Hey everyone, update time!!! The VR council voted both on a regular slate and the lower tier sweep this time around, and for sake of ease I just included any UR -> Ranked noms and noms to move mons between tiers 4 and 5 as part of the low tier sweep. Noms to move mons from tier 4 up were included on the actual slate. Before I get around to the results, I have to announce that Ezrael has stepped down from the vr council. Thank you for lending your time and expertise to the cause, you will be missed. qsns and shrop abstained from voting this time around as well, but to make sure we had enough votes to actually do this we have acquired two new members! We welcome AuraRayquaza and Yoda2798 into our ranks and are glad (and thankful) to have them aboard. Without further ado, here are the results of the vote:
Rillaboom Tier 2 →Tier 1
Tapu Fini Tier 1 →Tier 2
Blastoise Tier 3 →Tier 2
Dragapult Tier 3 →Tier 2
Porygon2 Tier 3 →Tier 2
Zeraora Tier 3 →Tier 2
Urshifu-R Tier 3 →Tier 2
Mew Tier 2 →Tier 3
Nihilego Tier 2 →Tier 3
Spectrier Tier 2 →Tier 3 or 4
Diancie Tier 2 →Tier 3
Zygarde Tier 2 →Tier 3
Incineroar Tier 2 →Tier 3
Metagross Tier 4 →Tier 3 or 2
Volcarona Tier 4 →Tier 3
Necrozma Tier 4 →Tier 3
Landorus-I Tier 4 →Tier 3
Lurantis Tier 4 →Tier 3
Tapu Koko Tier 3 →Tier 4, 5, or UR
Tsareena Tier 3 →Tier 4
Zapdos-K Tier 3 →Tier 4
Cresselia Tier 3 →Tier 4
Tier 2 → Tier 1
Tier 3 → Tier 2
Tier 3 → Tier 2
Tier 3 → Tier 2
Tier 3 → Tier 2
Tier 2 → Tier 3
Tier 2 → Tier 4
Tier 4 → Tier 3
Tier 4 → Tier 3
Tier 4 → Tier 3
Tier 3 → UR(lol)
Tier 3 → Tier 4
Tier 3 → Tier 4
Tier 4 → Tier 5
Tier 4 → Tier 5
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → Tier 4
UR → Tier 5
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → Tier 4
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → Tier 4
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 4 → Tier 5
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → Tier 4
Tier 5 → UR
Rillaboom Tier 2 →Tier 1
AuraRayquaza: (yes) ehhh this is probs t1 :( thing is hard to ko and makes other things hard to ko which is good. I think being a grass type makes it really really easy to abuse so im very on the fence but honestly it makes fini less epic which is the sign of a very powerful mon and it makes other demons like p2 and kyub more demonic
Paraplegic: Yes. Rilla is the most splashable mon in the tier, it enables the viability of several other mons, and is probably the most reliable glue in the tier when it comes to plugging it on to a team and using it to defensively check things. Very good, very omnipresent mon.
MajorBowman: 1, Rillaboom is super widely applicable and can bring a lot to the table in pretty much any matchup. You’d be hard pressed to find a team that is made worse by putting Rillaboom on it, and it has few hard counters thanks to its ability to pivot out at will
SMB: yeah, easily the most splashable mon on the tier and useful on every game, av set has really nice utility and band set is really threatening
Yoda2798: 1. Extremely splashable and and improves a wide variety of mons and teams without much downside.
Paraplegic: Yes. Rilla is the most splashable mon in the tier, it enables the viability of several other mons, and is probably the most reliable glue in the tier when it comes to plugging it on to a team and using it to defensively check things. Very good, very omnipresent mon.
MajorBowman: 1, Rillaboom is super widely applicable and can bring a lot to the table in pretty much any matchup. You’d be hard pressed to find a team that is made worse by putting Rillaboom on it, and it has few hard counters thanks to its ability to pivot out at will
SMB: yeah, easily the most splashable mon on the tier and useful on every game, av set has really nice utility and band set is really threatening
Yoda2798: 1. Extremely splashable and and improves a wide variety of mons and teams without much downside.
Tapu Fini Tier 1 →Tier 2
AuraRayquaza: (yes) fake af cm isnt even good. You have to dodge toxic rillaboom and every other grass, play super carefully into psyspam and even then its rough, not get pranked by blastoise roaring, not activate a wp on diancie, not switch in on too many regular moves and the list goes on
Paraplegic: No. I initially supported this nomination, but after putting a lot of thought into it and flipflopping my opinion several times, I came to the conclusion that I think fini is still a tier 1 pokemon. The amount of defensive utility it provides in one slot is unparalleled. Between the very good, useful resistances/immunities it provides, the benefits of misty terrain on top of being able to contest terrain at all in a meta where rilla and psy terrain are quite prominent, and calm mind being the cherry on top allowing it to also be a threat that can take over games, I still believe fini is one of the absolute best mons in this format and I view it to be on the level of kyurem-b and rilla, the other two mons I view to be tier 1, in terms of impact both in games and in the builder.
