Resource SS OU DLC2 Viability Ranking Thread [SEE: Page 105, Post 2618]

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:ss/Shedinja: C- to B

This thing is criminally underrated. Shedinja is a great option for stall because it checks or outright counters most sets of the following: Excadrill, Garchomp, Kyurem, Magnezone, Melmetal, Tapu Fini, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Urshifu, and Arctozolt. Safety Goggles enables Shedinja to shit all over Hail in particular.

Shedinja @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Wonder Guard
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 HP / 0 Atk / 0 Def / 0 SpD
- Hex
- Toxic
- Will-O-Wisp
- Protect

I've been using this set, which I got from airfare's team here. Double status is excellent for all the switches that Shedinja forces and Hex allows Shedinja to deal meaningful chip damage against statused targets. Shadow Ball has more PP but that's rarely relevant. Poltergeist is bad on Shedinja since it only has 8 PP and is useless against Knock'd opponents.

Here's another Shedinja stall team, this time by me. It's not quite as robust as Airfare's but it has a better Heatran matchup. Notice that both teams have multiple hazard control options, as Shedinja obviously cannot function without tons of support.

Although I believe Shedinja is one of the best options for stall currently, I think B is appropriate because stall is generally not a great playstyle this gen. Seriously. Knock Off + Magnezone, Heatran, and the god-awful stall vs stall matchup have plagued every stall team for years, and the absence of Gliscor and Pursuit are the last nails in the coffin. We'll see if that changes if BDSP brings back Pursuit in November ;) Anyway, if you like to matchup fish and/or bully low-to-mid level players, then Shedinja will be a valuable asset.
as someone who enjoys building stall, i wholeheartedly agree with this nom. i think shed stall is probably the closest we'll get to optimal full stall in gen8, and covers a lot of important defensive holes that stall would otherwise lack. the set chosen is mainly a personal preference thing imo, doesn't really matter if you want to run dual status or sd polt or 2 atks or anything as long as u have protect on the set
  1. beats specific scary wallbreakers - having a perfect answer to lele/kyurem/watershifu/melmetal/specs zone/so many other scary breakers is an actual godsend. shouldn't really have to explain more but these are mons that can somewhat consistently break shedless stall otherwise and it can completely deny them any possible opportunities while not caring at all about momentum loss
  2. absorbs future sight - becoming slightly more relevant because of slowbro usage: shed is amazing at completely shutting down teams reliant on fs to wallbreak. not as effective vs gking but less important because their breaker isn't getting a safe switchin
  3. my personal favorite is its ability to deny momentum to things like tapu koko, watershifu, or specs magnezone that are otherwise able to wear down stall over time. makes it a perfect answer to koko unlike gastro/hippo/bliss that succumb to hazards + status + uturn
shed doesn't have too many flaws. aside from the obvious things of hail/sandstorm with a boots set or random coverage (fuck shadow ball lele), the main flaw i found with shedinja is that, without a ground (as shed stall often is), matchups vs bulk up zeraora specifically become an auto loss, and some smaller things like toxic magnezone and zapdos become incredibly annoying. shed requires extremely cautious gameplay to succeed, but the reward in shutting down some of the best breakers in this meta make it very much worth using on stall.

the team i built linked above by JTD783 was mainly intended to be just a concept of an idea that i liked - goggles shedinja beats arctozolt while xatu and corv keep hazards off permanently. my main goal was to guarantee the hail matchup, as nothing else seemed to be a really consistent answer to arctozolt. while i think that this core is a solid one and has some merit, a more traditional variant featuring avalugg for the hail mu has been built more recently in olt & scl by ABR and talah, and used by several others.

:shedinja::avalugg::dragonite::toxapex::blissey::corviknight: / :avalugg::corviknight::gastrodon::toxapex::clefable::shedinja:

ABR vs Gray, olt
Gray vs Sagiri, olt
hsa vs Rubyblood, olt
me(goat) vs Hervalt, stour
talah vs ez, scl

so yea avalugg to c+ in addition to the shed nom above, great physical wall that can strengthen mus against mainly hail, but also other physical grounds grasses & dragons well while offering some useful utility in spin

I'd like to nominate Ferrothorn from A to A+.


Ferrothorn is a Pokemon that I feel has gotten really strong in recent weeks, and is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the tier's latest trends. Between Tapu Koko rising as the Electric-type of choice on many Bulky Offenses, as well as Arctozolt being a menacing presence in its own right, Ferrothorn's attributes as a Spikes setter, wall, and general purpose disruptor with access to Knock Off and Leech Seed give it a lot of value and make it a very flexible pick on many hazard stacking bulky offenses and even a good amount of balances. On top of being able to check Arctozolt and Tapu Koko, its defensive typing and natural bulk let it serve as a very solid Weavile, Tapu Lele, Tapu Fini, Melmetal, and Scizor check that, similarly to Toxapex, is able to exploit its bulk and typing to force switches, using those switches as an opportunity to force progress. It is also really difficult to kill because of its bulk, and with how reliably it sets Leech Seed, it has startling longevity that simultaneously chips its switch-ins; this, currently, is incredibly valuable with how important it is right now to keep your team healthy, and compounded by the fact that it has Iron Barbs to screw with opposing U-turn (notably the U-turns of Tapu Koko and Landorus-T) and Knock Off. In essence, Ferrothorn not only sustains itself, but creates reliable progress at the same time. This in tandem with its reliability as a Spikes setter, general lack of passivity, and its premium defensive typing make it a definite A+ threat at this time, imo.
this mon is an unkillable beast, fucks over most of the relevant offensive fairy/ice/steels in the tier rn and wins fat mus vs teams - like the above two stalls - almost by itself
100% deserves a+ if not s-
I'd like to nominate
from B to A- rank. Its choice specs set has gained momentum along with the hail core recently, and can break most mons that Arctozolt struggles with potentially. Also with an overpowered version of Scald it has a very spammable move and doesn't constantly have to predict its switch ins, and those that do switch in well to Steam Eruption get absolutely rinsed by Fire STAB/Sludge Wave + another move which could be Earth Power, Toxic, Overheat, Weather Ball and you got yourself an absolute behemoth of a mon to handle. Its significant weaknesses include: Rocks, bulk, ground moves and being locked into a move. However if you pair this with for example a common mon like Corvi that can Defog + get the slow U-turn off you get a ton of switching opportunities.

