Species Clause OFF

I've actually seen a team consisting of four Pikachus and two Raichus on a random PBR double battle. They kicked my butt. I was not expecting them at all! I managed to obtain their battle pass and tested battling the team several times. It took me a couple tries to actually beat the team, even with my Mamoswine.
Each Pikachu/Raichu had a purpose for the team, such as a Grass Knot user, Volt Tackle users, Rain Dance/Thunder, and such.
I would imagine that a team of pure Raichus could be unstoppable (when surprising an opposing team).
Porygon-Z @ Choice Specs
-Tri Attack
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse

Epic win.

Porygon-Z @ Choice Scarf
-Ice Beam
-Tri Attack
-Hyper Beam

Epic win x2.

Porygon-Z @ Life Orb
-Tri Attack
-Nasty Plot
-Hyper Beam

Epic win x3.

Porygon-Z @ Life Orb
-Tri Attack
-Shadow Ball

Epic win x4.

Porygon-Z @ Leftovers
-Nasty Plot
-Tri Attack

Epic win x5.

Porygon-Z @ Life Orb
-Tri Attack
-Ice Beam

Porygon-Z @ Choice Specs
-Tri Attack
-Ice Beam
-Dark Pulse

Epic win.

Porygon-Z @ Choice Scarf
-Ice Beam
-Tri Attack
-Hyper Beam

Epic win x2.

Porygon-Z @ Life Orb
-Tri Attack
-Nasty Plot
-Hyper Beam

Epic win x3.

Porygon-Z @ Life Orb
-Tri Attack
-Shadow Ball

Epic win x4.

Porygon-Z @ Leftovers
-Nasty Plot
-Tri Attack

Epic win x5.

Porygon-Z @ Life Orb
-Tri Attack
-Ice Beam


scarfchomp used kill
Easy choice... Smeargle, near limitless choices and so many ways to kill people. ie. Transform, counter/mirror coat, Perish song, belly drum sweep, endeavor and more.
There should be no other choice.
And a handful of these...

Rampardos (M) @ Life Orb, Choice Band, F-Sash
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 Def
Brave nature (+Atk, -Spd)
- Crunch
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge/ Swords Dance/ Endeavor
- Head Smash

... Why not Adamant? Rampardos' speed is bad enough as it is, and I don't see it using any Special Attacks.
Not to mention anything that can hit it with SE STAB Dragon attacks can be hit back with SE STAB Dragon attacks (assuming no Dialga...).

EDIT: I think a carefully designed Bronzong team could function well. Mix in Levitate and Heatproof for some real fun.

In BL that would be amazing.
I think I would pick Nidoking; Sp. Attacker for surprise, CB set, Sandstorm lead with Sash, and then maybe some annoyer sets focused around poison point.
Come on 6 Bidoofs!

Ok, with that out of the way, here were what i was thinking.

- Must not have a 4X weak (Obvious, you don't want a single move killing the entire party)
- Must have specialized stats (6 Clefables just won't work)
- Must be able to break through walls or outstall them

So with that said...

Zapdos @ Leftovers
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Thunderbolt
- HP Ice

Status Taker.

Zapdos @ Leftovers
- Roost
- Substitute
- Thunderbolt
- HP Ice

Sub roost, perfect for burning PP.

Zapdos @ Leftovers
- Roost
- Thunderbolt
- Roar
- Light Screen

Utility, has roar to stop stat-ups and Light Screen to help the ice weakness.

So, have 2 of the first Sleep Talk, 3 of Subroost, and the Utility Roost (probably as the lead to set up LS) and just PP stall.

And in truth...

Have of those Sleep Talkers, 2 of those SubRoosters, and you h
What about togekiss.

Coiceband wns and surprises many things

specs, and scarf for attacking and revengekilling

The standard para-flincher

Support with wish and stuff

and a tankish togekiss.
Syberia, you are forgeting something: Each single pokemon have a weakness and can be destroyed. So, if this was a serious project, this would be a luck game, just because if your choiced pokemon have disvantage (mispelled?) against your opponent choice, you WILL be owned.
Once more i repeat, this is not serious, its just to see how much roles can fit a single pokemon into...

In my opinion, Togekiss, together with Kingdra and Sceptile are some of the best ideas, if you think outside Chomp/Celebi/Jirachi/TTar. They can sweep in both sides and can support/tank (Subs for scep/Wish-Roost-Sdef for Kiss/ Kingdra for not being hit by SE attacks, except Dragon, and his awesome stats)
Syberia, you are foegting something: Each single pokemon have a weakness and can be destroyed. So, if this was a serious project, this would be a luck game, just because if your choiced pokemon have disvantage (mispelled?) against your opponent choice, you WILL be owned.
Once more i repeat, this is not serious, its just to see how much roles can fit a single pokemon into...
That's my point. That team of 6 Zapdos is owned by a single pokemon - Dragon Dance Tyranitar.
That Porygon-Z team needs at least one of them with HP Fighting for quick and easy kill on T-tar.