MajorBowman: 1, Fini is ironically one of the things keeping Rillaboom in check despite being one of Rillaboom’s better matchups at the same time. CM sets can still checkmate games if left unattended, and the defensive utility misty surge provides was explained well by Paraplegic.
SMB: This is something i wondered during dpl, then you realize every team needs at least 2 solid fini checks and even with that sometimes you’re not safe. It’s also the best answer to sleep and checks too many stuff. Tier 1.
Yoda2798: 1. I’ve swithered on this but I think it’s still 1. Calm Mind has more holding it back than in SM, mainly from the presence of Rillaboom, but can still be a threat. The decider for me though is the irreplaceable utility Fini brings outside of CM, as better described by Para.
Paraplegic: No. I initially supported this nomination, but after putting a lot of thought into it and flipflopping my opinion several times, I came to the conclusion that I think fini is still a tier 1 pokemon. The amount of defensive utility it provides in one slot is unparalleled. Between the very good, useful resistances/immunities it provides, the benefits of misty terrain on top of being able to contest terrain at all in a meta where rilla and psy terrain are quite prominent, and calm mind being the cherry on top allowing it to also be a threat that can take over games, I still believe fini is one of the absolute best mons in this format and I view it to be on the level of kyurem-b and rilla, the other two mons I view to be tier 1, in terms of impact both in games and in the builder.
MajorBowman: 1, Fini is ironically one of the things keeping Rillaboom in check despite being one of Rillaboom’s better matchups at the same time. CM sets can still checkmate games if left unattended, and the defensive utility misty surge provides was explained well by Paraplegic.
SMB: This is something i wondered during dpl, then you realize every team needs at least 2 solid fini checks and even with that sometimes you’re not safe. It’s also the best answer to sleep and checks too many stuff. Tier 1.
Yoda2798: 1. I’ve swithered on this but I think it’s still 1. Calm Mind has more holding it back than in SM, mainly from the presence of Rillaboom, but can still be a threat. The decider for me though is the irreplaceable utility Fini brings outside of CM, as better described by Para.
Blastoise Tier 3 →Tier 2
AuraRayquaza: yeah this thing supports everything so well
Paraplegic: Yes. Aray put it well enough in so few words but to elaborate a bit further, the amount of things blastoise can enable is insane. It is like the perfect progress machine and we have prominent setuppers that pair very well with it that make it very much so a tier 2 supporter imo.
MajorBowman: Yes, has a really good toolkit for a support Pokemon and enough bulk to back it up without being too good. 2 is a good spot for it.
SMB: yeah, staple on every team with set up mons. Really good amoonguss check with goggles and also checks trick room with roar which these teams appreciate.
Yoda2798: 2. Great support movepool, insanely good with setup.
Paraplegic: Yes. Aray put it well enough in so few words but to elaborate a bit further, the amount of things blastoise can enable is insane. It is like the perfect progress machine and we have prominent setuppers that pair very well with it that make it very much so a tier 2 supporter imo.
MajorBowman: Yes, has a really good toolkit for a support Pokemon and enough bulk to back it up without being too good. 2 is a good spot for it.
SMB: yeah, staple on every team with set up mons. Really good amoonguss check with goggles and also checks trick room with roar which these teams appreciate.
Yoda2798: 2. Great support movepool, insanely good with setup.
Dragapult Tier 3 →Tier 2
AuraRayquaza: yeah i think its helped by the fact that blastoise exists but it has opportunities to attack/dd against a lot of good mons (grasses + blastoise spring to mind)
Paraplegic: Yes. I am a huge fan of dragon dance pult as an alternative dd’er to zyg and kyube that actually has a valid niche, and while I am not that big on special sets, they do get pretty nice opportunities to fire off decently powerful attacks in this meta as aray said. This is a mon toise enables hard as heck but it does make it quite good.
MajorBowman: I think 2 is fine, its moveset flexibility means you have to tread lightly until it reveals its set and something with this combination of high speed, serviceable bulk, and burst damage potential is always valuable
SMB: fine mon but tier 2 is probably too much, I don’t think dd set is reliable and specs/life orb is just not good enough because it lacks the power to ohko many stuff.
Yoda2798: Abstain. I’m not sure where I think Pult fits, but it’s already been decided to 2 anyways.