Currently Volcanion also has a relatively good matchup vs a lot of the top tier mons and they get very few switch opportunities.

  • 645-t.png
    Can't switch in and is usually slower, so gets scared out too by the absolute nuke that is Steam Eruption, and even Flamethroweris a guaranteed 2HKO after rocks.
  • 887.png
    Can switch in but is not a reliable pivot, being 2HKO'd by pretty much most of its moves.
  • 485.png
    Gets absolutely nuked by its water STAB and Earth Power.
  • 461.png
    Doesn't want to eat anything either, and if locked into an Ice move it gets a free switch in.
  • 823.png
    Gets T-posed on by both its STABs.
  • 445.png
    Can scare it out, but definately not switch in unless its a Rest variant. Destroyed by burn
  • 199-g.png
    Can switch in, but doesn't want to eat too many of its STABs and doesnt threaten it immediately if it switched in on it.
  • 788.png
    Can reliably switch in if it's choice locked, but gets OHKO'd by Sludge Wave after rocks I believe. Does like 85%+ minimum.
  • 785.png
    Definately scares it out, but also doesnt want to eat anything this mon offers.
  • 641-t.png
    Could potentially switch in with an AV or bulky set, but only as a pivot. Can threaten it with Hurricane + Knock off
  • 748.png
    Has the potential to T-pose on Volc after its locked, but definately doesn't want to eat Earth Power.
  • 892.png
    Destroyed by burn, and if it's locked into a water move Volc has a free switch in.
I'd like to nominate View attachment 373308 from B to A- rank. Its choice specs set has gained momentum along with the hail core recently, and can break most mons that Arctozolt struggles with potentially. Also with an overpowered version of Scald it has a very spammable move and doesn't constantly have to predict its switch ins, and those that do switch in well to Steam Eruption get absolutely rinsed by Fire STAB/Sludge Wave + another move which could be Earth Power, Toxic, Overheat, Weather Ball and you got yourself an absolute behemoth of a mon to handle. Its significant weaknesses include: Rocks, bulk, ground moves and being locked into a move. However if you pair this with for example a common mon like Corvi that can Defog + get the slow U-turn off you get a ton of switching opportunities.

Currently Volcanion also has a relatively good matchup vs a lot of the top tier mons and they get very few switch opportunities.

  • 645-t.png
    Can't switch in and is usually slower, so gets scared out too by the absolute nuke that is Steam Eruption, and even Flamethroweris a guaranteed 2HKO after rocks.
  • 887.png
    Can switch in but is not a reliable pivot, being 2HKO'd by pretty much most of its moves.
  • 485.png
    Gets absolutely nuked by its water STAB and Earth Power.
  • 461.png
    Doesn't want to eat anything either, and if locked into an Ice move it gets a free switch in.
  • 823.png
    Gets T-posed on by both its STABs.
  • 445.png
    Can scare it out, but definately not switch in unless its a Rest variant. Destroyed by burn
  • 199-g.png
    Can switch in, but doesn't want to eat too many of its STABs and doesnt threaten it immediately if it switched in on it.
  • 788.png
    Can reliably switch in if it's choice locked, but gets OHKO'd by Sludge Wave after rocks I believe. Does like 85%+ minimum.
  • 785.png
    Definately scares it out, but also doesnt want to eat anything this mon offers.
  • 641-t.png
    Could potentially switch in with an AV or bulky set, but only as a pivot. Can threaten it with Hurricane + Knock off
  • 748.png
    Has the potential to T-pose on Volc after its locked, but definately doesn't want to eat Earth Power.
  • 892.png
    Destroyed by burn, and if it's locked into a water move Volc has a free switch in.

I love Volcanion and would support an increase as well but only to B+. As neat as it is, it still requires some support and positioning to really be effective. Furthermore, it has limited defensive utility. It only soft checks Tapu Fini and Melmetal and it sort of annoys rain. Rocks also kill its survivability which it relies on desperately to fire off more than one attack.

Mons of the A rank and above typically offer more value to their team than vice versa. For that reason Volcanion falls in the elite realm of… B tiered mons.
Polteageist is unranked????

:Polteageist: to B-

Oops u lose (Polteageist) @ White Herb
Ability: Cursed Body
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stored Power
- Shadow Ball
- Strength Sap
- Shell Smash

Maybe the most potent cleaner there is in OU? Throw this in with Lele and Urshifu or whatever you want to kill darks and it's really easy to sweep. Choice lock moves that don't kill become a liability; has a lot of special bulk. Click strength sap until curse body triggers and then you usually win. Plopping in same rank as Blaziken (also ranked too low) because it basically does the same thing.

Replays...yes regidrago does more than half to heatran

AM these replays stink. Very often you can get urshifu locked into close combat and then win on the spot. C is where this should be conceptually, but like you said, there's so much cruft in C ranks that this has to rise above. I may just make another post with all the fat to trim (and juciness to insert).
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Those replays show more of the strength of other things than teapot and half of them Idk what those players were doing or the game was long over before teapot swept. I don't think this mon is as easy to sweep with than is being implied, you can usually trade worst case scenario or position to deter a sweep, this mon needs dedicated screen support to cause it's pretty frail for current standards and is a matchup fish mostly. You win some and lose some.

With that said it's better than most of the unviable stuff in the C ranks but that rank needs to be thrown in a hide tag or some minor blacklisting cause it's usually a mess but most importantly not even worth very long discussion points. Throw it in like C+/C, call it a day.
Those replays show more of the strength of other things than teapot and half of them Idk what those players were doing or the game was long over before teapot swept. I don't think this mon is as easy to sweep with than is being implied, you can usually trade worst case scenario or position to deter a sweep, this mon needs dedicated screen support to cause it's pretty frail for current standards and is a matchup fish mostly. You win some and lose some.

