :iron-thorns: :tyranitar: :great-tusk: :iron-valiant: :machamp: :mamoswine: :scizor: :sneasler: :rhydon: :ursaring: :armaldo: :gallade: :gyarados: :heracross: :honchkrow: :zapdos-galar: :blaziken: :golem: :granbull: :hariyama: :annihilape: :banette: :kabutops: :overqwil: :snorlax: :swampert: :tauros-paldea-combat: :camerupt: :flygon::medicham: :azumarill:
:alakazam: :porygon-z: :espeon: :gengar: :glaceon: :magnezone: :articuno-galar: :exeggutor: :exeggutor-alola: :gardevoir: :magmortar: :moltres: :walking-wake: :zapdos: :sandy-shocks: :iron-valiant: :typhlosion-hisui: :ampharos: :jynx: :omastar: :raikou: :gorebyss: :blaziken: :houndoom: :jolteon: :latias: :mr-rime: :slowking-galar: :vaporeon: :charizard: :typhlosion::regice: :starmie:

(Swords Dance)
:sneasler: :iron-valiant: :dodrio: :gliscor: :zangoose: :heracross: :kleavor: :overqwil: :blaziken: :gallade: :kabutops: :shiftry: :venusaur: :feraligatr: :absol: :iron-thorns: :breloom: :solrock: :victreebel: :banette: :scizor: :seviper: :sirfetchd: :iron-hands: :ursaluna:
(Dragon Dance)
:salamence: :dragonite: :iron-thorns: :tyranitar: :gyarados: :aerodactyl: :feraligatr: :flygon: :whiscash: :steelix:
(Calm Mind)

(Bulk Up)

:annihilape: :granbull: :great-tusk: :hariyama: :hitmontop: :machamp: :medicham: :obstagoon: :poliwrath: :slaking: :swampert: :tauros-paldea-combat: :zapdos-galar:
(Belly Drum)
:azumarill: :charizard: :hariyama: :iron-hands: :lickilicky: :linoone: :magmortar: :marowak: :marowak-alola: :poliwrath: :slowbro-galar: :snorlax: :ursaluna: :zangoose:
Extreme Speed
:arcanine: :arcanine-hisui: :dragonite: :entei: :linoone:

Defensive Roles
Physically Defensive

:regirock: :steelix: :cloyster: :deoxys-defense: :registeel: :forretress: :skarmory: :torkoal: :dusknoir: :great-tusk: :metagross: :rhyperior: :gliscor: :tangrowth: :donphan: :iron-treads: :suicune: :tyranitar: :umbreon: :iron-hands: :claydol: :miltank: :ursaluna:
Specially Defensive
:regice: :deoxys-defense: :registeel: :mantine: :blissey: :dusknoir: :latias: :umbreon: :milotic: :claydol: :tentacruel: :toedscruel: :suicune: :grumpig: :slowking: :slowking-galar: :snorlax: :cradily: :altaria: :blastoise: :chansey: :roaring-moon: :bellossom: :celebi: :clodsire: :dragonite: :gyarados: :jirachi: :ludicolo: :raikou: :tyranitar::zapdos:

:absol: :blissey: :clefable: :espeon: :exeggutor: :farigiraf: :flareon: :gallade: :gardevoir: :glaceon: :hypno: :jirachi: :jolteon: :jynx: :kangaskhan: :latias: :leafeon: :lickilicky: :salamence: :scream-tail: :umbreon: :vaporeon:
Heal Bell / Aromatherapy
:altaria: :ampharos: :articuno: :blissey: :celebi: :clefable: :dragonite: :espeon: :flareon: :gardevoir: :glaceon: :granbull: :grumpig: :jolteon: :jynx: :lanturn: :lapras: :leafeon: :lickilicky: :miltank: :mismagius: :umbreon: :vaporeon: :jumpluff: :meganium: :roserade: :vileplume: :weezing-galar:
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35 Pokes

Every month we use a program to generate 35 random Pokémon from a pool. We then play for a month in a meta where those Pokémon, and those Pokémon alone, are legal. The idea being to create a limited and unique meta where Pokémon that would otherwise never see play can not just be used but often meta defining.


This is the pool of Pokémon that are currently legal, however more likely than not by the time you read this this will be out of date, as we'll have rolled next months 35. For those curious: Weezing-Galar, Regice and Oricorio-Sensu are considered to be the best Pokémon, however everything here has a legitimate niche, even Seaking and Shelgon.

Other rules:
1. Pokémon are set to 100 (or lower)
2. Z moves are banned, however Gems are not
3. Mega-Evolution, Gigantamaxing, and Dynamaxing are all banned
4. Tera is illegal
5. Hidden Power is illegal
6. No Evasion boosting moves, abilities or items: Including, but not limited to: Bright Powder, Double Team, Minimize, Snow Cloak, and Sand Veil
7. Shadow tag is banned, however Arena Trap is not
8. Forms are treated as entirely distinct pokemon from each other. If only Dugtrio-Alola is generated then you can only use Dugtrio-Alola.
9. There is no species restriction, however there IS a form restriction: If multiple forms of the same Pokémon species are generated you are allowed to put both on your team.
10. Sleep Clause is in effect
11. Moody Clause is in effect
12. Kings Rock is banned
13. The following moves are banned: Fissure, Sheer Cold, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Last Respects
14. Baton Pass is legal, however You cannot have a combination of Moves, Abilities or Items that allows you to intentionally or unintentionally pass boosts, a substitute or passive recovery (Ingrain, Aqua Ring...) to another Pokémon. This includes abilities such as Defiant and Contrary.
15. Battle Bond is banned
16. This format is played in Custom Game on pokemon showdown. All tournament games must be played in custom games using that months challenge code.

Where is it played?: matchmaking is hosted on the 35 Pokes Discord, and games are ran using direct challenges.

Useful Links:
Our Discord
Our YouTube channel
A Video about us!

PS: we also have 35 Seniors (Ubers) and 35 Juniors (Little Cup) versions which are hosted on the same Discord, for those interested!
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banner by Chief Redditor Mincera31
Name of Mod: Monocolor
Link to Changes:
The list of all Pokemon sorted by their color can be found here:émon_by_color

Summary of the Mod:
Monocolor is a potential Unofficial Metagame with a simple premise: It is a format where you build a team of six Pokemon sharing one common Pokedex color and fight against teams with the same restriction!

Banlist and Ruleset:
Annihilape, Arceus, Baxcalibur, Calyrex-Ice, Chi-Yu, Chien-Pao, Deoxys, Dialga, Espathra, Eternatus, Flutter Mane, Giratina, Gouging Fire, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Iron Bundle, Koraidon, Kyogre, Kyurem-Black, Kyurem-White, Landorus, Lugia, Lunala, Magearna, Mewtwo, Miraidon, Necrozma-Dawn-Wings, Necrozma-Dusk-Mane, Ogerpon-Hearthflame, Palafin, Palkia, Rayquaza, Regieleki, Reshiram, Shaymin-Sky, Sneasler, Solgaleo, Spectrier, Terapagos, Ursaluna-Bloodmoon, Urshifu, Zacian, Zamazenta-Crowned, Zekrom
Standard Ruleset:
Obtainable, Team Preview, Sleep Clause Mod, Species Clause, Nickname Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Items Clause, Evasion Moves Clause, Endless Battle Clause, HP Percentage Mod, Cancel Mod, Min Source Gen = 9
TL;DR OU-based (with additional bans); Uber unbans include Archaludon & Volcarona; Standard Ruleset (Change from OU: Sleep Clause Mod over Sleep Moves Clause)

(Gentleman) Challenge Code:
/challenge gen9ou@@@+Archaludon,+Volcarona,-Gouging Fire,!Sleep Moves Clause,Sleep Clause Mod
Alternatively, use the Dawn server! It also has a teambuilder, ladder, and chatroom for Monocolor!
Monocolor is under 'OM Collection' as 'Monocolor Singles' (use Ctrl+F).

Useful PS! / Dawn commands for teambuilding:
Use the command below to check for Pokemon of a particular color!
/ds <color>, <parameter>, (<parameter>)

for example, /ds red, all, fe will give me all FE Red Pokemon.
Similarly, using /dt <Pokemon> displays the color of a particular Pokemon.

:deoxys-speed: zastra (Tier Leader)
:arbok: Clas (Tier Leader)
:tropius: Mincera31
:arceus: Murphy Lawden

> Viability Rankings! (Last updated 9 April, 2024!)
VR Council
A Council of experienced players who will discuss and vote on the ranking of Pokemon. The current VR council will consist of the following users:

:deoxys-speed: zastra (Tier Leader)
:arbok: Clas (Tier Leader)
:tropius: Mincera31
:arceus: Murphy Lawden
:ditto: SilverSlime
:sharpedo-mega: OceanicGamer
◆ S Rank ◆
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
:pmd/iron_bundle: Iron Bundle
:pmd/zamazenta: Zamazenta
★★★ A Rank ★★★
Reserved for Pokemon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokemon are typically considered excellent Pokemon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokemon, but nonetheless are very effective.