Paraplegic: Yes. I am a huge fan of dragon dance pult as an alternative dd’er to zyg and kyube that actually has a valid niche, and while I am not that big on special sets, they do get pretty nice opportunities to fire off decently powerful attacks in this meta as aray said. This is a mon toise enables hard as heck but it does make it quite good.
MajorBowman: I think 2 is fine, its moveset flexibility means you have to tread lightly until it reveals its set and something with this combination of high speed, serviceable bulk, and burst damage potential is always valuable
SMB: fine mon but tier 2 is probably too much, I don’t think dd set is reliable and specs/life orb is just not good enough because it lacks the power to ohko many stuff.
Yoda2798: Abstain. I’m not sure where I think Pult fits, but it’s already been decided to 2 anyways.
Porygon2 Tier 3 →Tier 2
AuraRayquaza: yeah it does what its always done but very well now given rillaboom exists and stuff like setting up is getting worse. P2 just eats most straight attackers up bar urshifu
Paraplegic: Yes. P2 is consistently useful game to game, checking things with its bulk and using speed control and sometimes download boosts to generate offense. I think it performs at a tier 2 level for sure.
MajorBowman: I see P2 as more of a tier 3 mon, it certainly performs well but it’s somewhat one dimensional. It’s a centerpiece of semiroom teams but beyond that I can’t think of a reason I’d want to use P2
SMB: tier 3, it does its thing pretty well but it’s just too easy to check and not a threat per se
Yoda2798: 2. Porygon2 is a central component of semiroom teams and their recent success, and one of the most important Pokemon in the meta right now IMO. Reliably setting Trick Room multiple times is great, but it can do more than just that. The ability to use Download + BoltBeam coverage offensively, or Toxic combined with amazing bulk and Recover, ensures there’s always something useful it can do, pushing P2 to that next level for me.
Paraplegic: Yes. P2 is consistently useful game to game, checking things with its bulk and using speed control and sometimes download boosts to generate offense. I think it performs at a tier 2 level for sure.
MajorBowman: I see P2 as more of a tier 3 mon, it certainly performs well but it’s somewhat one dimensional. It’s a centerpiece of semiroom teams but beyond that I can’t think of a reason I’d want to use P2
SMB: tier 3, it does its thing pretty well but it’s just too easy to check and not a threat per se
Yoda2798: 2. Porygon2 is a central component of semiroom teams and their recent success, and one of the most important Pokemon in the meta right now IMO. Reliably setting Trick Room multiple times is great, but it can do more than just that. The ability to use Download + BoltBeam coverage offensively, or Toxic combined with amazing bulk and Recover, ensures there’s always something useful it can do, pushing P2 to that next level for me.
Zeraora Tier 3 →Tier 2
Aurarayquaza: yessir this lad is very good
Paraplegic: Yes. Zera is very good, one of two truly good electric types in the tier, fastest fake out, coaching is very good on it, utility pours out of its ass. I definitely support this nom.
MajorBowman: 3, Zeraora is one of those mons (to me, at least) that has always done a lot better on paper than it does in practice. It has a ton of cool support options but it can’t do them all at once, and you really have to pick between one of doing actual damage and sticking around long enough to be an effective support mon. Fast volt switch kinda mitigates the second point but a turn spent volt switching is a turn not spent using something like snarl, coaching, electroweb, etc.
SMB: 3, coaching is bad, av is weak and its utility is not that good, life orb is easily its best set because of all the offensive pressure it has but it isn’t tier 2 material anyway, rillaboom is too annoying, same with intimidate and it fails to get some important ohkos in mons like offensive kyub and kartana
Yoda2798: 3. Zeraora has seen a lot of usage recently, but it hasn’t really impressed me that much in its games. Agree with the above, the offensive or utility value from it isn’t up to the level needed for tier 2.
Paraplegic: Yes. Zera is very good, one of two truly good electric types in the tier, fastest fake out, coaching is very good on it, utility pours out of its ass. I definitely support this nom.
MajorBowman: 3, Zeraora is one of those mons (to me, at least) that has always done a lot better on paper than it does in practice. It has a ton of cool support options but it can’t do them all at once, and you really have to pick between one of doing actual damage and sticking around long enough to be an effective support mon. Fast volt switch kinda mitigates the second point but a turn spent volt switching is a turn not spent using something like snarl, coaching, electroweb, etc.
SMB: 3, coaching is bad, av is weak and its utility is not that good, life orb is easily its best set because of all the offensive pressure it has but it isn’t tier 2 material anyway, rillaboom is too annoying, same with intimidate and it fails to get some important ohkos in mons like offensive kyub and kartana
Yoda2798: 3. Zeraora has seen a lot of usage recently, but it hasn’t really impressed me that much in its games. Agree with the above, the offensive or utility value from it isn’t up to the level needed for tier 2.
