Super Smash Bros Brawl Tournament - Round 1

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It seems theres still a ton of battling to do. What will happen to those who still have yet to fight? I still have 1 left, but even if that gets counted as a loss I think I'd still move on.
Depends on a couple factors, hard to put the exact words but if you just try to get your battles done you shouldn't have any problems advancing over someone who didn't battle at all (applies for everyone). There is still a ton of time so I wouldn't worry about it yet.
Yeah... I am 2-0 which means even if I lose to OGsloane I will be tied with Firestorm for the lead... since two people move on I should also get to move on.
I am just saying sorry i haven't been able to unlock everything. After doing it once i have been really reluctant to do it again. I have most of it done already and I will the rest done by the end of the weekend. So everyone in my bracket should expect to face me in the next coming week.
Kirby division: Right now I'm trying to fix problems I've been having with my connection (mainly response lag) - I'm pretty sure my internet settings and whatnot are good, but my Wii is at the opposite end of the house from my computer, so I'm probably just going to have to buy Ethernet cables or something like that since moving it isn't a great option for a number of reasons.
Those in the Jigglypuff Division, I'll be able to start playing our matches next week. please PM or AIM me sometime, I'll also try to get in touch with you all sometime over the next week.
I'm afraid I shall have to bow out. I went home for Spring Break...and forgot my router up at school...yeah, I know, I forget stuff all the time...
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