:pmd/deoxys-speed: Deoxys-Speed
:pmd/latias: Latias
:pmd/rotom-wash: Rotom-Wash
:pmd/scizor: Scizor
:pmd/skeledirge: Skeledirge
★★ B Rank ★★
B Rank Pokemon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokemon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokemon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall
:pmd/Crawdaunt: Crawdaunt
:pmd/blaziken: Blaziken
:pmd/deoxys-defense: Deoxys-Defense
:pmd/moltres-galar: Moltres-Galar
:pmd/talonflame: Talonflame
★ C Rank
C Rank Pokemon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.
:pmd/Armarouge: Armarouge
:pmd/Braviary: Braviary
:pmd/Incineroar: Incineroar
:pmd/Krookodile: Krookodile
:pmd/Oricorio: Oricorio
:pmd/Rotom-Heat: Rotom-Heat
:pmd/Rotom-Mow: Rotom-Mow
:pmd/Vileplume: Vileplume
D Rank
D Rank Pokemon are very niche and generally require much more support and favorable conditions than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, but they're notable enough to not be UR and have a place on the rankings.
:pmd/Charizard: Charizard
:pmd/Delphox: Delphox
:pmd/Electrode-Hisui: Electrode-Hisui
:pmd/Klawf: Klawf
:pmd/Medicham: Medicham
:pmd/Minior: Minior
:pmd/Porygon-Z: Porygon-Z
:pmd/Porygon2: Porygon2
:pmd/Rotom-Frost: Rotom-Frost
:pmd/Scrafty: Scrafty
:pmd/Tatsugiri: Tatsugiri
◆ S Rank ◆
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
:pmd/Ogerpon-Wellspring: Ogerpon-Wellspring
:pmd/Roaring_Moon: Roaring Moon
★★★ A Rank ★★★
Reserved for Pokemon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokemon are typically considered excellent Pokemon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokemon, but nonetheless are very effective.
:pmd/Garchomp: Garchomp
:pmd/Glimmora: Glimmora
:pmd/Iron_Crown: Iron Crown
:pmd/Latios: Latios
:pmd/Ninetales-Alola: Ninetales-Alola
:pmd/Primarina: Primarina
:pmd/Samurott-Hisui: Samurott-Hisui
:pmd/Walking_Wake: Walking Wake

★★ B Rank ★★
B Rank Pokemon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokemon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokemon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall
:pmd/Azumarill: Azumarill
:pmd/Dondozo: Dondozo
:pmd/Greninja: Greninja
:pmd/Manaphy: Manaphy
:pmd/Toxapex: Toxapex
★ C Rank
C Rank Pokemon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.
:pmd/Azelf: Azelf
:pmd/Empoleon: Empoleon
:pmd/Hydreigon: Hydreigon
:pmd/Quaquaval: Quaquaval
:pmd/Thundurus: Thundurus
D Rank
D Rank Pokemon are very niche and generally require much more support and favorable conditions than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, but they're notable enough to not be UR and have a place on the rankings.
:pmd/Articuno: Articuno
:pmd/Blastoise: Blastoise
:pmd/Cobalion: Cobalion
:pmd/Gyarados: Gyarados
:pmd/Lucario: Lucario
:pmd/Masquerain: Masquerain
:pmd/Meowstic: Meowstic
:pmd/Metagross: Metagross
:pmd/Quagsire: Quagsire
:pmd/Salamence: Salamence
:pmd/Sandslash-Alola: Sandslash-Alola
:pmd/Suicune: Suicune
:pmd/Swampert: Swampert
:pmd/Vaporeon: Vaporeon
◆ S Rank ◆
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
:pmd/Gholdengo: Gholdengo
:pmd/Raging_Bolt: Raging Bolt
★★★ A Rank ★★★
Reserved for Pokemon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokemon are typically considered excellent Pokemon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokemon, but nonetheless are very effective.
:pmd/Keldeo: Keldeo
:pmd/Ribombee: Ribombee
:pmd/Zapdos: Zapdos
★★ B Rank ★★
B Rank Pokemon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokemon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokemon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall
:pmd/Haxorus: Haxorus
:pmd/Jirachi: Jirachi
:pmd/Moltres: Moltres
:pmd/Pelipper: Pelipper
:pmd/Zapdos-Galar: Zapdos-Galar
★ C Rank
C Rank Pokemon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.
:pmd/Cresselia: Cresselia
:pmd/Mimikyu: Mimikyu
:pmd/Uxie: Uxie
D Rank
D Rank Pokemon are very niche and generally require much more support and favorable conditions than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, but they're notable enough to not be UR and have a place on the rankings.

:pmd/Dudunsparce: Dudunsparce
:pmd/Typhlosion-Hisui: Typhlosion-Hisui
◆ S Rank ◆
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
:pmd/Dragapult: Dragapult
:pmd/Rillaboom: Rillaboom
★★★ A Rank ★★★
Reserved for Pokemon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokemon are typically considered excellent Pokemon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokemon, but nonetheless are very effective.
:pmd/Hawlucha: Hawlucha
:pmd/Hydrapple: Hydrapple
:pmd/Meowscarada: Meowscarada
:pmd/Serperior: Serperior
★★ B Rank ★★
B Rank Pokemon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokemon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokemon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall
:pmd/Breloom: Breloom
:pmd/Chesnaught: Chesnaught
:pmd/Comfey: Comfey
:pmd/Ogerpon: Ogerpon
:pmd/Sinistcha: Sinistcha
:pmd/Tornadus-Therian: Tornadus-Therian
:pmd/Tyranitar: Tyranitar
★ C Rank
C Rank Pokemon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.
:pmd/Araquanid: Araquanid
:pmd/Basculegion: Basculegion-F
:pmd/Basculegion: Basculegion-M
:pmd/Cyclizar: Cyclizar
:pmd/Iron_Leaves: Iron Leaves
:pmd/Muk-Alola: Muk-Alola
:pmd/Politoed: Politoed
D Rank
D Rank Pokemon are very niche and generally require much more support and favorable conditions than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, but they're notable enough to not be UR and have a place on the rankings.
:pmd/Drednaw: Drednaw
:pmd/Lilligant-Hisui: Lilligant-Hisui
:pmd/Regidrago: Regidrago
:pmd/Reuniclus: Reuniclus
◆ S Rank ◆
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
:pmd/Darkrai: Darkrai
:pmd/Kingambit: Kingambit
:pmd/Weavile: Weavile
★★★ A Rank ★★★
Reserved for Pokemon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokemon are typically considered excellent Pokemon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokemon, but nonetheless are very effective.

:pmd/Necrozma: Necrozma
:pmd/Zarude: Zarude
★★ B Rank ★★
B Rank Pokemon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokemon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokemon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall

:pmd/Fezandipiti: Fezandipiti
:pmd/Okidogi: Okidogi
:pmd/Tauros: Tauros-Paldea-Blaze
★ C Rank
C Rank Pokemon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.
:pmd/Chandelure: Chandelure
:pmd/Munkidori: Munkidori
:pmd/Overqwil: Overqwil
:pmd/Umbreon: Umbreon
D Rank
D Rank Pokemon are very niche and generally require much more support and favorable conditions than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, but they're notable enough to not be UR and have a place on the rankings.

:pmd/Salazzle: Salazzle
:pmd/Tauros: Tauros-Paldea-Aqua
◆ S Rank ◆
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
:pmd/dragonite: Dragonite
:pmd/garganacl: Garganacl
:pmd/gouging_fire: Gouging Fire
★★★ A Rank ★★★
Reserved for Pokemon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokemon are typically considered excellent Pokemon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokemon, but nonetheless are very effective.
:pmd/heatran: Heatran
:pmd/landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian
:pmd/mandibuzz: Mandibuzz
:pmd/ting-lu: Ting-Lu
:pmd/ursaluna: Ursaluna
:pmd/volcanion: Volcanion
★★ B Rank ★★
B Rank Pokemon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokemon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokemon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall
:pmd/clodsire: Clodsire
:pmd/torkoal: Torkoal
★ C Rank
C Rank Pokemon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.
:pmd/arcanine-hisui: Arcanine-Hisui
:pmd/hippowdon: Hippowdon
:pmd/kleavor: Kleavor
:pmd/mamoswine: Mamoswine
:pmd/wo-chien: Wo-Chien
D Rank
D Rank Pokemon are very niche and generally require much more support and favorable conditions than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, but they're notable enough to not be UR and have a place on the rankings.
:pmd/barraskewda: Barraskewda
:pmd/conkeldurr: Conkeldurr
:pmd/dragalge: Dragalge
:pmd/infernape: Infernape
:pmd/lycanroc: Lycanroc
:pmd/staraptor: Staraptor
◆ S Rank ◆
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
:pmd/gliscor: Gliscor
:pmd/great_tusk: Great Tusk
★★★ A Rank ★★★
Reserved for Pokemon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokemon are typically considered excellent Pokemon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokemon, but nonetheless are very effective.
:pmd/ceruledge: Ceruledge
:pmd/corviknight: Corviknight
:pmd/hoopa-unbound: Hoopa-Unbound
:pmd/pecharunt: Pecharunt
★★ B Rank ★★
B Rank Pokemon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokemon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokemon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall
:pmd/Cloyster: Cloyster
:pmd/Goodra-Hisui: Goodra-Hisui
:pmd/Grimmsnarl: Grimmsnarl
★ C Rank
C Rank Pokemon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.
:pmd/Ditto: Ditto
:pmd/Gastrodon: Gastrodon
:pmd/Gengar: Gengar
:pmd/Noivern: Noivern
D Rank
D Rank Pokemon are very niche and generally require much more support and favorable conditions than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, but they're notable enough to not be UR and have a place on the rankings.
:pmd/Forretress: Forretress
:pmd/Muk: Muk
:pmd/Oricorio-Sensu: Oricorio-Sensu
:pmd/Polteageist: Polteageist
:pmd/Sableye: Sableye
◆ S Rank ◆
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
:pmd/Kyurem: Kyurem
:pmd/Ogerpon-Cornerstone: Ogerpon-Cornerstone
:pmd/Skarmory: Skarmory
★★★ A Rank ★★★
Reserved for Pokemon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokemon are typically considered excellent Pokemon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokemon, but nonetheless are very effective.
:pmd/Iron_Boulder: Iron Boulder
:pmd/Iron_Treads: Iron Treads
:pmd/Sandy_Shocks: Sandy Shocks
★★ B Rank ★★
B Rank Pokemon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokemon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokemon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall
:pmd/Excadrill: Excadrill
:pmd/Iron_Hands: Iron Hands
:pmd/Lokix: Lokix
:pmd/Zoroark-Hisui: Zoroark-Hisui
★ C Rank
C Rank Pokemon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.
:pmd/Klefki: Klefki
:pmd/Kommo-o: Kommo-o
:pmd/Registeel: Registeel
:pmd/Weezing: Weezing-Galar
D Rank
D Rank Pokemon are very niche and generally require much more support and favorable conditions than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, but they're notable enough to not be UR and have a place on the rankings.
:pmd/Cinccino: Cinccino
:pmd/Magnezone: Magnezone
:pmd/Revavroom: Revavroom
:pmd/Terrakion: Terrakion
◆ S Rank ◆
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
:pmd/Iron_Valiant: Iron Valiant
:pmd/Volcarona: Volcarona
★★★ A Rank ★★★
Reserved for Pokemon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokemon are typically considered excellent Pokemon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokemon, but nonetheless are very effective.
:pmd/Archaludon: Archaludon
:pmd/Cinderace: Cinderace
:pmd/Iron_Moth: Iron Moth
★★ B Rank ★★
B Rank Pokemon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokemon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokemon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall
:pmd/Amoonguss: Amoonguss
:pmd/Maushold: Maushold
:pmd/Slither_Wing: Slither Wing
★ C Rank
C Rank Pokemon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.
:pmd/Florges: Florges
:pmd/Froslass: Froslass
:pmd/Smeargle: Smeargle
D Rank
D Rank Pokemon are very niche and generally require much more support and favorable conditions than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, but they're notable enough to not be UR and have a place on the rankings.
:pmd/Braviary-Hisui: Braviary-Hisui
:pmd/Brute_Bonnet: Brute Bonnet
:pmd/Cetitan: Cetitan
:pmd/Meloetta: Meloetta
◆ S Rank ◆
Reserved for Pokemon that are absolutely meta-defining. These Pokemon are able to perform a variety of roles very effectively, or can just do one extremely well. Their use has low risk involved and high reward exerted. Pokemon in this rank have very few flaws that are patched up by numerous positive traits.
:pmd/Blissey: Blissey
:pmd/Enamorus: Enamorus
★★★ A Rank ★★★
Reserved for Pokemon that perform extremely well in the metagame. These Pokemon are typically considered excellent Pokemon let down by a few faults, thus keeping them out of S Rank. They typically require more support than an S Rank Pokemon, but nonetheless are very effective.
:pmd/Alomomola: Alomomola
:pmd/Clefable: Clefable
:pmd/Hatterene: Hatterene
:pmd/Slowking-Galar: Slowking-Galar
★★ B Rank ★★
B Rank Pokemon are typically considered good, but overall quite niche, and require much more support than a Pokemon in A or S Rank. Their flaws are also much more prominent than Pokemon in S or A Rank, making them less effective overall
:pmd/Milotic: Milotic
:pmd/Slowbro: Slowbro
:pmd/Tinkaton: Tinkaton
★ C Rank
C Rank Pokemon are generally mediocre in the metagame. They typically require much more support than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, although they can still be effective in the right circumstances.
:pmd/Mew: Mew
:pmd/Scream_Tail: Scream Tail
:pmd/Slowking: Slowking
D Rank
D Rank Pokemon are very niche and generally require much more support and favorable conditions than Pokemon higher up the viability rankings, but they're notable enough to not be UR and have a place on the rankings.
:pmd/Slowbro-Galar: Slowbro-Galar
:pmd/Sylveon: Sylveon
1.0 (7/4/24): Slate #1 | Voting Sheet
1.1 (9/4/24): Minor update #1
Black: Necrozma C-->A
Black: Fezandipiti A-->B
Black: Okidogi C-->B
Black: Tauros-Paldea-Blaze C-->B
Brown: Torkoal D-->B
Pink: Blissey A-->S
> Sample teams
Selected up-to-date samples:
:glimmora::greninja::roaring-moon::iron crown::ogerpon-wellspring::garchomp: Blue Greninja HO by zastra
:deoxys-speed::latias::zamazenta::moltres-galar::scizor::crawdaunt: Red Crawdaunt Screens by Pinkacross
:rillaboom::serperior::hawlucha::muk-alola::ogerpon::dragapult: Green Muk-A Grassy Terrain by Pinkacross
more tba