Urshifu-R Tier 3 →Tier 2
AuraRayquaza: (yes) slaps p2 and kyub which is good enough for me ._.
Paraplegic: Yes, only good fighting type, all the other ones suuccckkkkk. It is capable of some stupid things by virtue of ignoring tect, and stab cc is a nuke in this tier with the prominent fighting weaks that do exist. Very scary offensive presence that I rate among the best in the tier.
MajorBowman: I’d vote a hesitant 2, Unseen Fist is stupid and Surging Strikes is stupider but Urshifu gets hard stopped by one too many things for me to be enthusiastic about rating is this highly. The prevalence of Rillaboom makes Urshifu scared and if you’re using Band (which is probably the best set) then locking into one of your stabs makes you pretty vulnerable to a lot of different top threats.
SMB: yeah, scarf is really good vs some common trends rn and band is pretty good as well. Ignoring protect is broken.
Yoda2798: 2. Breaking through Protect is strong, especially with two strong STABs. Also, the ability to smack Kyurem-B and both of the top TR setters (Diancie and Porygon2) is big.
Paraplegic: Yes, only good fighting type, all the other ones suuccckkkkk. It is capable of some stupid things by virtue of ignoring tect, and stab cc is a nuke in this tier with the prominent fighting weaks that do exist. Very scary offensive presence that I rate among the best in the tier.
MajorBowman: I’d vote a hesitant 2, Unseen Fist is stupid and Surging Strikes is stupider but Urshifu gets hard stopped by one too many things for me to be enthusiastic about rating is this highly. The prevalence of Rillaboom makes Urshifu scared and if you’re using Band (which is probably the best set) then locking into one of your stabs makes you pretty vulnerable to a lot of different top threats.
SMB: yeah, scarf is really good vs some common trends rn and band is pretty good as well. Ignoring protect is broken.
Yoda2798: 2. Breaking through Protect is strong, especially with two strong STABs. Also, the ability to smack Kyurem-B and both of the top TR setters (Diancie and Porygon2) is big.
Mew Tier 2 →Tier 3
AuraRayquaza: hm most teams look to something else as their tw setter now and its clear this mon isnt seeing as much use but im still a believer in the epic moveset so i will say no
Paraplegic: Heck no. I still hold the belief that mew is a top 5 mon in this tier easily, it is capable of doing so much so well and its way too consistently annoying in the right way to be less than a tier 2 mon in my opinion.
MajorBowman: 2, the vast number of things Mew can do makes it very valuable to a wide variety of teams. I know I spoke poorly of Zeraora and P2 by saying they can’t do everything at once, but Mew has so many options that you can pretty easily tailor its moveset to your team and always have something productive for it to do.
SMB: 2, it has been pretty disappointing during dpl but it patches a lot of holes teams might have with its coverage and utility moves
Yoda2798: 3. The Tailwind-oriented teams Mew used to flourish on have been on decline, and Mew has struggled to find a place outside of those. After going 3-11 (21% winrate) in DPL I can’t justify keeping this in tier 2. Someone could find a way to use it that changes my mind, but right now Mew’s definitely dropped from its previous level.
Paraplegic: Heck no. I still hold the belief that mew is a top 5 mon in this tier easily, it is capable of doing so much so well and its way too consistently annoying in the right way to be less than a tier 2 mon in my opinion.
MajorBowman: 2, the vast number of things Mew can do makes it very valuable to a wide variety of teams. I know I spoke poorly of Zeraora and P2 by saying they can’t do everything at once, but Mew has so many options that you can pretty easily tailor its moveset to your team and always have something productive for it to do.
SMB: 2, it has been pretty disappointing during dpl but it patches a lot of holes teams might have with its coverage and utility moves
Yoda2798: 3. The Tailwind-oriented teams Mew used to flourish on have been on decline, and Mew has struggled to find a place outside of those. After going 3-11 (21% winrate) in DPL I can’t justify keeping this in tier 2. Someone could find a way to use it that changes my mind, but right now Mew’s definitely dropped from its previous level.
Nihilego Tier 2 →Tier 3
Aurarayquaza: (yes) always a gamer but dou is being very rude to it atm :(
Paraplegic: Yes. Still quite a good mon imo, but its usage has been low and I dont really accept it being as prominent in the meta as the other tier 2s to warrant its current placement.
MajorBowman: Yes, agree with both of the above. It was very good in a meta that was a little more friendly to it but its game sweeping potential drops when teams are more prepared for it as they are now.
SMB: yeah it’s easier to revenge kill than it was before and semiroom builds have more popularity.
Yoda2798: 3. Not bad, but usage doesn’t justify tier 2. Metagame trends means teams are a bit better prepared for it now than before.
Paraplegic: Yes. Still quite a good mon imo, but its usage has been low and I dont really accept it being as prominent in the meta as the other tier 2s to warrant its current placement.