With that said it's better than most of the unviable stuff in the C ranks but that rank needs to be thrown in a hide tag or some minor blacklisting cause it's usually a mess but most importantly not even worth very long discussion points. Throw it in like C+/C, call it a day.

Ye C rank could do with a good pruning. There a good few things that genuinely belong in the rank of incase of specific niche check here, trick room stuff, the lati twins, seismitoad, shedninja even can pull their weight on the few teams they are suitable on vs the ranks above. Others like charizard seem redundant to even consider using and a few might merit a raise in the c or into b-. It's a murky rank to be sure always has been.
Alright no idea how many people are going to disagree but here it is, I feel Garchomp should drop from A+.


Garchomp → A

Garchomp isn't doing that hot at all right now and I cannot be the only one who thinks this. All of its sets have fallen in viability, especially Swords Dance in my opinion and this is probably the worst environment for Garchomp in my opinion. I feel almost every metagame trend that's been occurring over the past few weeks have been absolutely awful for Garchomp since it feels like it's gotten way worse offensively and defensively. To start off, its defensive set just isn't good, it is a Ground-type that kinda just folds vs Tapu Koko which is the best Electric in the tier right now, and while it is a pretty nice Magma Storm switch in vs Heatran, it really needs Rest because it becomes a bad check to it otherwise, and because it can't pivot it feels like a sitting duck most of the time because without attack investment it really isn't strong. My favourite thing about it is how Rocky Helmet can chunk Urshifu-R extremely hard, but outside of that it just feels strictly worse than Lando-T defensively and utility wise, making it hard to justify

Offensively, its Swords Dance set has gotten much much worse as the metagame progressed, Weavile has risen to the point where it's one of the most popular Pokemon in the metagame, alongside Tapu Fini, which completely invalidates Scale Shot altogether, and not to mention hail becoming very common over the past few weeks, so its really easy for Garchomp to get 1 or 2 kills and just get revenge killed immediately afterwards or get forced out, which can really disrupt the momentum of a team and that's never what you want. And that's just offensive checks to Garchomp, Slowbro has been getting better recently too and Buzzwole has been common for a while now, both of which can deal with it pretty reliably especially Buzzwole. I just feel the metagame has progressed to where teams can just naturally fit like 2 checks and a midground vs Swords Dance Garchomp and just play around it really easily whereas Garchomp needs more support, because otherwise it is barely going to get any setup opportunities and its definitely not going to be sweeping all that consistently. Offensively it's really inconsistent right now and really feels matchup dependant sometimes.


Garchomp is still a pretty good Pokemon but I feel like recent metagame trends have really taken a hit on its effectiveness and consistency and because of that I just cannot see Garchomp as an A+ Pokemon rn, thus I feel it should drop.
This might be another controversial nomination, but I think Weavile needs to drop to A+.
There's no doubt that Weavile was S- for a time, when it was a top 3 Pokemon in the tier. However, the metagame has become far more prepared for it, with Pokemon like Corviknight, Buzzwole, Tapu Fini, Toxapex, physically defensive Ferrothorn and Scizor, and Melmetal everywhere. There are lots of great offensive checks around too, like Tapu Koko, Urshifu-R, and Choice Scarf Kartana and Tapu Lele. That's simply too many options for it to be able to act as such a great win condition as it could in the past. While Dragapult, which was one of the original reasons people started to run Weavile, remains prominent (and has probably got better again recently if anything), this is in part because people have realised that Weavile can't really be your only Shadow Ball switch-in, considering:

252 SpA Choice Specs Dragapult Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Weavile: 93-110 (33 - 39.1%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO

Preserving Weavile's health is more important than before as well, since Rocky Helmet is so common on Pokemon like Corviknight and Buzzwole, and Weavile can survive Tapu Koko's Dazzling Gleam and Tapu Fini's Moonblast to break past them, but only if it remains at full health. Weavile is also unable to use its typing to help against the more recently relevant Ghost Blacephalon, which has a chance to 2HKO it through the resist with Shadow Ball.

Choice Band sets can be used as decent wallbreakers still, but again struggle with many of the same Pokemon that have become more prominent, and almost always forces your team to run double Defog, constraining teambuilding heavily and limiting the set's splashability.

While some presences that Weavile loved, such as Tornadus-T and Dragapult, remain common, several others have died off considerably, such as Slowking, Garchomp, and fake Dark-type check Clefable.

Obviously Weavile remains a very good Pokemon, but I don't think it's quite on the level of Dragapult and Heatran anymore - it fits far better in A+ now every team is easily prepared for it, and maybe even below Ferrothorn and Corviknight by now, which I don't think are yet S- worthy.
-> B

Personally this pokemon just struggles with meta trends, scarf fini, hail, and many pokemon like hippo, garchomp, dragapult, weavile, and tornadus-t. It barely switches in on anything as even stuff such as clefable, tapu koko, zeraora, and zapdos which would be entry points smack it in some way shape or form via knock, pivoting hard, or just absolutely nuking it. This thing also has a tough choice between power or the ability to outspeed modest lele, tapu bulu, and modest kyurem. This has very limited entry points on the tier if at all and requires insane support to be able to use effectively. It has a problem breaking past sp def lando-t and dragonite if it lacks ice beam, ferrothorn if it lacks flamethrower, and tbolt for slowking. It also most of the time has one shot at trying to ohko something, because if it fails to ohko pex, it gets knocked, loses a bunch of power and can be taken advantage by many more pokemon.

252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Landorus-Therian: 114-135 (29.8 - 35.3%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Ferrothorn: 133-157 (37.7 - 44.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Slowking: 146-173 (37 - 43.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
-> B

Personally this pokemon just struggles with meta trends, scarf fini, hail, and many pokemon like hippo, garchomp, dragapult, weavile, and tornadus-t. It barely switches in on anything as even stuff such as clefable, tapu koko, zeraora, and zapdos which would be entry points smack it in some way shape or form via knock, pivoting hard, or just absolutely nuking it. This thing also has a tough choice between power or the ability to outspeed modest lele, tapu bulu, and modest kyurem. This has very limited entry points on the tier if at all and requires insane support to be able to use effectively. It has a problem breaking past sp def lando-t and dragonite if it lacks ice beam, ferrothorn if it lacks flamethrower, and tbolt for slowking. It also most of the time has one shot at trying to ohko something, because if it fails to ohko pex, it gets knocked, loses a bunch of power and can be taken advantage by many more pokemon.

