Heatran shuts down (kinda) non TWave / non Specs Shadow Ball / non CB Ghost Tera / non (While it’s rare) Water coverage Pult and it sits aganist some Val sets while yeah checking Ghold and teraless Moth
However, it gets owned by Waterpon, Tusk, Gliscor, Lando, Scorching Sand Moltres, Ting Lu… It’s also extremely susceptible to hazards and Knock Off and if you’re running Flash Fire (you kinda need it for Moth) they will Knock off aganist you.
It can’t also really switch into special attackers; Primarina, Darkrai, Enamorus… They have coverage
Neither into walls like Corv or Skarm, since they will chip it heavily.
Asides from Glowking landing MS on its switch in, you also cannot trap anything relevant. Alo can pivot, Pex and Bliss are irrelevant rn, Clod can win 1v1 with EQ…
Idk, seems like a really, really bad mon imo
However, it gets owned by Waterpon, Tusk, Gliscor, Lando, Scorching Sand Moltres, Ting Lu… It’s also extremely susceptible to hazards and Knock Off and if you’re running Flash Fire (you kinda need it for Moth) they will Knock off aganist you.
It can’t also really switch into special attackers; Primarina, Darkrai, Enamorus… They have coverage
Neither into walls like Corv or Skarm, since they will chip it heavily.
Asides from Glowking landing MS on its switch in, you also cannot trap anything relevant. Alo can pivot, Pex and Bliss are irrelevant rn, Clod can win 1v1 with EQ…
Idk, seems like a really, really bad mon imo