Tournament SS CAP Send-off Money Tournament - $1000 Prize Pool! - Round 1 - Taking subs until October 5!

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I spoke to the devil in Miami
is a Site Content Manageris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Smogon Media Contributoris a Team Rater Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus

SS CAP Send-off Money Tournament - $1000 prize pool!
hosted by dex
art by the masterful martinvtran

SS CAP is coming to an end, and there is no better way to celebrate the community that got me on Smogon in the first place than a massive, crazy money tournament! CAP was what first drew me to participate on Smogon, and while I am now active across the site, CAP will always hold a special place for me as the catalyst for my introduction to the community. The prize structure will be as follows:
1st Place: 40% ($400)
2nd Place: 20% ($200)
3rd-4th Place: 10% each ($100)
5th-8th Place: 5% each ($50)
Huge shoutout to the following users who helped me contribute to this absolutely massive prize pool:
The following rules apply:
  • This is a standard [Gen 8] CAP tournament.
  • The format is best of three, single elimination. Quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals will be best of five, single elimination.
  • Changing teams in between matches is allowed.
  • It is required that you post your replays to avoid disputes.
  • All Smogon tournament rules apply.
  • Any change in tiering will not take effect until the following round. This includes the potential buffs/nerfs to Saharaja, Miasmaw, and Chromera. Should a buff/nerf go live in the middle of a week, that CAP will be banned for the duration of that week and any extensions for that week.
  • Matches must be played on Pokemon Showdown or Smogtours.
  • Please use this guide when scheduling with your opponent.
SS CAP Metagame Resources:
Intro to SS CAP | Viability Rankings | Sample Teams | Good Cores | Role Compendium | Sets


