Resource SV NU Viability Rankings

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If you simply wanted to pose an offensive presence while still maintaining the capacity to Spin, regular Avalugg already achieves this since Body Press + Ice Spinner is lowkey tough for most offense to switch into anyway, while H-Avalugg tries to get fancy with Ice + Dark + Rock/Ground(?) coverage or w/e to try and cover neutral. Avalugg can also fend off most spinblockers decently enough with the exception of physically defensive Sableye, which H-Avalugg also fails to beat. This mon just falls into this awkward segway where it's worse than Avalugg/Cryogonal when it tries to spin and worse than Crabominable when it tries to break, and H-Avalugg simply isn't good enough to combine these two traits into a consistent product because trying to lean into one aspect means it substantially sacrifices the other.

You only need ice dark coverage, what are you tacking rock and ground on for? And no, reglular Avalugg can't beat spinblockers as efficiently as it's completely crippled by Wisp, whereas Tera Dark Avalugg beats rotom and phys def Sableye handily; it even does ~50 to blimp when burned, so it's forced to keep recovering giving you a free turn. No, the mon isn't good per se, but it's certainly at worst on par with all that dogshit in C/C+ and I'd definitely rather use it than bink, swalot, and sliggoo-H fwiw.

252+ Atk Strong Jaw burned Tera Dark Avalugg-Hisui Crunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Drifblim: 244-288 (48.4 - 57.1%) -- 91.8% chance to 2HKO
252+ Atk Strong Jaw Tera Dark Avalugg-Hisui Crunch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Sableye: 184-217 (60.7 - 71.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Strong Jaw burned Tera Dark Avalugg-Hisui Crunch vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Rotom: 262-310 (86.4 - 102.3%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
40+ Atk Strong Jaw burned Tera Dark Avalugg-Hisui Crunch vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Rotom: 225-265 (74.2 - 87.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
40+ Atk Strong Jaw Tera Dark Avalugg-Hisui Crunch vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Sableye: 156-184 (51.4 - 60.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
40+ Atk Strong Jaw burned Tera Dark Avalugg-Hisui Crunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Drifblim: 208-246 (41.2 - 48.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

It also has the marginally cool niche of having good dark coverage for any IDBP sets so you're not walled by ghosts
:ss/raichu: :ss/raichu: C+ to B+ (or atleast higher than c+)
This Pokemon has never been bad—only outclassed, but now its only rival is gone. Due to the recent Jolteon ban, everyone’s been looking for a replacement and, well, this is it. Nasty Plot + Tera Fairy Draining Kiss beats your checks like Eelektross and Appletun and lets you sweep late-game. Lightning Rod is debatably better than Volt Absorb but Electric immunity is still there either way. With its moveset including: Surf, Focus Blast, and Tera Blast, (and grass knot but surf us stronger vs conda but tera grass g knot is smth) this thing can beat other Pokemon like Sandaconda or Magneton. It can also be more utility oriented with Encore, Nuzzle, Light Screen and Reflect. Overall it works just as well if not better than Jolteon did.

HO Screens (Raichu) @ Focus Sash / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Static
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpA / 252 Spe or
Timid Nature
- Light Screen
- Encore / Fake Out
- Reflect
- Volt Switch

Utility (Raichu) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Lightning Rod / Static
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Encore
- Nuzzle
- Volt Switch
- Surf

NP Pivot (Raichu) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Lightning Rod
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Draining Kiss
- Nasty Plot

Encore NP (Raichu) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Lightning Rod
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Encore
- Thunderbolt
- Surf
- Nasty Plot

All Out NP (Raichu) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Lightning Rod
Tera Type: Water / Ice / Grass
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Surf / Tera Blast / Grass Knot
Quick noms

:Rotom: S- -> S
Its main competition was just banned from the tier and its back to being the premier electric type. Appreciates the increase in water and ice types which affects conda usage, allowing it to click more often. Tera ghost with SBall is also extremely free.

:Samurott: New -> A/A+
I don't think it's as insane as people make it out to be, but it's still a very good mon. Definitely the better of the two water types we got.

:Floatzel: New -> A/A-
A very solid addition to the tier, and has some merits over samurott and bruxish, namely its speed tier. Can utilize CB sets more effectively at 361 speed.
my two cents on new drops:
:samurott: A+: this mon is just insane, pretty bulky with great coverage and the wicked knock off all in one, the only thing that doesn’t make it S in my opinion is how 4mss affects it but otherwise great mon.
:floatzel: B+: i think it’s pretty solid, not that good but the speedtier is pretty nice, been experimenting with mixed life orb sets recently and they are pretty good into the meta (hpump low kick ice beam is perfect coverage outside of croak and u can slam that with tera blast psychic)
:cryogonal: A-: i don’t think too highly of this guy and that’s solely cuz i rate froslass so highly right now as a spiker. it kinda wants 5 moves and it’s annoying because there’s no move that it really wants to drop too. still a great spinner in a tier that’s rly lacking in that department, but i think it’s a bit overrated.
:avalugg: A: the physical version of cryo except in my opinion it does much better into the current trends. its body press is rly strong and it’s really hard to take down after tera. just a bit too specially frail but now that the main 3 special attackers are gone i expect it to be even better than it used to be.
:avalugg-hisui: C: honestly this mon sucks but i’ve been messing around with av + wish pass and it’s actually not that horrible, still would always use his kalos brother 99% of the time tho.
another nom i’d like to do is having a sandaconda tier, because i think this mon is on a tier of its own, not that it’s particularly better than every mon in the tier, honestly if it weren’t for the fact that we didn’t have good ground type options i would rate it around A rank, but i feel like this mon shouldn’t be ranked the same way others are because it’s not thaaaat good, it just happens to be the only mon in its niche if that makes sense.
also mesprit should be the only S rank, this mon is above and beyond what any mon in this tier can possibly try to do.
thanks for reading
My thoughts on Pyroar:
:Pyroar: A/A+ : I've been using a few teams with this girl in manual sun and it is so powerful. This mon more than warrants a tera on it. Rivalry is a gimmick ability but in this tier there's not many downsides to using it. And using unnerve is still insane damage in sun but the downside is that you are walled by Blissey. :Blissey:

As I said before, rivalry is pretty insane. Good luck switching in. Here are some calcs.
252 SpA Choice Specs Rivalry buffed Tera Fire Pyroar Overheat over 2 turns vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 422-498 (107.1 - 126.3%) -- guaranteed KO in 2 turns after Leftovers recovery
Rivalry allows you to outright 2HKO Umbreon
252 SpA Choice Specs Rivalry buffed Tera Fire Pyroar Overheat vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Samurott: 311-367 (93.9 - 110.8%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
this is the common samurott set and it CANNOT switch in.
252 SpA Choice Specs Rivalry buffed Tera Fire Pyroar Overheat vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sandaconda: 420-496 (120.6 - 142.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO This is a hypothetical Max HP Max Spdf Sandaconda getting OHKO'd
252 SpA Choice Specs Rivalry buffed Tera Fire Pyroar Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Sandaconda: 432-510 (124.1 - 146.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO Flamethrower easily OHKOs the regular Sandaconda set.
252 SpA Choice Specs Rivalry buffed Tera Fire Pyroar Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Clawitzer: 177-209 (51.1 - 60.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
You get the idea out of sun this mon is still a monster.

So out of sun the mon is strong yeah yeah. But in Sun it gets crazy.
252 SpA Choice Specs Rivalry buffed Tera Fire Pyroar Overheat over 2 turns vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Blissey in Sun: 722-852 (101.1 - 119.3%) -- guaranteed KO in 2 turns
Blissey CANNOT switch in when sun is up. This is the common Blissey set in NU.
252 SpA Choice Specs Rivalry buffed Tera Fire Pyroar Flamethrower vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Samurott in Sun: 323-381 (97.5 - 115.1%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
What's a water type.
252 SpA Choice Specs Rivalry buffed Tera Fire Pyroar Overheat vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Eelektross in Sun: 388-458 (103.7 - 122.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
252 SpA Choice Specs Rivalry buffed Tera Fire Pyroar Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Assault Vest Eelektross in Sun: 270-318 (72.1 - 85%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

There is only 1 pokemon in the tier that can eat overheat over 2 turns with the rivalry boost and that's Appletun :Appletun:

Wrapping this up since it's kinda long, Unnerve is unnerve so I can just post the basic calcs to show that it's not that gimmicky.
252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Fire Pyroar Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Sandaconda: 350-412 (100.5 - 118.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Flamethrower btw
252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Fire Pyroar Flamethrower vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Samurott: 173-204 (52.2 - 61.6%) -- 97.7% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Samurott cant switch in
252 SpA Choice Specs Tera Fire Pyroar Overheat vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Dudunsparce: 476-560 (104.8 - 123.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Calm Mind Dudunsparce set is ohko'd
I'm rambling on about these calcs but this mon destroys NU being the only real viable fire type. PS. (I hope that Blissey's don't all choose male now)
My thoughts on Pyroar:
:Pyroar: A/A+ : I've been using a few teams with this girl in manual sun and it is so powerful. This mon more than warrants a tera on it. Rivalry is a gimmick ability but in this tier there's not many downsides to using it. And using unnerve is still insane damage in sun but the downside is that you are walled by Blissey. :Blissey:

I still haven't found time to test this meta, but I agree that on paper Pyroar :pyroar: looks better to me.
Now that the fake fire type Oricorio :oricorio: has gone, the lion is for sure the main fire mon: it has the same qualities as before like a powerful Overheat (especially if it's specsed) in a tier that doesn't generally prepare for this type (NU has no fire types now) and valuable speed for Scyther :scyther: and Pauros :tauros-paldea: which benefits from Jolteon's :jolteon: departure, so you have more freedom to adapt your defensive tera type for faster mons like Heasel :sneasel-hisui: and Tauros :tauros: (Tera-Ghost makes it immune to their STAB CC and Body Slam or Tera-Flying makes you still resist CC and suppresses Tauros' EQ)...
In the current meta, though, we also have numerous ice types like Avalugg :avalugg:, Cryogonal :cryogonal: and Froslass :froslass: with common tera-steel types, so you still have a positive match-up.

Will everything change after the next tier shift (probably getting Typhlosion :typhlosion: and Vaporeon :vaporeon: back)?

Most definitely. But these are my thoughts for the current situation.
I figure I'm probably late for giving opinions on the new drops, but dudun is banned which clearly makes my post entirely unique right? No? Well, idc I'm doing it anyways.