Tiering & Important Happenings Log
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)Update
Banlist decided, things officially started​
Sneasler quick-unbanned with a 3-0-1 majority
Sneasler and Iron bundle unanimously quickbanned
Minor sample teams update​
Gouging Fire unanimously quickbanned
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Name of Mod: RBY Recolored

Link to Changes:
Summary of the Mod: This is just a fun go at splashing the waters of RBY OU. RBY but amplified, more options, higher power levels. The first changes mean to spread more healing into the game, offer competition to zapdos and rhydon, and introduce more grass, waters and fires!
Competitive Overview Ideally top 6 mons stay on top, whilst rhydon/zapdos more easily dropped. New mons designed with top 8 in mind. Not an expert and this is most definitely going to see change!

EDIT: Better format for readability!!
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35 Pokes

Every month we use a program to generate 35 random Pokémon from a pool. We then play for a month in a meta where those Pokémon, and those Pokémon alone, are legal. The idea being to create a limited and unique meta where Pokémon that would otherwise never see play can not just be used but often meta defining.

View attachment 619468
This is the pool of Pokémon that are currently legal, however more likely than not by the time you read this this will be out of date, as we'll have rolled next months 35. For those curious: Weezing-Galar, Regice and Oricorio-Sensu are considered to be the best Pokémon, however everything here has a legitimate niche, even Seaking and Shelgon.

Other rules:
1. Pokémon are set to 100 (or lower)
2. Z moves are banned, however Gems are not
3. Mega-Evolution, Gigantamaxing, and Dynamaxing are all banned
4. Tera is illegal
5. Hidden Power is illegal
6. No Evasion boosting moves, abilities or items: Including, but not limited to: Bright Powder, Double Team, Minimize, Snow Cloak, and Sand Veil
7. Shadow tag is banned, however Arena Trap is not
8. Forms are treated as entirely distinct pokemon from each other. If only Dugtrio-Alola is generated then you can only use Dugtrio-Alola.
9. There is no species restriction, however there IS a form restriction: If multiple forms of the same Pokémon species are generated you are allowed to put both on your team.
10. Sleep Clause is in effect
11. Moody Clause is in effect
12. Kings Rock is banned
13. The following moves are banned: Fissure, Sheer Cold, Guillotine, Horn Drill, Last Respects
14. Baton Pass is legal, however You cannot have a combination of Moves, Abilities or Items that allows you to intentionally or unintentionally pass boosts, a substitute or passive recovery (Ingrain, Aqua Ring...) to another Pokémon. This includes abilities such as Defiant and Contrary.
15. Battle Bond is banned
16. This format is played in Custom Game on pokemon showdown. All tournament games must be played in custom games using that months challenge code.

Where is it played?: matchmaking is hosted on the 35 Pokes Discord, and games are ran using direct challenges.

Useful Links:
Our Discord
Our YouTube channel
A Video about us!

PS: we also have 35 Seniors (Ubers) and 35 Juniors (Little Cup) versions which are hosted on the same Discord, for those interested!
Galarian Weezing I can get, also Sensu Oricorio due to Quiver Dance and STAB, but how did Regice managed to be considered as one of the top tiers despite being a slow Ice-type? Was it because being the only Ice-type and huge SpD give it attacking clout among other bulky Pokémon?

Odd how Shelgon is selected over Salamence. Primeape is understandable considering how overly optimized Annihilape is, but Salamence seems harmless in comparison, though a lack of Fairy-type other than Wigglytuff and faster Dragon-type may have something to do with this.
Galarian Weezing I can get, also Sensu Oricorio due to Quiver Dance and STAB, but how did Regice managed to be considered as one of the top tiers despite being a slow Ice-type? Was it because being the only Ice-type and huge SpD give it attacking clout among other bulky Pokémon?
good glue mon with notable util in ibeam + toxic without real toxic absorbers that can answer ibeam and pairs well with wishpass farigiraf + swampert + gweez.
Odd how Shelgon is selected over Salamence. Primeape is understandable considering how overly optimized Annihilape is, but Salamence seems harmless in comparison, though a lack of Fairy-type other than Wigglytuff and faster Dragon-type may have something to do with this.
!randpoke is the command used, and iirc anything below a certain threshold is either excluded or automatically evolved, i dont remember completely. this is all knowledge i have as a player as i dont lead or help really with the project
I didn't wanna do this, but I'm retiring Roulettemons: The Solomod. There are a couple of reasons as to why, but the main reason is because the RTS teambuilder absolutely broke when DH was ported to Generation 9. However, I am planning a new release of the solomod (you may have seen it already in the Solomods and Roulettemons Discord servers.) Stay tuned!
Name of Mod: Deez Nuts Used
Mascot (Optional): Gulpin
Challenge Code:
/challenge gen9nationaldexubers @@@ -all pokemon, +Amoonguss, +Garchomp, +Glimmora, +Gulpin, +Koffing, +Lickilicky, +Machoke, +Maushold, +Pikachu, +Rhydon, +Rookidee, +Sawk, +Slugma, +Swellow, Terastal Clause, Z-Move Clause
Summary of the Mod: All Pokémon that can be used as a setup to a "Deez Nuts" joke, along with Amoonguss. I don't need to explain why.

DNU Ubers: :koraidon: :miraidon:
Watchlist: :garchomp: :garchomp-mega: :maushold:

Viability List (after a grand total of 0 games):
Top: :garchomp:
High: :garchomp-mega: :glimmora: :maushold: :machoke: :amoonguss: :koffing: :rhydon:
Medium: :pikachu: :swellow: :lickilicky: :sawk: :slugma:
Low: :gulpin: :rookidee:

Put this in solopl :v4::v4::v4:
good glue mon with notable util in ibeam + toxic without real toxic absorbers that can answer ibeam and pairs well with wishpass farigiraf + swampert + gweez.

!randpoke is the command used, and iirc anything below a certain threshold is either excluded or automatically evolved, i dont remember completely. this is all knowledge i have as a player as i dont lead or help really with the project
good glue mon with notable util in ibeam + toxic without real toxic absorbers that can answer ibeam and pairs well with wishpass farigiraf + swampert + gweez.

!randpoke is the command used, and iirc anything below a certain threshold is either excluded or automatically evolved, i dont remember completely. this is all knowledge i have as a player as i dont lead or help really with the project

As far as I know, things that are too powerful are replaced with a pre-evolution that may not necessarily be on the list itself (which is how we got Drakloak in January). Only the NFEs which were determined to be viable enough on their own are currently on the list of potential pokemon
Name of Mod: Deez Nuts Used
Mascot (Optional): Gulpin
Challenge Code:
/challenge gen9nationaldexubers @@@ -all pokemon, +Amoonguss, +Garchomp, +Glimmora, +Gulpin, +Koffing, +Lickilicky, +Machoke, +Maushold, +Pikachu, +Rhydon, +Rookidee, +Sawk, +Slugma, +Swellow, Terastal Clause, Z-Move Clause
Summary of the Mod: All Pokémon that can be used as a setup to a "Deez Nuts" joke, along with Amoonguss. I don't need to explain why.