RaJ.Shoot  vs  -Tsunami-
Letmeactuallyplay  vs  sasha
Ailuro  vs  mikey804
R1C3M4N  vs  nvk
Lily  vs  Thelonewalker
Gogol2002  vs  QuinnXD
TDR  vs  ibumuistasty
Danny7  vs  Starnonilganzo
Clorodulce  vs  sayso9
Korkskrew  vs  Neon Nerd
adem  vs  Akeras
Amamama  vs  Spxrtn
Ashbala  vs  spoo
Axzel  vs  Togkey
SpectralThief  vs  Voltage
Bigass Wheel  vs  20Yelram02
snaga  vs  Ad067
Brigtel  vs  ArthUrM4n
sensei axew  vs  mrextrazy
Kotomi  vs  Borzac
Webwyane  vs  SoulWind
qkni7  vs  JacintoElGrande
DiabloTheCheater  vs  Leru
Spookz_Legend  vs  setset77
Borghi  vs  Bye altostrato
MF CRUZ  vs  Caltropss
UrdnotSex  vs  oakdeon
GrimeTime  vs  Fakee
notgg115  vs  CloudX5
DerpyBoi  vs  zS
Kid named finger  vs  Inder
jorislevens  vs  Huargensy
Highcalun  vs  Grand Phooey
jeronipuff  vs  Thedeathsofbeings234
Lore_maker  vs  ChiefBeisa
Trognon  vs  Earthflax
Revenge Killer  vs  kjnjkmjk1
txitxas  vs  Greentea570
EpicUmbreon29  vs  Gravity Monkey
mason75  vs  Dark Shion
Violet'Chucky  vs  BoingK
Severalwriter  vs  MrCrof
scionicle  vs  ultraplayer
Azamat140499  vs  qsns
Nael222  vs  ASKid679
halaman95  vs  Josepharas1
jawabarat  vs  Yang Liu
rizen1  vs  Atha
paolode99  vs  Casual dot exe
Sandman719  vs  Nalorium
doc1203  vs  snake_rattler
CHEESETHE  vs  Rofna99
poopidoopii  vs  Da Pizza Man
NotAnHacker  vs  SHSP
entrocefalo  vs  Geysers
xavgb  vs  Arc_Atoika
Ducky  vs  Yellowpikachu678
sneakyjeans  vs  D2TheW
elbonke  vs  faithviolet
Weaselfie  vs  ZapGang69
Tinii  vs  fatBatman
pulsar512b  vs  96CAPUT
MTB'er Ben  vs  fnoonan15
Sympixal  vs  Freed_56
maxhooij  vs  Gaboswampert
BeniSama  vs  LORD SAGIS
DatCatDinkus  vs  Moira374
Reje  vs  aim
Fogbound Lake  vs  realjillbiden
Ary-Yan v1  vs  SunMYSER
Granny Pie  vs  pj
Spl4sh  vs  Lasen
Blimax  vs  Failbor
Maxouille  vs  Dj Breloominati♬
A Welcome Guest  vs  oiljonesdinobones
Qwartres  vs  Pabloxty
Seatrus  vs  Ewin
Caprisong  vs  MugiwaraLux
Yebio  vs  Ninja
Undefeated Alt  vs  Pissog
Sage  vs  Nowelle
clean  vs  ZeroKitss
gettingeveryfruit  vs  Juicyjaguar
Fluore  vs  Knight_the_wannabe_best_p
Based_Insomniac  vs  Unsee
TheDeep  vs  TJ Mao
Knoert  vs  ALZev2002
BaconUltimate  vs  Star
Calambrito48  vs  lax
LogoGTW  vs  Ikaishi
Bushtush  vs  AquaticCarlie
Inferninja  vs  ApacheRomero
MTB  vs  Xertaii
Tal0  vs  Snak
Haarper  vs  LoSconosciuto
Jisoo  vs  SOM/05
wauknay84  vs  Eivor
madayoshi  vs  TJ
Maxisc23  vs  Ghostilex
Mom Lover  vs  3d
z123z  vs  Concept Everything
birnemaia  vs  Enpitsu128
Shalaboo  vs  Coolcodename
gorex  vs  Laococo
Monai  vs  Kapoen
blunder  vs  Zephyri
chuggachuggachooo  vs  Oksonoti
Chaitanya  vs  corbat743
eliana.  vs  ToasterBoi420
Tanji  vs  London13
Tillpeters8  vs  Dr Professor MD
Quineqo  vs  iKiQ
astralydia  vs  frogfacts
BeastyJ157  vs  Yanki Ken
BasedWhat?  vs  Sylveon used calm mind
Codename C.A.T  vs  S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
2thousandtwenty2  vs  Riku Sakuraba
Joeshh  vs  Goblin
shivers22  vs  Lucifroz
Memoriazero  vs  Kabilapok
Rhik  vs  Sliceofbread96
One Last Kiss  vs  Marshme1to
Nhanttt  vs  SwordIsBored
Phantomistix  vs  igiveuponaname
Woomy Nation  vs  Liimpy
Founder N  vs  Giga Crabulon
Mr.Bossaru  vs  justMichelangelo
Sweet Yamato  vs  ong