:Samurott: -> A/A+: This mon is just really scary to fight, especially with the lack of water resists. Personally, I've been using SD with the spread Punchshroom put in the metagame thread bc ye adamant is really nice. With that said, mixed sets are equally terrifying, though you do give up the potential of boosted Aqua Jets. Just a generically good, dangerous offensive Water type, nothing much else to say.
:Cryogonal: -> A-/A: This mon is definitely the best spinner we have... but that's not saying a lot. My frustration with this mon is that you always want more; more moveslots and especially, more EVs, more everything. In a game, this often manifests as either not having enough damage, bulk, or speed, all of which can be fatal. Tera can alleviate these problems to an extent, but it isn't a perfect solution and frankly, I think the meta still shapes up to where the hazard setters are significantly better than the hazard removal. Ime, if you can get away with not running hazard removal (notably by stacking multiple Spike immunes + 1/2 Rock resists), you'll be better off for it.
:Floatzel: -> B+: As much as I wanted non-rain Floatzel to work, it just isn't impressive. It definitely has a niche outside of rain, albeit a specific one, thanks to its speed tier and Water Veil, but on most teams, you'll be better off running Sneasel-h for speed and Samurott for an offensive Water. In rain, it's still terrifying, and admittedly rain is one of the better gimmicks in the tier atm, so B+ is abt right from a glance at the general power level of the mons.
:Avalugg: -> B+/A-: I'm a little lower on Lugg than most ppl, and I think that's bc ime, most of the game-ending sweepers are special and not physical, thereby making Cryo with its inverse bulk and access to Haze the better choice on most teams. Besides the more obvious immediate power, which is nice but not incredible, Lugg just feels worse and way more awkward to build with than Cryo. However, like Cryo, it's amongst the only decent spinners, and it is an extremely bulky physical check, so stall players rejoice Lugg + Bliss is in NU I never thought I'd see the day.
:Avalugg-Hisui: -> D: Honestly, I'd say just don't tier this thing but it has access to Rocks and even more physical attack, so there must be some overly specific, not actually good niche it can fill, right? Surely the low ladder Einsteins are solving the enigma that the rest of us simply can't begin to comprehend with our small brains.

Thanks for reading, hope you have a good day!
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Honestly, I'd say just don't tier this thing but it has access to Rocks and even more physical bulk, so there must be some overly specific, not actually good niche it can fill, right? Surely the low ladder Einsteins are solving the enigma that the rest of us simply can't begin to comprehend with our small brains.
Its physical bulk is the same. Do you mean physical attack?

So I was looking through the list of available Dual Screen users in the format, and Jumpluff stood out to me. It's fast enough for Dual Screens and has both Sleep Powder and Memento to deny Defog and facilitate setup sweepers. While the other potential Screeners like Froslass, Raichu, and 'Cryogonal' mainly offer a bit more offensive presence in exchange for some utility like lack of a suicide option or the inability to deter opposing setup, whereas Jumpluff just comes equipped with a disgustingly good utility package that surpasses nearly any other Dual Screener in the tier when it comes to pure support.

That said, if Dual Screen was the only thing Jumpluff was good for, I won't be convinced enough to argue for its ranking, but it has other useful standalone traits as well. For starters, Jumpluff's a fast Pokemon that resists Water, providing offensive teams additional insurance against Aqua Jet spam. It threatens a faster Sleep Powder on a decent chunk of the tier than Vivillon, and Swords Dance-boosted Acrobatics can pose a decent threat if your only answer gets slept. Its access to Encore greatly increases its utility, letting it switch in and force out Water, Ground, and Fighting moves as well as shut down Calm Mind attempts. Unfortunately Jumpluff is pretty piss weak unboosted and going itemless means it's vulnerable to Stealth Rock, but I think its collection of unique and desirable qualities can warrant it a preliminary rank of C/C+.

Do you have any replays showcasing this? Typically previously unranked Pokemon only get added to the voting slate with ample supporting replays / calcs. If you could add some before this weekend that would be great :o
Man I thought this rule was gone since it wasn't listed in the OP; ima get some soon Sleep Powder enabled easy Reflect + Memento setups for Farigiraf to run some train
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So I was looking through the list of available Dual Screen users in the format, and Jumpluff stood out to me. It's fast enough for Dual Screens and has both Sleep Powder and Memento to deny Defog and facilitate setup sweepers. While the other potential Screeners like Froslass, Raichu, and 'Cryogonal' mainly offer a bit more offensive presence in exchange for some utility like lack of a suicide option or the inability to deter opposing setup, whereas Jumpluff just comes equipped with a disgustingly good utility package that surpasses nearly any other Dual Screener in the tier when it comes to pure support.

That said, if Dual Screen was the only thing Jumpluff was good for, I won't be convinced enough to argue for its ranking, but it has other useful standalone traits as well. For starters, Jumpluff's a fast Pokemon that resists Water, providing offensive teams additional insurance against Aqua Jet spam. It threatens a faster Sleep Powder on a decent chunk of the tier than Vivillon, and Swords Dance-boosted Acrobatics can pose a decent threat if your only answer gets slept. Its access to Encore greatly increases its utility, letting it switch in and force out Water, Ground, and Fighting moves as well as shut down Calm Mind attempts. Unfortunately Jumpluff is pretty piss weak unboosted and going itemless means it's vulnerable to Stealth Rock, but I think its collection of unique and desirable qualities can warrant it a preliminary rank of C/C+.
Do you have any replays showcasing this? Typically previously unranked Pokemon only get added to the voting slate with ample supporting replays / calcs. If you could add some before this weekend that would be great :o
So back with Jumpluff:

Dual Screen as expected is not enough for me to rank it, as I've said so earlier. Swords Dance Jumpluff is serviceable but pretty matchup fishy, even more so than Vivillon, and the inability to wield Heavy-Duty Boots noticeably hurts as well. That said, I've noticed a pretty common running theme with how I've used Jumpluff during my numerous test runs, so I've decided to compile them into a more general utility set:

Jumpluff @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Infiltrator
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Leaf Storm
- U-turn / Memento
- Sleep Powder
- Encore

Encore + U-turn is a tried-and-true combo and is by far Jumpluff's most useful aspect. Mesprit also possesses this combo (honestly more reason why Mesprit can be argued for S), but Mesprit is mostly relegated to Encoring the slower setup sweepers of the tier, whereas Jumpluff can also Encore Water, Grass, and Fighting attacks. Plus, if Encoring isn't an option, Jumpluff could always just put something out of commission with its fast Sleep Powder and pivot away. Leaf Storm lets Jumpluff lean more heavily into its role of Water and Ground switch-in, and just gives it a immediate hard-hitting attack that it otherwise lacks.

