Are you fucking kidding me?
Blue_Tornado I've honestly never been more displeased with a mafia partner than I am with you right now
Blue_Tornado I've honestly never been more displeased with a mafia partner than I am with you right now
I figured you out shortly before my death
Pity I wasn't allowwed to state my hunch, despite the fact that in most games you can pass on strategic info. Lousy rules, and relatively mediocre hosting.
The rules were p much standard, nothing new, so I don't see what makes them lousy. Outside of the fact that the villages can't pass hunches over? Villages should never be able to do that, and even if they did, they aren't supposed to pass on "info". They are supposed to help with the planning, and give second opinions.
Now tell me what was so medicore about the hosting, if you mention the SC incident that only happened because he made an idiotic move that broke two rules. Stealth Lynching and the rule against fuck tigers, had he consulted pole or me before doing it, or just read like the rules then this whole situation could have been avoided. While yes pole might have made the wrong decision there, but SC was the one at fault and not him.
Also if you had the hunch before you died, then why didn't you pass it on before? You had the chance, you didn't.
To reitierate what Dog said, I gave UP two chances to send a role PM to me, and it was off flavor from the others, fitting more along the lines of what IPL claimed, had quoting errors to make it not look like a forward, and looked too good for most of the PMs in the game.
Geez, I had no chance at all it seems.
Actually if UP had lynched KE and killed Sam (or vice versa), then Sam's kill would still have gone through (cause we had decided beforehand that all kills have equal priority and if killers target each other it's a crossfire). If that had happened, and US and Atheno had targeted each other, they would both have died and you would have won.
But other than that you had no chance.
polelover44 said:You are allied with yourself. You win if you are the last one standing.
-Or the fact he checked on Cycle 3 if Mulan was in game
How did I clean server_crash please explain this.Aha! Aha! The cheat has been uncovered!
You see, there was a time when due to the nature of Server Crash's really shitty Yes/No ability, I was trying imply that he perhaps was the mole. However, polelover in no uncertain terms made it clear that Server_Crash was clean to Blue_Tornado. That's right, where I needed every possible Disney to make myself look innocent, having killed the inspector for this very purpose, pole was cleaning them left and right. He just cannot fucking shut up.
Furthermore, polelover swore to me before the game my role would be Mulan. I guess he meant figuratively, as in Mulan would be in the game because I would mole as Mulan. But if pole told me that Mulan was in the game, why did he tell Server Crash that Mulan wasn't?
Well since the kill changing hands in the first place should clean server even if just he claims it, so that did mater little and the game would have most likely went the same way, I still question how he had US more than that.BT asked you why the kill had changed hands, and you told him that Server had gotten the kill. Are you still feigning ignorance with all the host mistakes you've made?
So you could either figuratively lie to Server Crash as a player, or you could make a bold face lie to me as a person. Thanks for going with the later. I will not be playing in your games from here on out.