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Super Mystery Dungeon (Spoilers abound!)

I learned the hard way that Heal Block isn't actually as solid of a response as Ban Seed since Heal Block is classified as a normal status ailment, so Mewtwo will recover from Heal Block quickly at very inopportune times. Ban Seed on the other hand turns Mewtwo into a relatively simple fight compared to other legendaries since Aura Sphere and Psystrike aren't anywhere near as threatening as stuff like Sacred Fire, Blue Flare, Fusion Bolt/Flare, Spacial Rend, Dragon Ascent and all those other fun signature moves that have obnoxious range.

I'm actually not sure if bosses have the same PP limits that other Pokemon do though, I know in one of my early attempts I had set up like crazy with Giratina's Ominous Wind boosts and he just would not stop using Recover even after using up all of my Elixirs. Either way I would not recommend trying that either, Ban Seed is the way to go.
I did have the idea of using Ban Seed on Mewtwo when I saw it had Recover. It still whooped me though since I used Bisharp, Tyranitar, and Cobalion the first time I fought it. I'm thinking about going about the battle with the Spiritomb Curse strat, but I still gotta recruit it.

I'll fight it again later, but right now as of typing this, I just finished the after-game plot line and.... just wow. Never have I seen such a moment that just screams 'half-hearted'. You get your partner back through the most lazy plot twist and your player doesn't do anything, like get emotional and hug your partner or anything like that.

PMD's secondary plots aren't as great as the main story, but c'mon now. This one was incredibly lazy tbh. This makes Time/Darkness/Sky's after-game plot line seem like The Godfather, and I didn't think the after-story in those games were that great either.
I have a good question about Kecleon Shops. When you steal from them, and successfully make it to the Stairs, is there a memory mechanic involved? If you found another shop in a later floor, would the "thief prompt" activate immediately on entering? I believe I am in a favorable position to steal a Choice Looplet and make it to the stairs safely, but its at a lower floor in the Dungeon, so I really want to know. I have installed a Progress Device + right beside the Stairs too, so I believe I have created a controlled environment for myself now, right?
I have a good question about Kecleon Shops. When you steal from them, and successfully make it to the Stairs, is there a memory mechanic involved? If you found another shop in a later floor, would the "thief prompt" activate immediately on entering? I believe I am in a favorable position to steal a Choice Looplet and make it to the stairs safely, but its at a lower floor in the Dungeon, so I really want to know. I have installed a Progress Device + right beside the Stairs too, so I believe I have created a controlled environment for myself now, right?

Nah, they don't have anything like that. If that was the case, then the shops wouldn't be usable, not to mention the particular floors they do show up in would become incredibly difficult to navigate through since Kecleon spawn like crazy and can hunt you down incredibly fast.
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I played gates to infinity and the plot wasn't that good. I hope this one is better. I don't have any other mystery dungeon titles but the others looked good...
GtI is the weakest of all of them so that's fine. I'm not gonna lie and say this one's plot pales in comparison to past PMD games but the amount of references to the latter are absolutely ridiculous and will definitely crack a smile or two on a veteran player.

I'd recommend playing the previous before tackling this one tbh (their difficulty curve is also much nicer), but whatever works for you.
Any suggestions on a Whimsicott set? Cott is someone that I'm looking into, seeing that it has Prankster, Tailwind, and Helping Hand, and apparently Prankster here makes status moves take effect twice.
After several months of waiting, Super Mystery Dungeon finally came out here so I decided to go and buy it and see for myself what it's like. Answered questions honestly and decided to go with what the game chose for Pokémon which was... Chikorita (Main) and Squirtle (Partner). Have not seen too much in the way of data so IDK how that will go though Chikorita starting with Ancient Power was quite generous. Only up to the mission where you get introduced to Emera and Looplets but from what I have seen so far it is quite decent. The challenge is definitely there and the wands are a nice concept and Tiny Reviver seeds are also a good mechanic. One thing I do wish though was that they made swapping the default if you try to move into an ally and make pushing back a B-Hold. Attack menuing is okay though I wish you did not have to hold L; just tapping it would be fine. Quick access to items with the push of a button is also smart and mechanically the game is sound, just that dungeon game-play just feels slower compared to Explorers/Rescue Team in a game where most of your time will be spent in dungeons. Also Blast Seed is pretty dumb in the early game, allowing me to two-shot the first boss with ease... ._.

But yeah I like this new game for what I have seen at the moment and will continue playing it.
On the story and I think it is okay so far. It starts very slow and it has not been mind blowing so far but it feels above snooze-level and it's nice reliving memories of when I was a kid in school.

