finch… the dlc wasn't ou-specific either…No, what’s being planned isn’t OU specific and just happens to have a chance to relate to OU in a heavily impactful way if people desire
finch… the dlc wasn't ou-specific either…No, what’s being planned isn’t OU specific and just happens to have a chance to relate to OU in a heavily impactful way if people desire
the event isn’t specific to competitive singles usage based metagamesfinch… the dlc wasn't ou-specific either…
shit, really? my source might've misled me a bit thenthe event isn’t specific to competitive singles usage based metagames
nvm then im canceling it
what's being suspected tends to be kinda obvious so it'd probably work better if they don't even specify that it's a suspect at allhonestly we should have all tiering work this way. before each suspect, you announce it 2 weeks in advance, but you don't specify what's being suspected, so it builds suspense
you sold out, smh
you got owned, smhyou sold out, smh
The Finchinator situation is actually insaneWhat are the odds that it's going to be a crypto coin that Finch is going to pump and dump?
Smogcoins ($MOG)What are the odds that it's going to be a crypto coin that Finch is going to pump and dump?
mcdonalds and finchinator collabIn before the "movement" is just a collab between Finch and Pokeaim
When DaddyBuzzwole doesn't even know: (I am just kidding I am not going to meme this time lol)shit, really? my source might've misled me a bit then
big stall in shambles, volcarona drops to zu and is replaced by camerupt in ouToday I bring the idea, what if heavy duty boots were banned?
Irl? How many of us go outside be honestAt this point, I am assuming what's coming is that Smogon was invited to participate in a IRL game event. If it has nothing to do with the meta but content creators are still excited about it, this is almost certainly what it is. And given people in the know have been hyping it up as epic, it must be a pretty well-known event as otherwise the hype wouldn't be warranted.
If this where gen 8 this would be an idea worth considering, but removing boots in gen 9 would be CATASTROPHIC. Balance teams are already by far the worst they've ever been lmao, but without boots the only good playstyles would be HO and BO. Not to mention pretty much all the good defoggers lost the move this gen. Also I'm pretty sure hamurott would be banned within 24 hoursToday I bring the idea, what if heavy duty boots were banned?
I suspect you’ll be wrong. The excitement will be pooled up to overflowing levels with this one. There are like five hundred thousand different directions it can go from an outsider POV right now, so don’t bother shopping around for different opinions and just wait for ThursdayEverything interesting has been declined i assume the hype is way overblown and Finch is due many haha reacts on announcement. I hope I'm wrong
there are too many turns of phrase in this post, my bar-puzzle brain is screaming that this has to be a hintI suspect you’ll be wrong. The excitement will be pooled up to overflowing levels with this one. There are like five hundred thousand different directions it can go from an outsider POV right now, so don’t bother shopping around for different opinions and just wait for Thursday
It's a good set, but it only works on a very narrow spectrum of teams (bootspam spikestack balance) and those same teams can also fit different dragonite sets that might try to dd+roost+espeed+eq,try to fit encore, or dd/eq/ice spinner/roost w/Tera ground, etc etc.Dragonite @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Multiscale
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 240 HP / 252 Atk / 16 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Extreme Speed
- Dragon Tail
- Roost
- Earthquake
Why is this set not used? It was on CTC's keldeo team a while back and it seems like a really good tool for balance teams in general, compressing strong priority and phasing? Especially in gen 9 because having a priority user and phaser is mandatory on balance to not lose to cheese (usually 1 of each isn't even enough lol). Also solid wellspring answer which every balance team needs.