For a long time, Disney enjoyed what was essentially a monopoly on the world’s animated films, even keeping that monopoly at the emergence of a potential rival, Pixar, who was in fact owned by Disney themselves. However, a new threat has come about, Dreamworks. Instead of combating this in its early stages, Disney let it grow to a large size. Now, with Pixar revolting suddenly, some of Disney’s best have taken up arms agains Pixar and Dreamworks. All three of these factions are equal in size, and each has a vendetta against the others. There are no less than six and no more than eight in each faction.
tl;dr: There are three factions, Dreamworks, Disney, and Pixar. There may or may not be a hidden mafia faction(s). There is an undisclosed number of neutrals that is no less than one and no greater than seven.
Turns out polelover44 decided to start things off with a bang. He was Humorous Phases of Funny Faces
1. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game.
2. The game will begin on Cycle 0. There will be no kills and no lynch on Cycle 0. During Cycle 0, no one may paste the entirety of his or her role PM. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Cycle 1. PM polelover44 or LightWolf for help in faking a role PM.
3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. We are human and can make mistakes.
4. You can paste things told to you by the hosts. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM polelover44 or LightWolf for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way. You also may not screenshot anything related to the game.
5. Each Cycle period will last 48 hours or until a majority is reached AND all necessary Action PMs are in. A grace period of two to three hours will be allowed in the latter case.
5.1 First rule about majority, don’t ask about majority. Majority is not dependant on the number of players, but the number of votes, which you don’t know. So don’t ask when majority is gonna be, or how many votes until majority, and if you think it is majority do not tell me. We’d really rather it isn’t discussed at all.
5.2 Fuck the rule against stealth lynches; that really only matters in a game with a single faction that controls the lynch, which this doesn't have
6. When lynching you must bold your vote and use Any Word <User>. To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote. You may choose to No Lynch as well, and any votes towards a dead user (if he or she has been godkilled) will not count. A tie in the vote will cause neither user to be lynched.
7. You may target dead users with your abilities. We cannot promise that anything will happen.
8. Priorities are set and will be kept secret. Don't even ask about them.
9. There are no items in this game. We will not prevent you from claiming thief/scavenger, but we do not recommend that you do so.
10. polelover44 and LightWolf MUST be informed of any IRC channels or spreadsheet/whatever else you create for this game.
11. IRC is not compulsory, but you will find great use of it during the game! You can find polelover44 or LightWolf on #fluodome if you have any questions.
11.1 You can also find me on #animation, the game’s official channel.
12. If you have any questions about the game, you can find polelover44 or LightWolf on Smogon, ready to be contacted by PM.
13. Send all PMs to polelover44 and LightWolf, and if you decide not to use an ability on a given cycle, don't forget to PM me "Cycle X - Idling" to make it much easier for us.
13.1 If you have a kill, you do not have to PM me on the cycles during which this kill is not active.
14. You HAVE to be active, if you are caught inactive you will be sent a warning PM. If you keep being inactive, you will be subbed out without hesitation, please don't make me do this. :(
15. If a role PM and the rules clash in something, the role PM takes precedence.
16. Please talk to us during the game, we get very lonely it will make for a better postgame! Please give reasons for your actions, this will also help.
17. If you are willing to be a sub for the game in case you do not get selected, you may mention that in your signup post.
18. If you post in the thread when silenced, break a posting restriction, or fail to vote for the person you were persuaded to vote for, you will be godkilled without hesitation.
19. If you have a non-information role, you will not receive a result unless it fails. If you think you should have received a cycle result but did not, you should contact polelover44 or LightWolf.
20. There is no Rule 20
21. Inspection results are not necessarily entirely trustworthy
22. Do not believe that anything is too unbelievable to be true!
22.1 In a similar vein, do not use past games which one of us have hosted as a method for disproving a claim. We may not use the same/similar roles.