252 SpA Jumpluff Leaf Storm vs. 80 HP / 0 SpD Samurott: 332-392 (94.5 - 111.6%) -- 62.5% chance to OHKO
252 SpA Jumpluff Leaf Storm vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Sandaconda: 332-392 (95.4 - 112.6%) -- 75% chance to OHKO
252 SpA Jumpluff Leaf Storm vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Rotom: 154-183 (50.8 - 60.3%)

That said, Jumpluff's utility noticeably falls off once something has been put to sleep and the opponent is still chock full of Grass resists ready to punish Jumpluff, but I think its brand of utility is just enough to eek out a niche in C. I may even swap out U-turn for Memento to squeeze even more use out of Jumpluff for facilitating setup-sweeping hyper offense teams. Lost this game due to Thunderbolt parahax (at least para me with Discharge come on) and some pretty dogshit misplays, but this game showcases Jumpluff's pivoting ability well Fast Sleep Powder + U-turn utility; wished that Leaf Storm at least hit to force Avalugg to recover Encore bailed me against Calm Mind Umbreon

Have you ever been wrong before?

So there's no denying that between the two, Avalugg is still undoubtedly better than Hisuian Avalugg, and Hisuian Avalugg doesn't really have much business going the 'dedicated holepuncher' route despite the coverage it has. So, much like I did with Jumpluff, I decided to mesh together some of H-Avalugg's most generally useful traits on a game-by-game basis. Shoutouts to lolbro for giving me a head start on the set's inspiration.

Avalugg-Hisui @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Strong Jaw
Tera Type: Poison / Dark
EVs: 160 Atk / 248 SpD / 100 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Mountain Gale / Ice Fang
- Crunch
- Rapid Spin
- Recover

Weird spread right? I found out that H-Avalugg kinda needs ZERO physical bulk investment to do its job; physical attacks aimed at H-Avalugg will either OHKO or don't 2HKO, regardless of HP/Def investment, so I figured that this investment is better off spent elsewhere. Turns out a max SpDef Hisuian Avalugg actually becomes pretty generally tanky; no longer is H-Avalugg instantly 2HKOed/OHKOed by every special attack in the format, so it can afford to trade blows should it need to. I invested into enough Speed to outspeed things like Muk, Eelektross, and Lurantis while also letting H-Avalugg outrun Sandaconda after a Spin; this extra speed also allowed Mountain Gale's flinch chance to come into play against those slower mons. Helmet Sandaconda is the reason I chose Mountain Gale over Ice Fang, but if that doesn't concern you then feel free to use Ice Fang instead for the higher accuracy, though I don't often find myself spamming Mountain Gale enough to be too worried about its accuracy, plus I'd just use Crunch anyway if I really wanted some guaranteed damage. Finally I dropped the rest of the EVs into Atk while hitting a breakpoint for general damage output, though this investment is pretty flexible so you can adjust as you see fit.

I didn't find Tera Dark to be very practical outside of letting H-Avalugg spin vs Sableye (admittedly useful but it's just this one advantage) and let H-Avalugg get the surprise drop on a boosted Psychic-type (though they may just Tera Fairy anyway expecting the 'defensive Tera + Crunch' or something), since it doesn't actually let H-Avalugg beat the Wisp Ghosts anyway and H-Avalugg doesn't need to Tera against non-Wisp Ghosts. Instead I found Tera Poison more useful in letting H-Avalugg to brawl more effectively, most commonly tanking an incoming Close Combat and blowing them up on their -1 Def, as well as providing poison/Toxic immunity from Muk & the Qwilfishes & absorb their Toxic Spikes.
0 Atk Sandaconda Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Avalugg-Hisui: 134-158 (40.4 - 47.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
0 Atk Muk Drain Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Avalugg-Hisui: 136-160 (41 - 48.3%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252+ Atk Abomasnow Wood Hammer vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Avalugg-Hisui in Snow: 134-158 (40.4 - 47.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Bruxish Wave Crash vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Avalugg-Hisui: 296-350 (89.4 - 105.7%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
252 Atk Life Orb Toxicroak Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Tera Dark Avalugg-Hisui: 260-307 (78.5 - 92.7%)

0 SpA Eelektross Giga Drain vs. 0 HP / 248 SpD Avalugg-Hisui: 158-186 (47.7 - 56.1%) -- 79.3% chance to 2HKO
0 SpA Eelektross Discharge vs. 0 HP / 248 SpD Avalugg-Hisui: 126-148 (38 - 44.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
8 SpA Appletun Apple Acid vs. 0 HP / 248 SpD Avalugg-Hisui: 242-288 (73.1 - 87%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 SpA Rotom Shadow Ball vs. 0 HP / 248 SpD Avalugg-Hisui: 147-174 (44.4 - 52.5%) -- 19.9% chance to 2HKO
252 SpA Pyroar Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 248 SpD Avalugg-Hisui: 220-261 (66.4 - 78.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 SpA Raichu Surf vs. 0 HP / 248 SpD Avalugg-Hisui: 214-252 (64.6 - 76.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

