I think people are exaggerating how healthy Great Tusk is for the metagame. After only a single Rapid Spin it has the potential to become unstoppable due to its natural bulk that allows it to survive even SE special attacks in tandem with its monstrous attack stat that often means setup isn't even required (unless you count Rapid Spin as setup). It has the coverage options to easily beat ALL spinblockers (yes even FRAUDcha) and is a pain in the ass to stop from spinning as after spinblocking you basically have only a single turn before the enemy clicks a much stronger attack. In order to reliably beat it you need a robust physical wall, usually a Rooster, or something that outspeeds even after a boost and can hit it SE, or SE priority (which is really only Aqua Jet because nobody uses Weavile anymore), OR you just hit it hard, accept that a mon will die, and THEN nuke it with priority, and of course, you can also just have the right Tera. None of that is particularly hard to do or to fit on a team, but if you don't have at least one of those things at the ready when the elephant is about to spin or has already spun, it's basically guaranteed that Tusk is going to flatten what remains of your team. I don't think it should be banned, but I do think that people need to stop hailing it as some paragon of a healthy metagame. All that being said, I'd still take dealing with the Proboscidean Entity over Fenris Wolf (thanks Raikou Fan) any day of the week.