TTTech  vs  iLiseq
Holy Ghost  vs  Fc
carti  vs  DetroitLolcat
wesh papillon  vs  DugZa
Rex Slayer  vs  Heheus
IcicleCrash  vs  luna107
4MahatmaGandhi20  vs  dapidgeyturtleXD
GoldenSaiiber  vs  Orig Stall Guy
singaporygon  vs  Savouras
TDK  vs  GrandMasterD.Rey
IronFlashGaming  vs  Parmesan Cheese
MrMoOtube  vs  Be Like Bisharp
Pokemonrainer  vs  Smol_Pink_Kitty
noobiste  vs  elodin
Gray  vs  tcloud
Imagina 2 vacas  vs  Baloor
ikiarihS  vs  Alpha1013
MystMotone101  vs  UGaming
lou dort  vs  Isekai is good
Dew_Dr0p  vs  Goro Yagami
RoseKnight  vs  pannuracotta
Cobykalinka  vs  Wooper Person
LBN  vs  martinvtran
NeonZitro06  vs  Askov
sarvan1306  vs  Andrew M
afmoad  vs  K3ppr
The Hitman  vs  Yama
SBPC  vs  jonfilch
RichardMillePlain  vs  romanji
Buttisfree  vs  CallMeDrippyT
QWILY  vs  Jabberjaw888
Dflo  vs  Snapteryx
aauha  vs  talah
outbackrabbit  vs  Coof
djbarara  vs  Mattorr Is Cute
procorphish  vs  Raiyan
Drud  vs  poopawmcgee
Estuardo19  vs  quziel
Jordy004  vs  Generic_Cugly
TSR  vs  Jrdn
frostyicelad  vs  Maya
TectonicDestroyer  vs  attitude issues
omicorio  vs  shnowshner
WhizzeyKid  vs  Sephy Took My Name
lezzy cuttlefish  vs  logiknite
0kay  vs  Brambane
Pekka20123  vs  memedose46
poker210  vs  Quairo
blazin  vs  pianoyampy
ogalbina  vs  Xeraphan
maroon  vs  Rage.Spam.Quit.
Clastia  vs  Nostalgia45
ToiriX  vs  Kool Raid
shiloh  vs  NHelioX7
Asher647  vs  Kzinha
Xurkiyee  vs  Killerwinner19
crying  vs  Fast and Greasy
btboy  vs  Ricardo [old]
neomon  vs  leotung小董
Danny Bye  vs  Call me PK
Ara  vs  Queen Substitute
Watercelly  vs  Luthier
OniBrain  vs  krono101
ADF Test  vs  StarryyV
jscurf2  vs  Gekokeso
Whammerist  vs  Takatk
Potatoboybob  vs  XxLazzerpenguinxX
Mariobee33  vs  genesis monster
SeviiSpectre_001  vs  hariyana grande
zioziotrip  vs  Prototypetrainer
JayHeaven  vs  Steam Buns
dekzeh  vs  Fragments
dony79  vs  Vecheata
Gastly88555  vs  ltnfkotei
TheManiacOfPkmn  vs  pppppp
Boostedmon  vs  Potatochan
Pokeslice  vs  Amstan
Pluto_Supporter  vs  zuils
FiboDoesPokemon  vs  Tanny89k
SDK03  vs  dogmeats
Mercupty  vs  Mihowk
Nobodynobody  vs  Trout In Space
quinlanding  vs  Kate
Lialiabeast  vs  Jeanette
pokekidjimmy  vs  spdef cloyster
Ryuji  vs  Lennart
GusthavoM  vs  cbrevan
DragonGumBall  vs  Kerthwack
Kaede  vs  Binacle Pinnacle
Elizer  vs  HahaGamerDays
Yoaro48  vs  Makima
flygonisdragon  vs  Awesomeacuz13
MultiPokemon  vs  JustCallMeJcm
freezai  vs  Bonka
jay  vs  nik_roman
AKAmattherus  vs  Sailorgreatest
shadowtime2000  vs  Alxasaurus
JY Rule  vs  blastablasta
Mello_Remedy  vs  ForrestFire
Pboi  vs  RaiZen1704
oaklies  vs  Latiasboy
IllustriousJunebug  vs  Jordy
Togenium Z  vs  PoggerChampion
Mileage  vs  Ooziegib
giove97  vs  Bye 1
imNECRObtw  vs  swag god
professional clown  vs  Bye 3
DEG  vs  Bye 4
LeCehlou  vs  IDKHowtoplay :d
PokemonCestDur  vs  Bye 6
inaccufade  vs  crace1345
Queza  vs  Bye 8
Vkhss  vs  Bye 9
Kona_721  vs  anique
Brettzel  vs  Videns
Wulfanator  vs  Bye 12
roxie  vs  Bye 13
Bloub  vs  Bye 14
S poi re  vs  Bye 15
AtraX Madara  vs  Bye 16
Sulo  vs  Bye 17
XLerint  vs  Bye 18
Noinfo101  vs  Bye 19
Hitmonstop  vs  Bye 20
Astra  vs  Bye 21
Chokepic  vs  Bye 22
pratik2007  vs  tessaY
MatLaTomate  vs  Eichorrnia

