[Standard] Animated Movie Mafia [Game Over! Live Action Movies Win!]

in short

everyone i've talked with knew that there was a "hidden faction" because there was another kill next to the wolf kill and faction kill in some of the nights, so i thought it was pretty obvious, without realizing it wasn't.

now with up, i admit to TRYING to sway him a bit towards us by saying "well i'm dead so i can't really talk BUT if i could i'd tell you a lot of things that maybe would change your mind", but that's really it. i thought it wasn't relevant enough to be considered deadtalking, and i'm sorry if a broke a rule because of it. and yeah, the log i posted containing RELEVANT info was actually AFTER the calling of the game, and i proved it via timestamps on irc.

if something else needs clarification, let it be heard. i honestly don't get the HUGE fuss around this, and ironically, i actually tried NOT to break rules while.. breaking them, apparently. i apologize.
I would like to say that he didn't talk to me after he died until the game was over. He sent KE and I all the information he had before he died, which was why we lynch Von and played as we did. I don't understand we he is being accused of cheating. He spoke to UP after it was called and not to his own team.

EDIT: nvm, didn't realise that bit.
no athen, i DO admit talking to UP, but I thought it wasn't considered deadtalking because "i wasn't actually giving any facts or something". other than that, yes, i pm'd my team during around cycle 3 or 4 about von, sam and macle being the hidden faction (i managed to come to that conclusion based on von's actions-- which i had discovered to be non-disney just then, and the spaces i had left in my sheet basically), so any action against lam after my death that was suspected to be my doing, actually wasn't.

still, if i have broken more rules, i AM sorry. i'm usually not the type for this, and even here, breaking them wasn't my intention. so i hope we can put this all behind us, especially seeing as lam still managed to win.
Gratz live action for winning, you guys deserved it more than me I didn't I even really do anything until bt died. Just out of curiosity: vf did you really think I believed you when you said athen was mafia?
I figured you out shortly before my death
Pity I wasn't allowwed to state my hunch, despite the fact that in most games you can pass on strategic info. Lousy rules, and relatively mediocre hosting.

The rules were p much standard, nothing new, so I don't see what makes them lousy. Outside of the fact that the villages can't pass hunches over? Villages should never be able to do that, and even if they did, they aren't supposed to pass on "info". They are supposed to help with the planning, and give second opinions.

Now tell me what was so medicore about the hosting, if you mention the SC incident that only happened because he made an idiotic move that broke two rules. Stealth Lynching and the rule against fuck tigers, had he consulted pole or me before doing it, or just read like the rules then this whole situation could have been avoided. While yes pole might have made the wrong decision there, but SC was the one at fault and not him.

Also if you had the hunch before you died, then why didn't you pass it on before? You had the chance, you didn't.
I wasn't even going to blame BT specifically for us being cheated. Here you go;