160+ Atk Avalugg-Hisui Mountain Gale vs. 252 HP / 176+ Def Sandaconda: 218-258 (62.6 - 74.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
160+ Atk Avalugg-Hisui Mountain Gale vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Eelektross: 199-235 (53.2 - 62.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
160+ Atk Avalugg-Hisui Mountain Gale vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Muk: 210-247 (50.7 - 59.6%) -- 84.8% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
160+ Atk Avalugg-Hisui Mountain Gale vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Raichu: 267-315 (102.2 - 120.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
160+ Atk Avalugg-Hisui Mountain Gale vs. -1 0 HP / 4 Def Eviolite Sneasel-Hisui: 265-313 (105.5 - 124.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
160+ Atk Strong Jaw Avalugg-Hisui Crunch vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Rotom: 328-388 (108.2 - 128%) -- guaranteed OHKO
I previously dismissed Hisuian Avalugg despite having the most offensive presence out of the spinners due to its unreliability at putting its offense to good use, but with this spread, I feel H-Avalugg has better odds of actually positioning itself to output its damage. I think C+ is an acceptable rank for H-Avalugg now; I respect it more than Komala at the least.


Speaking of C+, can we raise Raichu? Raichu's prowess as a boosting mon with Electric immunity + Tera Fairy Draining Kiss for both sustain & Dragon Tail immunity on top of a good Speed tier are all unique and valuable enough traits in NU for Raichu to not languish in C+.
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New VR update, the last one before the impending doom of next month's tier shifts :worrycargo:. We have also forced etern to join VR council after forcing him to become tier leader again, and Pokeslice and Tuthur have joined us as well. Big thanks to Phantomistix, Pokeslice, and skierdude101 for helping me write the latter half of these. Slate can be found here.

:avalugg: Avalugg New -> B+
:avalugg-hisui: Avalugg-Hisui New -> C
:cryogonal: Cryogonal New -> A-
:floatzel: Floatzel New -> B+
:samurott: Samurott New -> A+
:mesprit: Mesprit S- -> S
:rotom: Rotom S- -> S
:sableye: Sableye B+ -> A-
:lilligant: Lilligant B- -> B
:raichu: Raichu C+ -> B-
:electrode: Electrode C -> C+
:oricorio-pau: Oricorio-Pau UR -> B+

:eelektross: Eelektross S- -> A
:abomasnow: Abomasnow A -> A-
:cacturne: Cacturne A -> A-
:qwilfish: Qwilfish A -> A-
:haunter: Haunter A- -> B+
:medicham: Medicham A- -> B+
:tauros-paldea: Tauros-Paldea A- -> B+
:umbreon: Umbreon A- -> B+
:hattrem: Hattrem B+ -> B
:mabosstiff: Mabosstiff B -> B-
:misdreavus: Misdreavus B -> B-
:perrserker: Perrserker B -> B-
:camerupt: Camerupt B- -> C
:sliggoo-hisui: Sliggoo-Hisui B- -> C
:wyrdeer: Wyrdeer C+ -> UR
:chansey: Chansey C -> UR
:charizard: Charizard C -> UR
:dachsbun: Dachsun C -> UR
:dugtrio: Dugtrio C -> UR
:glimmet: Glimmet C -> UR
:honchkrow: Honchkrow C -> UR
:rabsca: Rabsca C -> UR
:spiritomb: Spiritomb C -> UR
:tinkatuff: Tinkatuff C -> UR

:avalugg: Avalugg New -> B+ Avalugg is an incredibly welcome (and not particularly unique) Ice-type Rapid Spinner. Unfortunately it's poor SpD makes it fall victim to Rotom, getting Spin-blocked in the process. Tera circumvents the unideal defensive typing and Avalugg has great coverage.
:avalugg-hisui: Avalugg-Hisui New -> C Somehow even a worse typing, and I'm not really saying anything unique here by saying this Pokemon sucks, but it does still have a very potent damage output.
:cryogonal: Cryogonal New -> A- Fast Haze, Reliable recovery, and Levitate +potential Tera Steel makes Cryogonal an amazing defensive Pokemon.
:floatzel: Floatzel New -> B+ Super amazing speed tier, high BP moves, and solid set diversity. Hates running into a Lurantis or Toxicroak but there's pretty few Water resists in the tier and if it runs into a team without a sturdy one it has a field day.
:samurott: Samurott New -> A+ Samurott's potential as a breaker is insanely high, with great mixed coverage, Knock Off, and priority. It has coverage for Water resists, nailing Appletun with Megahorn and Lurantis with Ice Beam. SD sets really appreciate clutch defensive and offensive teras as well.
:mesprit: Mesprit S- -> S Mesprit has no definitive checks, much less loose checks, and the amount of utility and power provided is greater than that of any other Pokemon available in the tier.
:rotom: Rotom S- -> S Every single ban that happened has benefited Rotom; Jolteon as an offensive Electric immunity, Zoroark as an offensive Ghost resist with very little counterplay, and Dudunsparce as a Normal immunity that could completely run away with the game if given a turn to setup. Rotom now remains the best Choice Scarfer, using Trick and Volt Switch, while also boasting an amazing defensive profile despite its poor bulk.
:sableye: Sableye B+ -> A- Prankster Encore is one of the more reliable ways to deal with multiple unique setup sweepers. Consistently removing items and checking threats like Toxicroak and Sneasel-H makes Sableye a great teammate even outside of more defensive teams.
:lilligant: Lilligant B- -> B This Pokemon has Quiver Dance.
:raichu: Raichu C+ -> B- This is a bit of Jolteon copium but as an electric immunity, Raichu has a niche in the tier. Nasty Plot sets can completely dunk on slower teams, with Draining Kiss restoring HP, Encore allowing for safe setup, and the rainbow of coverage moves Raichu has.
:electrode: Electrode C -> C+ Similar to above; less competition from Jolteon, fast Volt Switch + Tera Blast coverage is really powerful.
:oricorio-pau: Oricorio-Pau UR -> B+ This Pokemon has Quiver Dance.

