<p>(remove space)Thanks to Sand Rush, Stoutland becomes an incredible revenge killer under a in sandstorm, (comma) Along with where its Speed stat being is boosted to incredible levels. In addition, it is relatively bulky and has an acceptable Attack stat that can easily be boosted by an item. Finally, it has decent coverage with its moves, which allows it to revenge kill a large range of threats.(remove space)</p>
<p>(remove space)Unfortunately, like any other Pokemon, it Stoutland has its fair share of problems. It absolutely needs Hippowdon or Tyranitar to set up a Sandstorm, otherwise summon sandstorm, as it isn't very useful in other weather; Stoutland is also poor outside of a Sandstorm, and Pokemon changing the weather is to make matters worse, other weather inducers are omnipresent in OU. Its Normal(remove hyphen, insert space)typing also doesn't do it many favors, as the move its STAB is resisted by several Pokemon in OU. Despite these flaws, however, Stoutland is an excellent choice if you need something to revenge kill even Pokemon that have set up late game a revenge killer or late-game sweeper.(remove space)</p>
[Set SET]
name: Revenge Killer
move 1: Return
move 2: Superpower
move 3: Pursuit(space)/(space)Crunch
move 4: Wild Charge
item: Choice Band
ability: Sand Rush
nature: Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
ability: Sand Rush
[Set Comments SET COMMENTS]
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<p>(remove space)This is Stoutland's best set and the only set that is viable for it in OU its only OU-viable set. Thanks to its ability Sand Rush ability, it effectively has a Speed stat of 518, which is enough to outpace the entire unboosted metagame, including most Pokemon holding a Choice Scarf users. This allows it to become an effective revenge killer, as it can utilize a Choice Band allows it to hit much harder than most Pokemon that need a Choice Scarf to outpace foes and revenge kill dangerous boosted foes such as Volcarona, Salamence, and Gyarados other Choice Scarf revenge killers while still outpacing boosted opponents. Among the dangerous boosted foes it can check are Volcarona, Salamence, and Gyarados.(remove space)</p>
<p>Return is the Stoutland's STAB option of choice, allowing and allows it to heavily dent several foes or finish off a weakened team late-game. The other moves help it get past other targets that Return cannot hit hard enough. (feels like filler, though you can keep it if you want) Superpower allows enables it to destroy Rock- and Steel-types that are weak to Fighting, such as Terrakion and Ferrothorn. Pursuit is the preferred option for the third set slot, as it is essentially a checkmate for several puts Ghost- and Psychic-types, (comma) such as Gengar and Latios, (comma) that in a checkmate position if they try to switch out. However, Crunch can be used instead to get through break through (bulkier?) Ghost-types that try and instead stay in. Finally, Wild Charge is there to hit Skarmory and Jellicent hard, as generally they are not hit hard by anything else on the set they don't take much damage from any of Stoutland's either moves (if they notably xHKO, it might be worth putting that detail in as well, idk). It also allows it to get past Furthermore, it lands the OHKO on even bulkier variants of Gyarados is one hit.(remove space)</p>
[Additional Comments ADDITIONAL COMMENTS]
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<p>(remove space)The given EVs maximize Stoutland's offensive prowess by maxing out maximizing Attack and Speed. An Adamant nature and a Choice Band is used to make let it hit as hard as possible, but a Jolly nature does help it outpace Choice Scarfed Pokemon that have at least 108 base speed Choice Scarf base 108s, such as Terrakion, (comma) as well as +2 Cloyster after a Shell Smash. However, the power drop is generally not worth the ability to outspeeding these Pokemon. A similar thing can be said about Similarly, a Life Orb; while it does allow Stoutland to switch moves, it but loses out on power and it also takes damage when attacking, which makes Stoutland not able to revenge kill for as much of the game inflicts recoil damage on Stoutland, which limits its longevity and revenge killing utility. In addition, Stoutland only needs one move to revenge kill a threat, so switching moves is and generally does not needed to switch moves.(remove space)</p>
<p>Since As a sandstorm is needed to activate Sand Rush, support from Tyranitar or Hippowdon is a must. In addition to setting up a permanent sandstorms thanks to their Sand Stream abilities ability, both can also set up Stealth Rock, which is needed for enables Stoutland to secure OHKOs on Pokemon such as Salamence. Both options have their pros and cons: Tyranitar is a great option to can both trap Ghost-types with Pursuit or and defeat most outright with Crunch, which lets Stoutland spam Return with less of a worry; however, it also adds on the the Fighting weakness that Stoutland already ha compounds your team's Fighting weakness. On the other hand, Hippowdon can take physical hits aimed at Stoutland without much of a worry breaking a sweat, and it also has Earthquake to hit several Steel-types hard. However, it generally doesn't have as much firepower as Tyranitar does, which and hence doesn't fit as well with Stoutland's use as an offensive Pokemon the offensive Stoutland. It is possible to even use both on the same team, however, to help secure for even more security that a sandstorm will be up. In addition, using Hippowdon on the same team as Tyranitar can allow Hippowdon to use its Sand Force ability, which can lure in and KO Gliscor with Ice Fang, which can give Stoutland problems. One can also use Sand Force Hippowdon alongside Stoutland and Sand Stream Tyranitar to lure in and KO Gliscor with Ice Fang, taking out a threat that can give Stoutland problems. (tbh I'd move this to the very last part of this section, because it's sort of misleading here - hippo can't use both sand stream and sand force, sand force hippo doesn't provide any additional sandstorm security, etc) (remove space)</p>