15:35 vonFiedler oh hey
15:35 vonFiedler good a time as any
15:35 vonFiedler you there?
15:35 polelover44 hi
15:36 vonFiedler so basically
15:36 vonFiedler we all suspect foul play regarding my death
15:36 polelover44 oh
15:36 vonFiedler it may have something to do with
15:36 vonFiedler you having extremely looselips
15:36 vonFiedler or bts insistence after death that he knew who did it
15:37 polelover44 here's what happened
15:37 polelover44 b_t told his team
15:37 polelover44 before he died
15:37 polelover44 that you were mafia
15:37 vonFiedler but he didn't know that
15:37 vonFiedler explain to me how he knew that
15:37 polelover44 but he suspected
15:38 polelover44 he inferred that you were mafia
15:38 vonFiedler suspected based on what
15:38 vonFiedler what did you say to him
15:38 polelover44 I said nothing
15:38 vonFiedler we have lists
15:38 polelover44 he sent a PM
15:38 vonFiedler of things you told us
15:38 vonFiedler and pixar
15:38 polelover44 to me, LW, and his team
15:38 vonFiedler but you said nothing
15:38 vonFiedler to bt
15:38 vonFiedler is that what you are saying
15:38 vonFiedler you almost outed unclesam
15:39 vonFiedler it was only quick thinking that got him to fix that
15:39 vonFiedler how did you out me
15:39 polelover44 I didn't out you
15:39 vonFiedler I played a perfect game
15:39 vonFiedler you practically said as much
15:39 vonFiedler among other things
15:39 polelover44 no
15:39 polelover44 I didn't
15:39 vonFiedler "you are the only guy who knows everything"
15:39 vonFiedler "the only questions is which of you two to give mvp to"
15:39 polelover44 when did I say that
15:39 vonFiedler you said both of those things
15:39 vonFiedler the first was to me
15:40 vonFiedler the second was in drunkcle
15:40 polelover44 to you and unclesam
15:40 polelover44 how does that out you to bt
15:40 vonFiedler we have a list of things that you leaked to us at the start of the game
15:40 vonFiedler you almost outed us
15:40 vonFiedler UncleSam I mean
15:40 vonFiedler so
15:40 polelover44 when?
15:40 vonFiedler you never talked to bt
15:40 vonFiedler and said something dumb?
15:40 vonFiedler ever?
15:40 vonFiedler think REAL hard
15:40 polelover44 I may have spoken with him
15:40 vonFiedler cause I gave him nothing
15:40 vonFiedler no reason to suspect me
15:40 polelover44 I never said anything dumb
15:41 vonFiedler not as long as athen was alive
15:41 polelover44 like I said
15:41 polelover44 BT sent a PM to me, LW, and his team
15:41 vonFiedler that does not explain
15:41 vonFiedler how he knew I was mafia
15:41 polelover44 outing you, UncleSam, and macle as maf
15:41 vonFiedler he had to have some clue
15:41 vonFiedler to start suspecting
15:41 vonFiedler wait
15:41 polelover44 I don't know how he arrived at that conclusion
15:42 vonFiedler how would he know UncleSam?
15:42 vonFiedler how pole?
15:42 polelover44 I don't know what led him to suspect that you three were maf
15:42 vonFiedler and why would he think macle is mafia
15:42 polelover44 maybe he'd talked with dogfish?
15:42 vonFiedler if he knew I was?
15:42 polelover44 I don't know everything that's going on
15:42 polelover44 I don't know what was going through b_t's head
15:42 vonFiedler and I was telling him macle was mafia
15:42 vonFiedler pole
15:42 vonFiedler somehow
15:42 polelover44 but he knew you three were maf
15:42 vonFiedler he knew
15:42 polelover44 if you want to find out
15:42 vonFiedler in no uncertain terms
15:42 vonFiedler BEFORE
15:42 polelover44 ask him
15:42 vonFiedler I outed macle
15:42 polelover44 I have no clue
15:42 polelover44 how he knew
15:42 vonFiedler that all three of us were mafia
15:43 vonFiedler that is just impossible
15:43 vonFiedler I would have liked an explanation regarding me
15:43 polelover44 if you say so
15:43 vonFiedler but for all three of us
15:43 polelover44 I have no explanation
15:43 polelover44 b_t guessed
15:43 polelover44 that you were maf
15:43 polelover44 perhaps it was an educated guess
15:43 polelover44 perhaps it was not
15:43 vonFiedler you don't fucking guess
15:43 vonFiedler I was
15:43 polelover44 ok
15:43 vonFiedler frankly
15:43 polelover44 I don't guess
15:43 vonFiedler a worse guess than athen
15:43 vonFiedler US was 50/50 with HD
15:44 vonFiedler and macle
15:44 polelover44 look
15:44 polelover44 I honestly don't know why B_T did what he did
15:44 polelover44 if you want to find out why
15:44 polelover44 ask hin
15:44 polelover44 him*
15:44 vonFiedler BT
15:44 vonFiedler pulled some light yagami shit
15:44 vonFiedler up in this
15:44 vonFiedler and I suspect
15:44 vonFiedler shinigami interference
15:44 polelover44 ok
15:45 vonFiedler and seeing as you don't even remember the things you leaked to us
15:45 vonFiedler which weren't game changing, but remarkable in their sheer volume
15:45 vonFiedler and in spite of a perfect game
15:45 vonFiedler we have p much now lost
15:45 vonFiedler so the game design fucking sucks too
15:45 vonFiedler what were we supposed to do?
15:45 vonFiedler BESIDES play perfect?
15:46 polelover44 look
15:46 polelover44 sometimes
15:46 vonFiedler all we could do is outnumber the villages
15:46 polelover44 you get bad luck
15:46 vonFiedler and maybe
15:46 vonFiedler just maybe
15:46 vonFiedler block a kill
15:46 vonFiedler oh wait
15:46 polelover44 and there's nothing I can do about it
15:46 vonFiedler we can't even do that now
15:46 polelover44 it's not my fault that you died
15:46 vonFiedler the villages
15:46 vonFiedler when their killers die
15:46 vonFiedler they get new kills
15:46 vonFiedler we don't
15:46 vonFiedler we are so fucked
15:46 vonFiedler so so so so fucked
15:46 vonFiedler and we think it is your fault
15:47 polelover44 ok
15:47 polelover44 keep thinking that
15:47 polelover44 see if I give a shit
15:47 vonFiedler should I forward to you
15:47 vonFiedler the things you leaked to us
15:47 vonFiedler like
15:47 polelover44 sure
15:47 vonFiedler telling us that athen is the killer now
15:47 polelover44 go ahead
15:47 polelover44 I did tell you that
15:47 polelover44 yes
15:48 polelover44 it's not my fault unclesam thought it was king emerald
15:48 vonFiedler why
15:48 vonFiedler did you tell him it was athen
15:48 vonFiedler host mistake
15:48 vonFiedler that was not information he is privy too
15:48 polelover44 ok
15:48 polelover44 host mistake
15:48 vonFiedler and you've done that
15:48 vonFiedler over
15:48 vonFiedler and over again
15:48 polelover44 but how did that lead to your death
15:48 vonFiedler and you don't even realize it
15:48 vonFiedler that is host mistake
15:48 vonFiedler you have loose lips
15:49 vonFiedler here is a pm
15:49 vonFiedler I am sending
15:49 vonFiedler with all the info us squeezed out of you
15:49 vonFiedler in only cycle 0
15:49 vonFiedler and it never fucking stopped
15:50 polelover44 well
15:51 polelover44 I have to go to dinner
15:51 polelover44 you can yell at me more later