DNU Ubers: :koraidon: :miraidon:
Watchlist: :garchomp: :garchomp-mega: :maushold:

Viability List (after a grand total of 0 games):
Top: :garchomp:
High: :garchomp-mega: :glimmora: :maushold: :machoke: :amoonguss: :koffing: :rhydon:
Medium: :pikachu: :swellow: :lickilicky: :sawk: :slugma:
Low: :gulpin: :rookidee:

Put this in solopl :v4::v4::v4:

Funnily enough another solomod has DNU as an abbreviation, Do Not Used
Back To Square One
(Will be playable soon in
(Thanks to DuoM2 and everyone at the discord server, especially Yak Attack and Prowlcorp, for their great help to make this meta. Extra thanks to Yak Attack for hosting the mod for me lol)

View attachment 518302

Summary of the Mod: Every Move, Held Item, Ability and Pokémon's base stats will work like they did in their debut generation. Raichu has 100 base Speed instead of 110, Blizzard has 120 BP and 90% acc, Protean activates for every move used, etc. (National Dex Based)
  • Every Gen 1 Pokémon will have SpA and SpD stats equal to their Special Stat in RBY (Ex: Charizard has 85 SpA and SpD, Gengar has 130 SpA and SpD, etc.);
  • Any move that affected Special in Gen 1 (ie Psychic, Amnesia and Growth) will now affect SpA and SpD at the same time (meaning Amnesia is a double Calm Mind, but Cosmic Power will still never raise SpA, since it didn't debut in Gen 1);
  • The type chart will remain unchanged;
  • Status conditions also work as normal(So no super OP Freeze and no Electric type getting Paralysed);
    • For this reason, Leech Seed will not be affected by the toxic counter, unlike in gen1 (I don't want the meta being dominated by sub-seed toxic whimiscott lol)
  • Every Pokémon's movepool and Ability options will remain the same (otherwise early Gen Pokémon would suck);
  • Moves introduced prior to Gen 4 will have their original type-dependent categories (Ice Punch is Special, Hyper Voice is Physical, etc.).
  • Struggle will remain unchanged to avoid endless battle clause scenarios.
  • Similarly, Hidden Power's patterns will be the gen 3 ones due to IV mechanics being unchanged (EVs too by the way).
  • All of the PLA Moves will have their gen 9 effect, due to the game's different mechanics and lack of PvP
  • Due to technical limitations, Counter can no longer cause the battle to desync.
Competitive Overview:
  • Standart National Dex
  • Smogon Wide Clauses
  • Freeze Clause Mod (JP RBY Blizzard has a 30% Freeze chance... yikes)
  • Dynamax Clause

  • Arena Trap
  • Shadow Tag
  • Power Construct
  • Dig
    and Fly
    (Glitched in gen 1)
  • Assist
  • Baton Pass
  • Last Respects
  • Soul Dew

Unbanned From Nat Dex Ubers and AG:
  • Baxcalibur
  • Chien Pao
  • Dragapult
  • Flutter Mane
  • Gholdengo
  • Kingambit
  • Kyurem-Black
  • Melmetal
  • Roaring Moon
  • Spectrier
  • Zygarde

  • Aegislash
  • Baxcalibur
  • Chien Pao
  • Cinderace
  • Darkrai
  • Diancie-Mega
  • Dragapult
  • Flutter Mane
  • Kingambit
  • Kyurem-Black
  • Melmetal
  • Meowscarada
  • Zygarde
  • Shed Tail
  • Gen1 Partial Trapping Moves

Cloyster @ White Herb
Ability: Overcoat
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shell Smash
- Blizzard
- Tera Blast
- Hydro Pump

Icicle Spear Sucks now, but Cloyster now has a solid 85 SpD, meaning that setting up is much easier now. Plus Blizzard is a good replacement and it has acess to the incredibly annoying Clamp.

Do you remember that weather was so broken in Gen 5 that weather abilities were nerfed to not be permanent? Well forget about that, 'cause the chaos is back! Also... Hail Yeah! Because Hail is also back and Snow is now only settable via Chlilling Reception and Snowscape and its pretty much useless anyways.

Yeah... let's talk about the Great Tusk on the room: Amnesia. Now this move raises SpA and SpD by two stages, basically like a double Calm Mind. Scream Tail and both Slowkings in particular also have Stored Power to get past Unaware Pokémon.

Recover has 32 pp now... yikes.


Chansey @ Eviolite
Ability: Natural Cure
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Flamethrower
- Tera Blast
- Soft-Boiled
- Calm Mind

Chansey has its precious 105 SpA back. Calm Mind sets probably will be quite hard to stop thanks to its massive bulk and recovery.


Dragapult @ Leftovers
Ability: Clear Body
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Dragon Darts
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute/ Psychic Fangs

Dragapult has Physical Shadow Ball now... is this really getting banned from another OM?

Protean and Libero, like I mentioned earlier, now work like they did prior to being nerfed. Time to see who is getting banned first.

These are far from the only things that was unnerfed here. Aegislash, Soul Dew, among othwrs, will definitely shake up the metagame as well.
Forget about Dual Screens, they only affect the user now. Aurora Veil still works jut fine though.

Defog no longer removes hazards from your side of the field. Now the only ways to remove hazards are Rapid Spin (which now is 20bp and doesn't raise speed) Mortal Spin (Glimmora) and Tidy Up (very limited distribution). You can also play against hazards with Magic Bounce (Mega Diancie seems particularly good with Amnesia) and the always reliable Heavy Duty Boots.

At least you can only have one layer of Spikes now, which pokémon like Samurott-Hisui, Garchomp and Skarmory definetly don't apreciate

While Dragapult may have loved that Shadow Ball is Physical now, I wouldn't say the same about other, special attacking Ghost types. Now the only half decent, non signature Special Ghost moves are Hex and Ominous Wind.

Losing Stabs to the lazy early gen Physical-Special Split is never fun. For example, Crunch, Knock Off (which now only has 20bp anyways), Dragon Claw and Outrage (now only 90bp) are all special now. Dark types still have some decent options (like 80 bp Sucker Punch), but Dragon types aren't nearly as lucky (Dragon Rush isn't exactly good).

Unlike Cloyster, Pokémon like Breloom, Kyurem-Black and Cinccino hate losing Icicle Spear and Bullet Seed.

Weak Armor now only raises speed by one stage.

Thats right, the Sitrus and HP pinch Berries are useless now, which only really affects Belly Drum, Shed Tail and Harvest users anyway, but still relevant enough to be mentioned.

Questions for the community:
  • Currently nothing

If there is something that I may be missing, just let me know please!

Hey, huge news!! BTS1 will finnaly be playable soon!!
Around a month ago I decided to finnaly finish making the custom server where I would host my meta, but had too many trouble setting the client up. I was about to start college and wouldn't have a lot of time to finish this. Sooo I decided to talk with the legend himself Yak Attack (who helped me out a LOT during the develpment of the mod) and ask if could host the mod instead of me. He said yes and said that the meta would soon be playable on (and yes I forgot to announce this earlier bc of college and honestly I completely forgot lmaoooooo)
Name of Mod: Dex Reversal
Mascot: :shiinotic:
Link to Changes
: Spreadsheet
Summary: Dex Reversal is a Gen 9 Natdex metagame where all pokemon's stats are swapped with the opposite pokemon in the pokedex. Pecharunt has swapped stats with Bulbasaur, Terapagos swaps with Ivysaur, etc for every pokemon in the dex. Forme changes still add stats, so Terapagos-Normal would be 60/62/63/80/80/60, which are Ivysaur's stats, while Terapagos-Terastal would be 65/92/88/120/120/85, which is Ivysaur's stats + the stat increases from the Terastal forme.
Banned Pokemon
:calyrex-ice: Calyrex-Ice
:Smeargle: Smeargle

Banned Moves
Baton Pass
Shell Smash

Banned Items
Bright Powder
King's Rock
Lax Incense
Razor Fang

Banned Abilities
Sand Veil
Snow Cloak

Species Clause: two Pokemon with the same national pokedex number cannot be used.
Sleep Moves Clause: Players cannot use moves that inflict or otherwise lead to inflicting sleep on foes, such as Sleep Powder or Yawn.
Evasion Clause: a Pokemon cannot have Double Team or Minimize in its moveset.
OHKO Clause: a Pokemon cannot have Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill or Sheer Cold in its moveset.
Terastilization Clause: Players cannot terastilize.
Endless Battle Clause: players cannot intentionally prevent an opponent from ending the game without forfeiting.
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Only about 2 and a half months before the next round of solomod approvals came around, and this one's a big one!

With the Solomods Premier League in fully swing, it's an exciting time in the Solomods subforum, so how about we add to the excitement with a whopping FOUR Solomod thread approvals!

These mods gained approval through a combination of their popularity and to make their resources more visible since a couple of them are part of the ongoing premier league.

Without further adieu, the following solomods can now post their own thread in the Solomods subforum:
AquaticPanic's Fusion Evolution Video Game Championships
Scoopapa's Scootopia
Portable Fridge's GSC Doubles
aerobee's Custom Game

That's all for now, but there are at least 3 other solomods I have my eye on (plus maybe when I post one of the like 6 ready-to-post unreleased solomods I have we can add that one too), so it surely won't be long before we get some more approvals!

See you soon!
actually serious solomod submission this time. no deez nuts jokes here.
:sv/rotom: CommunityUsed 2: Regional Dex :sv/rotom:
About a year ago, I opened a new metagame to the Do Not Use server that I had brainstormed called CommunityUsed, that would feature players submitting one mon blindly, and forming a metagame around the submissions. Imagine my embarrassment when I got involved in this subforum and saw a metagame called Blindsided...

People loved the format and played it a ton, and while it wasn't perfect, most people considered it well balanced after an early balance patch. It ceased development after a few months, and despite the project being considered complete, people played it semi-regularly for months after that (even running a grassroots tournament!) until the host server went down.

After some discussions with a few friends on how to improve this, I have decided to launch a sequel to CommunityUsed as a Solomod! This time, instead of being very similar to Blindsided, it's going to work somewhere in the realm of the Pet Mods Generation X and Secret Santa! (As to why this is being submitted as a Solomod instead of a Pet Mod since I know I'll be asked that: it's so the metagame/discussion/process/everything can be mostly contained to the Discord server, and so I can have creative control over it.)