:eelektross: Eelektross S- -> A Eelektross was thoroughly outclassed as a Coil user for a while, and its still quite vulnerable to hazards. AV Eelektross's vulnerability to Stealth Rocks is really easily exposed when caught in VoltTurn loops it's meant to help stifle.
:abomasnow: Abomasnow A -> A- New Ice-types in tier are better defensively, and the speed tier is very contested offensively. With Articuno and Cryogonal being so common, Abomasnow's STAB combination isn't nearly as potent anymore.
:cacturne: Cacturne A -> A- Not bulky enough to consistently setup Spikes, weak to U-turn, lacks recovery, and is slower than most other offensive threats so it can't even make use of it's only-okay-by-today's-standards attacking stats.
:qwilfish: Qwilfish A -> A- A lot more special attackers than physical in this meta, and the few physical attackers like Sneasel-H and Toxicroak end up beating Toxicroak anyway.
:haunter: Haunter A- -> B+ Haunter was honestly just overrated to begin with. Lots of common special walls that own it now and the speed tier isn't as valuable among breakers like Pyroar and Tauros.
:medicham: Medicham A- -> B+ In such a Psychic and Flying dominated meta with Sandaconda on every team, Medicham has a hard time being chosen as a breaker.
:tauros-paldea: Tauros-Paldea A- -> B+ conda runs tera ghost again gg. RU hurry up and give us the other formes this one is mid af
:umbreon: Umbreon A- -> B+ Umbreon is far too passive to justify its insane bulk on most builds.
:hattrem: Hattrem B+ -> B We have hazard removers we do not need to use this.
:mabosstiff: Mabosstiff B -> B- There are Pokemon as strong as Stakeout without requiring the opponent to switch.
:misdreavus: Misdreavus B -> B- Just overrated in the first place.
:perrserker: Perrserker B -> B- Just overrated in the first place.
:camerupt: Camerupt B- -> C Just overrated in the first place.
:sliggoo-hisui: Sliggoo-Hisui B- -> C Just overrated in the first place.
:wyrdeer: Wyrdeer C+ -> UR Wydeer has nothing going for it besides besides being a worse Psychic-type than Indeedee, which is already a worse Psychic-type than Mesprit. I guess Tera Fairy walls Appletun?
:chansey: Chansey C -> UR Blissey does everything Chansey does, but it has the ability to run Boots and can effectively run Shadow Ball, something Chansey can't really do.
:charizard: Charizard C -> UR There is literally no reason to use Charizard unless you're a boomer.
:dachsbun: Dachsun C -> UR If only our Fairy-type was good...this tier could be saved
:dugtrio: Dugtrio C -> UR You're using a Ground-type that isn't Sandaconda. Don't.
:glimmet: Glimmet C -> UR A fun HO lead, but HO isn't good right now and Bombirdier does it better.
:honchkrow: Honchkrow C -> UR If it still had Knock Off, and maybe it was given Stealth Rock, and also better bulk, and also Roost, MAYBE it could be an alternative to Bombirdier
:rabsca: Rabsca C -> UR Trick Room doesn't exist in this tier and Revival Blessing is not broken, despite what Tog will try to tell you.
:spiritomb: Spiritomb C -> UR Knock-off Sableye.
:tinkatuff: Tinkatuff C -> UR If only our Fairy- Steel-type was good...this tier could be saved.
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Pyroar A to A+

This pokemon is a nightmare to deal with if you don't have Appletun or Blissey. There's so many matchups where you can just click your STAB move and claim easy kills no matter if you're standard HDB or Choice Specs and force reactive Teras from your oppponent you can often capitalize on with the rest of your team later in the game. Even it's supposed best answers are more than annoyed by Taunt + Will-O-Wisp and if Blissey doesn't have Shadow Ball (which it kinda should in this post Jolteon + Dudunsparce meta with Rotom being amazing again) it even gets trolled hard by Ghost Tera which is nice vs Hisuian-Sneasel as well. It's speed tier is also still quite nice to outspeed dangerous Scyther. There's like not many games where it doesn't do a lot of work so A- rank really undersells it at this point.

Otherwise VR looks very fine to me after this update.

Edit: just saw that it's already A rank now so i'll nom it for A+ cause i think it deserves it.
Agree with Medeia, just watch recent Slam playoffs or NUWC games to see why Pyroar is so good. Turns out a tier with zero bulky Water-types gets farmed by a fast Fire-type! I planned on adjusting my vote from A to A+ once the tours really started going, but Togkey had already said she was working on the update post at that time...

I also am very certain Oricorio-Pa'u should rise into the A subranks. Fact stands that it's an Oricorio, meaning it has a very stupid interaction with Terastallizing that imo will always make any Oricorio viable enough to be somewhere in the As. I voted it A- and admittedly it lacks a lot of tours usage so far, probably due to Mesprit overlap, but it's still a very good option.
New VR update, the last one before the impending doom of next month's tier shifts :worrycargo:. We have also forced etern to join VR council after forcing him to become tier leader again, and Pokeslice and Tuthur have joined us as well. Big thanks to Phantomistix, Pokeslice, and skierdude101 for helping me write the latter half of these. Slate can be found here.