23. This is an OPEN THEMED GAME. This means that there may be roles in this movie that are not related to the theme.
Player List
Winners (3):
vonFiedler/Live Action Movies/Casablanca/Bodyguard + 1/4/7 kill/Mauled By Lions Cycle 6/WINNER
macle/Live Action Movies/Titanic/3-time lpv + 3/6/9 kill/Survived/WINNER
UncleSam/Live Action Movies/Lawrence of Arabia/Safeguard + 2/5/8 kill/Survived/WINNER
Losers (23):
Staraptor Call/Dreamworks/Madagascar/Roleblocker/Godkilled Cycle 1
Yeti/Disney/The Lion King/3/6/9 Vigilante/Shot Cycle 1
zorbees/Dreamworks/Shark Tale/Persuader/Drank himself to death Cycle 1
theangryscientist/Dreamworks/Megamind/Negative Vote/Lynched Cycle 1
Nachos/Dreamworks/Shrek/Bodyguard/Shot Cycle 2
imperfectluck/Disney/Aladdin/Inspector/Died of Thirst Cycle 2
wickdaggler/Disney/The Little Mermaid/Hooker/Poisoned Cycle 2
LifeAdmiral/Pixar/Finding Nemo/Inspector/Lynched Cycle 2
Nightmare Jigglypuff/Pixar/Toy Story II: Electric Boogaloo/Martyr/Drowned Cycle 3
Spiffy/Pixar/The Incredibles/Bodyguard/Mauled by Lions Cycle 3
Dogfish44/Pixar/Up/Redirector/Lynched Cycle 3
StevenSnype/Pixar/Ratatouille/Vigilante/Lynched Cycle 4
RBG/Wolf/The Godfather/Kill+Inspect+Lynch Redirect/Died of many diseases and other things Cycle 4
Server_Crash/Disney/Snow White/Yes-No Asker/Died of Thirst Cycle 5
Blue_Tornado/Disney/Sleeping Beauty/Silencer/Poisoned Cycle 5
J-man/Dreamworks/How To Train Your Dragon/Reverse Martyr/Lynched Cycle 5
Flamestrike/Dreamworks/Kung Fu Panda/Inspector/Drowned Cycle 6
Quagsires/Pixar/Toy Story/Mayor/Died of Disease Cycle 7
Engineer Pikachu/Dreamworks/The Prince of Egypt/1/4/7/ kill/Lynched Cycle 7
Athenodoros/Disney/Cinderella/Safeguard/Poisoned Cycle 8
King Emerald/Disney/Bodyguard/Beauty and the Beast/Lynched Cycle 8
UltraPorygon/Pixar/Monsters, Inc./Hooker/Died of Thirst Cycle 8
tl;dr: There are three factions, Dreamworks, Disney, and Pixar. There may or may not be a hidden mafia faction(s). There is an undisclosed number of neutrals that is no less than one and no greater than seven.
Turns out polelover44 decided to start things off with a bang. He was Humorous Phases of Funny Faces
Dear polelover44,
You are Humorous Phases of Funny Faces
The first modern animated film, you decided to jump into this game for the hell of it. However, because you were the first and therefore clearly the best, you cannot lose.
At any time during the game, you may send polelover44 and LightWolf a PM entitled “<user> is a fuckface”. <user> will be godkilled.
Also at any time during the game, you may send polelover44 LightWolf a PM entitled “<user1> is less of a fuckface than <user2>”. <user1> will be subbed in for <user2>.
You are allied with yourself. You win if you host the game to its completion.
1. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game.
2. The game will begin on Cycle 0. There will be no kills and no lynch on Cycle 0. During Cycle 0, no one may paste the entirety of his or her role PM. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Cycle 1. PM polelover44 or LightWolf for help in faking a role PM.
3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. We are human and can make mistakes.
4. You can paste things told to you by the hosts. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM polelover44 or LightWolf for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way. You also may not screenshot anything related to the game.
5. Each Cycle period will last 48 hours or until a majority is reached AND all necessary Action PMs are in. A grace period of two to three hours will be allowed in the latter case.
5.1 First rule about majority, don’t ask about majority. Majority is not dependant on the number of players, but the number of votes, which you don’t know. So don’t ask when majority is gonna be, or how many votes until majority, and if you think it is majority do not tell me. We’d really rather it isn’t discussed at all.
5.2 Fuck the rule against stealth lynches; that really only matters in a game with a single faction that controls the lynch, which this doesn't have
6. When lynching you must bold your vote and use Any Word <User>. To change your vote, you must edit your original post with your new vote. You may choose to No Lynch as well, and any votes towards a dead user (if he or she has been godkilled) will not count. A tie in the vote will cause neither user to be lynched.
7. You may target dead users with your abilities. We cannot promise that anything will happen.
8. Priorities are set and will be kept secret. Don't even ask about them.
9. There are no items in this game. We will not prevent you from claiming thief/scavenger, but we do not recommend that you do so.