But now it is even Cycle 3 that BT mysteriously knew who all 3 mafia were?
The rules were p much standard, nothing new, so I don't see what makes them lousy. Outside of the fact that the villages can't pass hunches over? Villages should never be able to do that, and even if they did, they aren't supposed to pass on "info". They are supposed to help with the planning, and give second opinions.

Now tell me what was so medicore about the hosting, if you mention the SC incident that only happened because he made an idiotic move that broke two rules. Stealth Lynching and the rule against fuck tigers, had he consulted pole or me before doing it, or just read like the rules then this whole situation could have been avoided. While yes pole might have made the wrong decision there, but SC was the one at fault and not him.

Also if you had the hunch before you died, then why didn't you pass it on before? You had the chance, you didn't.

Some of us have a life and power cuts, and I can't be everywhere at once. I still had access to logs and laptop, but no internet.
Secondly, The role PM of Nightmare Jigglypuff. That goes into PATHETIC. It talked about a game, whereas the flavour said quite clearly that it was a film. I ended up losing a valuable ally due to the sheer lack of thought that went into that PM. This would naturally mean I assummed she was a mole/mafia, and meant that I trusted other things.
Thirdly, I dislike the no speaking upon death rule. It's absurd that one can't pass on a hunch - part of standard rules. There is a fine line, but caution comes first.

I also dislike Polelover's accusations of me in the log below - the only things I said (To US, Ironically), was that I was annoyyed that I had died, but shit happens. I never spoke to B_T after my death.

The lines in the log for reference of others not reading the entire farce:

15:42 polelover44 I don't know what led him to suspect that you three were maf
15:42 vonFiedler and why would he think macle is mafia
15:42 polelover44 maybe he'd talked with dogfish?

Pole, I'd reccomend getting up a postgame pretty damned quickly.
I take the bit about medicore hosting back, and true the kill should have passed on. There was some discussion on that when von died, but we decided to go with the original plan, you only get the kill back if 2 of you die(2 out of 3 nights kill isn't something that terrible, really now)

Though now I'd really like to hear B_T's take on that log of yours von.

EDIT: dogfish I doubt that is pole accusing you, B_T's PM was during cycle 4, and your hunch was near then end of Cycle 3, it isn't too farfetched to assume you told him before you died not after.

Also after death hunches could easily be influenced by something you learned after dying, even if you yourself didn't notice it(had it happen to me!), that's why this rule is around. Also could you link me what game you mean, I myself when checking the PMs just assumed that was the full name of the movie, but I'd really like to see a link to that game it actually is the name of.
To reitierate what Dog said, I gave UP two chances to send a role PM to me, it was off flavor from the others, fitting more along the lines of what IPL claimed, had quoting errors to make it not look like a forward (still idk what happened, considering screenshotting), and looked different most of the PMs in the game.