252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Landorus-Therian: 114-135 (29.8 - 35.3%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Earth Power vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Ferrothorn: 133-157 (37.7 - 44.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Sludge Wave vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Slowking: 146-173 (37 - 43.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
I'm going to disagree here and say Nidoking should remain B+. For starters, it doesn't face the coverage issues you've described nearly as frequently, seeing as to how its main counter Slowking has all but disappeared from higher-level play and is rarely seen on teams, with the vast majority favoring its Ground-weak Galarian counterpart. Speaking of its counters disappearing, Slowking isn't the only Nidoking answer that's seen greatly reduced usage as of late; other defensive answers such as Blissey and Swampert have become much rarer, and in their place we see Double Steel + Ground cores containing Pokemon such as Ferro, Tran, Melm and Lando which Nidoking absolutely tramples given the correct entry opportunities. And going back to coverage, Electric moves aren't nearly as important as before due to Slowking's reduced usage, so the standard 4 Attacks coverage of STABs + Flamethrower + Ice Beam is more than sufficient for Nidoking to rip apart these common defensive cores, and the fact that these cores are very slow means that Modest is by far and wide the superior nature for this mon. Revenging Lele and Kyurem isn't a necessity when Nidoking's purpose on a team is to break apart common defensive and Balance cores, and your team probably features fast offensive pivots to bring Nido in which can reliably outspeed and RK the aforementioned threats. Dragapult and Tornadus-Therian especially come to mind.

Another thing to mention is failing OHKOs, to which I respond with Nidoking benefitting hugely from Ferrothorn's recent uptick in viability, as Spikes makes this Pokemon's life so much easier when trying to reach OHKOs against key targets such as Toxapex. Nidoking still has its flaws; it's rather frail with limited defensive utility and it greatly fears Knock Off, however, the tier's Knock Off users such as Toxapex, Tornadus-T and Ferrothorn are all way too afraid of its moves to ever switch in directly, especially considering a Modest nature, and it can still be brought in safely to claim KOs by pairing it with several pivots that grant it opportunities to hit the field and wreak havoc. Again, it's not a perfect mon by any stretch and it demands good team support, but its flaws are remedied quite well with said team support and in return its defense-piercing and balance-breaking potential shines as people have stopped preparing for it and focused on other matchups such as Weavile and Hail, which leaves them wide open for its onslaught. In my opinion, that perfectly fits the definition of a B+ mon. Go ahead and use this dinosaur/monster/Baragon thing, and watch how much pressure you can exert on almost every Bulky Offense / Balance team with clever pivoting.

(shoutout Abhi)
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hello, i wanna nom victini to A this broken mf sweeps all my teams and i hate building vs it, it has unlimited coverage, walled by nothing and it has boots. It checks volcarona, tapu lele, scizor in 1 slot while still being a powerful mf why is this creature still in the B+ rankings, in scl it has a lot of usage and it has more use than the A+s rn like urshifu, there’s so many replays showing victini effectiveness in the tier and it does something each game, it’s viability is super good in this meta. Victini needs to be in A, having it in B+ is super weird and having it next to fucking blissey is just dumb.

ps. victini is cute

B+ --> A
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After seeing Arctozolt being a menace during the metagame right now, I would like to see its Sand counterpart, Dracozolt, nominated at B+ and stop being slept on.
tweet tweet on the street — dont talk to me im

Dracozolt @ Life Orb
Level: 100
Naughty Nature
Ability: Sand Rush
EVs: 148 Atk / 176 SpA / 184 Spe
- Bolt Beak
- Draco Meteor
- Low Kick
- Fire Blast

This Pokemon is a demon and shouldn't be messed with when built well in a Sand-Grassy Terrain team. Fire Blast is capable of OHKOing Ferrothorn and Kartana. Bolt Beak does massive damage to anything that isn't a Ground-type and can stallbreak fat cores without much repercussion. Low Kick can deal with Tyranitar and Kryuem, with the latter getting OHKOed if it took damage from Stealth Rock. Draco Meteor can deal damage to dragons such as Dragapult, Garchomp, and Dragonite while it outspeeds all of them in Sand.

Looking at the current viability list, outside of Lando and Hippo, it can deal with the S-, A+ and A mons pretty fairly. I think B+ is fair due to it being strictly viable only in Sand teams, as well as other viable Choice Scarf users can still outspeed with these Speed EVs, such as Tapu Lele, Dragapult, and Lando (though with EV speed, you risk speed tie). I think Dracozolt's biggest weakness, however, is its dependency on other teammates, those can wear its primarly Ground-type checks. In summary, use this mon if you hate fat teams lol. - switch ins? None. - Dracozolt demolishes rain + ferro

As the absolute biggest Dracozolt Fanboy out there and a high level sand player. I have to say that thus is just untrue.

While Zolt is the best member of a sand team while on it, it gets destroyed by SPD Lando especially when not investing more in SPA (212 Mild is optimal).

It can't touch SPD Hippo in the slightest. It also loses to more fringe picks like Gastro and Swampert, both of which beat it in the 1vs1 and Gastro much like Hippo can wall out Zolt all day long and beats most of the rest of sand as well.
Alright no idea how many people are going to disagree but here it is, I feel Garchomp should drop from A+.