<p>(remove space)The omnipresent Steel-types can also give Stoutland problems, as quite a few of them are not weak to Superpower and all of them resist Return. This makes Magnezone is therefore a good partner, as it can trap and KO several Steel-types such as Skarmory and Forretress. Other than Magnezone, There are several other options to lure in and take out Steel-types. Latios and Latias can cripple almost all Steel-types by using with Trick or Hidden Power Fire, and as can Reuniclus can cripple them in a similar way by Tricking a Flame Orb onto them and hitting them with Focus Blast. These three can also help eliminate Mach Punch users, who can outspeed and deal quite a bit of damage to Stoutland and outspeed it due to the priority the move has.(remove space)</p>
<p>(remove space)Although Ninetales, Politoed, and Abomasnow cannot directly deal with Stoutland under most circumstances, if the weather is changed, it could they can be problematic for Stoutland by changing the weather. If winning one really needs to win the weather war is really needed, Dugtrio makes a good partner due to Arena Trap. It can also trap and kill several Steel-types that Magnezone struggles with, such as Jirachi. Politoed is generally the only threatening weather starter against that significantly threatens sandstorm teams; so Virizion and Celebi can aid in dealing with the frog and the team rain teams in general (or did you mean help the sandstorm team?). Both Pokemon also have a way of getting past Steel-types, namely Fighting STAB and Earth Power, respectively, to help get past Steel-types. In that regard, if your team can maintain the sandstorm can stay up, Landorous is a good partner since as it resists Fighting moves, can use Sand Force to power up its moves in the sandstorm that Stoutland depends on, and gets a Ground STAB to hurt Steel-types can hurt Steel-types with its Ground STAB (as previously mentioned, move sand force hippo here imo :/)(remove space)</p>
[Other Options]
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<p>(remove space)Stoutland's movepool is not very large, but it has a few other options it could an consider. Retaliate most is more powerful than Return if a partner teammate has had fainted on the previous turn and is capable of OHKOing nearly everything. However, it is unable to late-game sweep if it had the move . While it is a great move for revenge killing as it is capable of OHKOing nearly everything, it is less useful for late-game sweeping, which is Stoutland's other main use function. Ice Fang OHKOes Gliscor and all variants of Dragonite that don't have Multiscale intact after Multiscale is broken, but it is a terrible move to get be locked into due to its very low Base Power. On a similar note, Scizor and Forretress are maimed by Fire Fang, but it is also very weak. (remove space)</p>
<p>(remove space)Work Up and Howl are options to raise Stoutland's Attack. However, Stoutland is generally better at off attacking immediately rather than raising its attack instead of setting up (why?). Stoutland gets Intimidate and several support moves, (comma) such as Thunder Wave, Yawn, and Roar, but it is usually heavily outclassed in this role heavily. Although its Stoutland's third ability, Scrappy, may might seem appealing as it enables Stoutland to hit Ghost-types, Stoutland is much less effective when Sand Rush isn't letting it double its speed. without the Speed boost from Sand Rush.(remove space)</p>
[Checks and Counters]
<p>(remove space)Thanks to Stoutland's speed being doubled Speed inside of a sandstorm, it cannot be revenge killed as easily as most other Pokemon can is hard to revenge kill. However, there are several Pokemon that Stoutland cannot hit hard enough to deal with. Jirachi is not hit hard by even Superpower, and can easily cripple Stoutland with paralysis. Forretress is similar, but it similarly walls Stoutland's attacks, and can instead can use the opportunity to set up entry hazards or attack it with Gyro Ball. Scizor can use take a more offensive approach and 2HKO with Bullet Punch. Bronzong and Metagross also aren't hit hard by Superpower, making which makes them good options as well. However, all these Pokemon, especially Scizor and Forretress, must be careful of the possibility a possible Fire Fang.(remove space)</p>
<p>(remove space)Although uncommon, defensive Cofargigus Cofagrigus is only 3HKOed by even Crunch, (comma) and itit cancels out Sand Rush thanks to its own ability, Mummy its Mummy ability removes Stoutland's Sand Rush. Thanks to Prankster, Sableye can outspeed it and burn it it Stoutland with Prankster Will-O-Wisp, and doesn't take much damage from any of Stoutland's moves. Hitmontop can switch into Stoutland thanks to Intimidate and hit it with Close Combat or Mach Punch. While Conkeldurr is 2HKOed by Return, it can KO it Stoutland easily with Drain Punch while healing off the damage it took, (comma) or 2HKO with Mach Punch. Breloom can deal 80% damage a minimum of 80% with a Technician-boosted Mach Punch, but note that it Mach Punch can never OHKO it with Mach Punch a healthy Stoutland, while Breloom is OHKOed by Return Return will OHKO Breloom.(remove space)</p>
<p>(remove space)Since As Stoutland holds a Choice Band most of the time, prediction aids in taking it down. For example, Jellicent can switch into Superpower or Return and attempt to burn Stoutland, Terrakion can switch into Return or Crunch while being able outspeed it if it has and outspeed Stoutland if using a Choice Scarf, and Skarmory can switch into anything but Wild Charge and set up Spikes on it or wear it down (with Brave Bird?). Although Abomasnow, Ninetales, and Politoed generally lose to Stoutland one-on-one, changing the weather makes Stoutland a lot slower they can slow Stoutland down by changing the weather. Finally, (comma) inflicting Stoutland with a burn or paralysis will makes Stoutland either much weaker or much slower, (comma) respectively, making it and consequently much easier to deal with. (this last point seems a bit like a random tacked-on afterthought tbh. i'm not really sure what to do with it; i'd suggest giving some examples or splitting it into its own paragraph if there's very much more to say about it, but you've raised examples of jirachi / sableye / jellicent in the preceding paragraphs - though separately. just wanted to point out that it seems a little out of place! :x)(remove space)</p>