Reminder that this round is Best of 3. Replays are required. The deadline for this round is October 9, 11:59 PM GMT -4.
Last edited:


I spoke to the devil in Miami
is a Site Content Manageris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Smogon Media Contributoris a Team Rater Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
Tags maybe...

RaJ.Shoot  vs  -Tsunami-
Letmeactuallyplay  vs  sasha
Ailuro  vs  mikey804
R1C3M4N  vs  nvk
Lily  vs  Thelonewalker
Gogol2002  vs  QuinnXD
TDR  vs  ibumuistasty
Danny7  vs  Starnonilganzo
Clorodulce  vs  sayso9
Korkskrew  vs  Neon Nerd
adem  vs  Akeras
Amamama  vs  Spxrtn
Ashbala  vs  spoo
Axzel  vs  Togkey
SpectralThief  vs  Voltage
Bigass Wheel  vs  20Yelram02
snaga  vs  Ad067
Brigtel  vs  ArthUrM4n
sensei axew  vs  mrextrazy
Kotomi  vs  Borzac
Webwyane  vs  SoulWind
qkni7  vs  JacintoElGrande
DiabloTheCheater  vs  Leru
Spookz_Legend  vs  setset77
Borghi  vs  altostrato
MF CRUZ  vs  Caltropss
UrdnotSex  vs  oakdeon
GrimeTime  vs  Fakee
notgg115  vs  CloudX5
DerpyBoi  vs  zS
Kid named finger  vs  Inder
jorislevens  vs  Huargensy
Highcalun  vs  Grand Phooey
jeronipuff  vs  Thedeathsofbeings234
Lore_maker  vs  ChiefBeisa
Trognon  vs  Earthflax
Revenge Killer  vs  kjnjkmjk1
txitxas  vs  Greentea570
EpicUmbreon29  vs  Gravity Monkey
mason75  vs  Dark Shion
Violet'Chucky  vs  BoingK
Severalwriter  vs  MrCrof
scionicle  vs  ultraplayer
Azamat140499  vs  qsns
Nael222  vs  ASKid679
halaman95  vs  Josepharas1
jawabarat  vs  Yang Liu
rizen1  vs  Atha
paolode99  vs  Casual dot exe
Sandman719  vs  Nalorium
doc1203  vs  snake_rattler
CHEESETHE  vs  Rofna99
poopidoopii  vs  Da Pizza Man
NotAnHacker  vs  SHSP
entrocefalo  vs  Geysers
xavgb  vs  Arc_Atoika
Ducky  vs  Yellowpikachu678
sneakyjeans  vs  D2TheW
elbonke  vs  faithviolet
Weaselfie  vs  ZapGang69
Tinii  vs  fatBatman
pulsar512b  vs  96CAPUT
MTB'er Ben  vs  fnoonan15
Sympixal  vs  Freed_56
maxhooij  vs  Gaboswampert
BeniSama  vs  LORD SAGIS
DatCatDinkus  vs  Moira374
Reje  vs  aim
Fogbound Lake  vs  realjillbiden
Ary-Yan v1  vs  SunMYSER
Granny Pie  vs  pj
Spl4sh  vs  Lasen
Blimax  vs  Failbor
Maxouille  vs  Dj Breloominati♬
A Welcome Guest  vs  oiljonesdinobones
Qwartres  vs  Pabloxty
Seatrus  vs  Ewin
Caprisong  vs  MugiwaraLux
Yebio  vs  Ninja
Undefeated Alt  vs  Pissog
Sage  vs  Nowelle
clean  vs  ZeroKitss
gettingeveryfruit  vs  Juicyjaguar
Fluore  vs  Knight_the_wannabe_best_p
Based_Insomniac  vs  Unsee
TheDeep  vs  TJ Mao
Knoert  vs  ALZev2002
BaconUltimate  vs  Star
Calambrito48  vs  lax
LogoGTW  vs  Ikaishi
Bushtush  vs  AquaticCarlie
Inferninja  vs  ApacheRomero
MTB  vs  Xertaii
Tal0  vs  Snak
Haarper  vs  LoSconosciuto
Jisoo  vs  SOM/05
wauknay84  vs  Eivor
madayoshi  vs  TJ
Maxisc23  vs  Ghostilex
Mom Lover  vs  3d
z123z  vs  Concept Everything
birnemaia  vs  Enpitsu128
Shalaboo  vs  Coolcodename
gorex  vs  Laococo
Monai  vs  Kapoen
blunder  vs  Zephyri
chuggachuggachooo  vs  Oksonoti
Chaitanya  vs  corbat743
eliana.  vs  ToasterBoi420
Tanji  vs  London13
Tillpeters8  vs  Dr Professor MD
Quineqo  vs  iKiQ
astralydia  vs  frogfacts
BeastyJ157  vs  Yanki Ken
BasedWhat?  vs  Sylveon used calm mind
Codename C.A.T  vs  S1nn0hC0nfirm3d
2thousandtwenty2  vs  Riku Sakuraba
Joeshh  vs  Goblin
shivers22  vs  Lucifroz
Memoriazero  vs  Kabilapok
Rhik  vs  Sliceofbread96
One Last Kiss  vs  Marshme1to
