STAB Explosion (Lickilicky Discussion)

It seems pretty quirky, yeah. I think it has potential just for that shock factor. Life Orb's a big gamble as you'll be losing some 40+HP every time you attack.

I didn't know Wring Out had so much potential though. 180BP is sweet, but what does it do to opponents that have suffered damage? I'm gonna assume it's considerably less, so for that reason alone it would work a lot better early on in the match.

I would much more prefer this Pokemon with Choice Specs. Use early on, possibly as a lead (depending on the environment), and hammer out Choice Specs Wring Outs for 100% accurate 240BP damage. Switch in and out accordingly wearing down his Pokemon with Wring Out and blasting them with Shadow Ball/Focus Blast as the game grows late. Then go and drop the Fat Man V2.0* when you know your times up.

*Fat Man was the name of the first nuclear bomb dropped on Japan. Go figure.
That looks nice in fact. My concern would be running that in tandem with Sandstorm and Stealth Rocks/Spikes, as it kinda makes Wring Out worthless.

Although I think its usable, its basically the same story as CB Lickilicky. He just has better things to do imo.

[EDIT] Gak! Beaten by Lee. Yeah, Specs seems like the better option on this set.
I do like the idea of shadow ball on licky as a nasty surprise for incoming ghosts expecting an explosion, however I don't feel this set has much sweeping potential as focus blast is a bit of an icky move imo. It's also begging for a nasty plot to be passed to it and we all know there are much more worthy recipients out there.

Out of interest, which set in particular will you be running on your licky, Boa?
YES!!! I saw my friend who moved to NY 5-6 years ago on MSN and asked her if she had an NYPC Lickitung with Wish/Heal Bell... And it turns out she had been saving the level 5 Lickitung on her emerald for like 3 years without giving it so much as 1 EV!!
I told her how to clone on Emerald, she cloned it, Pal Parked, and gave it to me. I just finished narrowing the IVs down as much as I can for now.

Lickitung - #108 (Impish)
HP: 28
Att: 15 - 16
Def: 17 - 18
SpA: 24
SpD: 10 - 11
Speed: 15 - 16

The low SpD is a real disappointment, but with appropriately skewed EVs it should be fine. Low attack I can live with. That 28 HP has me drooling, but I wish the 24 SpAtk was in SpD instead.

That looks nice in fact. My concern would be running that in tandem with Sandstorm and Stealth Rocks/Spikes, as it kinda makes Wring Out worthless.
Meh, not really. The formula for wring out is 1+(120*(current HP/Max HP)); Let's assume sandstorm in that case, and that you're smart enough not to spikes/SR/etc on the field.
(since it basically works off percentage...)
Max HP: 1+(120*(100/100))=121(1.5)=181 with STAB.
After one hit by Sandstorm (1/16 of HP or 6 HP in this case)
1+(120*(94/100))=113(1.5)=169 with STAB.
Sure, it'll reduce its effectiveness a bit- but 8 before STAB or 12 after STAB is hardly a difference.

As for Choice Specs... Meh, it'll work. I just like the fact that I can choose a different attack instead of locking myself into moves when *ALL* of my moves have immunities (Wring Out, Focus Blast, and Explosion are all blocked by Ghost- Shadow Ball is blocked by Normal.) Sure, with Lickilicky's SAtk he needs all the boost he can get, but is 1.5 rather than 1.3 REALLY worth that flaw? Choice Sets really don't go for SE coverage, but instead they try for minimum resistances to avoid getting walled and forcing an early switch. This is why Dragon/Fire is good for Band/Specs, while EQ/Rock Slide isn't.
Besides, Explosion gets a life orb boost :D

And, yes, Licki has many better things to do than try and special sweep. Although I would shit myself laughing if someone brought Blissey in- I'd use Shadow Ball (in case it was going to switch to a ghost waiting for explosion- This also makes an impression that I don't have Explosion and I am an idiot) and if it stays in, I explode the next turn.

Lickitung - #108 (Impish)
HP: 28
Att: 15 - 16
Def: 17 - 18
SpA: 24
SpD: 10 - 11
Speed: 15 - 16
What do you think I'm going to use on WiFi, something anyone can breed for or perhaps the most rare of all legitimate Lickilicky sets? :D :D :D :D
*continues Nerdgasm*
Name: Me First!
item: Choice Scarf

Anyway, the plan is to use any of the first three moves as long as possible, switching in and out as choice item users do. When you're finally about to bite the dust, give your opponent a nice "FUCK YOU!" in the form of STAB Explosion.

Great post, but you do know that you can't use more than one move with choice scarf, right? XD
Great post, but you do know that you can't use more than one move with choice scarf, right? XD
Which is why you're switching in and out... To reset the effect... I'm not a moron.
I'm not a moron, but I am happy that I have an NYPC Lickitung :D
Just been running a few calcs and discovered another ultimately cool thing.

252HP Neutral Sp.D Lickylicky survives a 252 Sp.A Modest Choice Specs Draco Meteor from Salamence 100% of the time.

This means you can switch in on the DM and KO with a custap explosion. There's even a chance of surviving with stealth rock on top of that.
Just been running a few calcs and discovered another ultimately cool thing.

252HP Neutral Sp.D Lickylicky survives a 252 Sp.A Modest Choice Specs Draco Meteor from Salamence 100% of the time.