MajorBowman: Yes, agree with both of the above. It was very good in a meta that was a little more friendly to it but its game sweeping potential drops when teams are more prepared for it as they are now.
SMB: yeah it’s easier to revenge kill than it was before and semiroom builds have more popularity.
Yoda2798: 3. Not bad, but usage doesn’t justify tier 2. Metagame trends means teams are a bit better prepared for it now than before.
Spectrier Tier 2 →Tier 3 or 4
Aurarayquaza: 4 this bum has had its time, zeraora p2 and indeedee psyspam make this upset
Paraplegic: Yes, tier 4. This shit was the first major crown tundra flavor of the month of what I presume will be at least several. Doesn’t hold the same place it did in the meta around invis and has fallen off the face of the meta. Its totally still usable but holy shit its not 2 lol.
MajorBowman: 4, was never really a believer in Spectrier and would have made this nomination myself had it not been done. Relying on mud shot for coverage is so sad and the rise in P2 stops Spectrier cold.
SMB: this has never been tier 2 worthy even when it got that popular. Tier 4 has always been its place.
Yoda2798: 4. Fallen off massively with the rise of Porygon2.
Paraplegic: Yes, tier 4. This shit was the first major crown tundra flavor of the month of what I presume will be at least several. Doesn’t hold the same place it did in the meta around invis and has fallen off the face of the meta. Its totally still usable but holy shit its not 2 lol.
MajorBowman: 4, was never really a believer in Spectrier and would have made this nomination myself had it not been done. Relying on mud shot for coverage is so sad and the rise in P2 stops Spectrier cold.
SMB: this has never been tier 2 worthy even when it got that popular. Tier 4 has always been its place.
Yoda2798: 4. Fallen off massively with the rise of Porygon2.
Diancie Tier 2 →Tier 3
AuraRayquaza: no sir this mon is still highly epic. Urshifu is very rude but outside of that diancie can very easily find itself in an incredible position where the opponent cant afford to just grassy glide or earth power etc. because of wp and a defense boost. n1n1 showed me the light unironically
Paraplegic: No. Diancie is incredibly potent and is finally back on the upswing now that people have adjusted to the nerfs and realized its still epic as hell. Definitely shouldn’t be dropping rn.
MajorBowman: 2, Diancie is still in a fantastic spot. It trades very well with a majority of the metagame and after a defense boost or two becomes a menace to take down
SMB: 2, snowballing potential is as good as before, still a really good offensive typing, solid trick room setter etc
Yoda2798: 2. Easily still a 2, Diamond Storm can still do a lot of work. Diancie doesn’t really compete with Porygon2 since they do different things, and you can use both together.
Paraplegic: No. Diancie is incredibly potent and is finally back on the upswing now that people have adjusted to the nerfs and realized its still epic as hell. Definitely shouldn’t be dropping rn.
MajorBowman: 2, Diancie is still in a fantastic spot. It trades very well with a majority of the metagame and after a defense boost or two becomes a menace to take down
SMB: 2, snowballing potential is as good as before, still a really good offensive typing, solid trick room setter etc
Yoda2798: 2. Easily still a 2, Diamond Storm can still do a lot of work. Diancie doesn’t really compete with Porygon2 since they do different things, and you can use both together.
Zygarde Tier 2 →Tier 3
Aurarayquaza: nope. Its actually quite hard to find teams with many proper band zygarde checks nowadays because lando isnt good. Rilla walls it but this isnt the hardest thing to circumvent and allow zygarde to chunk a lot of teams
Paraplegic: No lol. Zygarde is an incredible pokemon, thousand arrows is a busted ass move, and dd sets are so incredibly potent. This is my posterchild tier 2 mon and I think it very much so deserves its current placement.
MajorBowman: 2, agree with both of the above
SMB: no, if anything it’s better because many teams are dropping intimidate and fini doesn’t have a really high usage. If it finds a good positioning, which is not that hard due to its great bulk, it can be devastating
Yoda2798: 2. Tailwind Mew + CB Zygarde teams have gone the way of the dodo, but Zygarde still works without it for reasons described above.
Paraplegic: No lol. Zygarde is an incredible pokemon, thousand arrows is a busted ass move, and dd sets are so incredibly potent. This is my posterchild tier 2 mon and I think it very much so deserves its current placement.
MajorBowman: 2, agree with both of the above
SMB: no, if anything it’s better because many teams are dropping intimidate and fini doesn’t have a really high usage. If it finds a good positioning, which is not that hard due to its great bulk, it can be devastating
Yoda2798: 2. Tailwind Mew + CB Zygarde teams have gone the way of the dodo, but Zygarde still works without it for reasons described above.
