Ok so i saw the current VR is not open to nominations, because of how shaken up the meta is and will be even further in 2 days, however, i thought it would be a good opportunity to say that, and take my opinion with a grain of salt because im a hard stuck 1300-1465 player i admit, but:

this thing, should at least rise to
C+ or preferably
Why you ask? Well, despite is shortcomings, with the continuous changes to the meta and with the new DLC coming, a lot of stuff changed for this friendly ghost, first, its main checks


are nowhere to be seen, which means our current favoured dark types and ghost resists are the very frail


, which can only take so much resisted shadow balls before dropping to it.
It also got sludge wave back, which is huge, not only 5 power points mean a lot because of how damage in pokemon is calculated, but not being walled by

anymore and actually threatning improves its viability slightly. As does being able to threaten

with super effective stab.
Also following the drops in viabilty of many fast mon who used to rule UU like


, rise of

and banning of

, gengar is currently tied for 5th fastest UU ranked mon, which means with scarf it actually out speeds all of the competition, which leads to my preferable Gengar set: Choice scarf

is not going to make miracles for you in a match, in fact don't even expect it to come out before the mid-to-late game, but it has a number of qualities that allow it to compete with other common scarfers in the tier, firstly, its the fastest one of the them, period, it outspeeds and nails modest +2

, jolly +1

and jolly +1

after chip. He makes good use of hazards, because against scarf gengar, not only non-assault vest



dont want to switch in to take 12% and a shadow ball, but theyre also heavily threatened by Shadow ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast and Sludge Wave respectively. Scarf

also has beautiful synergy with

who have priority to increase chip damage, allowing Gengar to clean up, and

who just has semi-perfect type synergy with

, AND, and if Gengar really is useless in a match, at least you still have fringe options like tricking your scarf away or the even fringier scarf-destiny bond. Now, talking about its competition for its role as an offensive ghost type:

Ok trust me, does basculegions adaptability shadow balls hit hard coming from 100 Sp atk? Yes, absolutely, but so does a tera-ghost-basically-adaptability shadow ball coming from 130 sp atk, late game its more than enough to keep an offensive pressure, with a much better speed stat, making better use of choice scarf in general in exchange from much more horrid bulk, but its not like you'll use Basc as a wall either, and as for basculegions other set, its only usable in rain so it doesn't compete with gengar in any shape or form.

completely different uses of ghost types, one is a fast sweeper and the other is a slow sweeper and dedicated spinblocker, i'd even say that these two could co-exist in a hazard-centric team without causing much issues aside from stacking a terrible dark weakness.

this thing is only viable in HO and even then it still loses to scarf gengar if you dont tera.

Could we stop saying this thing is the cooler Gengar already? I mean yeah its a better user of nasty plot than gengar, who cares? Good luck using nasty plot around in Weavile's and Meowscarada's town. Its lower sp attack stat and slightly lower power complementaly stab that doesn't hit anything for super effective damage ultimately make it a worse scarfer than Gengar, with no access to thunderbolt too, not to mention its much noticeable lower sp defense stat. its sp defense is so bad you literally dont even have to run coverage for it, resisted sludge wave will still take care of the job:
252 SpA (timid)Gengar Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Zoroark-Hisui: 117-138 (46.6 - 54.9%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
no wonder if fell to RU before Gar did.
So as you can see, after comparing it to the other relevant ghosts in UU, i believe gengar is still the
superior offensive ghost type in the entire tier that doens't require imediate setup to work, only really competing with

for the title MAYBE. C tier in the VR is described as "pokemon that are outclassed in its role by better pokemon", and i dont think Gengar is currently outclassed by any other ghost really, it has a unique nique that it can fulfill very well.
ultimately, i think Gengar is much more consistent and more used than anything in C and C+ tier currently, and shouldn't have to reside with the losers in C tier. Like cmon who here thinks


are more consistent? I've seen talks about

rising to C+ in the rankings and if that were to happen Gengar should rise too because it does everything Gardevoir does better aside from the cool but inconsistent trace and not having healing wish.
im sorry this was longer than i thought it'd be, i really like Gengar and using it is always fun even if it will let you down sometimes. I hope the council takes this into consideration when discussing where to place Gengar in the next VR.