This means you can switch in on the DM and KO with a custap explosion. There's even a chance of surviving with stealth rock on top of that.
That's just fucking cool, no lie!
I would never have expected that, seriously, that's great!
Thanks a million for that damage calc.
Of course, that's assuming perfect IVs (or to be more specific that Lickilicky's SpD IV is at least equal to Salamence's SpAtk IV).
That's with no SpD EVs, right?
Correct, yeah I would always just max hp to take hits on both sides of the spectrum unless you've got a very specific purpose in mind.

Plugging your licky's IV's into the calc gives us 92-108% damage meaning you'd have to pump 72evs into Sp.D to guarantee survival unfortunately :/
Correct, yeah I would always just max hp to take hits on both sides of the spectrum unless you've got a very specific purpose in mind.

Plugging your licky's IV's into the calc gives us 92-108% damage meaning you'd have to pump 72evs into Sp.D to guarantee survival unfortunately :/
No harm done, I intended to have something like 252HP/100Def/100SDef/56Attack, with the defenses skewed a bit to make them even.
There are some creative sets there, but they are quite situational.

Also worth noting is that via XD Snorlax can get Selfdestruct. Which while it may only have an effective BP of 600, the higher attack would make just as strong. Sure you forfeit getting any of Snorlax's new DP Egg Moves, but likely you didn't want Zen Headbutt just for Weezing anyway.

I know this is a while ago in the discussion, but I ran some calcs and Lickilicky's Explosion is stronger then Snorlax's Selfdestruct.

Also, I think this thing is vastly underrated, with defensive capabilities similar to those of Swamperts. It has less resists but it makes up for it with more support options.

I would love to try a utility set with Power Whip/Heal Bell/Knock Off/Explosion.

To be a viable SpecsMence counter, the EV's I suggest are

Sassy Nature

96 HP/160 SpA/252 SpD

Ice Beam
Knock Off/Heal Bell/Wish

With these EV's, Lickilicky is guaranteed a OHKO on standard mence, whilst only being 2HKOed by Draco Meteor by rolling absolute (not even one value less) max damage twice in a row. Choose the utility move of your choice, and Flamethrower for the pokemon that Ice Beam and Explosion don't touch. Only Heatran resists this set, so you may want Earthquake in the utility position, however Knock Off, Heal Bell or Wish is generally more useful.

I didn't know Wring Out had so much potential though. 180BP is sweet, but what does it do to opponents that have suffered damage? I'm gonna assume it's considerably less, so for that reason alone it would work a lot better early on in the match.

Also, just so you know, the formula for Wring Out's BP is 1.2*HP Percentage.
Also, just so you know, the formula for Wring Out's BP is 1.2*HP Percentage.
(1.2*HP Percentage)+1
I like your set, but I'm gonna hold off on putting new ones into the first post until I've used them from now on. ^^
Also just as a note, your specsmence counter won't work very well with heal bell or Wish since the only NYPC Licki I know of right now is my own, and it has low SDef and Impish nature. I think it'd need blizzard to OHKO Mence.
(1.2*HP Percentage)+1
I like your set, but I'm gonna hold off on putting new ones into the first post until I've used them from now on. ^^
Also just as a note, your specsmence counter won't work very well with heal bell or Wish since the only NYPC Licki I know of right now is my own, and it has low SDef and Impish nature. I think it'd need blizzard to OHKO Mence.

If that is the case, then just go with Knock Off in the utility position. Thanks though, ill try it out and see how it works and give you feedback.
I lol'd at the Chuck Norris thing. I think I'm gonna get me a Wish/Heal Bell one, but does Knock off really have to be there? I want to use it because it's got a good effect and all, but I'm also thinking of using Power Whip.
I lol'd at the Chuck Norris thing. I think I'm gonna get me a Wish/Heal Bell one, but does Knock off really have to be there? I want to use it because it's got a good effect and all, but I'm also thinking of using Power Whip.
Knock Off's replacable, I should probably change that set around a bit.
Let's say if you had a Lickilicky with an Attack IV of 0 (if you get a PCNY one with bad IVs maybe) without any EVs into attack, could you still OHKO every pokemon that doesn't resist it/is immune to it? Or would you have to give it some attack EVs? Let's say you had one with 31 attack IVs and no attack EVs, could you take out some pokemon that resist it?
I only just now read through this from start to finish, and it's a little ways back in the discussion, but figured I'd toss it in since I did the calcs.

For Rollout Licky:
31/252/Adamant Lucario will always 2hko w/ Close Combat against 31/252 HP Licky with one Defense curl and a boosting nature, unless at least 156 EVs are put into Defense. With Life Orb/Choice band it will always 2hko at worst.

(W/out item, Damage: 212 - 249, 50.00% - 58.73% against 152 Def EVs)

31/252/Adamant Heracross will always 2hko even 252HP/252Def Licky w/ one Defense Curl and a boosting nature.

(Damage: 212 - 250, 50.00% - 58.96%)

On the flip, neutral 0 Sp. Atk EV Licky OHKOs Min/Min Lucario with Fire Blast after the Sp. Def drop from Close Combat. Only does 75-88% against Min/Min Heracross after the drop, though.

Just felt the numbers were interesting.
@Great Sage: Goon is right, I meant with STAB. I don't see how I could have failed to mention that...

@Dragon: No clue, really. There's actually not a massive difference between 0 and 31 IVs (only 31 points on the final stat IIRC?), and with numbers so large it seems irrelevant. Still, running calculations on it would be good, but I'm too lazy.