SV UU Metagame Discussion - Teal Mask Edition

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It would be huge if it just failed into immunities, but considering you lose 50% of your HP if you hit a Ground with it it's not really fitting with Hands's "immortal booster" playstyle too well. Shouldn't really make a huge difference when it comes to its viability I think.
For some reason, i thought it wouldn't recoil if something was immune. Good to know!

Also, next question: I know it's Triple Axel central right now, but does Sticky Hold Eviolite Dipplin have a niche?
I know it was awful Pre-DLC-2, but does a bulky switchin to Knock Off have a place in UU?
Also, next question: I know it's Triple Axel central right now, but does Sticky Hold Eviolite Dipplin have a niche?
I know it was awful Pre-DLC-2, but does a bulky switchin to Knock Off have a place in UU?

Maybe? It can’t switch into a lot of knock off users for fear of getting blown up or poisoned (in the case of mandibuzz and okidogi) but it can switch into some of them, namely crawdaunt, lokix, quaquaval, ogerpon and most meowscarada (I haven’t seen a single one with triple axel and I doubt I’ll see anymore in the future).

I can see it being a check to physical rain threats as well as some other offensive threats. Don’t get me wrong there are better options but I can see it being usable, not good, but usable.
It would be huge if it just failed into immunities, but considering you lose 50% of your HP if you hit a Ground with it it's not really fitting with Hands's "immortal booster" playstyle too well. Shouldn't really make a huge difference when it comes to its viability I think.
It functions like Jump Kick/Axe Kick/High Jump Kick too because those moves also cause crash damage if you target a Ghost-type
Going to quickly dump the teams I have been using and give metagame thoughts because I won't have use for them anymore since we are getting the DLC 2 drops soon. The teams were built for the post-Iron Hands metagame.

It is worth mentioning that I have been using those teams (or variations) almost exclusively for the past few weeks (ever since the Iron Hands ban) and I have had 4 accounts consistently at top 30 (and two at top 10):


:hippowdon: :mandibuzz: :houndstone: :tornadus-therian: :scizor: :slowbro:
Houndstone Sand Balance (
Houndstone is hard to switch into and I think this team does a great job to capitalize on it. The defensive backbone of Hippowdon + Mandibuzz, with two Regenerator users in Tornadus-T and Slowbro, covers almost everything and can bring in Houndstone safely and Scizor appreciates Houndstone's breaking capabilities (and has generally become much stronger with the departure of Amoonguss, Skeledirge and Iron Hands). It is highly advised to prevent yourself from spamming Knock Off with Tornadus-T. As fun as it is, it will make breaking teams with Houndstone impossible.

:ninetales-alola: :sandslash-alola: :tornadus-therian: :iron treads: :thundurus-therian: :slowbro:
Alolan Sandslash Hail (
As you can see, the Slowbro motive continues with another weather team, this time based around Alolan Sandslash. I have to admit that I used Alolan Sandslash pre-DLC and it was awful, but now that it has access to Triple Axel, it went from trash to being ok, which is enough for me. The reason I chose Slowbro over Chilly Reception Slowking is because Alolan Ninetales is consistent enough at setting Snow up and I needed more physically defensive capabilities than specially defensive capabilities (yeah, I find myself using Tornadus-T on every non-HO team as well. You are not alone).

I like this team a lot and it's really fun but it's really hard to win against Sinistcha + Spikes stacking due to Iron Treads losing to Sinitscha (running Heavy-Duty Boots on everything is boring, you know).

:indeedee: :hattrem: :polteageist: :maushold: :cloyster: :moltres-galar:
Cloyster Psychic Terrain (
Yes, there is a Hattrem. You can use Espeon but I like having a secondary Healing Wish user and Hattrem is cuter. It's a death fodder 80% of the time anyway, so who cares.

I have a lot of variations of this team (one with Regidrago > Cloyster and another with Offensive Scream Tail > Cloyster and Salamence > Galarian Moltres) but this variation has been the most successful for me. Cloyster is a very fun Pokemon you should all try out. The rest of the team is self-explanatory.

:pincurchin: :iron treads: :iron jugulis: :iron leaves: :hawlucha: :salamence:
Iron Jugulis Electric Terrain (
I believe that Electric Terrain is currently the second strongest Terrain archetype (behind Psychic Terrain). What sets it apart, other than the obvious in boosting Quark Drive Pokemon and allowing them more freedom for items, is the Defense boost (instead of Special Defense in Psychic Terrain and Misty Terrain), which helps it combat priority moves and physical attackers in general. It also makes Iron Leaves extremely strong.

