Some sort of Egg 'RNG' Abuse (Read the first post!)

While I'm waiting for someone to give me a perfect Sap Sipper Marill test mother, I'm just going to breed Curse, Punishment, Seismic Toss, and Double-Edge onto the perfect Miltank that I have.
While I'm waiting for someone to give me a perfect Sap Sipper Marill test mother, I'm just going to breed Curse, Punishment, Seismic Toss, and Double-Edge onto the perfect Miltank that I have.

Hitting the RNG for Female, random stat 31 IV, and HA is hard man, but I'm working on it! lol. I got mad when I hit the 31 and HA but the egg was male -___- and I had nothing to take advantage of it (ended up settling for a Naive flawless HA froakie even though I already had one). I started breeding some larvitar eggs so if I get random 31 IV but either not female or not HA I can take advantage of it by getting a flawless Sassy Tyranitar.

If my math is right for the Sap Sipper Marill hitting HA, Female, and 31 IV in the randomized stat is 1/80.
Hitting the RNG for Female, random stat 31 IV, and HA is hard man, but I'm working on it! lol. I got mad when I hit the 31 and HA but the egg was male -___- and I had nothing to take advantage of it (ended up settling for a Naive flawless HA froakie even though I already had one). I started breeding some larvitar eggs so if I get random 31 IV but either not female or not HA I can take advantage of it by getting a flawless Sassy Tyranitar.

If my math is right for the Sap Sipper Marill hitting HA, Female, and 31 IV in the randomized stat is 1/80.
Ha, getting the Miltank was a lot easier since they're always female, but of course I had to get a father with 5 IVs.
Got any news regarding how it works for genderless pokemon?

I've been using this method for quite some time with some remarkable achievements, like a Flawless 6V Female Charmander and Female Froakie, but i've had a lot of problems breeding my Beldum
Has anyone figured out how masuda method works exactly? And do you guys use that pokechecker program on your computer to find your Shiny Value (SV)? With this in mind, its fairly obvious why Shininess holds when you freeze the RNG; the SV stays the same for the following egg. Does Masuda (or the Shiny charm in previous games) increase the amount number of SVs of your pokemon? I can't work it out in my head how Masuda increases the probability of your eggs' shininess, or why you still need masuda parents to ensure you hatch a shiny when you have the RNG frozen with a shiny egg.
Has anyone figured out how masuda method works exactly? And do you guys use that pokechecker program on your computer to find your Shiny Value (SV)? With this in mind, its fairly obvious why Shininess holds when you freeze the RNG; the SV stays the same for the following egg. Does Masuda (or the Shiny charm in previous games) increase the amount number of SVs of your pokemon? I can't work it out in my head how Masuda increases the probability of your eggs' shininess, or why you still need masuda parents to ensure you hatch a shiny when you have the RNG frozen with a shiny egg.
The Masuda Method increases the chances of shininess simply because it's programmed that way; the game sees you have two pokemon from different regions and adjusts the probability accordingly. As for why you need to use Masuda parents after "locking in" the SV, it's because said SV was generated using Masuda parents, and it therefore requires them when you switch out to your desired pokemon. (This is also why finding a shiny egg using Masuda parents and swapping out for regular ones will result in a non-shiny offspring).
Sorry, but could somebody give me a simple explanation of how to use this to get 5-6IV pokemon? Also, what is shiny value and how can one take advantage of it?
Sorry, but could somebody give me a simple explanation of how to use this to get 5-6IV pokemon? Also, what is shiny value and how can one take advantage of it?
The first page has all the information, so please read that before just asking vaguely for an explanation. If you have specific questions, feel free to ask those after you've looked at post one.
As for the second part of your question, it's been discovered this gen that every pokemon (at least while in its Egg? Someone correct me if I'm wrong) has a "shiny value". Each player also has a random shiny value assigned to them. Should an Egg you obtain, whether through Daycare or trading, have the same shiny value as your trainer one, then the Egg will hatch shiny.
Can someone explain this :

Baby: 31/xx/31/xx/xx/xx
Honedge: 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 10 - 11 / 0 - 1 (female)
Honedge: 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 12 - 13 / 30 - 31 / 0 - 1 (male)

Which means only 2 IV's are passed from the parents to my baby...? One parent has the destiny knot and the other an everstone.
Can someone explain this :

Baby: 31/xx/31/xx/xx/xx
Honedge: 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 10 - 11 / 0 - 1 (female)
Honedge: 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 30 - 31 / 12 - 13 / 30 - 31 / 0 - 1 (male)

Which means only 2 IV's are passed from the parents to my baby...? One parent has the destiny knot and the other an everstone.
Easy. The baby most likely had an inheritance like this.


