Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

What is this trying to say?
I was trying to say that if stronger pokemon than the one being suspected have been allowed to stay with a DNB result or are not even in the conversation for bans, then it's a valid conclusion to say "This should not go either then". It was not about who should go first.
Posting my thoughts on gliscor here

As much as id like to do reqs and all, i have school to work on + rugby, so most likely i cant do it. I however want to say what i think gliscor is to me.

Gliscor is...certainly something. Im pretty mixed on it. While i do recognize how powerful its ability to just stay on the field and pratically do whatever, relying on protect is exploitable for me at least, as boosting is not entirely out of the question. Generally without tera, kyurem and wellspring have fairly good chances to force it out. With tera, it becomes a whole nother beast. Tera normal blocks hex from working, tera water flips its weaknesses, and tera ghost blocks idbp zama and spinning. When it teras, it is a nightmare to beat it, especially when it SDs or toxics or spikes or whatever. When it can't tera, it feels at least sorta managable. Take my opinion with a heavy grain of salt though.

Now, lets talk about the sets it usually runs. The standard spikes is strangely specially bulky to a surprising degee, as it can survive stuff like prima surf and having a fairly good chance at surviving av glowking ice beam. Its moves are fairly straightfoward, with spikes, protect, eq, and knock off or toxic. With knock off, you mess with air balloon mons like ghold and boots users like tusk, or with toxic you completely destroy tusk. Spikes makes any potential switch in have to be really careful about it, and protect is just...well i definitely have an opinion over it specifically on glis and kyu.

SD is where to really wacky stuff is. With glis, it runs SD, protect, facade most of the time, then eq or knock or ice fang. This is where i think the issue is with a lot of people. Even if its uninvested, the only reliable checks to a +2 are corv and skarm(both are kinda shit though). It can run max speed to beat lando and facade it into oblivion, it can still run specially defensive to eat raging bolt for breakfast. Hell, ive seen sd agility, and it sweeps my team half the time. This isnt even including tera by the way, it makes it way worse to deal with.

Overall, gliscor is a crazy tera abuser, which in my opinion, pushes it over the edge. Even when it doesnt however, it can still mess with any team with how frustrating it is with both sets.
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Flamethrower doesn’t come close to a 3HKO.
(I'm guessing this is without counting Tera Fire) I just wanted to add this:
0 SpA Moltres Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Zamazenta: 105-124 (27 - 31.9%) -- 42.5% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

I'm not sure if Zamazenta usually runs max bulk all the time (I have teams where it does, teams where it doesn't) since running no attack EVs makes it less effective aganist Glowking / Gholdengo, less speed can make it lose aganist faster Zama Roar, but in this case I'm assuming this is a max bulk Zama.
27 to 31 is actually near a 3HKO especially when you consider that Zama when using Rest is inactive for three turns. Due to Rest having now 8 PPs, and Flamethrower 24, if you Moltres has Scorching Sands (I really like it to spread burn even faster + hitting a Glimmora / Heatran switching in) you are pretty close to straight up PP stall Zama's Rests. Zama is also 1 crit away while sleeping (which, if you hit a Pokémon 24 times, you have to honestly take into account) of just losing the 1v1, and either switch asleep or faint.

I do still think RestoChesto Zama is really good, I just wanted to make this point since I didn't agree with it. I do agree tho with with most of the points you made, just wanted to point out this.
(I'm guessing this is without counting Tera Fire) I just wanted to add this:
0 SpA Moltres Flamethrower vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Zamazenta: 105-124 (27 - 31.9%) -- 42.5% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery

I'm not sure if Zamazenta usually runs max bulk all the time (I have teams where it does, teams where it doesn't) since running no attack EVs makes it less effective aganist Glowking / Gholdengo, less speed can make it lose aganist faster Zama Roar, but in this case I'm assuming this is a max bulk Zama.
27 to 31 is actually near a 3HKO especially when you consider that Zama when using Rest is inactive for three turns. Due to Rest having now 8 PPs, and Flamethrower 24, if you Moltres has Scorching Sands (I really like it to spread burn even faster + hitting a Glimmora / Heatran switching in) you are pretty close to straight up PP stall Zama's Rests. Zama is also 1 crit away while sleeping (which, if you hit a Pokémon 24 times, you have to honestly take into account) of just losing the 1v1, and either switch asleep or faint.