As for my general thoughts on the metagame: it's really fun and there's a lot of creativity you can come up with as shown by the teams I posted (and there are people even more creative than me). There is nothing that currently stands out to be broken to me and this shows that the metagame is very healthy. The only thing that bums me is that I know I am at a disadvantage if I don't use Tornadus-T on every non-HO team, but honestly, I am fine with that being my only trouble in the metagame.

The council, lead by Lily and even IP sometimes, is doing a great job at managing the tier and I am proud to be a part of it. I can't wait for the drops to come and shake the metagame.
Pokemon that I really liked using before the drops...

I really liked h-lilligant... it was smth I was very proud of when i went high on ladder with it despite everyones impressions of it being shit at best esp outside of HO. This was the one achievement this year that was worth talking about so here I am. this was a pretty cool game showcasing h-lilligant, despite a loss and the fact i lost on a WoW miss it really showed how h-lilligant can tear teams apart with dual stab and its brutally strong CC. Smth meow cant really have without band THis was a replay I could have easily won if h-arc hit its head smash... after a victory dance on crawdaunt nothing wouldve stopped it if I didnt missthis move... so unfortunate
Lilligant-Hisui @ Wide Lens
Ability: Hustle
Tera Type: Poison
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Victory Dance
- Close Combat
- Ice Spinner
- Leaf Blade

This was the best RMT and i think one of my high quality RMT's this year. Scarf gard again.. everyone keeps thinking shit of it as a shit hoopa-u when i think it can accomplish a lot of stuff it cant... trace is amazing.. it allows you to get benefits from other users such as from torn-t regen, protean from meow, volt absorb to counter thundy-t, swift swim to coutner rain pretty hard, and even smth like toxic chain can allow you to get toxic poisons on smth like slowking, torn-t, cress, etc.

Trick and healing wish are big benefits and healing wish isnt smth hoopa-u is able to use. Its an interesting mon and I am really proud of it being on a sample.
Gardevoir @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Trace
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Psyshock
- Focus Blast
- Trick

I have lost all replays of CB wing.... but CB wing is smth that caught a lot of people off guard even pre home... it was a fun tech using tera fighting to nuke things like alomomola, slowking, hippo, slowbro, quagsire and more... it can do a pretty good job at that. Now it is a pretty nice thing to use... with Tera fighting smth like torn-t isnt smth u worry about... esp since the standard spread has a chance to just drop and pressures a lot of def mons like mandibuzz, treads, okidogi, slowking, weezing-g, and more thanks to its sheer power, there is almost nothing that it cant break past.

But unfortunately this was more of a fun tech to use than smth act viable.... i really liked it and its prob more viable than people give it credit for but unfortunately i lost all replays of it... its a very fun mon to use despite the flaws it had and i feel its much better than CB okidogi (its pretty awful and its success rate feels horrible whenever ive faced it)

Slither Wing @ Choice Band
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- First Impression
- Close Combat
- U-turn
- Wild Charge
I am getting back into the tier after a two month hiatus. Alomomomomomomla is sorely missed but Slowking can roughly replicate its role so it's not too bad. The tier feels pretty good honestly, no huge complaints from me. I think Weezing-G is underexplored and its optimal moveset has yet to be found. It's a really interesting mon with horrible 4MSS and I often find myself wishing I picked Levitate/Ngas every other match but it is super unique. I am constantly torn on the 4th move between Taunt, Flamethrower, Toxic, and Defog but that may just be my inability to build.
so after a 6 year hiatus, i finally came back to my uu roots. and before the new mons drop in the next days and the meta shifts render our teams outdated, i wanted to do a RMT of my most successful team as of now. but rmts take so much time to make and the rmt forum is dead (it used to be so full of life in 2015) so ima post it here like amane misa did


no special attackers needed pokepaste

scarf reckless HJK mienshao
life orb 4 atks weavile
life orb 4 atks lycanrock
sub dd tera flying gyara
life orb sd trailblaze rotom-w lure scizor
shuca berry iron treads

this team is really fun as it explores some underdogs in shao, lycanrock and, surprisingly, gyarados (why is that thing RUBL and not UU????) and also was born right after the last metagame updates when iron hands, amoongus and skele left UU and the demon of alolan ninetales dropped down. without skele and amoongus (2 prominent fighting-type walls), i figured out good old and forgotten reckless HJK tera fighting mienshao would be a monster. the team started with him. weavile was added to be the strong knock off that kills sinitscha, slowking, slowbro and other switchins to mienshao.