Each submission will have some "constraint" to follow, that may be related to flavor or related to competitive role. The goal is to weaponize your submissions and form a full, blindly created Regional Dex! There will be a short window before Pokemon submissions open for players to suggest constraints, and when the window opens, all subbers will receive a random constraint from the list. From there, it's up to the user to brainstorm and submit a Pokemon that fits those constraints! After the window closes, I'll code the metagame to be playable on the Pet Mods Dragon Heaven server (hopefully!), and we'll see the fruits of our labor!

Discord Link
Spreadsheet Link

:absol-mega: cyclonez_
:jigglypuff: Alon Guy Person
may add 1-2 more after the metagame itself launches
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:sv/heatran:National Dex - Strongest State:sv/heatran:

New Solomod? Damn...

This Metagame is a National Dex based format, where every Pokemon, Move, Item, Ability and Mechanic is in a state where they never received nerfs. A lot of stuff has been changed in this franchise, but here only buffs that an element has received since its introduction will be kept, while all the nerfs are removed. This obviously leads to more power creep, in a generation where power creep has redefined itself.

Here's a list of all relevant changes. Some elements are banned and I will also go into detail about them, when I get to them
All these Pokemon got their stat nerfs reverted. Aegislash is definitively the biggest winner here, since it also got other buffs like Steel resisting Dark and Ghost again and King's Shield lowering Attack by 2 again. Unfortunately, Psychic is also immune to Ghost, thus its offensive potential is more limited. Zamazenta now does slightly more damage but, most importantly, it gains a Defense boost on every switch in. Ting-Lu got a nice buff with an HP from 155 to 165. This isn't huge but useful.

Cresselia and Wo-Chien got nice buffs but these won't bring them into OU relevence, except for maybe Cresselia who got a good bulk buff.

Relevant Pokemon
  • Aegislash: +10 Atk & +10 SpA / +10 Def & +10 SpD
  • Zamazenta: +10 Atk
  • Ting-Lu: +10 HP

Niche Pokemon
  • Cresselia: +10 Def & +10 SpD
  • Wo-Chien: +5 Atk & +5 SpA

Banned Pokemon
  • Zacian(-Crowned): +10 Atk (+20 Atk)
  • Zamazenza-Crowned: +10 Atk, +5 Def & +5 SpD
  • Chien-Pao: +10 Atk
  • Chi-Yu: +10 SpA
Dauntless Shield and Intrepid Sword: Now raises Defense and Attack every time they switch in, respectively.
This buff was already covered with Zamazenta and Zacian is banned.

Gale Wings: Now gives priority to every Flying-type move, regardless of health.
Talonflame got a nice buff, but it won't bring it back to OU since it has also lost a neutrality to Ice.

Aerilate, Pixilate and Refrigerate: Raises the power of Normal-type moves by 1.3x
Gardevoir-Mega, Pinsir-Mega and Glalie-Mega have gotten a rather significant power boost to their moves and in Glalies case, it has a buffed Explosion to spam, that cannot be blocked.

Libero and Protean: Now changes type whenever the Pokemon uses a move.
Cinderace and Meowscarada get crazy with this. They are strong and fast and both have broken STABs and coverage moves. Greninja also gets a nice buff.

Transistor: Attacking stats are multiplied by 1.5x.
Regieleki is banned due to its synergy with Tera. If Tera gets banned, then it will be unbanned and relevant.

Parental Bond: The second hit has 50% of the moves Base Power.
Another buff only being relevant for Ubers. Kangaskhan-Mega definitively has a niche in Ubers but overall, not good.

Moody: Also randomly lower or raise Evasion and Accuracy.
:soul-dew: Soul Dew now boosts the Special Attack and Special Defense of the Lati twins again. I don't need to get into why this is broken.

:aguav-berry::Figy-Berry::Iapapa-Berry::Mago-Berry::Wiki-Berry: Pinch Berries got massive buffs. Healing 50% whenever being below 50% HP. It is obvious why they are on the Watchlist.

:normal-gem: Gems have their multiplier increased to 1.5x from 1.3x. However, this only includes the Normal Gem, so it is only useful for Extreme Speeds, Explosions or Self-Destructs.

:quick-claw::kings-rock: Yeah no. Already banned in their vanilla state, and their brokenness got pushed more.
There are a lot so I will only cover relevant buffs

Aura Sphere, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Heat Wave, Ice Beam, Muddy Water, Surf and Thunderbolt have their Base Power increased by 5, while Blizzard, Draco Meteor, Fire Blast, Hidden Power, Leaf Storm, Meteor Mash, Overheat, Sucker Punch, Thunder and Wicked Blow have their Base Power increased by 10. This is great for all the Pokemon that rely on them for their STAB or Coverage option. Blizzard and Fire Blast also got buffed in their secondary chance. Now they inflict the status 30% of the time and this leads to Blizzards ban. Wicked Blow is also effectively stronger, since crits do more damage now.

Explosion and Self-Destruct now halve the targets Defenses again, thus it is a massive OHKO button under the right conditions. The buffed Normal Gem and Tera Normal make this even harder hitting. Definitively, worth looking closer at.

Grassy Glide now has 70 BP again, and with the Grassy Terrain buff, the effective base power of a terrain boosted Grassy Glide goes from 71.5 BP to 105 BP, which is a massive buff. Rillaboom will definitively be a massive threat.

Magma Storm now has a BP of 120. Heatran now has a stronger STAB but Fire Blast gives it more competition. Still Heatran is a massive winner of this buff.

Rest, Roost, Shore Up, Slack Off and Soft-Boiled have their PP raised to 10/16, which makes defensive Pokemon better, but Recover has its PP of 20/32, which makes a lot of defensive Pokemon much better, especially Psychic-types, which converted a weakness into a immunity.

Sky Attack and Solar Beam now both have a BP of 200. They are niche moves, but Solar Beam can be useful on Sun teams or as a coverage move for Primal Groudon. Sky Attack is useful for Hawlucha with a Power Herb, but other than this, Sky Attack is so niche.

Encore and Taunt now last longer. Encore lasts 4-8 turns and Taunt last 3-5 turns, which makes it a good tactic against defensive Pokemon, especially with their recovery buffs.
  • Burn now deals 1/8 of the Pokemon's max HP. Fire Blast now inflicts burn more consistantly and Will-O-Wisp spam is more rewarding. Now Special Attackers are more hurt by it. Definitively a status that could get banned, but not likely.
  • Paralysis now quarters the Pokemon's speed and Thunder Wave has 100% accuracy. Magic Guard is also immune to full paralysis. Paralysis is really annoying to deal with and now it got better. Spoiler Warning but Electric-types are no longer immune to paralysis, so it is much easier to inflict.
  • Sleep now lasts 1-7 turns. I originally wanted to make the sleep counter reset upon switch out and make the Pokemon unable to move upon waking up but it caused problems in the code. Even without this, Sleep is really uncompetitive, especially since Hypnosis and Dark Void got buffed in their accuracy.
  • Freeze had changes, but I decided not to include them for now, since it is freeze.
  • Confusion now has a 50% activation rate and Swagger has its accuracy increased to 90%. This is also something that is uncompetitive and may be looked at.

  • Sun, Rain, Sand and Snow are permanent. Snow is permanent, because the code in Generation 5 and earlier makes weather permament when it is activated through an ability. Thus Snow is also permament, eventhough it was introduced in Generation 9.
  • Sand also damages non Ground-, Rock- and Steel-type Pokemon by 1/8 of their max HP. This is a big buff and is one of the reasons why Sand Stream is banned. Drizzle and Drought are more broken and due to that Sand Stream would go uncontested since Snow Warning is more niche than it.

Terrains now boost the power of moves by 1.5x. Grassy Terrain for Grass moves, Psychic Terrain for Psychic moves and Electric terrain for Electric moves

Critical Hits
  • Critical Hits now have new chances:
    • +0 - 1/16 (6.25%)
    • +1 - 1/8 (12.5%)
    • +2 - 1/2 (50%)
    • +3/+4/above - 100%
  • Critical Hits do 2x damage now

Type Chart
  • Bug is now weak to Poison.
  • Dark is no longer immune to Prankster moves.
  • Electric is no longer immune to Paralysis.
  • Fire no longer resists Ice.
  • Ghost is no longer immune to Trapping.
  • Grass is no longer immune to Powder moves.
  • Poison is now weak to Bug.
  • Psychic is now immune to Ghost.
  • Steel now resist Dark and Ghost.
Psychic and Steel got major buffs defensively. Psychic is now a great defensive type and a lot of Ghost- and Dark-types got nerfed offensively by Steel. Ice is also better offensively now, since Fire-types don't serve as great checks.

Pokemon that got buffed:
  • :aegislash: Aegislash*
  • :archaludon: Archaludon
  • :arctozolt: Arctozolt*
  • :corviknight: Corviknight
  • :ferrothorn: Ferrothorn
  • :gardevoir-mega: Gardevoir-Mega
  • :hatterene: Hatterene
  • :heatran: Heatran
  • :iron-boulder: Iron Boulder
  • :iron-crown: Iron Crown
  • :iron-leaves: Iron Leaves
  • :iron-treads: Iron Treads
  • :jirachi: Jirachi
  • :kartana: Kartana
  • :kyurem: Kyurem
  • :latias: Latias
  • :latias-mega: Latias-Mega
  • :latios: Latios
  • :latios-mega: Latios-Mega
  • :mamoswine: Mamoswine
  • :mawile-mega: Mawile-Mega
  • :medicham-mega: Medicham-Mega
  • :metagross: Metagross
  • :scizor-mega: Scizor-Mega
  • :slowbro: Slowbro
  • :slowbro-mega: Slowbro-Mega
  • :slowking-galar: Slowking-Galar*
  • :tapu-lele: Tapu Lele
  • :victini: Victini*

Pokemon that got nerfed:
  • :amoonguss: Amoonguss
  • :annihilape: Annihilape
  • :bisharp: Bisharp*
  • :blacephalon: Blacephalon
  • :ceruledge: Ceruledge
  • :clodsire: Clodsire
  • :gengar: Gengar
  • :gouging-fire: Gouging Fire
  • :iron-moth: Iron Moth
  • :moltres: Moltres
  • :sableye-mega: Sableye-Mega
  • :sinistcha: Sinistcha
  • :skeledirge: Skeledirge
  • :toxapex: Toxapex
  • :venusaur-mega: Venusaur-Mega

