b_t is a dirty cheater, he has admitted it twice in the thread now:
Blue_Tornado said:
fuck specific people
external will win thanks to said specific people so fuck them
i should be used to dying like this really
What externals? How can you possibly justify saying that after death?
Blue_Tornado said:
<+Blue_Tornado> well if you lynched a lam
<+Blue_Tornado> and killed a disney
<+Blue_Tornado> it would be 1-1-1
<+Blue_Tornado> even chance for anyone to win
<+Blue_Tornado> ~.~
<+UltraPorygon> maybe
<+UltraPorygon> but i've made up my mind
<+UltraPorygon> sorry
<+Blue_Tornado> well i was banking on that
<+Blue_Tornado> because
<+Blue_Tornado> if you lynched sam
<+Blue_Tornado> and killed athen
<+Blue_Tornado> since ke is the bg, he would have bg'd athen
<+Blue_Tornado> and so sam would die and athen would live
<+Blue_Tornado> and we would win
<+Blue_Tornado> OH WELL
<+Blue_Tornado> you had a chance of winning
<+Blue_Tornado> if you killed ke
<+Blue_Tornado> and lynched sam
<+Blue_Tornado> but otherwise, yeah, kingmaker
(this was after pole's post was.. posted)
Oh, he
HAS made up his mind? Clearly in the present tense. Just saying.
Blue_Tornado said:
so this is basically a powered-up awesome 3-esque team?
What part of "We have a dude with no role, a dude with a shit role and no passing kills while the main factions get to pass their kills, have 4 extra members, hookers, extra votes we don't have, and access to Inspections" didn't you understand? We were clearly the most underpowered faction in the game, and it is only because
NO ONE (I really dont care what you all say in hindsight about doubting me or von) distrusted our moling until bt cheated and told his teammates to kill von that we won. And
even after that you still lost. The only people who even remotely deserved to win this game outside of the Live Action Movies was Quagsires/Stevensnype/the rest of Pixar, since at least they didn't play fucking awfully, cheat, then bitch and complain about losing. Class act Pixar, I'm sorry we couldn't win together.
Also we were killing UltraPorygon and our kill had a higher prio than lynch so UP would've died no matter what.
Dogfish you told me after you died you didn't know who the mole was so I kind of doubt you "figured me out".
Blue_Tornado said:
help how do you cheat in this game
By breaking the rules???
Here since you can't find it...
Rule #1 said:
1. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game.
No comments on Dreamworks because they didn't do much of not this game, just be glad you aren't total bullshit artists like the cheaters at Disney.
Oh right, and well played team. von your moling was tremendous, it is unfortunate you died as a result of Pole/bt.
Additionally, Pole, please stop making hosting mistakes in your games. Seriously.
Log on #animation said:
<UncleSam> UP did bt talk to you
<UncleSam> before the games end
<UncleSam> jw
<UltraPorygon> yeah he did
Are you fucking kidding me blue tornado? I thought you were better than this man...it's not even like you cheated once. You did it repeatedly. Over. And. Over.
Deadtalking is against the rules. We would have won C7 without it.