Incineroar Tier 2 →Tier 3
Aurarayquaza: (no) whom. This is still incin bros. The same one thats a great rilla switch, strong into psyspam, a rare knock off for p2/dpult/blastoise/kyub and intimidate in a format where lando is quite poor.
Paraplegic: No I swear to god its like people dont recognize the value of defensive utility. Its incin, the amount of role compression it provides and the amount of things it checks in one slot EASILY warrants tier 2 in my humble opinion.
MajorBowman: 2, agree with both of the above. I don’t think the usefulness of Knock Off can be understated, especially with the current trends mentioned by AuraRayquaza on the rise. Fake Out + Intimidate + Parting Shot is just nasty
SMB: 2, i always feel like this mon would need 3 items to be as good as it was in sm but it’s still the best intimidate mon, solid pivot, ghost resist, knock off utility...
Yoda2798: 2. Incin has been getting used less than Volcanion and Heatran lately, but it’s still pretty good. Great kit for utility, and checks a number of stuff.
Paraplegic: No I swear to god its like people dont recognize the value of defensive utility. Its incin, the amount of role compression it provides and the amount of things it checks in one slot EASILY warrants tier 2 in my humble opinion.
MajorBowman: 2, agree with both of the above. I don’t think the usefulness of Knock Off can be understated, especially with the current trends mentioned by AuraRayquaza on the rise. Fake Out + Intimidate + Parting Shot is just nasty
SMB: 2, i always feel like this mon would need 3 items to be as good as it was in sm but it’s still the best intimidate mon, solid pivot, ghost resist, knock off utility...
Yoda2798: 2. Incin has been getting used less than Volcanion and Heatran lately, but it’s still pretty good. Great kit for utility, and checks a number of stuff.
Metagross Tier 4 →Tier 3 or 2
Aurarayquaza: hm im still not a believer because i think kartana is so epic (and dont think kartana and metagross fit on teams together) and set wise i struggle to decide what its best ideas are but this is definitely 3 material at least.
Paraplegic: If I had made the nom myself I might’ve thought myself a bit overzealous, but since somebody else nommed it to 2 I totally think it deserves that placement. Easily the best traditionally defensive steel type we have legal in the tier, the amount of things it can enable a team beating simply my being plopped in a lineup of 6 is insane, and steel roller is a crazy ass move it abuses so god damn well. I’m absolutely in love with this mon and rate it among the absolute most useful mons in the tier when Im building teams, shout outs actuarily for making the nom to 2 because you’re so right my dude.
MajorBowman: 3, I’ve been a Metagross fan since world cup but I think 2 might be a bit of a stretch. Steel Roller is fantastic but unreliable, running multiple steel moves to cover this unreliability limits the breadth of Metagross’ usefulness, and Metagross is a bit too easy to wear down for me to think it deserves to be in 2 right now
SMB: 3, it deserves a raise mainly because people finally are using good sets on it but tier 2 is too much
Yoda2798: 3. Gross is cool but tier 2 is definitely jumping the gun. Agree with above on why it’s good enough for 3 but not 2.
Paraplegic: If I had made the nom myself I might’ve thought myself a bit overzealous, but since somebody else nommed it to 2 I totally think it deserves that placement. Easily the best traditionally defensive steel type we have legal in the tier, the amount of things it can enable a team beating simply my being plopped in a lineup of 6 is insane, and steel roller is a crazy ass move it abuses so god damn well. I’m absolutely in love with this mon and rate it among the absolute most useful mons in the tier when Im building teams, shout outs actuarily for making the nom to 2 because you’re so right my dude.
MajorBowman: 3, I’ve been a Metagross fan since world cup but I think 2 might be a bit of a stretch. Steel Roller is fantastic but unreliable, running multiple steel moves to cover this unreliability limits the breadth of Metagross’ usefulness, and Metagross is a bit too easy to wear down for me to think it deserves to be in 2 right now
SMB: 3, it deserves a raise mainly because people finally are using good sets on it but tier 2 is too much
Yoda2798: 3. Gross is cool but tier 2 is definitely jumping the gun. Agree with above on why it’s good enough for 3 but not 2.
Volcarona Tier 4 →Tier 3
Aurarayquaza: yeah this is dangerous, anything that abuses rillaboom to setup is gonna be p good
Paraplegic: Yes. Aray put this well enough for me to be satisfied lol.
MajorBowman: Abstain, not sure I’ve seen enough Volcarona lately to have an informed opinion here
SMB: 1-2 months ago or so I’d have said yes. The sweeping potential is always there but volcanion and heatran are getting way more usage, same with spread moves and trick room. Honestly both options are fine for me. Looking at what we have in both tiers ig i’m going to say tier 3.