10. polelover44 and LightWolf MUST be informed of any IRC channels or spreadsheet/whatever else you create for this game.
11. IRC is not compulsory, but you will find great use of it during the game! You can find polelover44 or LightWolf on #fluodome if you have any questions.
11.1 You can also find me on #animation, the game’s official channel.
12. If you have any questions about the game, you can find polelover44 or LightWolf on Smogon, ready to be contacted by PM.
13. Send all PMs to polelover44 and LightWolf, and if you decide not to use an ability on a given cycle, don't forget to PM me "Cycle X - Idling" to make it much easier for us.
13.1 If you have a kill, you do not have to PM me on the cycles during which this kill is not active.
14. You HAVE to be active, if you are caught inactive you will be sent a warning PM. If you keep being inactive, you will be subbed out without hesitation, please don't make me do this. :(
15. If a role PM and the rules clash in something, the role PM takes precedence.
16. Please talk to us during the game, we get very lonely it will make for a better postgame! Please give reasons for your actions, this will also help.
17. If you are willing to be a sub for the game in case you do not get selected, you may mention that in your signup post.
18. If you post in the thread when silenced, break a posting restriction, or fail to vote for the person you were persuaded to vote for, you will be godkilled without hesitation.
19. If you have a non-information role, you will not receive a result unless it fails. If you think you should have received a cycle result but did not, you should contact polelover44 or LightWolf.
20. There is no Rule 20
21. Inspection results are not necessarily entirely trustworthy
22. Do not believe that anything is too unbelievable to be true!
22.1 In a similar vein, do not use past games which one of us have hosted as a method for disproving a claim. We may not use the same/similar roles.
23. This is an OPEN THEMED GAME. This means that there may be roles in this movie that are not related to the theme.
Player List
Winners (3):
vonFiedler/Live Action Movies/Casablanca/Bodyguard + 1/4/7 kill/Mauled By Lions Cycle 6/WINNER
macle/Live Action Movies/Titanic/3-time lpv + 3/6/9 kill/Survived/WINNER
UncleSam/Live Action Movies/Lawrence of Arabia/Safeguard + 2/5/8 kill/Survived/WINNER
Losers (23):
Staraptor Call/Dreamworks/Madagascar/Roleblocker/Godkilled Cycle 1
Yeti/Disney/The Lion King/3/6/9 Vigilante/Shot Cycle 1
zorbees/Dreamworks/Shark Tale/Persuader/Drank himself to death Cycle 1
theangryscientist/Dreamworks/Megamind/Negative Vote/Lynched Cycle 1
Nachos/Dreamworks/Shrek/Bodyguard/Shot Cycle 2
imperfectluck/Disney/Aladdin/Inspector/Died of Thirst Cycle 2
wickdaggler/Disney/The Little Mermaid/Hooker/Poisoned Cycle 2
LifeAdmiral/Pixar/Finding Nemo/Inspector/Lynched Cycle 2
Nightmare Jigglypuff/Pixar/Toy Story II: Electric Boogaloo/Martyr/Drowned Cycle 3
Spiffy/Pixar/The Incredibles/Bodyguard/Mauled by Lions Cycle 3
Dogfish44/Pixar/Up/Redirector/Lynched Cycle 3
StevenSnype/Pixar/Ratatouille/Vigilante/Lynched Cycle 4
RBG/Wolf/The Godfather/Kill+Inspect+Lynch Redirect/Died of many diseases and other things Cycle 4
Server_Crash/Disney/Snow White/Yes-No Asker/Died of Thirst Cycle 5
Blue_Tornado/Disney/Sleeping Beauty/Silencer/Poisoned Cycle 5
J-man/Dreamworks/How To Train Your Dragon/Reverse Martyr/Lynched Cycle 5
Flamestrike/Dreamworks/Kung Fu Panda/Inspector/Drowned Cycle 6
Quagsires/Pixar/Toy Story/Mayor/Died of Disease Cycle 7
Engineer Pikachu/Dreamworks/The Prince of Egypt/1/4/7/ kill/Lynched Cycle 7
Athenodoros/Disney/Cinderella/Safeguard/Poisoned Cycle 8
King Emerald/Disney/Bodyguard/Beauty and the Beast/Lynched Cycle 8
UltraPorygon/Pixar/Monsters, Inc./Hooker/Died of Thirst Cycle 8