From a personal standpoint, I'm a bit disappointed with the tiering decisions made in this generation.
I want to be transparent and acknowledge that I've held an anti-tera position since the release of SV, so my views may be biased.
From a teambuilding perspective, I don't even know what checks what anymore. I try to create my own teams and the tera typing slot drives me insane; I have to take into consideration what tera type is best against common switch ins; I have to take into consideration which tera type beats my opponents probable tera type; If my sweeper is countered by their tera, is there a tera I can put on another mon to counter their counter? Maybe it's just better going with stab? All these considerations make the teambuilding process overwhelming. I've been playing Pokémon for over a decade and it's intimidating for me, I can only imagine how it would be for newer players. This is only made worse when taking some time out of the meta to then have to re-learn all the new tera shifts - it just alienates me from dipping my toe back in when losing to a mon I didn't expect to tera into a certain type.
Moving on to the banning decisions, I can't help but question how much longer we can ignore the fact that most of the bans we've seen are due to the tera mechanic. From Espathra and Annihilape to Regieleki, Urshifu (Chi-yu?), and now Volcarona, the trend is clear. How many more Pokémon need to be banned before we finally address the tera mechanic? And what happens if tera does get banned? Will all these Pokémon be adjusted and retested simultaneously? This constant state of turbulence and chaos in the metagame could have been avoided if we had taken action against tera earlier. And let's not forget the frustrating 50/50 coin flip that comes with snowballing victories, which the tera mechanic can also produce.
And then on to the results of the latest quickbans. I don't understand how the council can justify the banning of Urshifu, voted only a 2.66 on the latest survey, and Volcarona which wasn't even on the latest survey. They then go on to ignore Zamazenta-Hero which had a very similar feedback response to Zamazenta-Crowned. I can't speak to the council having an agenda but it's disheartening to see the council's decision not aligning with the feedback from the community. It raises concerns about their decision-making process and whether there might be other factors at play.
Overall, I have to say that Game Freak hasn't done this community any favours when it comes to balancing the singles metagame in this generation. The power level has been turned up to an absurd degree, and it's affecting the overall enjoyment of the game.