I do still think RestoChesto Zama is really good, I just wanted to make this point since I didn't agree with it. I do agree tho with with most of the points you made, just wanted to point out this.
You never run attack unless you’re Tera Dark tbh, but the main point is that in the initial interaction you’re forced to eat a +3 BP and Roar with it against offense the first time through, which leaves it in range for other things you can check. It’s super easy to get by with this when pairing Zama with a Knock or CM Valiant, NP Ghold, Taunt Tusk, Fire Gambit, etc. and you’re allowed to risk the burn easier with RestoChesto in the back.

I’d say that Moltres wins the 1v1 if it crits a few long-term or if it runs Hurricane, but Roar + Uturn is way more common right now and your far more likely to just Roar out Zama (and you have to respect Stone Edge initially as well) — my point is you can’t just slap Moltres onto every team and assume Zama is covered. You want to pair it with a Hex Pult to seize tempo or RK, an Encore Pokemon, or even a GKing — and with this much energy dedicated towards not even fully containing certain variants is a testament to how something mainly utility focused is just so good.
You never run attack unless you’re Tera Dark tbh
Does this mean you don't run Attack EVs unless you're Tera Dark, or something else I missed?

Taunt Tusk
How fr is this? I'm not particularly surprised Tusk can run this. It's Tusk. But it feels like you'd run it on other teammates? Or is it just a case of Tusk carrying the utility burden for it's team?
Does this mean you don't run Attack EVs unless you're Tera Dark, or something else I missed?

How fr is this? I'm not particularly surprised Tusk can run this. It's Tusk. But it feels like you'd run it on other teammates? Or is it just a case of Tusk carrying the utility burden for it's team?
On Rest / ID / BP / Crunch Zama, you typically run Speed, Defense, and HP EVs. If you are running Tera Dark, which typically you only do if you’re very well-off into Fairy types on your team and want to lure Ghold/GKing, then you can opt to run attack EVs for some ranges.

Eh, I used it once in SCL and a few times on ladder. It’s really good into fat if you call out turns or Corv/Skarm stuff in general. Combining RH with Taunt to stop roost can go a long way and it avoids random Flying/bulky Fairy Gambit or Water Gliscor from setting up on you.

I’d say it’s most usable on Tusk teams that both have another good Knock Off user and Stealth Rock setter that don’t feel the need to run CC for OHKO on Moon, hitting Normal Gliscor, and doing extra to Rotom-W.
Mola hate has always been a thing, always will be a thing, and always should be a thing. It invalidates all of the most asinine playstyles from SubTect Kyurem to ZapKingLu and from ClodGanacl to any variant of stall. Banning Alomomola would be the single most positive tiering action taken this generation, as it would make every threat in the tier easier to manage by virtue of gutting their health recovery. Kingambit, Raging Neck, and Zamazenta can no longer heal back to full for free, you can’t have your special attackers nuked by a surprise Mirror Coat anymore to enable a sweeper, fatmons get easier to chip and break, offensive mons are easier to pressure, boots spammers have to actually worry about hazard chip, the list goes on.
Ok so first off the first 3rd of this alomomola rant sound more in favor of it than otherwise. Second off personally I don't see why it should be banned in my opinion. It kind of has the same idea has gliscor (which I also think isn't banworthy) as a bulky pokemon that can seemingly do whatever it wants. However I would say at least gliscor has more (good) set variety. Sure alomomola has its av set but unlike gliscor (where both sets have equal viability and value) this set feels inferior to the standard wish set. Another problem with alomomola is that unlike gliscor it needs its item so it can ignore hazards. It can't afford to lose hdb or the regenerator ability does basically nothing. In short while wish is a powerful tool it isn't nearly as annoying as gliscor and though I think gliscor is annoying it shouldn't be banned imo
Ok so first off the first 3rd of this alomomola rant sound more in favor of it than otherwise. Second off personally I don't see why it should be banned in my opinion. It kind of has the same idea has gliscor (which I also think isn't banworthy) as a bulky pokemon that can seemingly do whatever it wants. However I would say at least gliscor has more (good) set variety. Sure alomomola has its av set but unlike gliscor (where both sets have equal viability and value) this set feels inferior to the standard wish set. Another problem with alomomola is that unlike gliscor it needs its item so it can ignore hazards. It can't afford to lose hdb or the regenerator ability does basically nothing. In short while wish is a powerful tool it isn't nearly as annoying as gliscor and though I think gliscor is annoying it shouldn't be banned imo