Garchomp → A

Garchomp isn't doing that hot at all right now and I cannot be the only one who thinks this. All of its sets have fallen in viability, especially Swords Dance in my opinion and this is probably the worst environment for Garchomp in my opinion. I feel almost every metagame trend that's been occurring over the past few weeks have been absolutely awful for Garchomp since it feels like it's gotten way worse offensively and defensively. To start off, its defensive set just isn't good, it is a Ground-type that kinda just folds vs Tapu Koko which is the best Electric in the tier right now, and while it is a pretty nice Magma Storm switch in vs Heatran, it really needs Rest because it becomes a bad check to it otherwise, and because it can't pivot it feels like a sitting duck most of the time because without attack investment it really isn't strong. My favourite thing about it is how Rocky Helmet can chunk Urshifu-R extremely hard, but outside of that it just feels strictly worse than Lando-T defensively and utility wise, making it hard to justify

Offensively, its Swords Dance set has gotten much much worse as the metagame progressed, Weavile has risen to the point where it's one of the most popular Pokemon in the metagame, alongside Tapu Fini, which completely invalidates Scale Shot altogether, and not to mention hail becoming very common over the past few weeks, so its really easy for Garchomp to get 1 or 2 kills and just get revenge killed immediately afterwards or get forced out, which can really disrupt the momentum of a team and that's never what you want. And that's just offensive checks to Garchomp, Slowbro has been getting better recently too and Buzzwole has been common for a while now, both of which can deal with it pretty reliably especially Buzzwole. I just feel the metagame has progressed to where teams can just naturally fit like 2 checks and a midground vs Swords Dance Garchomp and just play around it really easily whereas Garchomp needs more support, because otherwise it is barely going to get any setup opportunities and its definitely not going to be sweeping all that consistently. Offensively it's really inconsistent right now and really feels matchup dependant sometimes.


Garchomp is still a pretty good Pokemon but I feel like recent metagame trends have really taken a hit on its effectiveness and consistency and because of that I just cannot see Garchomp as an A+ Pokemon rn, thus I feel it should drop.

Gotta disagree on this one. If these checks are giving it trouble, Garchomp just has options to deal with them. Buzzwole walling you or Weavile revenge killing? You can always use yache berry on it. I find yache to be the best item right now since it really just narrows everything that can beat Garchomp down to just Rillaboom, Mandibuzz, Togekiss and some random scarf latis. Using leftovers rn is just a huge waste imo because Garchomp's freedom to choose items allows it to mix and match how to deal with it

Using Garchomp as the main wall breaker right now is a terrible idea and that's where its inconsistency lie. As a sweeper is a whole new story thanks to the freedom of item choice when compared to other sweepers in the tier and it makes a great partner to just about every wall breaker in the tier
Alright no idea how many people are going to disagree but here it is, I feel Garchomp should drop from A+.


Garchomp → A

Garchomp isn't doing that hot at all right now and I cannot be the only one who thinks this. All of its sets have fallen in viability, especially Swords Dance in my opinion and this is probably the worst environment for Garchomp in my opinion. I feel almost every metagame trend that's been occurring over the past few weeks have been absolutely awful for Garchomp since it feels like it's gotten way worse offensively and defensively. To start off, its defensive set just isn't good, it is a Ground-type that kinda just folds vs Tapu Koko which is the best Electric in the tier right now, and while it is a pretty nice Magma Storm switch in vs Heatran, it really needs Rest because it becomes a bad check to it otherwise, and because it can't pivot it feels like a sitting duck most of the time because without attack investment it really isn't strong. My favourite thing about it is how Rocky Helmet can chunk Urshifu-R extremely hard, but outside of that it just feels strictly worse than Lando-T defensively and utility wise, making it hard to justify

Offensively, its Swords Dance set has gotten much much worse as the metagame progressed, Weavile has risen to the point where it's one of the most popular Pokemon in the metagame, alongside Tapu Fini, which completely invalidates Scale Shot altogether, and not to mention hail becoming very common over the past few weeks, so its really easy for Garchomp to get 1 or 2 kills and just get revenge killed immediately afterwards or get forced out, which can really disrupt the momentum of a team and that's never what you want. And that's just offensive checks to Garchomp, Slowbro has been getting better recently too and Buzzwole has been common for a while now, both of which can deal with it pretty reliably especially Buzzwole. I just feel the metagame has progressed to where teams can just naturally fit like 2 checks and a midground vs Swords Dance Garchomp and just play around it really easily whereas Garchomp needs more support, because otherwise it is barely going to get any setup opportunities and its definitely not going to be sweeping all that consistently. Offensively it's really inconsistent right now and really feels matchup dependant sometimes.


Garchomp is still a pretty good Pokemon but I feel like recent metagame trends have really taken a hit on its effectiveness and consistency and because of that I just cannot see Garchomp as an A+ Pokemon rn, thus I feel it should drop.

I disagree. Garchomp is A+ tier. It’s also borderline S tier too.
Garchomp handles Zeraora pretty well and Tapu Koko is not a Volt Switch spammer usually, so it does not really need to tackle that in the same capacity. Landorus-T is a Pokemon many teams focus on limiting and honestly a lot of cores have things like Zeraora that are able to Knock Off Landorus-T and Garchomp, for example. It is not easy from turn 1, but over time it becomes very possible. Garchomp offers an offensive presence that is consistent and unique while also being capable defensively and fast. It absolutely qualifies for A+ and we even had some people nominate it for S-.

First off Garchomp is THE BEST Zeraora check in the game. Hands down. Flinchinator even said it. Can’t argue with this.

Additionally, Garchomp is an AMAZING sweeper. There is little that check it. Stuff like Fini just dies and gets weakened by EQ. Buzzwole, Weavile, and Arctozolt don‘t limit it that much because it can run Yache Berry, the best item rn on it. Landorus T runs spdef now, so it takes way more from Scale Shot it can easily get weakened by hazards/ teammates as Flincihinator said. So the only mons that can consistently check Garchomp in the tier are,

Unaware Clefable
Skarmory/ID max def Corv
Ice beam full hp Slowbro

I had this opinion a few months back. Here’s what others said:
Disagree. Garchomp must stay in A+.

Chomp is still a terrific sweeper that has to option to break early game with SD, or RK things after a Scale Shot, meaning it can sweep well against both defensive and offensive teams, something only Weavile can boast of in current SS OU. Garchomp has minimal defensive counterplay and hardly any safe switchins. The limited checks it has like Corviknight, Buzzwole, Landorus-T etc.. can be overwhelmed with SD and coverage like Fire Fang and Stone Edge. Also, did I mention it can lure and smash these checks using its Mixed attacker set? On top of all this, it has Stealth Rock, a utility every team needs. Talking about Rocks, it can still run its Tank set with Rocky Helmet to discourage Urshifu-R and Melmetal from using Surging strikes and Double Iron Bash, while having the ability to switch into Heatran, Zeraora etc.. Hence, Garchomp can do pretty much anything you need in your team and fits in all archetypes not named stall.