And US, he was probably meaning me, since he had PMed me about the existence of an extrernal faction C5, mentioning you specifically, and was wanting to work with Pixar due to his fear of Dreamworks working with them, and void of other reasoning besides asking me to kill someone I thought was my teammate. It led to my miscounting the deaths per night and, since he continuously silenced me being taken as him not wanting to work with me as reasons I killed him (that and I'd never have won with him continuously silencing me. Being silenced half the game sucks, even though it was deserved)

That and I'm still wondering why Silence had higher prio than kill, since most games I'd imagine are the other way around.

Although I think Q/A could explain how he got all of the names US, but I have no idea what questions were asked.
To reitierate what Dog said, I gave UP two chances to send a role PM to me, and it was off flavor from the others, fitting more along the lines of what IPL claimed, had quoting errors to make it not look like a forward, and looked too good for most of the PMs in the game.

I can understand dogfish and he has point with NJ's pm, but if you think someone is bad because their PM looks better than the rest and is different from the others, then it's your own fault. This has been happening since the first small game ever, and I doubt it will ever change(I lynched cyzir because his flavour had a different structure than that of the other villagers).


Quick check through the actions sheet showed to me the following possible ways to discover von being a mole:
-Using the question where he got the numbers on his team, and the fact flamestrike cleaned Athen
-Or the fact he checked on Cycle 3 if Mulan was in game

No idea how he got US and macle though, that still needs to be explained.
@hosts (sorry LW I don't mean to rag on you since you were fine as a host and seem to be taking all the heat here for no reason...): How exactly was my team supposed to win outside of outnumbering the other factions at the end? They could pass their kills while we couldn't pass our first one, meaning that at the end, at best, we would have a dude who kills 2/3 nights (apparently the second one passed) while the other last dude would be killing 1/3 of the time. Considering how much larger the other factions were and how terrible our roles were, was this really fair?

Polelover justified it to me as "The Awesome 3 almost won Monsters and their kills didn't pass"...which would be a good point, except that we lacked their Kill Reverse role (that killed the wolf, also vonfiedler "lol"), their kidnapper, their persuader, their redirector, their BPV, their full inspector, their alliance check...in exchange for being united and having a BG/SG combo? That's hardly the same power level!
Geez, I had no chance at all it seems.

Actually if UP had lynched KE and killed Sam (or vice versa), then Sam's kill would still have gone through (cause we had decided beforehand that all kills have equal priority and if killers target each other it's a crossfire). If that had happened, and US and Atheno had targeted each other, they would both have died and you would have won.

But other than that you had no chance.

EDIT @ Sam: I originally had the kills not passing, but LW decided that without the kills passing macle's lpv would be overpowered.
Actually if UP had lynched KE and killed Sam (or vice versa), then Sam's kill would still have gone through (cause we had decided beforehand that all kills have equal priority and if killers target each other it's a crossfire). If that had happened, and US and Atheno had targeted each other, they would both have died and you would have won.

But other than that you had no chance.

If that had happened I would have laughed my ass off. Also I think you mean if macle and atheno had targeted each other (macle killed 3/6/9).

But...how would RBG have won in that scenario (no one alive)? His WC was...
polelover44 said:
You are allied with yourself. You win if you are the last one standing.

"Last one standing" implies he is standing, i.e. alive.

Also pole in case you didn't get it the point was that we were underpowered not overpowered. How the fuck is one of our dudes having an LPV rather than an actual role "overpowered" in any way, shape, or form? He would most likely be found out by a full PM inspector anyway, making his role utterly useless in most scenarios.
I meant the last member of yours gets a full kill, not a 2/3. Also it was overpowering in a way, I'm sure it isn't hard to think up some ridiculous situations where macle could win you the game. Also you had a SG, so you could avoid him being inspected even. Also without their kills passing on how could a village win if they lost their vig early?