should have been obvious that was a spelling error from the tone of the post
Gliscor might be good against fat but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s absolutely asinine on fat cores. Mola teams will become insufferable and that’s fine, we can just ban Mola because of how broken it is. Lots of broken threats are able to guaranteed progress against fat teams, doesn’t mean that they also can’t be broken on fat teams. As for bootspam teams getting better with the bastard scorpion gone, JFL cry about it, if you actually think bootspam teams are a problem then you just suck at the game.
What is asinine about it? In spite of its advantages, it still needs a lot of team support to succeed on fat given the plethora of good knock absorbers such as corn clef Lando and other gliscor, as well as its weakness to common breakers such as Ogerpon-Wellspring and Darkrai. You once again are confusing "strong and dare I say "annoying" with "broken and needs to be removed." What it brings to the meta completely outweighs your petty annoyance
Arguably, only Kyurem and Wogerpon can make progress against every Gliscor set. Everything else can be beaten in some way, and Gliscor is now better than ever at beating its checks. Hex users not only have to fear Knock Off but can also be caught off guard by Tera Normal. I’d go as far as to even say that aside from Kyurem and Wogerpon, Gliscor invalidates any Pokemon that doesn’t have a setup move, because it can just brainlessly Protect over and over again, becoming unkillable through Tera and being impossible to OKO unboosted without an Ice attack pre-Tera.

Mola hate has always been a thing, always will be a thing, and always should be a thing. It validates all of the most asinine playstyles from SubTect Kyurem to ZapKingLu and from ClodGanacl to any variant of stall. Banning Alomomola would be the single most positive tiering action taken this generation, as it would make every threat in the tier easier to manage by virtue of gutting their health recovery. Kingambit, Raging Neck, and Zamazenta can no longer heal back to full for free, you can’t have your special attackers nuked by a surprise Mirror Coat anymore to enable a sweeper, fatmons get easier to chip and break, offensive mons are easier to pressure, boots spammers have to actually worry about hazard chip, the list goes on.
Why is "every set" the benchmark? Gliscor has maybe the biggest 4mss of all time, SD variants that don't carry toxic are forced out by roar, whirlwind, encore, and in general are easier to switch into since you don't have to risk toxic, but more passive toxic variants are weaker to aggressive play and also can be walled with mons such as Gholdengo in a way SD cannot, even solely looking at offensive variants, having to choose between two of facade EQ or knock leads to it getting completely walled by different meta threats. Gliscor has a ton of disadvantages they just are different depending on which set it runs, if "I have to use my brain to beat it" is the standard for a ban then Garg should have been removed long ago, however it hasn't been because that's ridiculous. DEFEND STALL, PRESERVE GLISCOR!
Posting my DNB post when suspect thread opens. Gliscor will stay.


should have been obvious that was a spelling error from the tone of the post
lowkey this kinda gives off an asshole vibe. cmon man youre better than this. i have autism and i genuinely couldnt tell it was a spelling error because i cannot read tone for shit.
Posting my DNB post when suspect thread opens. Gliscor will stay.

lowkey this kinda gives off an asshole vibe. cmon man youre better than this. i have autism and i genuinely couldnt tell it was a spelling error because i cannot read tone for shit.
If you're actually offended by that I don't know what to tell you. I was just making sure to correct myself because it seems like the spelling error shouldn't have actually caused any misunderstanding based on the context by the post, and one person misunderstanding might lead to another person misunderstanding as well, and since replies don't update on edits I kind of have to put that out there because otherwise someone else might misinterpret it. I guess I could have worded it a bit better but I'm also dumbfounded as to how there could be any ambiguity around my perceptions of that wretched thing.