as i hate making standard teams, i explored lower tiers in the search of hidden gems. that's when lycanrock caught my eye. it is a REALLY good mon right now but NOBODY uses it. psychic fangs to break the newly spammed aurora veil teams and send okidogis to hell. rock typing to check omnipresent tornadus-t. priority accelerock to revenge torn, weavile, scarf thund and sometimes barraskweda. good 110 base speed and access to close combat so that iron treads is NOT a check (it comes into a stone edge and then what? lol). rock typing allows it to check banded h-arcanine's extremespeed (which often obliterates offense). and on top of that, tough claws as ability makes all of its attacks extra strong. really good mon in today's meta. give it a shot. demanded. or better not and let me be the only cool guy around haha.

with shao, weavile and lycan, the team was destroyed by scizor. so what do you do when all your team members lure scizor in? you slap in a scizor abuser: gyarados. sub dd gyara is INCREDIBLE right now. you'll see the replays. sets up on clodsire, gastrodon and slowking, as most of the time all they can do is status it. tera flying is super strong. the only thing that reliably takes on it is rotom-w, so that's why trailblaze scizor was added as it is an eaaaasy lure and also a cool dragon and fairy check the team needed. and lastly, iron treads was slapped because rocks, spin, and because, well, it's freaking treads. shuca berry has proven to be amazing right now with all the protosynthesis lead sandyshocks.

even tho the team started with mienshao as the star, subdd gyara quickly stole the spotlight. lycanrock usually doesn't work as a sweeper, but as an amazing glue, revenge killer, pressure-putter and progress making mon.

sub gyara setting on cress and turning tables around:
subdd gyara winning turn 1 (battle that got me to 1600):
subdd gyara setting vs slowking (idk why opp didnt revenge with weavile):
shuca treads and gyara vs standard protosynthesis sandy shocks offense:
mienshao pressuring A LOT:
shao is cool:

all in all, i decided to post this because overlooked threats like mienshao, subdd gyara and lycanrock are really good in today's meta (december 2023). idk if it will change with the new january 2024 drops, but i really hope not because this team is so freaking fun.
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so after a 6 year hiatus, i finally came back to my uu roots. and before the new mons drop in the next days and the meta shifts render our teams outdated, i wanted to do a RMT of my most successful team as of now. but rmts take so much time to make and the rmt forum is dead (it used to be so full of life in 2015) so ima post it here like amane misa did


no special attackers needed pokepaste

scarf reckless HJK mienshao
life orb 4 atks weavile
life orb 4 atks lycanrock
sub dd tera flying gyara
life orb sd trailblaze rotom-w lure scizor
shuca berry iron treads

this team is really fun as it explores some underdogs in shao, lycanrock and, surprisingly, gyarados (why is that thing RUBL and not UU????) and also was born right after the last metagame updates when iron hands, amoongus and skele left UU and the demon of alolan ninetales dropped down. without skele and amoongus (2 prominent fighting-type walls), i figured out good old and forgotten reckless HJK tera fighting mienshao would be a monster. the team started with him. weavile was added to be the strong knock off that kills sinitscha, slowking, slowbro and other switchins to mienshao.

as i hate making standard teams, i explored lower tiers in the search of hidden gems. that's when lycanrock caught my eye. it is a REALLY good mon right now but NOBODY uses it. psychic fangs to break the newly spammed aurora veil teams and send okidogis to hell. rock typing to check omnipresent tornadus-t. priority accelerock to revenge torn, weavile, scarf thund and sometimes barraskweda. good 110 base speed and access to close combat so that iron treads is NOT a check (it comes into a stone edge and then what? lol). rock typing allows it to check banded h-arcanine's extremespeed (which often obliterates offense). and on top of that, tough claws as ability makes all of its attacks extra strong. really good mon in today's meta. give it a shot. demanded. or better not and let me be the only cool guy around haha.

with shao, weavile and lycan, the team was destroyed by scizor. so what do you do when all your team members lure scizor in? you slap in a scizor abuser: gyarados. sub dd gyara is INCREDIBLE right now. you'll see the replays. sets up on clodsire, gastrodon and slowking, as most of the time all they can do is status it. tera flying is super strong. the only thing that reliably takes on it is rotom-w, so that's why trailblaze scizor was added as it is an eaaaasy lure and also a cool dragon and fairy check the team needed. and lastly, iron treads was slapped because rocks, spin, and because, well, it's freaking treads. shuca berry has proven to be amazing right now with all the protosynthesis lead sandyshocks.