:avalugg: Avalugg New -> B+
:avalugg-hisui: Avalugg-Hisui New -> C
:cryogonal: Cryogonal New -> A-
:floatzel: Floatzel New -> B+
:samurott: Samurott New -> A+
:mesprit: Mesprit S- -> S
:rotom: Rotom S- -> S
:sableye: Sableye B+ -> A-
:lilligant: Lilligant B- -> B
:raichu: Raichu C+ -> B-
:electrode: Electrode C -> C+
:oricorio-pau: Oricorio-Pau UR -> B+

:eelektross: Eelektross S- -> A
:abomasnow: Abomasnow A -> A-
:cacturne: Cacturne A -> A-
:qwilfish: Qwilfish A -> A-
:haunter: Haunter A- -> B+
:medicham: Medicham A- -> B+
:tauros-paldea: Tauros-Paldea A- -> B+
:umbreon: Umbreon A- -> B+
:hattrem: Hattrem B+ -> B
:mabosstiff: Mabosstiff B -> B-
:misdreavus: Misdreavus B -> B-
:perrserker: Perrserker B -> B-
:camerupt: Camerupt B- -> C
:sliggoo-hisui: Sliggoo-Hisui B- -> C
:wyrdeer: Wyrdeer C+ -> UR
:chansey: Chansey C -> UR
:charizard: Charizard C -> UR
:dachsbun: Dachsun C -> UR
:dugtrio: Dugtrio C -> UR
:glimmet: Glimmet C -> UR
:honchkrow: Honchkrow C -> UR
:rabsca: Rabsca C -> UR
:spiritomb: Spiritomb C -> UR
:tinkatuff: Tinkatuff C -> UR

:avalugg: Avalugg New -> B+ Avalugg is an incredibly welcome (and not particularly unique) Ice-type Rapid Spinner. Unfortunately it's poor SpD makes it fall victim to Rotom, getting Spin-blocked in the process. Tera circumvents the unideal defensive typing and Avalugg has great coverage.
:avalugg-hisui: Avalugg-Hisui New -> C Somehow even a worse typing, and I'm not really saying anything unique here by saying this Pokemon sucks, but it does still have a very potent damage output.
:cryogonal: Cryogonal New -> A- Fast Haze, Reliable recovery, and Levitate +potential Tera Steel makes Cryogonal an amazing defensive Pokemon.
:floatzel: Floatzel New -> B+ Super amazing speed tier, high BP moves, and solid set diversity. Hates running into a Lurantis or Toxicroak but there's pretty few Water resists in the tier and if it runs into a team without a sturdy one it has a field day.
:samurott: Samurott New -> A+ Samurott's potential as a breaker is insanely high, with great mixed coverage, Knock Off, and priority. It has coverage for Water resists, nailing Appletun with Megahorn and Lurantis with Ice Beam. SD sets really appreciate clutch defensive and offensive teras as well.
:mesprit: Mesprit S- -> S Mesprit has no definitive checks, much less loose checks, and the amount of utility and power provided is greater than that of any other Pokemon available in the tier.
:rotom: Rotom S- -> S Every single ban that happened has benefited Rotom; Jolteon as an offensive Electric immunity, Zoroark as an offensive Ghost resist with very little counterplay, and Dudunsparce as a Normal immunity that could completely run away with the game if given a turn to setup. Rotom now remains the best Choice Scarfer, using Trick and Volt Switch, while also boasting an amazing defensive profile despite its poor bulk.
:sableye: Sableye B+ -> A- Prankster Encore is one of the more reliable ways to deal with multiple unique setup sweepers. Consistently removing items and checking threats like Toxicroak and Sneasel-H makes Sableye a great teammate even outside of more defensive teams.
:lilligant: Lilligant B- -> B This Pokemon has Quiver Dance.
:raichu: Raichu C+ -> B- This is a bit of Jolteon copium but as an electric immunity, Raichu has a niche in the tier. Nasty Plot sets can completely dunk on slower teams, with Draining Kiss restoring HP, Encore allowing for safe setup, and the rainbow of coverage moves Raichu has.
:electrode: Electrode C -> C+ Similar to above; less competition from Jolteon, fast Volt Switch + Tera Blast coverage is really powerful.
:oricorio-pau: Oricorio-Pau UR -> B+ This Pokemon has Quiver Dance.