Nhanttt  vs  SwordIsBored
Phantomistix  vs  igiveuponaname
Woomy Nation  vs  Liimpy
Founder N  vs  Giga Crabulon
Mr.Bossaru  vs  justMichelangelo
Sweet Yamato  vs  ong
TTTech  vs  iLiseq
Holy Ghost  vs  Fc
carti  vs  DetroitLolcat
wesh papillon  vs  DugZa
Rex Slayer  vs  Heheus
IcicleCrash  vs  luna107
4MahatmaGandhi20  vs  dapidgeyturtleXD
GoldenSaiiber  vs  Orig Stall Guy
singaporygon  vs  Savouras
TDK  vs  GrandMasterD.Rey
IronFlashGaming  vs  Parmesan Cheese
MrMoOtube  vs  Be Like Bisharp
Pokemonrainer  vs  Smol_Pink_Kitty
noobiste  vs  elodin
Gray  vs  tcloud
Imagina 2 vacas  vs  Baloor
ikiarihS  vs  Alpha1013
MystMotone101  vs  UGaming
lou dort  vs  Isekai is good
Dew_Dr0p  vs  Goro Yagami
RoseKnight  vs  pannuracotta
Cobykalinka  vs  Wooper Person
LBN  vs  martinvtran
NeonZitro06  vs  Askov
sarvan1306  vs  Andrew M
afmoad  vs  K3ppr
The Hitman  vs  Yama
SBPC  vs  jonfilch
RichardMillePlain  vs  romanji
Buttisfree  vs  CallMeDrippyT
QWILY  vs  Jabberjaw888
Dflo  vs  Snapteryx
aauha  vs  talah
outbackrabbit  vs  Coof
djbarara  vs  Mattorr Is Cute
procorphish  vs  Raiyan
Drud  vs  poopawmcgee
Estuardo19  vs  quziel
Jordy004  vs  Generic_Cugly
TSR  vs  Jrdn
frostyicelad  vs  Maya
TectonicDestroyer  vs  attitude issues
omicorio  vs  shnowshner
WhizzeyKid  vs  Sephy Took My Name
lezzy cuttlefish  vs  logiknite
0kay  vs  Brambane
Pekka20123  vs  memedose46
poker210  vs  Quairo
blazin  vs  pianoyampy
ogalbina  vs  Xeraphan
maroon  vs  Rage.Spam.Quit.
Clastia  vs  Nostalgia45
ToiriX  vs  Kool Raid
shiloh  vs  NHelioX7
Asher647  vs  Kzinha
Xurkiyee  vs  Killerwinner19
crying  vs  Fast and Greasy
btboy  vs  Ricardo [old]
neomon  vs  leotung小董
Danny  vs  Call me PK
Ara  vs  Queen Substitute
Watercelly  vs  Luthier
OniBrain  vs  krono101
ADF Test  vs  StarryyV
jscurf2  vs  Gekokeso
Whammerist  vs  Takatk
Potatoboybob  vs  XxLazzerpenguinxX
Mariobee33  vs  genesis monster
SeviiSpectre_001  vs  hariyana grande
zioziotrip  vs  Prototypetrainer
JayHeaven  vs  Steam Buns
dekzeh  vs  Fragments
dony79  vs  Vecheata
Gastly88555  vs  ltnfkotei
TheManiacOfPkmn  vs  pppppp
Boostedmon  vs  Potatochan
Pokeslice  vs  Amstan
Pluto_Supporter  vs  zuils
FiboDoesPokemon  vs  Tanny89k
SDK03  vs  dogmeats
Mercupty  vs  Mihowk
Nobodynobody  vs  Trout In Space
quinlanding  vs  Kate
Lialiabeast  vs  Jeanette
pokekidjimmy  vs  spdef cloyster
Ryuji  vs  Lennart
GusthavoM  vs  cbrevan
DragonGumBall  vs  Kerthwack
Kaede  vs  Binacle Pinnacle
Elizer  vs  HahaGamerDays
Yoaro48  vs  Makima
flygonisdragon  vs  Awesomeacuz13
MultiPokemon  vs  JustCallMeJcm
freezai  vs  Bonka
jay  vs  nik_roman
AKAmattherus  vs  Sailorgreatest
shadowtime2000  vs  Alxasaurus
JY Rule  vs  blastablasta
Mello_Remedy  vs  ForrestFire
Pboi  vs  RaiZen1704
oaklies  vs  Latiasboy
IllustriousJunebug  vs  Jordy
Togenium Z  vs  PoggerChampion
Mileage  vs  Ooziegib
giove97  vs  Bye 1
imNECRObtw  vs  Bye 2
professional clown  vs  Bye 3
DEG  vs  Bye 4
LeCehlou  vs  Bye 5
PokemonCestDur  vs  Bye 6
inaccufade  vs  Bye 7
Queza  vs  Bye 8
Vkhss  vs  Bye 9
Kona_721  vs  Bye 10
Brettzel  vs  Bye 11
Wulfanator  vs  Bye 12
roxie  vs  Bye 13
Bloub  vs  Bye 14
S poi re  vs  Bye 15
AtraX Madara  vs  Bye 16
Sulo  vs  Bye 17
XLerint  vs  Bye 18
Noinfo101  vs  Bye 19
Hitmonstop  vs  Bye 20
Astra  vs  Bye 21
Chokepic  vs  Bye 22
pratik2007  vs  Bye 23
MatLaTomate  vs  Bye 24


