Don't see what your point is. Pursuit is already getting a slash, and it actually is pretty easy to run a Pursuit user. Not sure if you are pushing for it to be a main slash but I don't see that happening at this stage.
Two Choice Band users are fine, I know others that have used them effectively, and I myself have been able to use them effectively (heck I ran 4 choice users on my most recent RMT so??).
Almost 50% of all Tyranitar ran Pursuit in June. While this is a new metagame, lots of people can and do run Pursuit on there Tyranitar, and as shown, its not at all uncommon. Choice Tar didn't get totally nerfed either. Choice Band Tar still works and still runs Pursuit and its still very effective in this metagame.
Crunch as the main slash, and then Pursuit is heavily advised (after discussing it with people) and thats the way most of QC feel the analysis should be.
Two Choice Band users are fine, I know others that have used them effectively, and I myself have been able to use them effectively (heck I ran 4 choice users on my most recent RMT so??).
Choice tar got nerfed due to tornadus t since it outspeeds scarf and its hard to fit pursuit on the mixed attacker set.
Almost 50% of all Tyranitar ran Pursuit in June. While this is a new metagame, lots of people can and do run Pursuit on there Tyranitar, and as shown, its not at all uncommon. Choice Tar didn't get totally nerfed either. Choice Band Tar still works and still runs Pursuit and its still very effective in this metagame.
Crunch as the main slash, and then Pursuit is heavily advised (after discussing it with people) and thats the way most of QC feel the analysis should be.