even tho the team started with mienshao as the star, subdd gyara quickly stole the spotlight. lycanrock usually doesn't work as a sweeper, but as an amazing glue, revenge killer, pressure-putter and progress making mon.

sub gyara setting on cress and turning tables around:
subdd gyara winning turn 1 (battle that got me to 1600):
subdd gyara setting vs slowking (idk why opp didnt revenge with weavile):
shuca treads and gyara vs standard protosynthesis sandy shocks offense:
mienshao pressuring A LOT:
shao is cool:

all in all, i decided to post this because overlooked threats like mienshao, subdd gyara and lycanrock are really good in today's meta (december 2023). idk if it will change with the new january 2024 drops, but i really hope not because this team is so freaking fun.

Piggybacking off this, I think it is really beneficial if one can slot Brick Break/Psychic Fangs (or Raging Bull) for screen clearing somewhere on your team + Ice Spinner (probably on Iron Treads) for Terrain clearing. There is a lot of HO spam on the ladder rn and I think running at least one of the above moves somewhere on your team can help quite a bit. While Brick Break is trash, Grimmsnarl is immune to Psychic Fangs and thus can set screens against you. I think banning light clay would probably just instantly improve the tier but that's another topic.
so after a 6 year hiatus, i finally came back to my uu roots. and before the new mons drop in the next days and the meta shifts render our teams outdated, i wanted to do a RMT of my most successful team as of now. but rmts take so much time to make and the rmt forum is dead (it used to be so full of life in 2015) so ima post it here like amane misa did


no special attackers needed pokepaste

scarf reckless HJK mienshao
life orb 4 atks weavile
life orb 4 atks lycanrock
sub dd tera flying gyara
life orb sd trailblaze rotom-w lure scizor
shuca berry iron treads

this team is really fun as it explores some underdogs in shao, lycanrock and, surprisingly, gyarados (why is that thing RUBL and not UU????) and also was born right after the last metagame updates when iron hands, amoongus and skele left UU and the demon of alolan ninetales dropped down. without skele and amoongus (2 prominent fighting-type walls), i figured out good old and forgotten reckless HJK tera fighting mienshao would be a monster. the team started with him. weavile was added to be the strong knock off that kills sinitscha, slowking, slowbro and other switchins to mienshao.

as i hate making standard teams, i explored lower tiers in the search of hidden gems. that's when lycanrock caught my eye. it is a REALLY good mon right now but NOBODY uses it. psychic fangs to break the newly spammed aurora veil teams and send okidogis to hell. rock typing to check omnipresent tornadus-t. priority accelerock to revenge torn, weavile, scarf thund and sometimes barraskweda. good 110 base speed and access to close combat so that iron treads is NOT a check (it comes into a stone edge and then what? lol). rock typing allows it to check banded h-arcanine's extremespeed (which often obliterates offense). and on top of that, tough claws as ability makes all of its attacks extra strong. really good mon in today's meta. give it a shot. demanded. or better not and let me be the only cool guy around haha.

with shao, weavile and lycan, the team was destroyed by scizor. so what do you do when all your team members lure scizor in? you slap in a scizor abuser: gyarados. sub dd gyara is INCREDIBLE right now. you'll see the replays. sets up on clodsire, gastrodon and slowking, as most of the time all they can do is status it. tera flying is super strong. the only thing that reliably takes on it is rotom-w, so that's why trailblaze scizor was added as it is an eaaaasy lure and also a cool dragon and fairy check the team needed. and lastly, iron treads was slapped because rocks, spin, and because, well, it's freaking treads. shuca berry has proven to be amazing right now with all the protosynthesis lead sandyshocks.

even tho the team started with mienshao as the star, subdd gyara quickly stole the spotlight. lycanrock usually doesn't work as a sweeper, but as an amazing glue, revenge killer, pressure-putter and progress making mon.