I spoke to the devil in Miami
is a Site Content Manageris a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Smogon Media Contributoris a Team Rater Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
Thought I'd go over some highlight matches for round 1:

Raj.Shoot vs. -Tsunami-: This should be a good test of what will be a recurring question throughout the tour: does familiarity with the CAP metagame pay off? Raj has been a regular in CAP team tours and has consistently put up impressive results (I should know, I've built for him many times), but Tsunami is easily the highest caliber player Raj has had to face in the tier. This'll be a nice case study for the rest of the tour.

poopidooppii vs. Da Pizza Man: poopidooppii, CAP's prodigal child, vs Da Pizza Man, CAP's Joe Rogan. For the sheer entertainment value alone, I cannot wait for this one.

Spl4sh vs. Lasen: Lasen's performance in CAP tours has faltered as of late, and he does not get off to an easy start here versus BRAZILIAN SPLASH. I expect this one to be fun and close throughout, definitely will be a great one to watch if Lasen can refrain from saying "Welcome to Brazil" more than five times.

Maxouille vs. Dj Breloominati♬: To be honest, I'm not even sure this match will get played, given that these two are historically awful at scheduling. If it does happen (unlikely), then it'll be a great time. Excited to see if max tries to a) act fish or b) cheese with TR.

blunder vs. Zephyri: Poor zeph, he gets the best to ever do it in round 1. Can't wait to see what crackshit CBB blunder cooks up for this one, and if it turns out to be closer than expected.

maroon vs. Rage.Spam.Quit: maroon asked that I give him an easy matchup in round 1. It seems the bracketmaker gods have punished him for his hubris, pairing him with CAP tour regular and randbats god R "This man knows when to Dynamax" SQ. I expect this to be a fun one to watch and come down entirely on Hurricane missing.

JayHeaven vs. Steam Buns: Perhaps one of the funniest pairings out of the round, one of the CAP old hats is hitting the road after this one. Will Jay continue to stall his way to success? Will Steam Buns ever use a strategy dex set? Only time will tell.
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