Yoda2798: 4. I love Volcarona but I don’t think there’s been enough recently to justify a rise to tier 3. It only had 4 uses in DPL, in line with other tier 4 Pokemon, recent setup teams have stuck to dancers of the physical variety. There’s also a number of top Pokemon it struggles with (especially Diancie), so I wouldn’t rise this without evidence backing it.
Paraplegic: Yes. Aray put this well enough for me to be satisfied lol.
MajorBowman: Abstain, not sure I’ve seen enough Volcarona lately to have an informed opinion here
SMB: 1-2 months ago or so I’d have said yes. The sweeping potential is always there but volcanion and heatran are getting way more usage, same with spread moves and trick room. Honestly both options are fine for me. Looking at what we have in both tiers ig i’m going to say tier 3.
Yoda2798: 4. I love Volcarona but I don’t think there’s been enough recently to justify a rise to tier 3. It only had 4 uses in DPL, in line with other tier 4 Pokemon, recent setup teams have stuck to dancers of the physical variety. There’s also a number of top Pokemon it struggles with (especially Diancie), so I wouldn’t rise this without evidence backing it.
Necrozma Tier 4 →Tier 3
Aurarayquaza: yessir good at setting tr with prism armour good coverage and gamer force
Paraplegic: Yes, I wouldve said yes to 2 if someone had had the balls to nom it up there lol. This thing is epic as heck.
MajorBowman: 3, a good example of a Pokemon that compresses a few roles (TR setter, stealth rock, decent damage output) into one
SMB: 3, agree with everyone
Yoda2798: 3. Expanding Force is epic with Lele, has access to Meteor Beam or Calm Mind for boosting, and can also work with TR due to being fairly bulky and having Prism Armour. Good mon that takes advantage of Lele’s recent rise.
Paraplegic: Yes, I wouldve said yes to 2 if someone had had the balls to nom it up there lol. This thing is epic as heck.
MajorBowman: 3, a good example of a Pokemon that compresses a few roles (TR setter, stealth rock, decent damage output) into one
SMB: 3, agree with everyone
Yoda2798: 3. Expanding Force is epic with Lele, has access to Meteor Beam or Calm Mind for boosting, and can also work with TR due to being fairly bulky and having Prism Armour. Good mon that takes advantage of Lele’s recent rise.
Landorus-I Tier 4 →Tier 3
Aurarayquaza: nah i dont think ive actually even seen it that much. Its alright but thats about it
Paraplegic: No. I’m in the same boat as aray, I havent seen this used enough to feel like it deserves to really move up.
MajorBowman: No, too straightforward and reliant on positioning to not get sniped before making a meaningful impact
SMB: No, this should be on the same tier as lando-t, sadly both of them are (or should be) tier 4
Yoda2798: 4. Too niche, and even when I’ve seen it used Lando-I hasn’t particularly impressed me.
Paraplegic: No. I’m in the same boat as aray, I havent seen this used enough to feel like it deserves to really move up.
MajorBowman: No, too straightforward and reliant on positioning to not get sniped before making a meaningful impact
SMB: No, this should be on the same tier as lando-t, sadly both of them are (or should be) tier 4
Yoda2798: 4. Too niche, and even when I’ve seen it used Lando-I hasn’t particularly impressed me.
Lurantis Tier 4 →Tier 3
Aurarayquaza: hm sure? It seems like with spectrier falling out of favour and p2 rilla blastoise being epic this should be good. What teams you'd put it on beats me tho haven't actually seen this in ages
Paraplegic: No. This was a holdover nom by memo that was just a bit late to be included on the last slate, and in the time since the nom was made lurantis has seen very low usage and hasn’t really done anything of note to make moving it up an appealing option.
MajorBowman: No, agree with Paraplegic
SMB: 4, i don’t think i’ve seen this since wcup so i don’t see the reason for a raise. Still a solid mon tho, but i think making it work on semiroom builds is harder than it was in sm.
Yoda2798: 4. Semiroom teams haven’t used this for a while.
Paraplegic: No. This was a holdover nom by memo that was just a bit late to be included on the last slate, and in the time since the nom was made lurantis has seen very low usage and hasn’t really done anything of note to make moving it up an appealing option.
MajorBowman: No, agree with Paraplegic
SMB: 4, i don’t think i’ve seen this since wcup so i don’t see the reason for a raise. Still a solid mon tho, but i think making it work on semiroom builds is harder than it was in sm.
Yoda2798: 4. Semiroom teams haven’t used this for a while.
Tapu Koko Tier 3 →Tier 4, 5, or UR
Aurarayquaza: cya
Paraplegic: Yes, UR. This thing sees little to no usage and that is because it sucks. I don’t think it is worth including on this list.