sub gyara setting on cress and turning tables around:
subdd gyara winning turn 1 (battle that got me to 1600):
subdd gyara setting vs slowking (idk why opp didnt revenge with weavile):
shuca treads and gyara vs standard protosynthesis sandy shocks offense:
mienshao pressuring A LOT:
shao is cool:

all in all, i decided to post this because overlooked threats like mienshao, subdd gyara and lycanrock are really good in today's meta (december 2023). idk if it will change with the new january 2024 drops, but i really hope not because this team is so freaking fun.
Reckless hjk mien is a monster
Ok so i saw the current VR is not open to nominations, because of how shaken up the meta is and will be even further in 2 days, however, i thought it would be a good opportunity to say that, and take my opinion with a grain of salt because im a hard stuck 1300-1465 player i admit, but:

:Gengar: this thing, should at least rise to C+ or preferably B-

Why you ask? Well, despite is shortcomings, with the continuous changes to the meta and with the new DLC coming, a lot of stuff changed for this friendly ghost, first, its main checks :Tyranitar: and :Muk-Alola: are nowhere to be seen, which means our current favoured dark types and ghost resists are the very frail :Weavile: and :Meowscarada:, which can only take so much resisted shadow balls before dropping to it.

It also got sludge wave back, which is huge, not only 5 power points mean a lot because of how damage in pokemon is calculated, but not being walled by :chesnaught: anymore and actually threatning improves its viability slightly. As does being able to threaten :Ninetales-Alola: with super effective stab.

Also following the drops in viabilty of many fast mon who used to rule UU like :talonflame: and :noivern:, rise of :greninja: and banning of :roaring moon:, gengar is currently tied for 5th fastest UU ranked mon, which means with scarf it actually out speeds all of the competition, which leads to my preferable Gengar set: Choice scarf

Scarf :Gengar: is not going to make miracles for you in a match, in fact don't even expect it to come out before the mid-to-late game, but it has a number of qualities that allow it to compete with other common scarfers in the tier, firstly, its the fastest one of the them, period, it outspeeds and nails modest +2:polteageist:, jolly +1 :gyarados: and jolly +1 :salamence: after chip. He makes good use of hazards, because against scarf gengar, not only non-assault vest :tornadus-therian:, :Weavile: and :Meowscarada: dont want to switch in to take 12% and a shadow ball, but theyre also heavily threatened by Shadow ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast and Sludge Wave respectively. Scarf :Gengar: also has beautiful synergy with :Scizor: :conkeldurr: who have priority to increase chip damage, allowing Gengar to clean up, and :hydreigon: who just has semi-perfect type synergy with :Gengar:, AND, and if Gengar really is useless in a match, at least you still have fringe options like tricking your scarf away or the even fringier scarf-destiny bond. Now, talking about its competition for its role as an offensive ghost type:

:Basculegion-F: Ok trust me, does basculegions adaptability shadow balls hit hard coming from 100 Sp atk? Yes, absolutely, but so does a tera-ghost-basically-adaptability shadow ball coming from 130 sp atk, late game its more than enough to keep an offensive pressure, with a much better speed stat, making better use of choice scarf in general in exchange from much more horrid bulk, but its not like you'll use Basc as a wall either, and as for basculegions other set, its only usable in rain so it doesn't compete with gengar in any shape or form.

:Sinistcha: completely different uses of ghost types, one is a fast sweeper and the other is a slow sweeper and dedicated spinblocker, i'd even say that these two could co-exist in a hazard-centric team without causing much issues aside from stacking a terrible dark weakness.

:Polteageist: this thing is only viable in HO and even then it still loses to scarf gengar if you dont tera.

:Zoroark-Hisui: Could we stop saying this thing is the cooler Gengar already? I mean yeah its a better user of nasty plot than gengar, who cares? Good luck using nasty plot around in Weavile's and Meowscarada's town. Its lower sp attack stat and slightly lower power complementaly stab that doesn't hit anything for super effective damage ultimately make it a worse scarfer than Gengar, with no access to thunderbolt too, not to mention its much noticeable lower sp defense stat. its sp defense is so bad you literally dont even have to run coverage for it, resisted sludge wave will still take care of the job:
252 SpA (timid)Gengar Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Zoroark-Hisui: 117-138 (46.6 - 54.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
no wonder if fell to RU before Gar did.

