Species Clause OFF

I ran a 6 Metang@ team for fun once...

But honesly, a six Lucario team or a 6 Gengar team would probably always win when played properly.

For maximum HPAge!

StatusLax (Body Slam, Yawn)
OrbLax (Mix attack)
PhazeLax (Whirlwind)
No mention of Arceus? Our analysis has NINE unique sets for it!

For shame...

EDIT: Otherwise, for standard, I'd go with Garchomp followed by Deoxys-S, Salamence, Lucario, and Tyranitar--to name a few.
All Vaporeon team:

1 Baton Passer (Acid Armor + Sub.)
1 Wisher (with Baton pass)
1 Special Sweeper (max Sp. Attack)
1 Phazer (Bye Blissey!)
1 Standard
1 Aqua Ring + Wish Passer

All Celebi Team!: (Natural Cure means no Aromatherapy required)

1 Calm Mind Passer (Calm Mind, Recover, Baton Pass, Grass Knot)
1 Sub Seeder (Sub, Seed, Recover, Psychic)
1 SRocker + Thunder Waver
1 Calm Mind Sweeper
1 Standard
1 Cspecs!
No mention of Arceus? Our analysis has NINE unique sets for it!

For shame...

EDIT: Otherwise, for standard, I'd go with Garchomp followed by Deoxys-S, Salamence, Lucario, and Tyranitar--to name a few.

I actually have made an all-Arceus team - it's kinda like battling with six different Pokemon, since all of them have different types and varied movesets.

I think six Lucario or Dragonite's team would be cool, possibly dangerous, looking at their versatile movepools and many options (scarf, physical, special, mixed, support, etc.)
6 Kyogres. It really is hard enough to take down just one enough in Ubers... Unless you have like Quagsire/Lanturn to come in on 2/3 of its attacks (Surf / Thunder) and Ice Beam, or Shedinja.


Actually 6 Rayquazas would make for an even better team.
My friend was going to try to make an All Smeargle team, but I'd think my Scarf-raptor would rape all over it with Close Combat.

But when I first saw this, all I could think of was "Garchomp". :(

Is this thread too fun for Smogon?
I hope not. It havent been closed yet =D

And again Garchomp Rocks in diversity (just noticed he get surf+flamethrower)

Kyogre is a optimal special wall, and aoptimal special sweeper, and a optimal revenge killer, and can support, and absorb status, and OWN. Kyogre Team would Rock

List-of-Supreme-Pokemon-From-Hell-to-Use-6-times-on-a-team(decided by myself, with this stupid funny thread):

-Palkia ( Dialga and arceus, of course too)
-Deoxys (any form but attack, since it is ((oh really?)) too frail)

I dont think Azelf is a option, since a Sucker Puncher (Mightyena, anyone?) can beat it