Character-wise I think the main partner to the main character so far is quite insufferable, like the annoying kid who won't leave you alone and did not spend much haste calling the partner irritating when the opportunity arised... then felt minorly sorry for the events afterwards, making me feel morally responsible for hurting someone's feelings. Everyone else I have been okay with so far though I like how the main character has a sense of sanity and thinking about others like when Goomy falls behind, and I kinda like Watchog as well. I have not really liked any of the signature catch-phrases that are omnipresent in the Mystery Dungeon series so far.
Just wanted to post that I finished my no reviver seed run of the story. The modification to oran berries and blast seeds from the previous games made it possible. The most annoying part was not being able to skip the talking and stuff in between the battles.
Any suggestions on a Whimsicott set? Cott is someone that I'm looking into, seeing that it has Prankster, Tailwind, and Helping Hand, and apparently Prankster here makes status moves take effect twice.
Not sure how it works with these moves but let's theorize... If you want to maximize the use of Prankster, Giga Drain / Helping Hand / Tailwind / Memento is probably your best bet. Giga Drain gives you reliable STAB and heals your HP back in case you are low - it is also very useful with the Type Bulldoze Emera given that Grass isn't the best offensive type; Helping Hand raises Attack and Special Attack of your partners by two stages, Tailwind increases speed twice, and Memento should drastically lower a boss's attacking stats to the point of them dealing 1 HP worth of damage per move to your team (you end up with 1 HP every time you use Memento and teleport out of harm's way - this is where Giga Drain comes in handy). If you think Memento is too situational then consider a second stab move in Moonblast if you feel Giga won't carry its weight.

I'm a level 36 Infernape and my partner is....a level 24 Lucario. Does anybody know a good place to grind?

Just do the quests to connect with all Pokemon. In this game, gaining experience is applied to every single Pokemon regardless if they are invited to the dungeon or not - you can use this to bring out high leveled powerhouse, steamroll missions, and raise everyone's levels. If you are serious about "grinding", invest in stat raising items as they are your best bet at having any semblance of power in the harder dungeons - use Gold Bars and Cofagrigus. Levels do not provide a good stat gain for any mon.
What do you guys think are the best orbs? I like using totter orbs and sleep orbs for monster houses.

Revive All orbs are really good, in the worst case scenario that your team is completely decimated (which happens a lot when exploring later dungeons.) Petrify orbs are also great for monster houses and for other sticky situations.
Probably 999 (or 9999) but you'll never feasibly reach that limit. You'll have more than enough to last you the whole game and net you stat boosts / TMs (realistically around the 400-500 range without grinding them).
Just finished the story; doing the epilogue now.

Story didn't have great pacing -- it started off way too slow but got fantastically hype at the end. Still pretty good though, and the loads of balance changes really helped a lot. One of my biggest complaints about Sky is how the RNG sometimes completely screws you over (and there's nothing you can do about it), but at least in this game it felt like any wipe was my own fault (or at least, there was something I could've done about it). fuck those razor wind spamming heliolisks though

The reveal at the end that your partner is actually mew felt like a complete ass-pull though. If mew wiped her (and your) memory, then why did the beheeyem say they did it? Did dark matter know about the memory wiping or did it figure it out? Or was your memory just wiped twice? If they said that before the events that happened at the very start of the game, both nuzleaf and beheeyem were working together (and then improvised a plan after you lost your memory), when exactly did you "appear" in the pokemon world? If "it's not you that needs to disappear, it's me", then why did you disappear that long time ago? What happened to mew after you disappeared?

I've only just started the epilogue so I don't know if any of these questions will be answered by the game. All I know is that at some point I'll meet up with my partner again.
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The fact that it's has 3 bosses all at once is what makes it annoying as balls to beat. Tips:

- Find the Ally Reviver Emera. This is all pure RNG but you can stall out floors enough to gather Emera Dust / Emeras to eventually find one. It helps immensely against the bosses's spread moves as you'll be the only one wasting Reviver Seeds. Revive All Orbs also help as it can replace 1 Reviver Seed if you bring 2 teammates and they die, giving you more bag space. This is basically the best way to beat these bosses tbh.
- Get a Progress Save S item. You can save before the 3 bosses, and if you have the right items, basically allows you to try the bosses many times until you get it. Saves the whole dungeon trek. You can do over if you lost too much over the reg dungeon run.
- Memento is awesome for bosses bc it makes them lose so much Atk / SpA until they start doing 1 HPs worth of damage, in exchange for reducing the user's HP to 1 so they die easily (Ally Reviver could negate this).
- Consider a Fairy type lead I guess. Immunity to the first 2 bosses worst spread moves is a godsend bc you can't die if you're offscreen as your teammates meatshield their way through the boss thanks to Ally Reviver. The first 2 do have Earth Power but that's not as deadly.
- If you can find Ban Seeds / have them, use them against the bosses to block their sig moves once they use them. Adding to this, if you have Shedinja, you can basically cockblock Power Gem and Dragon Ascent with Ban Seeds and you can beat the bosses without getting hit once thanks to Wonder Guard. Just bring a lot of Ether and good moves to hit them with.
- Spam the hell out of Alliances. Remember they ignore resistances. Sleep and Confusion can stall for enough turns while you spam them.
- Pokemon to use are anything with strong stats (such as those boosted by the stat boosting items from Cofagrigus's shop. You can cheese the entire game with enough stat pumping) and good moves with great effects (Glaciate / Silver Wind / Ominous Wind / Sacred Fire as spread moves are really good. Support moves like Memento, Encore, Sleep inducing moves, Confusion inducing moves are solid as well).

Hope that helps.
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