Kinda surprised Alolan Ninetales didn't make the radar, considering it was on both of the surveys.
I'll just give my thoughts on these.
I do think the meta is in a tenable position for the next two or three months, but if we have to test anything Blood Moon is probably my first target. It's so fat and can crush balance and stall on its own. Unlike other stall breakers though, it feels like it can more consistently go 1 for 1 against aggro, making it not dead weight there. I don't think its impossible to keep this OU however. It does have positive qualities I like for the meta, namely how bulky it ends up being. CM just feels like a solid mon to throw on teams to help ease the pains of builder rn. Obviously it makes some of those pains worse in its own right, but I don't know if I would vote ban on it.
I think Waterpon, while nuts, is pretty healthy for the meta. Its set up sets feel a lot more manageable than its Fiery counterpart. Not getting that free +1 attack boost makes it a lot easier to deal with offensively. It still is a scary set up sweeper, but it wouldn't be in my top 3 concerns personally.
This would be my third test if anything. Manaphy is pretty nuts on both Veil and Rain teams. It is a great Tera abuser that just nukes things after a tail glow. It also helps a ton that its 100 speed feels less like a hindrance now. The metagame is a lot kinder to base 100 speed threats since Choice Scarf has fallen out of vogue and the meta has trended a bit slower this gen due to how good Zamazenta, Cinderace, Meowscarada, Greninja, and Dragapult are for speed control. I think its a bit gross right now, but I would probably test Blood Moon first.
Gambit is still the best one size fits all wincon in the meta. Nothing has changed on that front. I'd prefer to do a Gambit suspect in Wave 2, especially if we do a soft reset for the Indigo Disk meta. It's a bit of a necessary evil at the moment.
I am lumping these two together because they are part of the same problem. Gliscor imo is the tipping point where the hazards meta feels completely borked. Its such a fat pokemon that has so much utility that sets up hazards so easily. IMO, the problem with Hazards rn isnt the lack of removers, its Gholdengo. The stupid string cheese warps the hazards meta around itself and is so goddamn gross. I know testing Ghold would be a huge undertaking right now and would certainly be a major shift, but I feel it would do a great job of preparing us for the Indigo Disk. I do not want Ghold's influence on the hazard game looming over the next meta as well, skating by as we deal with more pressing matters like Tera.
Honestly, Valiant is fine and easily the mon rn I have the least of an issue with. I think its presence in the tier is just a positive one as a whole.
Bonus thoughts
Veil is so annoying and I am worried about how it will affect things in the Indigo Disk and forward. It enables so many sweepers to become super toxic. I'd be open to testing Alolan Ninetales right now, but I also kind of like the niche it adds to the meta. Veil Offense adds another flavor of weather to the tier and a whole teamstyle that makes the tier more diverse. I like how we have many different playable offensive team styles. Veil, Weatherless, Sun, Rain, BO, heck Trick Room even works. I like that diversity and I think A Tales adds to the tier more than say, Blood Moon.
Maybe if the tier settles down further, we test these? At least test Darkrai after we resolve Tera. Or drop both if we do a bit of a soft reset with The Indigo Disk? I can dream