As for the RBG, yeah that was funny, though pole most likely just mixed him up with someone else.
I take full blame for Dreamworks failing, all because I thought I had dogfish's trust and as such didn't want to lead myself >.> I should have known something was up with von when he told me he claimed but he wasn't on the sheet, but I chalked it up to S Call making a stupid mistake (I was pretty annoyed with how things had gone so far) and I was so happy that someone else could lead (my other choices were J-man, Nachos who was BG, and Fate who I wasn't even sure if he was on our team until E_P subbed in) I just gave him sheet access -_- So yeah, who knows how things would have gone had I done my usual thing of playing safe (especially when you're inspect and can find out these things).
-Or the fact he checked on Cycle 3 if Mulan was in game

Aha! Aha! The cheat has been uncovered!

You see, there was a time when due to the nature of Server Crash's really shitty Yes/No ability, I was trying imply that he perhaps was the mole. However, polelover in no uncertain terms made it clear that Server_Crash was clean to Blue_Tornado. That's right, where I needed every possible Disney to make myself look innocent, having killed the inspector for this very purpose, pole was cleaning them left and right. He just cannot fucking shut up.

Furthermore, polelover swore to me before the game my role would be Mulan. I guess he meant figuratively, as in Mulan would be in the game because I would mole as Mulan. But if pole told me that Mulan was in the game, why did he tell Server Crash that Mulan wasn't?
Aha! Aha! The cheat has been uncovered!

You see, there was a time when due to the nature of Server Crash's really shitty Yes/No ability, I was trying imply that he perhaps was the mole. However, polelover in no uncertain terms made it clear that Server_Crash was clean to Blue_Tornado. That's right, where I needed every possible Disney to make myself look innocent, having killed the inspector for this very purpose, pole was cleaning them left and right. He just cannot fucking shut up.
How did I clean server_crash please explain this.

Furthermore, polelover swore to me before the game my role would be Mulan. I guess he meant figuratively, as in Mulan would be in the game because I would mole as Mulan. But if pole told me that Mulan was in the game, why did he tell Server Crash that Mulan wasn't?

1: I never swore anything, I told you that your role would be Mulan, forgetting at the moment that Mulan was not in the game.

2: Server Crash was Yes/No Asker, and he asked me "is mulan in the game" or something of that sort on Cycle 3. I wasn't going to lie to him just so you could have your justification of being Mulan or whatever the fuck you're ranting about.

tl;dr: Just fucking suck it up it didn't change the outcome of the fucking game.
BT asked you why the kill had changed hands, and you told him that Server had gotten the kill. Are you still feigning ignorance with all the host mistakes you've made?

So you could either figuratively lie to Server Crash as a player, or you could make a bold face lie to me as a person. Thanks for going with the later. I will not be playing in your games from here on out.
Yeti raises a good point. I think we should lay all of this aside and lynch Spiffy for what he did to this game, because clearly all problems were his fault.
BT asked you why the kill had changed hands, and you told him that Server had gotten the kill. Are you still feigning ignorance with all the host mistakes you've made?

So you could either figuratively lie to Server Crash as a player, or you could make a bold face lie to me as a person. Thanks for going with the later. I will not be playing in your games from here on out.
Well since the kill changing hands in the first place should clean server even if just he claims it, so that did mater little and the game would have most likely went the same way, I still question how he had US more than that.

Also really, your reasons for never again playing a pole game are that you didn't get the role he promised you? That he afterwards didn't lie to a power about it. You should have accepted this fact when the game started and you got your PM. I can understand that you don't want to play his games, but could you use one of your better problems with the game to reason for not playing?
If it was still questionable whether SC could kill or not, as in he hadn't proven it yet, we just could have had him hooked. BT needed a whole extra turn for SC to prove himself and SC would have failed to. Regardless of what SC asked, anything he reported back could be viewed with suspicion before he was cleaned, as the restrictions on his Yes/No made it almost impossible to prove he did or didn't have the role. He was logically the most suspicious Disney at the time... when he was cleaned it was suddenly a 50/50 between myself and Athen. If BT didn't know I wasn't Disney by cycle 4, he would be dead cycle 5 and never would have warned the other Disneys. So no, it wouldn't make little difference. It was the difference between me living and dying.

And it doesn't "not matter" because I won, because I only won due to a kingmaker. And we only could have won due to a kingmaker once a single one of us had died.

I really only moled as Mulan to spite pole. It was that or ask to be subbed out. It really annoyed me, but I'm not going to play in his games again because of the myriad of host mistakes he has made in this and other games. I ONLY wanted to join this game if I could be Mulan or Princess Mononoke. I told pole as much, he assured me (in fact assured was the exact word he used) I was going to be Mulan. He should have just told me not to join.