For clarification (cause apparently people are misinterpreting my post)
Arguably, only Kyurem and Wogerpon can make progress against every Gliscor set. Everything else can be beaten in some way, and Gliscor is now better than ever at beating its checks. Hex users not only have to fear Knock Off but can also be caught off guard by Tera Normal. I’d go as far as to even say that aside from Kyurem and Wogerpon, Gliscor invalidates any Pokemon that doesn’t have a setup move, because it can just brainlessly Protect over and over again, becoming unkillable through Tera and being impossible to OKO unboosted without an Ice attack pre-Tera.

Mola hate has always been a thing, always will be a thing, and always should be a thing. It validates all of the most asinine playstyles from SubTect Kyurem to ZapKingLu and from ClodGanacl to any variant of stall. Banning Alomomola would be the single most positive tiering action taken this generation, as it would make every threat in the tier easier to manage by virtue of gutting their health recovery. Kingambit, Raging Neck, and Zamazenta can no longer heal back to full for free, you can’t have your special attackers nuked by a surprise Mirror Coat anymore to enable a sweeper, fatmons get easier to chip and break, offensive mons are easier to pressure, boots spammers have to actually worry about hazard chip, the list goes on.
I do not think of Alomomola as anything except for the cancer that is killing Gen 9 OU. It enables every part of this meta that sane people hate and its banning would make every threat in the tier more manageable as a whole.
If you're actually offended by that I don't know what to tell you. I was just making sure to correct myself because it seems like the spelling error shouldn't have actually caused any misunderstanding based on the context by the post, and one person misunderstanding might lead to another person misunderstanding as well, and since replies don't update on edits I kind of have to put that out there because otherwise someone else might misinterpret it. I guess I could have worded it a bit better but I'm also dumbfounded as to how there could be any ambiguity around my perceptions of that wretched thing.

For clarification (cause apparently people are misinterpreting my post)

I do not think of Alomomola as anything except for the cancer that is killing Gen 9 OU. It enables every part of this meta that sane people hate and its banning would make every threat in the tier more manageable as a whole.
I have a suggestion. Taunt. You stop Wish spam. I have another suggestion. Psychic Noise. You counter healing. I have a third suggestion. Double swap or click a pivot move since Alomomola is extremely telegraphed. I have a 4th suggestion. Rillaboom Woodhammer. I have a 5th suggestion. Try Wellspring, which uses Alomomola as setup fodder.
I have a suggestion. Taunt. You stop Wish spam. I have another suggestion. Psychic Noise. You counter healing. I have a third suggestion. Double swap or click a pivot move since Alomomola is extremely telegraphed. I have a 4th suggestion. Rillaboom Woodhammer. I have a 5th suggestion. Try Wellspring, which uses Alomomola as setup fodder.
I have a 6th suggestion.

252+ SpA Protosynthesis Raging Bolt Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Alomomola: 812-956 (152 - 179%) -- guaranteed OHKO

This tells you all you need to know.
yea nice calc from another should-be uber pal

132 SpA Tera Grass Iron Moth Energy Ball vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Alomomola: 530-626 (99.2 - 117.2%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

tera grass moth doesn’t even ohko guaranteed, if this isn’t grounds for calling for mola’s removal idk what is
How about another suggestion?

252 SpA Choice Specs Kyurem Freeze-Dry vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Alomomola: 638-752 (119.4 - 140.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+1 0 SpA Sinistcha Matcha Gotcha vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Alomomola: 564-666 (105.6 - 124.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO
yea nice calc from another should-be uber pal

132 SpA Tera Grass Iron Moth Energy Ball vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Alomomola: 530-626 (99.2 - 117.2%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO

tera grass moth doesn’t even ohko guaranteed, if this isn’t grounds for calling for mola’s removal idk what is
I mean that isn't even max special attack. Also why would you ever have iron moth in on mola anyway let alone tera grass?