Just for fun, I'll post an all Swampert team LOL

Swampert @ leftovers
Stealth Rock, Surf, Earthquake, Ice Beam

Swampert @ Rindo Berry
Curse, Avalanche, Waterfall, Earthquake

Swampert @ leftovers
Curse, Rest, Sleep Talk, Waterfall

Swampert @ Choice Band
Waterfall, Earthquake, Avalanche, Stone Edge

Swampert @ Salac Berry
Waterfall, Substitute, Endeavor, Earthquake

Swampert @ Leftovers
Surf, Counter, Mirror Coat, Earthquake

Actually, a Rindo Berry can go on almost all of them if you fear grass attacks lol
I find it kind of sad that a team of ChainChomp x1 ScarfChomp x2 YacheChomp x3 would probably be incredibly effective even against regular teams let alone mono-pokemon teams. With two Scarfers, you can't really be swept by anything, and with the three Yache Berries, you don't really have to worry about an all Starmie team or anything. ChainChomp is for a quick way to off Bronzong, but he can't really take Swords Danced Fire Fang anyway.

If there was no species clause I would totally run that team in standards. I bet it would actually be very successful.
That's my point. That team of 6 Zapdos is owned by a single pokemon - Dragon Dance Tyranitar.

Yeah, but think too that a Scarf Hera with CC would ruin DDTTar.
And then, a team of Timid ScarfGars with psychic/Hp-Flying(lol, why not?) would own Hera.
And then, a team with 2 or 3 Scarf Weaviles would Own Gengar.
And then, a Team of Forrys with Gyro Ball would destroy Weaviles.
And then, a team of Charizard Would own Forrestress.
And then, a team with Gyarados would own Charizards.
And then, a team with Scarf Starmies would own Gyarados.
Got it?
No team would be perfect. It would be a random game.
Deoxys-e, it is the best all around pokemon in todays metgame, imo. It call set up, stall, lead and sweep. Also, it is fast enough were one scarfer would rip through your team with a super effective attack. What more could you want from a pokemon?
Well, let's see. Trying to go away from the norm, I may go with Clefable - "A jack of all trades but masters of none" as some sites say, but one cannot deny its sheer versatiliy. From its wonderful movepool to a very great Ability in Magic Guard, Clefable is one of my favorites if I were to make a team of 6 of the same Pokemon.

- You can have a physical sweeper set up with a Toxic Orb/Facade combo, as Clefable will not be hurt by Poison thanks to Magic Guard, and it also gets STAB for said boosted Facade. Meteor Mash and Brick Break also make nice physical fillers too.
- It can also be a stalling tank in roughly the same manner as a Blissey, being able to learn Softboiled (Fire Red/Leaf Green/Emerald Move Tutor) and Seismic Toss. Basically, it can do what Blissey can (save for Aromatherapy/Heal Bell).
- Of course, it's also a nice statuser, as it can learn Thunder Wave and Toxic. Paired with Softboiled/Wish and Substitute, it can stall many things. Of course, this leaves it without an offensive move, so you can either replace a move with Body Slam/Facade or rely on the other Clefables.
- How can I ever forget a special attacking variant? With a wonderfully diverse special move pool it can learn moves like Ice Beam, Thunderbolt and Flamethrower. All it'd need is a Special Normal move (which it lacks). Life Orb can help a bit too, or Expert Belt, since it'll have some nice coverage with its diverse special set. You can give it Grass Knot too, though Thunderbolt and Ice Beam can handle what Grass Knot can (save for Swampert).
- Then there's the random Clefable set. Teaching it Fake Tears, Charm and Metronome will keep the opponent guessing what'll happen next. Of course, such a set will be a "double-edged sword" as it may not go your way and can end up hurting you than helping you. But that's the fun of the "dice roll" in my opinion
- For the last set, I'd go with an all out supporter. Stealth Rock is always welcome, and having Wish on it will allow it to heal other party members. Thunder Wave is for paralysing or Toxic for watching the opponent rot, whilst Ice Beam being the last move for an offensive option that you can never go wrong with.

There. That should do it. Clefable may not be strong in terms of stats, but as I said earlier, one cannot deny its versatility. The fact that it can perform things that a Blissey can (not as well of course) makes it all the more attractive as a versatile Pokemon. A team of nothing but Clefables may or may not win battles, but it'll still be fun to mess around with, and fun is what counts in the great scheme of things, no? :3
Deoxys-e, it is the best all around pokemon in todays metgame, imo. It call set up, stall, lead and sweep. Also, it is fast enough were one scarfer would rip through your team with a super effective attack. What more could you want from a pokemon?


and also a deoxys-e team would probably be the only time you'd run a scarf deoxys, because otherwise a gengar team (scarfgar) would give you trouble.
6 Smeargles.

1 Transformer

1 Endeavor+Extreme Speeder

1 Scarfer (Destiny Bond, Spore, Trick, Explosion)

1 Perish Trapper

1 Belly Sweeper

1 Annoyer (Spore, Imprision, Transform, Spider Web) *Imprision does work after Tranform, check its move analysis: http://www.smogon.com/dp/moves/imprison

U probably wont win but its still fun!
id use pikachu!
just because i can ;)
can be used for a mixed or physical or special sweeper with light ball
can be used for nasty plot
just make each of them have different hidden powers ;)
can even evolve to raichu if youd like
and pikachu is just cool
and youd feel like ash ketchum!
Specs Heatran would have to deal with Hypnosis and HP Fight and Restalk/Spite Pressure staller and CMer and possibly Torment and maybe Trick Room.