So as you can see, after comparing it to the other relevant ghosts in UU, i believe gengar is still the superior offensive ghost type in the entire tier that doens't require imediate setup to work, only really competing with :basculegion: for the title MAYBE. C tier in the VR is described as "pokemon that are outclassed in its role by better pokemon", and i dont think Gengar is currently outclassed by any other ghost really, it has a unique nique that it can fulfill very well.

ultimately, i think Gengar is much more consistent and more used than anything in C and C+ tier currently, and shouldn't have to reside with the losers in C tier. Like cmon who here thinks :armarouge: and :regidrago: are more consistent? I've seen talks about :Gardevoir: rising to C+ in the rankings and if that were to happen Gengar should rise too because it does everything Gardevoir does better aside from the cool but inconsistent trace and not having healing wish.

im sorry this was longer than i thought it'd be, i really like Gengar and using it is always fun even if it will let you down sometimes. I hope the council takes this into consideration when discussing where to place Gengar in the next VR.
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Some big hopes for me in no particular order or expectation are:

:corviknight: - Considering the at least decent likelihood we get stuff like Excadrill, Lando-T, a buffed Metagross, the Lati twins, and Terrakion, I'd love to have a bulky catch-all to help with them. Corviknight also gives us a nice removal option since it wouldn't be super owned by Gholdengo down here, and is a cool pivot otherwise. Just seems like a decently likely drop that'd become a quick defensive staple.

:cinccino: - Been using this a lot in OU and with Loaded Dice Technician sets and the obvious Tidy Up buff, it's really fun to play around with and is much more powerful than it ever was before. Not expecting this to be defining but I'm very excited to play with it.

:cobalion: - Ol Reliable, seems like it'll do what it always did and should do it pretty well considering its matchup into removal is great and it's still pretty fast all things considered. Great defensive value too, and might be a good user of Tera Blast.

:deoxys-defense: - Probably just gonna be mediocre honestly, 8 PP recover is rough for this guy. But hey, it spikes and it walls things, and it has a cool utility movepool. Will be interesting to see what it gets done.

:excadrill: - Puts Treads out of a job. Should be absolutely incredible with SD sets and is a great remover. Expecting a tier staple out of this one.

:feraligatr: - Tera is a really nice buff for this guy, hits like a truck with DD sets.

:garchomp: - Should be fine now and is a great offensive Ground option with tons of utility and breaking potential.

:glimmora: - I wouldn't say this is SUPER likely to drop but it's possible and I think it'll be fun to play with if it does. Lead sets will obviously be fine but I'm more interested in what it can do offensively with that meaty SpA and movepool.

:hydrapple: - I dunno if this will drop but Regen Grass is a proven formula and this one hits like a truck on top of that.

:iron crown: - Gonna be honest, no clue what this thing does, but it's a stat stick with good typing and good setup options too.

:keldeo: - If it drops it'll be good probs. Might need Tera to break things but it's so strong and fast and Vacuum Wave is a crazy buff.

:latias: :latios: - I think the breaker sets will be more than fine, but CM + Tera Steel/Poison seems a bit nuts. We'll have to see how these two do, but I'm hopeful that they can be okay.

:manaphy: - Almost definitely busted but maybe?

:minior: - Not good, but I wanna click Shell Smash -> Meteor Beam, so.

:necrozma: - Prism Armour + Tera has cool interactions. That's about it though, it's still just Necro at the end of the day.

:ogerpon-cornerstone: :ogerpon-wellspring: - Cornerstone is all but guaranteed, Wellspring is a maybe. I think these two will be very fun additions. Both are very realistic ban candidates, but I'm excited to see them tear up the tier.

:primarina: - Gets decent OU usage so no clue if it drops but Psychic Noise is a fun buff (esp with Liquid Voice potential) and otherwise it'll still do Prim stuff which is always handy.

:reuniclus: - The Garg Counter. It seems cool with Tera but 8 PP recover might be too much of a blow.

:rhyperior: - he is him

:ribombee: - Can't see Webs being any good without Gholdengo but Ribombee itself might be okay as a QDer tbh.

:skeledirge: - Same as always. Alluring Voice is overrated and hard to fit.

:swampert: - This guy knocks now, so that's cool. I imagine he'll be good.

:tentacruel: - Seems ass even with Flip Turn unfortunately but maybe?

