Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4

>Overflowing levels
I'm a coder, I know that means we'll loop back around to minimum!

To briefly interject with something I've been thinking about, what is the lowest a Banned mon has been on the viability rankings this Gen (in the Meta from which it was removed)? Have any of them been specifically uncompetitive interactions or support demanding (as I tend to imagine of the B+/A- level mons), or generally all just been really good at a "standard" role or playstyle? Curious since the latter might be part of a conversation about the rising general power level vs standout problem children.
btw what does enamorus do in OU? it feels very awkward to fit onto teams because its meh speed, average offenses, and fairy stab that gets walled by OU Mons a lot feels not good enough...

for ex CM + sub still feels walled by corv, weav, slowking-g (you have to burn tera), still weak to stuff like ogerpon-w clicking into you... idk it feels very awkward

a scarf set who is weak to rocks is asking for trouble, and a specs set who has to guess about slowking-g or iron crown is not smth i like
I don't think Dragonite is broken. It is on an upswing as Srn has stated, but Dragonite isn't what comes to mind when one thinks of potentially broken threats as its low speed is a big drawback despite its wider range of set variety lately as that speed tier results in there being counterplay options such as Zamazenta (arguably a top 1 or 2 mon in the meta), Booster Speed mons, certain fast scarfers such as Darkrai, a number of Red Card users, such as Ting-Lu, and also a few of the Eject Button users available to get a mon with a favourable match-up in.

Dragonite generally has useful defensive utility for SV OU as it has in past generations and is a good anti-cheese option in and of itself, which is a positive for the tier given how many strong set-up sweepers there are while Dragonite is simultaneously not the best of them, partially due to the low Base Power of its coverage options aside from Earthquake. Banning Dragonite would be a big loss for the meta IMO.
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my predictions:
he didnt shut down the irl game event thing so thats possible, but thats really not the controversial thing he made it out to be

something big w the site itself, either smog or ps, like a complete overhaul of everything, the issue being these are community-run things so itd either be too much of a secret and the community wouldnt adapt properly, or too little and word would spread very easily. plus, both sites are fine as is, despite being slllightly antiquated. if something were to happen thats big, id anticipate a visual overhaul for ps, would explain the gen 9 sprites being the way they are. again, wouldnt exactly be gambling the future of the tier

maybe it could be something thatd take the attention away from ou and other usage based formats then. maybe new, viability based formats, but thay seems silly and not necessary

what if its a complete smogon rebrand? smogon the name is super controversial particularly as of late due to stuff coming to light, which wouldnt shock me, but uh... that feels a bit manipulative to hold behind everyones back like its a big reveal

actually, back to the previous point regarding a new site and community stuff, what if its not ready yet? it could just be an announcement, which would actually let the supposed "gamble" be a lot safer
I don't think Dragonite is broken. It is on an upswing as Srn has stated, but Dragonite isn't what comes to mind when one thinks of potentially broken threats as its low speed is a big drawback despite its wider range of set variety lately as that speed tier results in there being counterplay options such as Zamazenta (arguably a top 1 or 2 mon in the meta), Booster Speed mons, certain fast scarfers such as Darkrai, a number of Red Card users, such as Ting-Lu, and also a few of the Eject Button users available to get a mon with a favourable match-up in.

Dragonite generally has useful defensive utility for SV OU as it has in past generations and is a good anti-cheese option in and of itself, which is a positive for the tier given how many strong set-up sweepers there are while Dragonite is simultaneously not the best of them, partially due to the low Base Power of its coverage options aside from Earthquake. Banning Dragonite would be a big loss for the meta IMO.
I don't think anyone was actually suggesting dragonite was broken, if anything they where suggesting setup/tera is broken
I don't think anyone was actually suggesting dragonite was broken, if anything they where suggesting setup/tera is broken
Well, I am anti-Tera myself, but I've made peace with the fact that the only action on Tera we might get is banning Tera Blast as there's not enough time restart the meta from scratch. I do not believe banning setup + Tera will be seriously considered, and that's why I responded the way I did.
I suspect you’ll be wrong. The excitement will be pooled up to overflowing levels with this one. There are like five hundred thousand different directions it can go from an outsider POV right now, so don’t bother shopping around for different opinions and just wait for Thursday

Tournament with $500,000 prize pool?

Fun to dream but I imagine something that big would instantly get Showdown shutdown by Nintendo.


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I suspect you’ll be wrong. The excitement will be pooled up to overflowing levels with this one. There are like five hundred thousand different directions it can go from an outsider POV right now, so don’t bother shopping around for different opinions and just wait for Thursday
Will this realistically have any effect on the meta game? Outside of offense being good.
this confirms that we are banning defense boosting moves.
"Has great potential to impact the metagame" Well obviously.
"not strictly focused on the metagame" because defense boosting moves are moves, not metagames, duh.
"Nothing to do with IRL events" do YOU know anyone that knows a defense-boosting move??? (if so, please contact an exorcist)
it's so obvious
My final guess is that Smogon will be implementing a new feature, which allows players to directly stream from Pokemon Showdown. This satisfies some content creators being hyped about the coming change and jives with the change having nothing to do with the meta but still having potential to impact the meta at large.