Why magnezone is the worst pokemon to use in OU (hyperbole intended)
Reason 1: Outclassed as a steel trapper
For 4 generations, magnezone managed to secure a spot at the end of each metagame as an OU mon because of it being the best legal trapper
But that has change, magnezone has found itself outclassed by the bottom of the barrel, for they have options that zone doesn’t
What all the magnet pullers that outclass zone have in common is that they are all in zeroused and two of them are unviable there
But why do they outdo mag? What makes these crapmons better?
Well first off, they have better bulk, golem may get thrashed by special moves at least it can a hit on the physical side, probopass has 150 defenses which makes it far superior at taking non super effective hits, magneton may have less bulk normally but with eviolite it can actually survive hits from kingambit, a pokemon magnezone would WANT to trap but ends up getting 2hko’d by even with defensive iron press, not to mention probopass has pain split
Secondly, Golem and probopass have better offensive presences despite pass having 75 special attack, they have rock stab (probopass can even use meteor beam) and actual coverage like ground moves with golem also having fire punch for steels
Thirdly magneton may have less special attack and the same stabs, but it has 70 speed which means it can outspeed skarm without investment and can use scarf better if it wants to
Finally, Golem and probopass have more utility outisde of magnet pull, they can get rocks up, golem has roar and rapid spin and probopass has taunt to mess up stall and bulky balance
Reason 2: steel trapping isn’t a valid niche
If you were wondering why I made the claim that pokemon without any niche in OU outclassed magnezone, its because magnezone is a pokemon without any niche in OU, all relevant steel types have ways to crush magnezone and its fellow trappers
Has a powerful focus blast that has a 30% chance of hitting
Too powerful and bulky to be trapped reliably, can easily set up and even tank a boosted iron defense
has body press and can u turn on slower sets
Has a powerful body press
Completely immune to trapping and hits too hard
Ground type with volt switch
Can troll with knock off and encore, also just a utility lead
Bulky fighting type with volt switch, can also use weaker sets as stealth rock fodder
Fire type that can trap back

Has close combat and U-turn, commonly runs max speed too

Ground type that can get a free rapid spin

Naturally strong surf that cannot easily be switched into and has flip turn

Too bulky to remove and has earth power

Has eviolite to wall and hits too hard
And every other steel type doesn’t matter enough, with some even having ways around zone too, meaning even the low ladder player’s forretress isn’t free eats
Reason 3: It has no other niche
Let me show you a non magnet pull set
Magnezone @ Leftovers
Ability: Analytic
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Protect
- Thunderbolt
- Flash Cannon
This is borderline unusable, it has no chance of surviving non resisted special moves and is constantly hiding behind its sub while spamming protect, just so it can recover hp and have a chance of actually attacking, analytic may be a mini stakeout but that doesn’t matter when your stab combo is so bad, this isn’t helped by magnezone having no coverage, therefore meaning it gets walled by electric types, its tera type is electric because any tera type is unneeded, it cannot afford to run tera blast and has no bulk which means no defensive tera, therefore it needs tera electric to boost thunderbolt (because discharge isn’t strong enough despite its para chance). It also needs so much support to work when it should be supporting its teammates
The worst part is that this is just a knock off iron crown, theres no reason to use this over crown when it provides more utility
Reason 4: Super effective moves are everywhere and Magnezone can’t handle them even with tera
If a pokemon has usable ground coverage, it will have a set running it, this means any mon running ground coverage auto checks magnezone without even trying as magnezone can’t afford running air balloon and it has no bulk (70 155 90 is straight up frail)
Here is every ou mon that hit magnezone super effectively
And thats just the pokemon ranked in OU, if I listed the
viable pokemon that hit zone super effectively, we would already be on page 651!
While this is just a generalization as not every mon would run moves that slam magnezone, the fact is that only a few wouldn’t be using fire, fighting or ground moves and magnezone has no way around those moves outside of tera which can be used on other pokemon that use the tera slot more efficently like kingambit who has priority, better resistances and actual bulk without the unpredictability of tera , making magnezone a tera hog
I’d say magnezone needs to go and flip burgers, but the grill would hit it super effectively