R is random.

Speed, Attack and Defense could be either parents.

Also, to make sure, why 30-31 or 0-1 IVs? Just use the IV checker guy and see which stats are actually 31 or 0.
The first page has all the information, so please read that before just asking vaguely for an explanation. If you have specific questions, feel free to ask those after you've looked at post one.
As for the second part of your question, it's been discovered this gen that every pokemon (at least while in its Egg? Someone correct me if I'm wrong) has a "shiny value". Each player also has a random shiny value assigned to them. Should an Egg you obtain, whether through Daycare or trading, have the same shiny value as your trainer one, then the Egg will hatch shiny.

Oh, wow. So basically I can trade for otherwise normal eggs that match my value for a guaranteed shiny?
Oh, wow. So basically I can trade for otherwise normal eggs that match my value for a guaranteed shiny?
From what I understand, yes (keep in mind that any Pokémon hatched won't have your ID, but it's a small price to pay). This is also quite useful when used in conjugation with the breeding methods outlined here, making for hatching shiny flawless 'mons without RNG possible. Admittedly, I haven't tried it out myself, but I definitely will be. There's more information on the app used here:
As with most of my responses, take this with a grain of salt. While I'm not new to Pokémon, I am still trying to keep up with all these new mechanics they've been finding. :]
If the pokemon does not have the hidden ability, it has no chance of passing it down.

Also, I saved (mostly) all of my data for my use of this method, which was somewhat extensive.

I checked things like gender ratio, and other aspects and I marked when I failed for one reason or another.

I noticed the most frequent error was when my wild card IV mimick'd one of my parents, forcing me to make an assumption on which one is not being passed from the parents.

If anyone is interested in my data, let me know. However, its in written form so It will be in my handwriting.
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From what I understand, yes (keep in mind that any Pokémon hatched won't have your ID, but it's a small price to pay). This is also quite useful when used in conjugation with the breeding methods outlined here, making for hatching shiny flawless 'mons without RNG possible. Admittedly, I haven't tried it out myself, but I definitely will be. There's more information on the app used here:
As with most of my responses, take this with a grain of salt. While I'm not new to Pokémon, I am still trying to keep up with all these new mechanics they've been finding. :]

Awesome. Same story here, only started figuring out the crazy mechanics around the end of gen 4. :P
I just realized that the spreadsheet I posted was in view only mode.. that has now been fixed (the fact no one commented makes me believe that no one tried to edit it anyway...).

I have done a little research on destiny knot + power items. It's a small sample size, but this is how it has worked so far.

Power item for the random stat: one of the previous inherited stats is no longer inherited, the rest stay the same.

Power item for 4 of the other stats: no change other than the locked in stat.

Power item for the final stat: in addition to the stat being locked in, one of the other inherited stats changes. It can simply flip gender, move to the random stat for either gender, possibly stay the same. Even happens if the power item is given to the parent that the stat is normally inherited from, without a power item.
Can someone explain a step by step on how to get a 6 perfect iv offspring? and would it be faster than RNG from 5 perfect iv parents?
to help explajn this a bit better, and to simplify things, get a male and female magikarp, take them to the battle instotute, and writoe down their level 50 stats. now go breed a magikarp, and reject the firat egg. save, then breed a second egg. accept this one, hatch it and take the lvl 1 magikarp to the battle institute. write down its lvl 50 stats, and compare them to the parents. 5 of them will match after taking into account natures. those are the five stats that will be passed down. now reset your game, and swap the magikarps out of the day care center, replacing them with the parents of what you are trying to breed, ensuring they have the IV spread that our test egg showex would vet passed frkm each parent. breed out the egg, and when it hatches get it chdcked. if done roght, you shojld have a 5 IV kid, with that spread.

pardon the typos. on my phone and it starts to glitch out when the posts get too long.
Can someone explain a step by step on how to get a 6 perfect iv offspring? and would it be faster than RNG from 5 perfect iv parents?
It would be faster than getting 6iv from 5iv and 5iv, if you have enough 5iv parents of different spreads to cover everything. Once you get a 6iv and 5iv parent it's faster to do batches.
Has anyone realized how many stats which parent usually pass?

It seems like most of the time the mother passes three stats. However there was one of like thirty times where the mother passed down 4 IVs. Wither that or the wildcard stat was perfect and we missed the opportunity of breeding a perfect Pokemon. We did the tests with only quint-flawless Magikarps.

Never heard of father passing down more stats than the mother. Do you have some experience in that?