*These Pokemon have also gotten nerfs/buffs since they gained more weaknesses/strengths but they fit more into the category I put them in.
Banlist - Same as NatDex OU in addition to:
  • Pokemon:
    • :ogerpon-wellspring: Ogerpon-Wellspring
    • :urshifu-rapid-strike-gmax: Urshifu-Rapid-Strike
  • Abilities:
    • Drizzle
    • Drought
    • Sand Stream
  • Items:
    • Soul Dew
  • Moves:
    • Blizzard
    • Explosion
    • Self-Destruct
  • Mechanics:
    • Sleep
    • Terastallization
  • Pokemon:
    • :annihilape: Annihilape
    • :espathra: Espathra
    • :kingambit: Kingambit
    • :regieleki: Regieleki
    • :roaring-moon: Roaring Moon
    • :spectrier: Spectrier
    • :terapagos-terastal: Terapagos
    • :ursaluna-bloodmoon: Ursaluna-Bloodmoon
    • :walking-wake: Walking Wake
  • Potential Unbans:
    • :chien-pao: Chien-Pao
    • :dragapult: Dragapult
    • :gholdengo: Gholdengo
    • :marshadow: Marshadow (less likely)
    • :necrozma-dawn-wings: Necrozma-Dawn-Wings (less likely)

  • Pokemon:
    • :arctozolt: Arctozolt
    • :cinderace: Cinderace
    • :heatran: Heatran
    • :kyurem: Kyurem
    • :latios:/:latios-mega: Latios(-Mega)
    • :latias:/:latias-mega: Latias(-Mega)
    • :meowscarada: Meowscarada
    • :rillaboom: Rillaboom
    • :roaring-moon: Roaring Moon
    • :tapu-lele: Tapu Lele
    • :zamazenta: Zamazenta
  • Abilities:
    • Snow Warning
  • Items:
    • Aguav Berry
    • Figy Berry
    • Iapapa Berry
    • Light Clay
    • Mago Berry
    • Wiki Berry
  • Moves:
    • Fire Blast
    • Taunt
    • Encore
  • Mechanics:
    • Burn
    • Paralysis

Metagame Review:

Special Offense:
Special Attackers are so much better with all the BP buffs and Burn being so common. A lot of them also have ways to break through Blissey with buffed Boom and Psyshock for Psychic-types. Speaking of which, being immune to Ghost and Psychic having its chance to drop Special Defense increased to 33%, so Psychic-types don't really need Psyshock. Recover being buffed is also great for bulky Psychics like Reuniclus and the Lati twins.

The Lati twins have great set versatility, with both their Base and Mega forms being able to run many offensive and defensive sets, as a result of the buffs to Draco Meteor, Psychic, Aura Sphere, BoltBeam and Recover. Tapu Lele has a stronger Psychic that can also be stronger by virtue of the Special Defense drop. Special Attackers are overall really strong and a lot of them will be on the watchlist as the result of that.

Weather & Terrain:
:ninetales-alola: - The only weather remaining is Snow and Snow is pretty much weatherless with Aurora Veil being able to be used and Ice-types having 1.5x defense. There's obviously Slush Rush, but it is basically just Arctozolt and Cetitan but the former is far better than the latter. It is basically best for Hyper Offense and annoying Pokemon that need to rely on Synthesis and Morning Sun.

:tapu-koko: - Electric Terrain is also great with Tapu Koko setting and a lot of Quark Drive users being great, especially the Psychic-types that got better. Iron Crown can function as a great SpDef Pivot or Set-Up Sweeper and Iron Leaves, Iron Boulder and Iron Valiant are great Wallbreakers and Sweepers. Electric-types having their main STABs strengthened, especially Raging Bolt which can use absurdly strong Rising Voltages, which get to 210 BP.

:tapu-lele: - Tapu Lele may get banned, but even if it did, Indeedee is still a good enough setter for this archetype. Like I said for the millionth time, Psychic-types are really good in this format and having 180 BP Expanding Forces. Psychic Terrain is also good to block the buffed Sucker Punches and other priority moves like Fake Out, Bullet Punches and Ice Shards, which got more relevant here.

:rillaboom: - Grassy Terrain is obviously good, with Rillaboom getting so many good buffs. There are also Steel-types that benefit greatly from reduced EQ damage, thus making those already good and buffed Steels better. Grass-types like Kartana, Meowscarada and Serperior also benefit greatly from buffed terrain, especially the latter which also has buffed Paralysis and Leaf Storm.

Status Spam and Counterplay:
With so many Status conditions buffed, it only natural to try and spam them. Burn and Paralysis function different niches, with Burn being more used for its chip damage and Paralysis for its speed control. Confusion is also something to consider since it pairs well with Burn and Paralysis by increasing their annoying traits.

With these two statuses, Gliscor and Magic Guard become more valuable, due to status not affecting them, with Magic Guard not being able to be fully paralyzed. Other things like Magic Bounce for status moves and Ferrothorn not minding Paralysis that much.

Overall Status is one of the most oppressive elements here and it should be no surprise if it would get banned.

Burn Spreaders:

Paralysis Spreader:

Status Absorbers / Status Counterplay:
:blissey::clefable::ferrothorn::garganacl::heatran: / :diancie-mega::gliscor::hatterene::sableye-mega::tapu-fini:

Offensive Pivots
A lot of fast Pokemon with Pivoting moves got buffed. Pokemon like Scizor, Cinderace, Meowscarada, Tapu Koko, Rillaboom, Iron Crown, Jirachi, Walking Wake and Latios now do greater damage, have their defensive utility increased and/or got significant ability buffs. Cinderace, Meowscarada and, to a lesser extend, Greninja can click strong STAB moves or chip their checks with U-turn. The latter two also setting Spikes, increasing the chip damage.

Scizor, Jirachi and Iron Crown also got better defensive utility with their typing buffs and with Scizor's U-turn now hitting Poison-types super effectively, thus eliminating Toxapex, Iron Moth and Slowking-Galar as checks. Rillaboom and Tapu Koko also have massive terrain boosted nukes and also have the option to pivot out of undesireable match-ups.

Unbans and their Potential
With so many fundemental changes, most Pokemon got better, but due to this a lot of things got weaker due to bans of other elements or because a nerf to them meant a buff to something else.

:annihilape: - Annihilape got banned due to the ridiculous power of Rage Fist. In this mod however, one of the biggest targets of Ghost, Psychic, is now completely immune to it and Steel now resists, although Fighting can hit Steel, but it is still worth mentioning. Being completely walled by Psychics with its Standard set, is what caused this unban. The ban Terastallization also plays a role in this. It can no longer remove its weaknesses to live longer.

:espathra: - With the ban of Terastallization, Steel-types now hard wall Esapathra. Psychic- and Dark-types also do well, provided they don't fear Dazzling Gleam, since Stored Power will be the main source of its power. It will be a threatening sweeper in the right condition but dealing with it is far more manageable.

:kingambit: - This is a last minute decision but I decided to include it. Having Knock Off and Pursuit is nice but having Steel resist Dark makes it have an awkward 4MSS. It wants Swords Dance for wallbreaking and sweeping, Sucker Punch for faster Pokemon, Knock Off as a strong STAB, Low Kick for Steel- and Dark-types and Iron Head for Fairies. Sacrificing one of the things makes it easier to deal with, although it kinda decides its checks. I still think it is worth testing, especially with Terastallization not allowing it to get out of bad match-ups.

:regieleki: - Terastallization got banned, thus it cannot beat Grounds anymore. Explosion also got banned so it has fast Screens and Rapid Spin going for it, aside from strong Thunderbolts that much stronger.

:roaring-moon: - This is the least likely to stay since Roaring Moon is a menace but it got nerfed significantly enough for me to unban it. Firstly, with Steel resisting Dark, Pokemon like Corviknight, Ferrothorn and Heatran now resist its Knock Off, with the former hardwalling every variant if they are not running Fire Fang and the latter two punishing any contact attempt. Roaring Moon has EQ and Brick Break but both have their weaknesses. The ban of Terastallization also makes it easier to deal with since it cannot get out of its weaknesses and not boosting EQs, Iron Heads or Acrobatics.

:terapagos-terastal: - Not being able to become its overpowered Stellar forme makes it far more manageable. It now has the utility of Tera Shell which allows it to set-up easier or support its team with Stealth Rock and Rapid Spin. It has good moves and is a swiss army knife, but its Normal-typing and lack of reliable recovery hold it back. It is still a decent Pokemon however.

:walking-wake: - The main thing with Walking Wake was its potential in weather and with weather being gone and no useful way to abuse Snow, Walking Wake is unbanned. It is still a good Pokemon, with Draco Meteor being 140 BP and Scald dishing out immense burns. Knock Off, Hydro Pump, Flip Turn and the item potential of Specs, Z-Crystals and Booster Energy definitively make it a good Pokemon, but not overwhelming at least for now.