:terrakion: - oh boy

:toxapex: - Hella not happening but IF IT DOES it's gonna be so hype TRUST

:zapdos: - Zapdos: BAN

I hope everyone's as excited as I am for the new guys, this is gonna be such a fun tier I can feel it :D
:iron crown: - Gonna be honest, no clue what this thing does, but it's a stat stick with good typing and good setup options too.
It has 3 really good sets: Calm Mind Booster Speed Expanding Force on Psyspam teams, Stored Power sets with Calm Mind and either Iron Defense or Agility, & Future Sight + Volt Switch pivot. I think it’ll be kind of a demon in a UU context.
:ogerpon-cornerstone: :ogerpon-wellspring: - Cornerstone is all but guaranteed, Wellspring is a maybe. I think these two will be very fun additions. Both are very realistic ban candidates, but I'm excited to see them tear up the tier.
This might be inverted because Cornerstone is arguably the better of the two in OU atm due to all the new Dragons that dropped in the DLC who make Wellspring’s life miserable if it doesn’t run Play Rough, limiting its ability to run options like Spikes, Encore, Knock Off, etc. But I don’t know if ladder usage reflects this yet.
:excadrill: - Puts Treads out of a job. Should be absolutely incredible with SD sets and is a great remover. Expecting a tier staple out of this one.

As much of an excadrill fanboy as I am (you have no idea how hard I popped off when I saw it was back) I don’t think it will completely outclass treads, considering that treads beats stealth rock excadrill with a little attack investment (8 evs) and will still likely be ok since it’s iron treads at the end of the day. It can also emergency check sand rush sets since it takes a +0 earthquake (without crit). It’s niche may be that it’s a utility excadrill that beats excadrill.

Gargancl might be interesting if it does drop. Getting a few good checks to it like excadrill or a better ogerpon might make it more manageable, and if we get hydrapple or terrakion then that’ll definitely be the case. But the return of suicune and amoongus does make me feel a bit uneasy since they both can easily spread status which will make it even easier for garg to wear down teams with salt cure. Maybe even Sinistcha for spin blocking will make hazard stack defence really annoying with garg wearing everything down easily.

Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 40 Def / 216 Spe or smth else
Tera Type: Fairy / Poison / Whatever you want I guess
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Substitute
- Protect

Suicune is a pokemon barely anyone mentioned here.... but its a CM pokemon that can beat skeledirge pretty well

0 SpA Suicune Scald vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Skeledirge: 204-240 (49.5 - 58.2%) -- 96.9% chance to 2HKO

With a good attacking stat and sub + protect you can PP stall gastrodon and setup against it... and can take advantage of many pokemon like empoleon, goodra-h, mandibuzz, slowking, weezing-g, scizor, h-arc, etc.

Suicune can also take advanatge of iron treads being very weak to it, torn-t being unable to deal with sub well esp with hurricane accuraccy, slowking is easily setup fother and more. With tera you can turn bad MU's into good MU's to make smth like sinistcha lose the 1v1.


Necrozma is another pokemon that I think deserves mentioning because photon geyser fucks over skeledirge to the moon and back.. and clodsire also. With auto + meteor beam or DD sets that both come from SS you can easily take advantage of teams that give you to much room to breath and try to hit you super effectively to trigger the WP esp under ninetales-a screens where you take almost nothing from smth like a hydreigon dark pulse and just dragon dance up in its face and slam the opponents.

I think its a great pokemon worth using that will prob be seen on HO alongside many other dropped pokemon ... what a fun new year gift it will be to be slammed by HO
Suicune is a pokemon barely anyone mentioned here.... but its a CM pokemon that can beat skeledirge pretty well

AH, THIS. yes.

it's gonna be pretty interesting watching all these suicunes using cm + scald + sub/resttalk/roar/icebeam/tera to beat the rising water absorbers. idk if it's gonna be fun or annoying, but definitely something that all the other gens go through haha
deo-d, corviknight hope, maybe cornerstone/wellspring, lati twins, skeledirge is bakc baby, maybe gren
I think I speak on behalf of everyone when I say battle bond gren isn't gonna last long down here, but it will be so much fun to rip apart everything with it. I am grateful it rose after people figured out battle bond was still really good, because the moment people figured that out, it was really stupid down here. Also BB Gren is one of the few mons helped by stellar since it can use stellar to grab a quick okho it normally would just miss out on, allowing it to grab boosts more easily

I do not see gren lasting if it drops, as it was busted last time we dealt with it, and with stellar it's probably even more of a broken demon than it already was
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I hope you guys loved UU, cause with the upcoming tier shifts, its gonna be Gen 8 OU with Gen 9 mons and Tera.

We might see Lando-T, Chomp, Moth, Deo-D, Manaphy, Pex, and the Ogerpon forms. We might even see Tran drop again.

Truly the biggest power creep Pokemon has ever had since Gen 5.
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