MajorBowman: UR, this feels so bad what happened to tapu koko :(
SMB: tier 5, electric terrain is good on teams that desperatily need sleep checks. Specs set is weaker than it was in sm but i can see it working on some offense builds. Bulkier sets are probably ok too but i haven’t seen these since wcup.
Yoda2798: UR. Koko deserves to be together with Regieleki. One use in the whole of DPL lol.
Paraplegic: Yes, UR. This thing sees little to no usage and that is because it sucks. I don’t think it is worth including on this list.
MajorBowman: UR, this feels so bad what happened to tapu koko :(
SMB: tier 5, electric terrain is good on teams that desperatily need sleep checks. Specs set is weaker than it was in sm but i can see it working on some offense builds. Bulkier sets are probably ok too but i haven’t seen these since wcup.
Yoda2798: UR. Koko deserves to be together with Regieleki. One use in the whole of DPL lol.
Tsareena Tier 3 →Tier 4
Aurarayquaza: yeah probably lele/indeedee are actually epic now and theres no shortage of better grasses
Paraplegic: Yes. Doesn’t see much usage at all so I’m okay with this one.
MajorBowman: Yes, agree with the above
SMB: 4, it feels outclassed as a grass type and blocking priority is not that relevant rn
Yoda2798: 4. Vast majority of the time I’d rather have Lele or Rilla.
Paraplegic: Yes. Doesn’t see much usage at all so I’m okay with this one.
MajorBowman: Yes, agree with the above
SMB: 4, it feels outclassed as a grass type and blocking priority is not that relevant rn
Yoda2798: 4. Vast majority of the time I’d rather have Lele or Rilla.
Zapdos-K Tier 3 →Tier 4
Aurarayquaza: Nope this is good id consider going in the opposite direction not down to 4. Epic tw mon that matches up well vs the other epic tw mon
Paraplegic: No. Aray is correct, if anything this should move up. The other of two legitimately good electrics that are legal, it provides good speed control, checks incredibly useful things like kart that can otherwise be very hard to feel safe vs, and is a bitch and a half to actually ko a lot of the time.
MajorBowman: No, agree with the above
SMB: 3, probably the best electric type on the tier? Fast tw is pretty good too. Bulky sets are tier 4 tho.
Yoda2798: 3. Agree with the above.
Paraplegic: No. Aray is correct, if anything this should move up. The other of two legitimately good electrics that are legal, it provides good speed control, checks incredibly useful things like kart that can otherwise be very hard to feel safe vs, and is a bitch and a half to actually ko a lot of the time.
MajorBowman: No, agree with the above
SMB: 3, probably the best electric type on the tier? Fast tw is pretty good too. Bulky sets are tier 4 tho.
Yoda2798: 3. Agree with the above.
Cresselia Tier 3 →Tier 4
Aurarayquaza: yeah quite fake tho it can still be very dangerous. Fake out: the format slows it down and it can really be hard to make things happen with this. Oh and p2 existing means toxic does which adds another layer of support this needs.
Paraplegic: Yes. That one team shrop used in dpl was disgusting but besides that I havent been that impressed by cress in a while.
MajorBowman: Yes, I think there are very few scenarios in which you’d want to use Cresselia instead of something like P2 in this meta, and P2’s prevalence is also rough for Cresselia since they share a lot of checks (notably Toxic and Knock Off)
SMB: 5, it can still beat teams unprepared for it but i’d say these are bad teams. I’d use reuniclus over this most times.
Yoda2798: 4. Definitely not tier 3 material, very little reason to use this mon over something else.
Paraplegic: Yes. That one team shrop used in dpl was disgusting but besides that I havent been that impressed by cress in a while.
MajorBowman: Yes, I think there are very few scenarios in which you’d want to use Cresselia instead of something like P2 in this meta, and P2’s prevalence is also rough for Cresselia since they share a lot of checks (notably Toxic and Knock Off)
SMB: 5, it can still beat teams unprepared for it but i’d say these are bad teams. I’d use reuniclus over this most times.
Yoda2798: 4. Definitely not tier 3 material, very little reason to use this mon over something else.
Tier 2 → Tier 1
Tier 3 → Tier 2
Tier 3 → Tier 2
Tier 3 → Tier 2
Tier 3 → Tier 2
Tier 2 → Tier 3
Tier 2 → Tier 4
Tier 4 → Tier 3
Tier 4 → Tier 3
Tier 4 → Tier 3
Tier 3 → UR(lol)
Tier 3 → Tier 4
Tier 3 → Tier 4
Tier 4 → Tier 5
Tier 4 → Tier 5
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → Tier 4
UR → Tier 5
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → Tier 4
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → Tier 4
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 4 → Tier 5
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → UR
Tier 5 → Tier 4
Tier 5 → UR
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