:espathra: Espathra
:kingambit: Kingambit
:regieleki: Regieleki
:terapagos-terastal: Terapagos

:ferrothorn: Ferrothorn
:gliscor: Gliscor
:heatran: Heatran
:zamazenta: Zamazenta

:archaludon: Archaludon
:cinderace: Cinderace
:clefable: Clefable
:darkrai: Darkrai
:diancie-mega: Diancie-Mega
:garganacl: Garganacl
:iron-boulder: Iron Boulder
:iron-crown: Iron Crown
:iron-valiant: Iron Valiant
:kyurem: Kyurem
:landorus-therian: Landorus-Therian
:latias-mega: Latias-Mega
:latios: Latios
:latios-mega: Latios-Mega
:lopunny-mega: Lopunny-Mega
:mawile-mega: Mawile-Mega
:medicham-mega: Medicham-Mega
:meowscarada: Meowscarada
:ogerpon-cornerstone: Ogerpon-Cornerstone
:raging-bolt: Raging Bolt
:roaring-moon: Roaring Moon
:rillaboom: Rillaboom
:serperior: Serperior
:scizor-mega: Scizor-Mega
:slowbro: Slowbro
:slowking-galar: Slowking-Galar
:tapu-koko: Tapu Koko
:tapu-lele: Tapu Lele
:tornadus-therian: Tornadus-Therian
:volcarona: Volcarona
:walking-wake: Walking Wake
:zapdos: Zapdos

:abomasnow-mega: Abomasnow-Mega
:aegislash: Aegislash
:alakazam: Alakazam
:arctozolt: Arctozolt
:alomomola: Alomomola
:blacephalon: Blacephalon
:corviknight: Corviknight
:dondozo: Dondozo
:dragonite: Dragonite
:excadrill: Excadrill
:garchomp: Garchomp
:gardevoir-mega: Gardevoir-Mega
:gouging-fire: Gouging Fire
:great-tusk: Great Tusk
:greninja: Greninja
:hatterene: Hatterene
:hawlucha: Hawlucha
:iron-leaves: Iron Leaves
:iron-moth: Iron Moth
:iron-treads: Iron Treads
:jirachi: Jirachi
:kartana: Kartana
:latias: Latias
:manaphy: Manaphy
:ninetales-alola: Ninetales-Alola
:pinsir-mega: Pinsir-Mega
:rotom-wash: Rotom-Wash
:samurott-hisui: Samurott-Hisui
:ting-lu: Ting-Lu
:toxapex: Toxapex
:venusaur-mega: Venusaur-Mega
:weavile: Weavile

:altaria-mega: Altaria-Mega
:annihilape: Annihilape
:buzzwole: Buzzwole
:celesteela: Celesteela
:chansey: Chansey
:charizard-mega-x: Charizard-Mega-X
:clodsire: Clodsire
:cresselia: Cresselia
:enamorus: Enamorus
:garchomp-mega: Garchomp-Mega
:gastrodon: Gastrodon
:glimmora: Glimmora
:grimmsnarl: Grimmsnarl
:iron-hands: Iron Hands
:kingdra: Kingdra
:kommo-o: Kommo-o
:magnezone: Magnezone
:moltres: Moltres
:ribombee: Ribombee
:skarmory: Skarmory
:skeledirge: Skeledirge
:tangrowth: Tangrowth
:tapu-bulu: Tapu Bulu
:tapu-fini: Tapu Fini
:ursaluna: Ursaluna
:victini: Victini
Entry Hazards
Ceaseless Edge
- :samurott-hisui:
Stealth Rock - :clefable::diancie-mega::ferrothorn::garchomp::heatran::landorus-therian::garganacl::glimmora::gliscor::ting-lu:|:terapagos-terastal::archaludon::blissey::chansey::clodsire::excadrill::gastrodon:
Spikes - :diancie-mega::ferrothorn::garchomp::glimmora::gliscor::meowscarada::skarmory::ting-lu:|:clodsire:
Toxic Spikes - :toxapex:|:iron-moth::meowscarada::slowking-galar:
Sticky Web - |:shuckle::ribombee:

Suicide Leads
Hazard Setters
Screen Setters - :ninetales-alola::grimmsnarl::regieleki:|:tapu-koko:

Hazard Control
Rapid Spin
- :great-tusk::regieleki::terapagos-terastal:|:excadrill::iron-treads:
Defog - :corviknight::kartana::landorus-therian::rotom-wash::tornadus-therian::gliscor::zapdos:|:moltres::pelipper::serperior::scizor-mega::tapu-fini:
Magic Bounce - :diancie-mega::hatterene:|:sableye-mega:
Court Change - :cinderace:

- :scizor-mega::kingambit::weavile:
Magnet Pull - |:magnezone:
Other - :heatran:(Magma Storm) |:garganacl:(Block):regieleki:(Thunder Cage)

- :iron-valiant::Ogerpon-wellspring::samurott-hisui:|:clefable::diancie-mega::dragonite:
Future Sight - :iron-crown::slowbro::slowking-galar::tapu-lele:
Knock Off (Defensively) - :clefable::ferrothorn::gliscor::scizor-mega::tornadus-therian::toxapex:|:alomomola::landorus-therian::venusaur-mega:
Knock Off (Offensively) - :rillaboom::samurott-hisui::kartana::mawile-mega::meowscarada::roaring-moon::kingambit::weavile:|:iron-valiant::walking-wake:
Taunt - :heatran::landorus-therian::tornadus-therian:|:gliscor::gyarados-mega::raging-bolt::serperior::tapu-lele:
Trick / Switcheroo - :clefable::darkrai::rotom-wash:|:jirachi::meowscarada::tapu-fini::victini:
Thunder Wave / Glare / Stun Spore / Nuzzle - :clefable::ferrothorn::hatterene::latias-mega::rotom-wash::serperior::slowbro::slowking-galar:|:blissey::chansey::cresselia::ribombee:
Toxic - :alomomola: :clodsire: :garchomp: :gliscor: :heatran: :landorus-therian: :slowking-galar: :toxapex: | :blissey: :chansey: :ferrothorn: :moltres::terapagos-terastal:
Will-O-Wisp - :cinderace::moltres::rotom-wash::skeledirge:|:heatran:

Offensive Roles
- :cinderace: :dragonite: :garchomp: :gouging-fire: :great-tusk: :hawlucha: :iron-boulder: :kartana: :landorus-therian: :lopunny-mega: :mawile-mega: :medicham-mega: :meowscarada: :ogerpon-cornerstone: :rillaboom: :samurott-hisui: :scizor-mega: :ursaluna: :weavile: :roaring-moon::kingambit::zamazenta:| :blaziken: :charizard-mega-x: :excadrill: :garchomp-mega: :hoopa-unbound: :iron-hands: :iron-valiant: :victini:
Special - :archaludon::darkrai::diancie-mega::iron-moth::iron-valiant::kyurem::latios-mega::raging-bolt::serperior::tapu-koko::tapu-lele::tornadus-therian::volcarona::walking-wake::zapdos::terapagos-terastal:|:enamorus::espathra::greninja::kommo-o::manaphy::thundurus-therian::venusaur-mega::regieleki:
Mixed - :diancie-mega: :iron-valiant: :kommo-o:| :enamorus: :garchomp: :garchomp-mega: :hoopa-unbound:

Choice Users
Choice Band
- :gouging-fire::kartana::rillaboom::samurott-hisui::kingambit::roaring-moon::zamazenta:|:weavile::hoopa-unbound::victini:
Choice Specs - :darkrai::iron-valiant::kyurem::tapu-koko::tapu-lele::walking-wake:|:aegislash::enamorus::magnezone::espathra::terapagos-terastal:
Choice Scarf - :darkrai::kartana::landorus-therian::samurott-hisui::rotom-wash::tapu-fini::tapu-lele:|:walking-wake::jirachi::magnezone::meowscarada::victini:

Set-Up Sweepers
- :iron-crown:|:iron-moth:
Bulk Up - :corviknight::great-tusk::ursaluna:|:landorus-therian::annihilape:
Beast Boost - :kartana:|:celesteela:
Belly Drum - |:kommo-o:
Calm Mind - :clefable::hatterene::iron-crown::iron-valiant::latias-mega::raging-bolt::tapu-lele::espathra::terapagos-terastal:|:cresselia::sinistcha::tapu-fini::tapu-koko:
Clangorous Soul / Clangorous Soulblaze - :kommo-o:
Curse - :dondozo::garganacl:
Dragon Dance - :dragonite::gouging-fire::roaring-moon::kyurem:| :charizard-mega-x:
Iron Defense - :garganacl::iron-crown::skarmory::zamazenta:|:corviknight:
Nasty Plot - :darkrai::rotom-wash::tornadus-therian:|:hydrapple::hydreigon::moltres-galar::thundurus-therian:
Quiver Dance - :volcarona:
Rock Polish - :terapagos-terastal:
Shell Smash - :polteageist:
Swords Dance - :cinderace::excadrill::garchomp::gliscor::hawlucha::iron-boulder::kartana::landorus-therian::mawile-mega::ogerpon-cornerstone::rillaboom::samurott-hisui::scizor-mega::ursaluna::kingambit::weavile:|:blaziken::iron-hands::iron-valiant:
Tail Glow - :manaphy:

Aqua Jet
- :barraskewda::urshifu-rapid-strike:|:samurott-hisui:
Bullet Punch - :scizor-mega::medicham-mega:
Fake Out - :lopunny-mega::medicham-mega:
Ice Shard - :weavile:
Grassy Glide - :rillaboom:
Quick Attack - :lopunny-mega:
Shadow Sneak - :aegislash:|:ceruledge:
Sucker Punch - :cinderace::mawile-mega::kingambit:
Extreme Speed - :dragonite:
Water Shuriken - :greninja:
Thunderclap - :raging-bolt:

- :corviknight::cinderace::landorus-therian::lopunny-mega::meowscarada::rillaboom::scizor-mega::tapu-koko::tornadus-therian:|:gliscor::greninja::hydreigon::iron-moth::jirachi::moltres::victini:
Volt Switch - :iron-crown::raging-bolt::rotom-wash::tapu-koko::zapdos:|:magnezone:
Flip Turn - :alomomola::samurott-hisui::walking-wake:|:latios-mega:
Teleport - :slowbro:|:blissey::slowking:
Chilly Reception - :slowking-galar:|:slowking:

Defensive Roles
Physically Defensive
- :alomomola::corviknight::dondozo::ferrothorn::garchomp::garganacl::great-tusk::landorus-therian::skarmory::slowbro::toxapex::zamazenta::zapdos:|:buzzwole::iron-hands::moltres::tangrowth:
Specially Defensive - :ferrothorn::garganacl::heatran::scizor-mega::slowking-galar::ting-lu::toxapex:|:blissey::chansey::clodsire::empoleon::tornadus-therian::terapagos-terastal:
Mixed - :alomomola::corviknight::ferrothorn::garganacl::gliscor::latias-mega::scizor-mega::skeledirge::ting-lu::toxapex:|:celesteela::hippowdon::tapu-fini::venusaur-mega::volcarona:

- :clefable::alomomola:|:blissey::chansey::jirachi::scream-tail:
Heal Bell / Aromatherapy - |:blissey::clefable::chansey:
Healing Wish - :hatterene:|:alomomola::enamorus::jirachi::lopunny-mega:
Lunar Dance - |:cresselia:

Weather, Terrain and Trick Room
Snow Warning
- :ninetales-alola:
Slush Rush -:arctozolt:|:cetitan:

Electric Terrain
Electric Surge - :tapu-koko:
Quark Drive - :iron-valiant::iron-leaves::iron-crown:|:iron-boulder::iron-moth:
Other Abusers - :hawlucha::raging-bolt:

Grassy Terrain
Grassy Surge - :rillaboom:|:tapu-bulu:
Abusers - :hawlucha::raging-bolt::heatran::archaludon:

Psychic Terrain
Psychic Surge - :tapu-lele:|:indeedee:
Abusers - :hawlucha::blacephalon::hatterene::iron-valiant::medicham-mega:

Trick Room
- :cresselia::hatterene::porygon2::stakataka::slowbro:
Abusers - :mawile-mega::kingambit::camerupt-mega::hoopa-unbound::Iron-hands::marowak-alola::stakataka::ursaluna:
(Note - Trick Room is considered a niche playstyle, and therefore all of its setters and abusers are considered niche options)

The metagame can get absurd at times, but there's an appeal in the madness and I think that with some work, it can get into a good place. Also Ubers is bonkers, holy shit.
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Name of Mod: ForgottenMons
Mascot: :Relicanth:
  • [Gen 9] National Dex OU, with every legal pokemon in Scarlet & Violet being illegal.
  • The legal pokemon are taken from this list -> Pokémon Scarlet & Violet - Unobtainable Pokémon (
  • Tera is legal, other regional mechanics are not (sorry mega audino enjoyers).
  • All pokemon will gain access to Tera Blast to start (yes, even unown), and future movepool updates may occur.
Legal Pokemon: (This also includes any pre-evolutions and alternate forms of these pokemon, like gourg forms)
:Butterfree::Beedrill::Pidgeot::Raticate::Raticate-Alola::Fearow::Nidoqueen::Nidoking::Parasect::Alakazam::Machamp::Rapidash::Rapidash-Galar::Farfetch’d::Kingler::Marowak::Marowak-Alola::Kangaskhan::Seaking::Starmie::Mr. Mime::Jynx::Pinsir::Omastar::Kabutops::Aerodactyl::Ledian::Crobat::Xatu::Unown::Wobbuffet::Steelix::Shuckle::Corsola::Octillery::Mantine::Miltank::Celebi::Linoone::Beautifly::Dustox::Swellow::Ninjask::Exploud::Delcatty::Mawile::Aggron: :Manectric::Sharpedo::Wailord::Spinda::Lunatone::Solrock::Claydol::Cradily::Armaldo::Castform::Kecleon::Absol::Walrein::Huntail::Gorebyss::Relicanth::Bibarel::Roserade::Wormadam::Wormadam-Sandy::Wormadam-Trash::Mothim::Cherrim::Lopunny: :Purugly::Chatot::Drapion::Carnivine::Lickilicky::Tangrowth::Togekiss::Victini::Watchog::Stoutland::Liepard::Simisage::Simisear::Simipour::Musharna::Unfezant::Gigalith::Swoobat::Audino::Seismitoad::Throh::Sawk::Scolipede::Darmanitan::Maractus::Crustle::Sigilyph::Cofagrigus::Carracosta::Archeops::Garbodor::Vanilluxe::Emolga::Escavalier::Jellicent::Ferrothorn::Klinklang::Beheeyem::Accelgor::Stunfisk::Stunfisk-Galar::Druddigon::Bouffalant::Heatmor::Durant::Diggersby::Pangoro::Furfrou::Aegislash::Aromatisse::Slurpuff::Barbaracle::Heliolisk::Tyrantrum::Aurorus::Gourgeist::Zygarde-10%::Wishiwashi-School::Shiinotic::Bewear::Golisopod::Pyukumuku::Silvally::Turtonator::Togedemaru::Drampa::Dhelmise::Tapu Koko::Tapu Lele::Tapu Bulu::Tapu Fini::Nihilego::Buzzwole::Xurkitree::Celesteela::Guzzlord::Stakataka::Blacephalon::Zeraora::Orbeetle::Thievul::Eldegoss::Dubwool::Boltund::Centiskorch::Grapploct::Obstagoon::Cursola::Sirfetch’d::Mr. Rime::Runerigus::Dracozolt::Arctozolt::Arctovish:

disclaimer: this was created by me with little to no playtesting, so I may have overrated or underrated a few of the mons listed here.
High Viability
  • Aegislash:Aegislash:
  • Alakazam:Alakazam:
  • Blacephalon:Blacephalon:
  • Buzzwole:Buzzwole:
  • Celesteela:Celesteela:
  • Ferrothorn:Ferrothorn:
  • Nidoking:Nidoking:
  • Tangrowth:Tangrowth:
  • Tapu Koko:Tapu Koko:
  • Tapu Lele:Tapu Lele:
  • Tapu Bulu:Tapu Bulu:
  • Tapu Fini:Tapu Fini:
  • Victini:Victini:
  • Xurkitree:Xurkitree:
  • Zeraora:Zeraora:
Medium Viability
  • Aerodactyl:Aerodactyl:
  • Crobat:Crobat:
  • Darmanitan:Darmanitan:
  • Diggersby:Diggersby:
  • Dracozolt:Dracozolt:
  • Gigalith:Gigalith:
  • Marowak-Alola:Marowak-Alola:
  • Nidoqueen:Nidoqueen:
  • Scolipede:Scolipede:
  • Seismitoad:Seismitoad:
  • Shuckle:Shuckle:
  • Stakataka:Stakataka:
  • Starmie:Starmie:
  • Steelix:Steelix:
  • Togekiss:Togekiss:
Low Viability
  • Absol:Absol:
  • Accelgor:Accelgor:
  • Arctovish:Arctovish:
  • Arctozolt:Arctozolt:
  • Bewear:Bewear:
  • Cofagrigus:Cofagrigus:
  • Durant:Durant:
  • Escavalier:Escavalier:
  • Exploud:Exploud:
  • Golisopod:Golisopod:
  • Linoone:Linoone:
  • Mantine:Mantine:
  • Obstagoon:Obstagoon:
  • Roserade:Roserade:
  • Sharpedo:Sharpedo:
  • Sigilyph:Sigilyph:
  • Sirfetch'd:Sirfetch'd:
  • Slurpuff:Slurpuff:
  • Stoutland:Stoutland:
  • Swellow:Swellow:
  • Vanilluxe:Vanilluxe:
  • Xatu:Xatu:
  • Zygarde-10%:Zygarde-10%:
  • Darmanitan-Galar:Darmanitan-Galar:
  • Dracovish:Dracovish:
  • Genesect:Genesect:
  • Kartana:Kartana:
  • Marshadow:Marshadow:
  • Melmetal:Melmetal:
  • Naganadel:Naganadel:
  • Pheromosa:Pheromosa:
  • Shedinja:Shedinja:
  • Xerneas:Xerneas:
  • Yveltal:Yveltal:
  • Zygarde:Zygarde:
  • Arena Trap
  • Moody
  • Power Construct
  • Shadow Tag
  • Assist
  • Baton Pass
  • Last Respects
  • Shed Tail
  • King's Rock
  • Quick Claw
  • Razor Fang
Clauses: Species Clause, Sleep Clause, Evasion Clause, OHKO Clause, Endless Battle Clause, Mega Stone Clause, Z-Move Clause
  • Mega Stone Clause: Pokemon cannot hold Mega Stones
  • Z-Move Clause: Pokemon cannot hold Z-Crystals
Metagame Changes:
  • All pokemon learn Tera Blast
On The Radar:
  • Victini
  • Tapu Koko
  • Tapu Lele
  • Blacephalon
  • Zeraora
  • Buzzwole
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Update 1: Explosion, Self-Destruct and Terastallization have been banned. As a result a few Ubers have been unbanned.

Explosion and Self-Destruct: Banning this was somewhat expected. Boom is really strong and forces so many KOs, especially with a buffed Normal Gem. Suicide Leads could start of the game with a KO or massive damage on Steels or Rocks. Ghost-types are really uncommon and the two most common ones, being Blacephalon and Aegislash are at the mercy of the Exploders, most notably Heatran and Landorus-Therian.

Terastallization: This is also a huge part in what makes Pokemon really strong. I decided to ban it since I wanted Pokemon to be banned by their strengths without any artificial boost. This also makes a lot of the suspects a lot more manageable, for example Lati@s, Heatran, Kyurem, Roaring Moon and Zamazenta.

As a result of these bans, the following Pokemon have been unbanned:
I wrote a section about the unbans in the original post, so check it out for details

With this changes the suspect list has been slightly changed:
:heatran: - Got hit hard without being able to change into a Grass-type or muscle through its checks via Explosion. Still possibly the best Pokemo in the tier but far more manageable.

:latias::latios: - Only their base formes got hit hard with the loss of Terastallization, escaping Ice, Dragon, Fairy and Dark weaknesses with Tera Steel. Kingambit being unbanned and being a decent check to all formes is also a significant change.

:roaring-moon: - Really dislikes the removal of Terastallization, escaping weaknesses and gaining an extra STAB. This one is self-explainetory
3³ Logo Big.png

Name of Mod: Gen 3³ (
Discord Link)

Link to Changes:

Summary of the Mod: (State what changes in general, any special gimmicks, your mindset when creating it, etc.) This is Gen 3³, a gen 9 national dex meta in which regionals, convergents, cross generational evolutions and newer gen pokemon with links to these generations (currently, meltan, melmetal, regigias, regidrago and regieleki) are available alongside the original cast of generation 1-3 mons! Mega is allowed thanks to its relevance from ORAS, but tera and Z are currently banned.

My first cartridge game was Sapphire so I have a real connection to this generation of games. My main sadness going back to play again now is how the introduction of new evolutions, mechanics and types just isn't translatable without rom hacking. Yes I know ORAS exists but that brings me to my next point, there's still 3 newer generations of mons within generation 6 competetive formats to use. Granted, this mod will introduce some staples back (looking at you gliscor) but with some key later gen mons getting the cut (Rotom, Landorus, Heatran to name a few) and new additions from gens 7-9 involved (ursalna, annihilape etc.) it will ultimately provide a different experience with the same design feel of those first 3 games!

Coincidentally, I toyed with the idea of this being an adv meta with the new stuff sent back and am now learning that exists in the form of Gen3 expansion pack featured here so as was my original plan, this will be a gen 9 focused meta with all that brings with it (except tera and paradox... for now...), so if you'd prefer the former, I highly suggest checking them out!