:eelektross: Eelektross S- -> A Eelektross was thoroughly outclassed as a Coil user for a while, and its still quite vulnerable to hazards. AV Eelektross's vulnerability to Stealth Rocks is really easily exposed when caught in VoltTurn loops it's meant to help stifle.
:abomasnow: Abomasnow A -> A- New Ice-types in tier are better defensively, and the speed tier is very contested offensively. With Articuno and Cryogonal being so common, Abomasnow's STAB combination isn't nearly as potent anymore.
:cacturne: Cacturne A -> A- Not bulky enough to consistently setup Spikes, weak to U-turn, lacks recovery, and is slower than most other offensive threats so it can't even make use of it's only-okay-by-today's-standards attacking stats.
:qwilfish: Qwilfish A -> A- A lot more special attackers than physical in this meta, and the few physical attackers like Sneasel-H and Toxicroak end up beating Toxicroak anyway.
:haunter: Haunter A- -> B+ Haunter was honestly just overrated to begin with. Lots of common special walls that own it now and the speed tier isn't as valuable among breakers like Pyroar and Tauros.
:medicham: Medicham A- -> B+ In such a Psychic and Flying dominated meta with Sandaconda on every team, Medicham has a hard time being chosen as a breaker.
:tauros-paldea: Tauros-Paldea A- -> B+ conda runs tera ghost again gg. RU hurry up and give us the other formes this one is mid af
:umbreon: Umbreon A- -> B+ Umbreon is far too passive to justify its insane bulk on most builds.
:hattrem: Hattrem B+ -> B We have hazard removers we do not need to use this.
:mabosstiff: Mabosstiff B -> B- There are Pokemon as strong as Stakeout without requiring the opponent to switch.
:misdreavus: Misdreavus B -> B- Just overrated in the first place.
:perrserker: Perrserker B -> B- Just overrated in the first place.
:camerupt: Camerupt B- -> C Just overrated in the first place.
:sliggoo-hisui: Sliggoo-Hisui B- -> C Just overrated in the first place.
:wyrdeer: Wyrdeer C+ -> UR Wydeer has nothing going for it besides besides being a worse Psychic-type than Indeedee, which is already a worse Psychic-type than Mesprit. I guess Tera Fairy walls Appletun?
:chansey: Chansey C -> UR Blissey does everything Chansey does, but it has the ability to run Boots and can effectively run Shadow Ball, something Chansey can't really do.
:charizard: Charizard C -> UR There is literally no reason to use Charizard unless you're a boomer.
:dachsbun: Dachsun C -> UR If only our Fairy-type was good...this tier could be saved
:dugtrio: Dugtrio C -> UR You're using a Ground-type that isn't Sandaconda. Don't.
:glimmet: Glimmet C -> UR A fun HO lead, but HO isn't good right now and Bombirdier does it better.
:honchkrow: Honchkrow C -> UR If it still had Knock Off, and maybe it was given Stealth Rock, and also better bulk, and also Roost, MAYBE it could be an alternative to Bombirdier
:rabsca: Rabsca C -> UR Trick Room doesn't exist in this tier and Revival Blessing is not broken, despite what Tog will try to tell you.
:spiritomb: Spiritomb C -> UR Knock-off Sableye.
:tinkatuff: Tinkatuff C -> UR If only our Fairy- Steel-type was good...this tier could be saved.
There are a couple errors / oversights in here as I made this post at 4 am.. I will fix whatever Rabia hasn’t yet soon..
Overall I agree with Medeia and Rabia that Pyroar should be ranked in A+. Linking my mega post here, as I've talked a lot about how good the mon has been in the current meta both on Forums and in the NU Discord. I also agree that Oricorio, by virtue of being an Oricorio, should never be ranked lower than A-... We all know what the other Oricorio forms are capable of, and this one does the same things to a slightly less bullshit degree due to its slightly worse defensive typing prior to Tera. zS vs Shiloh in NUWC might've been one of the worst played games I've seen in this generation of Pokemon, a game of Scarlet Violet NU if you would, but it at least demonstrates how Oricorio is able to reverse-sweep using the demon set of QD/Taunt/Roost. Take this game with a grain of salt though, as it seems that Shiloh became allergic to winning in this battle......

Onto the real portion of the post, I have a couple noms for rises and drops that I'd like my thoughts to be known about. Wanted to keep it brief for now but I wanted to formulate a more definitive opinion on a couple of the mons I was going to include here


:houndoom: C -> B-:
Not gonna lie, when I first saw the slate and saw the amount of votes on Houndoom being pushed to UR, I thought it was lowkey disrespectful to my dawg.... Regardless, I think in the current meta, Houndoom does a lot of things similar to Pyroar to a lesser extent. Both are great offensive Fire-types in a metagame lacking consistent resists. Appletun and Blissey are checks, but both fear Wisp + Taunt, much like they do with Pyroar. Additionally, Houndoom has more room for experimentation due to a more expansive movepool, and has options such as Sludge Bomb for general coverage against Appletun, Sucker Punch for revenge killing faster threats such as Bruxish, and more notably Nasty Plot. Houndoom's raw power alone is able to force switches and allow for Houndoom to get opportunities to punch major holes in balance builds. Appletun takes around 75% from +2 Sludge Bomb, allowing Houndoom to open up doors for itself and its teammates. Defensively, it has a unique profile due to its 5 resistances and 2 immunities (with Flash Fire). It's a comfortable switch-in for a predicted Rotom Shadow Ball and Psychic STAB from Mesprit. These are both valuable in the current meta, as both are S-tier threats.

Houndoom does suffer from being a lot slower than Pyroar (95 compared to 106) and only 1 point stronger (110 to 109), but I think lumping it in the same rank as Avalugg-Hisui, Komala, and Crocolor is just not representative of its effectiveness in the current meta. I'd settle for C+, but even then I'd rather use this mon over weak ass Electrode and Thwackey...


:floatzel: B+ -> B:
I don't Floatzel is really that horrendous of a Pokemon, but I generally find it to be outclassed. I can see the vision for its ranking- High speed, Strong STABs, relatively high attack, and can't be burned. I've found a lot more success using other Waters in this metagame- Samurott can SD and Knock its checks, Bruxish can also SD and has a strong as FUCK dual STAB combo, and Clawitzer has pivoting and no direct answers due to its insane coverage. While defensive Grasses fear Ice Spinner, there's a pretty good handful of Pokemon that deter it from clicking its Water STABs like Toxicroak. A fine mon but I don't think it stacks up to the competition
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