As for the checks you have mentioned, I agree that Weavile halts Garchomp in its tracks. As for others:

252 Atk Choice Band Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Aqua Jet vs. -1 0 HP / 4 Def Garchomp: 153-181 (42.8 - 50.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
+2 252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 112+ Def Tapu Fini: 238-282 (69.1 - 81.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Garchomp isn't too bothered by Aqua Jet, while it needs a bit of chip to beat Tapu Fini. This means these Pokemon aren't really checks to it. While Weavile is bad news for Chomp, another aspect to consider is that Light Screen Toxapex is rising. This means that you can no longer get away with ONLY using a breaker like Weavile or Urshifu-R that cannot beat Toxapex without Future Sight. This makes Garchomp more valuable as it is a reliable Toxapex breaker. While it can't blindly switch in and setup due to fear of stray Ice Beams, status and priority, Garchomp can do a lot of things and is never useless in almost any MU, deserving the A+ rank it has right now

As you can see, in this quote, the only priority that stops Garchomp is Rillaboom since people didn’t run Yache Berry at this time. Rocky helmet DESTROYS Urshifu and Melmetal. It is super relevant and consistent. It is definitely A+. You may argue that this post is outdated, but literally nothing has changed. And back in Flinchinator’s post, we see that it is still borderline S tier. As for beating Tapu Koko, Koko doesn’t run volt switch so it doesn’t need to check Koko.

Another post
Garchomp still provides a lot of value for a team with its typing, rough skin chip damage, and ability to sweep. Garchomp at +2 can still break through corviknight if it has its leftovers knocked off which is very common scenario as it defogs and switches in on a lot of things. Especially when its switching in with stealth rocks up +2 fire fang can 2hko corviknight even after it iron defenses after the first one. Landorus-t has no recovery besides leftovers and is going to slowly get whittled down over the period of the game meaning it cannot counter garchomp over the course of the game, especially since landorus-t is forced to check other things like zeraora, zapdos, landorus-t, corviknight, mandibuzz, magnezone and more. It is going to get worn down and be unable to check it, since at +1 (after intimidate) it takes 50 from 3 hits, which leaves it to be 2hko'ed especially after stealth rocks. Hippowdown cant really switch in on a boosted chomp besides whirlwind it or toxic it. Garchomp exerts a lot of pressure on the opponent and either breaking holes or being a late game cleaner. Garchomp also has defensive sets which really pressure pokemon like zeraora, scizor, urshifu-r, and corviknight from clicking contact, just because it does not break your team does not mean its a bad pokemon. Its a top 4 pokemon and it should probably stay that way

Rough skin damage, typing, sweeping ability, Garchomp is just insane. There are little switch ins like this post highlights.
Da stall masta 999 just wanted to say I’m actually in support of arctozolt to at least C+, my comments were in regards to saying it’s not comparable to primarina.

it’s a good Pokémon, I think an offensive team with hail and HDB arcto is quite potent, have even experimented myself. It’a also surprisingly occurring every now and again on ladder and it does pull weight. I just think Arctozolt is investing 2 Pokémon (ninetails and zolt) to get the impact of 1.5 great Pokémon (where great is something like a rillaboom, dragapult, Slowking, etc).

with some further experimentation tho someone might find a set or elegant team design that really shows off how good arctozolt can be.


Regards to :Garchomp: , thoughts are still A+ or even S- tier, tho I can see it trending down potentially, thanks to its defensive sets being less useful than before, just can’t see it yet, mostly because offensive sets are still great and it’s a matter of time before new spreads and movepools become meta. SD+SR on same set is already long dead.

The thing with Garchomp is you don’t need it to threaten a sweep and it’s still got value as a check/switch in. Even just coming in on a u turn from a corviknifht or a knock off from Zeraora can be a big deal to help you get to certain %HP benchmarks for a partnered type.

This is in contrast to other A+ Pokémon like Weavile, who are massive threats, but have limited switch in value. Or others like Slowking, which has amazing support value, but is more easily punished/suffocated.

Keen to see others opinions. I think that replay you gave actually supports showing how good Garchomp is, as it remained somewhat relevant despite getting no breathing room. You also managed to confirm the nidoking wasn’t scarfed on the turn you both switched out

This post talks a little about Chomp too. It is A DANGEROUS sweeper. But the defensive sets aren’t that good. We still see defensive sets on high quality teams like the Ox Chomp Shifu Weavile bulky offense, but it’s just not that good anymore.

TLDR: Garchomp offers an offensive presence that is consistent and unique while also being capable defensively and fast. It absolutely qualifies for A+ and we even had some people nominate it for S-.
True enough. I forgot to mention this in the last post but I think Garchomp is criminally underexplored. The basis for Garchomp dropping seems to the fact that the 'standard' Garchomp set has a bad matchup against Weavile or Buzzwole. But the question is, is there really no other option for Garchomp to use? The obvious answer is no. It's really not given enough credit for the fact that it resists stealth rock. It's not like Dragapult or Weavile where if you ditch the specs or boots, then you really have to be prepared to play around it whereas with Chomp, you can just go brainless with its item. Lefties isn't an 'absolute necessity' on Garchomp. It just appreciates recovery because in the end, what pokemon doesn't? That's why I've always been preaching

Scale shot


It as
A main
Wall breaker

It's such a huge waste of its potential
I think if weavile usage drops any time soon the chomper needs to rise. But it is fine at a+ for now.

Aight some quick noms
:bw/victini: ->A This mon has so many sets and it run them all pretty well. It has a variety of types of moves to choose from. The physical sets have V create and Bolt strike for damage. Special sets have Blue flare, Focus Blast(increased acc), Scorching Sands, Glaciate, grass knot. And that all without mentioning the psy stab at all. It switches into Lele, Threatens the rising ferro, Can lure tran with scorching for a 2hko with some special attack investment on mixed sets or all out special. It also has U turn and boots to pivot. That is a cherry on top.

:corviknight: -> S- It is about time this mon is s- . It blanks landos. Is that not enough?!?

:corviknight: checks so much that it is not even funny. It is a defogger who beats the rockers except tran. Does not need boots to defog and has bulk to take strong hits. Provides momentum for breakers and is not dead to every special hit thrown at it like the other birb. Checks Rillaboom, lele, bulu, dnite, excadrill, garchomp, kartana, lando, melm, scizor,weavile.

-> B+/A-
Never Understood its ranking. Is it really at the same level as blazekin and worse than KOMMO-O?!?!?. If you are building an HO just slap this mon. Comes in on Bpress Corv. Abuses Defog and does damge like real damage. Hella underexplored. Stab CC is strong. It does have it issues but its pros are far too good.

Has one true wall and it is a-??? Should not have dropped in the first place.

Meta trends like corv, melm, ferro does not help. This mon can work but it is a hard meta for rilla to thrive in.

-> A-/B+
Supposed to check lele and kyurem(those are the big two), But they can potentially break thought it. Needs to stay at 100. If lele crits the bug is burned. Still good but needs to be played absolutely with absolute care.

Specs for fat. Scarf for Offense. You are good to go. Heatran is worn down or just blasted. Slowking does not threaten it. In a few games you just click psychic and see everything dropping,Saying Spedef scizor switches safely is not true.

Surprised that it hung on to ou this long.

Uxie and Xatu can be UR too.

Don't hesitate to oppose me. I am just a casual player. Just my thoughts
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to A-

Mew, In the current meta is atleast a top 25 mon. It has an amazing base stat of 100 in everything.The sets which are really nice are stated here
1-HO LEAD with a simple set of stealth rocks,spikes,taunt and flare blitz it can get up rocks and spikes to help its teammates sweep.It can do a lot of stuff like use colbur berry as a weaville ct with enough evs to live banded triple axel/knock and ohko with flare blitz. You can also be a normie and use red card or sash.
2-ALL HAIL THE COSMIC POWER FROM ABOVE SORRY FOR BOLD CAPS- Now , I the sam shall describe the beauty and the toruture that swept 1700s and 1800s for a week b4 i tilted again. :psytear: With screens cosmic power mew is semi unbeatable.cosmic power roost stored power body press literally destroys everything not called sableye [tilt makes you see scary things]. So it gets destoryed by status but destroys the pexless teams or baiting knock with weakness policy it can destroy shit. Really nice mon for screens ho and gets wins .
3.Defensive utility. With will o wisp roost night shade and filler [usually rocks or ice beam i think or just random heal bell] it can outstall many things altho it cant outstall the wall. It still can really put it work and do a lot of funny shit.
4. The very nice heatran+dragon counter- with eq and ice beam it can epicly click ice beam on lando and dragonite and even mr chompie and earthquake on heatran. I personally try to run it with leftovers and the epic roost heal bell [heal bell over rocks:psywoke:]
Lovely calcs go here-​

+2 252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 305-360 (75.4 - 89.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 SpA Mew Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Garchomp: 296-352 (82.9 - 98.5%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock [Guar after lo chip]

0 SpA Mew Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Landorus-Therian: 216-256 (56.5 - 67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Choice Band Landorus-Therian Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 272-320 (67.3 - 79.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

It lives all of the attacks and eats for dinner.

0 Atk Mew Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 240-284 (62.1 - 73.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 SpA Heatran Magma Storm vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mew: 97-115 (24 - 28.4%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery and trapping damage

ate for brunch.

+2 252 Atk Dragonite Dual Wingbeat (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 194-230 (48 - 56.9%) -- approx. 31.3% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 SpA Mew Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Multiscale Dragonite: 130-154 (40.2 - 47.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO [after scale is broken its a 2hko]

Anyway thats my trash post and have a great day.
:Victini: I agree on Victini. The HDB set can check Tapu Lele more than once, even specs, and immediately force it out, while having U-turn to keep momentum. Unsuspecting SpDef Lando-T still take 40% from an Intimidated V-Create, and then get bopped by the accompanying Glaciate. This guy feels like it does stuff on its own, requiring no support at all. That's what an A-mon is.
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:Victini: I agree on Victini. The HDB set can check Tapu Lele more than once, even specs, and immediately force it out, while having U-turn to keep momentum. Unsuspecting SpDef Lando-T stille take 40% from an Intimidated V-Create, and then get bopped by the accompanying Glaciate. This guy feels like it does stuff on its own, requiring no support at all. That's what an A-mon is.
I have even tried AV to check lele better and it has worked but admittingly the team had heavy defog and boots is better overall just like you said.
to A-

Mew, In the current meta is atleast a top 25 mon. It has an amazing base stat of 100 in everything.The sets which are really nice are stated here
1-HO LEAD with a simple set of stealth rocks,spikes,taunt and flare blitz it can get up rocks and spikes to help its teammates sweep.It can do a lot of stuff like use colbur berry as a weaville ct with enough evs to live banded triple axel/knock and ohko with flare blitz. You can also be a normie and use red card or sash.
2-ALL HAIL THE COSMIC POWER FROM ABOVE SORRY FOR BOLD CAPS- Now , I the sam shall describe the beauty and the toruture that swept 1700s and 1800s for a week b4 i tilted again. :psytear: With screens cosmic power mew is semi unbeatable.cosmic power roost stored power body press literally destroys everything not called sableye [tilt makes you see scary things]. So it gets destoryed by status but destroys the pexless teams or baiting knock with weakness policy it can destroy shit. Really nice mon for screens ho and gets wins .
3.Defensive utility. With will o wisp roost night shade and filler [usually rocks or ice beam i think or just random heal bell] it can outstall many things altho it cant outstall the wall. It still can really put it work and do a lot of funny shit.
4. The very nice heatran+dragon counter- with eq and ice beam it can epicly click ice beam on lando and dragonite and even mr chompie and earthquake on heatran. I personally try to run it with leftovers and the epic roost heal bell [heal bell over rocks:psywoke:]
Lovely calcs go here-​

+2 252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 305-360 (75.4 - 89.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 SpA Mew Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Garchomp: 296-352 (82.9 - 98.5%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock [Guar after lo chip]

0 SpA Mew Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Landorus-Therian: 216-256 (56.5 - 67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Choice Band Landorus-Therian Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 272-320 (67.3 - 79.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

It lives all of the attacks and eats for dinner.

0 Atk Mew Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 240-284 (62.1 - 73.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 SpA Heatran Magma Storm vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mew: 97-115 (24 - 28.4%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery and trapping damage

ate for brunch.

+2 252 Atk Dragonite Dual Wingbeat (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 194-230 (48 - 56.9%) -- approx. 31.3% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 SpA Mew Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Multiscale Dragonite: 130-154 (40.2 - 47.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO [after scale is broken its a 2hko]

Anyway thats my trash post and have a great day.
I do agree that cosmic power Mew can blow through unprepared teams, but it has to make a serious decision between taunt and body press. Without Taunt, it is extremely susceptible to being toxic'd, as most mons will live a neutral stored power until Mew has boosted 3/4 times. If it runs Taunt to stop say, a Heatran or Sp. Def lando from toxicing, then it is walled by any dark type. Still a threatening set for sure, I hate playing against it. If your team is unprepared or it gets switched in for free it can be devastating.
to A-

Mew, In the current meta is atleast a top 25 mon. It has an amazing base stat of 100 in everything.The sets which are really nice are stated here
1-HO LEAD with a simple set of stealth rocks,spikes,taunt and flare blitz it can get up rocks and spikes to help its teammates sweep.It can do a lot of stuff like use colbur berry as a weaville ct with enough evs to live banded triple axel/knock and ohko with flare blitz. You can also be a normie and use red card or sash.
2-ALL HAIL THE COSMIC POWER FROM ABOVE SORRY FOR BOLD CAPS- Now , I the sam shall describe the beauty and the toruture that swept 1700s and 1800s for a week b4 i tilted again. :psytear: With screens cosmic power mew is semi unbeatable.cosmic power roost stored power body press literally destroys everything not called sableye [tilt makes you see scary things]. So it gets destoryed by status but destroys the pexless teams or baiting knock with weakness policy it can destroy shit. Really nice mon for screens ho and gets wins .
3.Defensive utility. With will o wisp roost night shade and filler [usually rocks or ice beam i think or just random heal bell] it can outstall many things altho it cant outstall the wall. It still can really put it work and do a lot of funny shit.
4. The very nice heatran+dragon counter- with eq and ice beam it can epicly click ice beam on lando and dragonite and even mr chompie and earthquake on heatran. I personally try to run it with leftovers and the epic roost heal bell [heal bell over rocks:psywoke:]
Lovely calcs go here-​

+2 252 Atk Life Orb Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 305-360 (75.4 - 89.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 SpA Mew Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Garchomp: 296-352 (82.9 - 98.5%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock [Guar after lo chip]

0 SpA Mew Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Landorus-Therian: 216-256 (56.5 - 67%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Choice Band Landorus-Therian Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 272-320 (67.3 - 79.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

It lives all of the attacks and eats for dinner.

0 Atk Mew Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Heatran: 240-284 (62.1 - 73.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 SpA Heatran Magma Storm vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Mew: 97-115 (24 - 28.4%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery and trapping damage

ate for brunch.

+2 252 Atk Dragonite Dual Wingbeat (2 hits) vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mew: 194-230 (48 - 56.9%) -- approx. 31.3% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

0 SpA Mew Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Multiscale Dragonite: 130-154 (40.2 - 47.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO [after scale is broken its a 2hko]

Anyway thats my trash post and have a great day.
On the topic of mew, I do think that even fringe sets like dd, sd and np can do well. With np being the worst. But cosmic mew can lose to any fast taunter tho. I would not agree with as a top 25 but defo top 30. (Btw sd has sucker for pult looking to revenge you)
:Volcarona: -> A-Rank

I disagree with this mon dropping. Its still one of the strongest win conditions in the tier. Most of its best checks and counters (Tapu Fini, Heatran) are heavily worn down through entry hazards or needing to check other threats like Dragapult. Admittingly its early game utility is a bit dodgy, but it more than makes up for this by being one of the most reliable end-game Pokemon. Additionally, with max bulk investment, it isn't even reliably revenge killed by things like Urshifu or Tapu Lele.

252 Atk Choice Band Urshifu-Rapid-Strike Aqua Jet vs. 248 HP / 244+ Def Volcarona: 186-222 (49.8 - 59.5%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO
252 SpA Tapu Lele Psyshock vs. 248 HP / 244+ Def Volcarona in Psychic Terrain: 160-190 (42.8 - 50.9%) -- 3.9% chance to 2HKO

:Heracross: -> C-Rank
Extremely strong breaker. Unlike Urshifu, it doesn't care about burns or Knock Off too much, giving it more opportunities to wreck havoc against stall. Its speed tier lets it outpeed a lot of walls. However, its matchup against offense is lacking and it gets worn down very fast due to Flame Orb.

Some replays of it in action:
Here Heracross is able to use its typing and speed to setup a swords dance on Hippo. Deals massive damage to both Toxapex and G-Zapdos with Facade and is able to KO Skarmory with little issue.
Heracross is able to come in on Landorus-T and deals massive damage to Mandibuzz with Facade. Unfortunately, a bad role on Facade means that it misses out on KOing the Mandibuzz and takes way more chip damage from Rocky Helmet, but on the flipside, literally nothing else on their team could switch into Facade.
Heracross is able to switch into both Toxapex and Ferrothorn and deals big chip damage to Toxapex, and also KO's the Ferrothorn. Unfortunately, poor prediction on my part led it to dying earlier than it should have.
Heracross is able to swap into Landorus-T and is able to destroy the Corviknight, letting Garchomp break big holes in the opponent's team.

(I'll try to provide more replays since these aren't the best, but college starting again makes that difficult).
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